julesiuile - Julia

salt air and the rust on your doorwas a faerie in another lifeshe/they

807 posts

January Wrap Up

January Wrap Up

the 2 books and 6 movies i read/watched in jan. pls read and like blogging is hard ily

I haven’t done a wrap up in forever, so bear with me on this one. Hello! Happy 2024! One of my goals for this year is to be more consistent with blogging so I am bringing back monthly wrap ups! I only read 2 books this month so I’m also going to include some movies and shows I watched, and I think I’m going to continue this moving forward but we will see. I’ve been reading much less since…

January Wrap Up

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More Posts from Julesiuile

1 year ago

This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people

1 year ago

My Notion Grimoire/Book of Shadows Template is now available!

A lot of you have been following me on my journey to create a Notion Grimoire template -- and I'm happy to say that it's finally ready and available!

My Notion Grimoire/Book Of Shadows Template Is Now Available!

It is fully complete, with a main homepage, all subpages, databases, and templates for all the databases within it as well.

Some honorable mentions include:

My Notion Grimoire/Book Of Shadows Template Is Now Available!

The "Crystal Bible" database, complete with a few of my own entries;

My Notion Grimoire/Book Of Shadows Template Is Now Available!

The "Astrology Cheat Sheet" page, complete with moon phase information;

My Notion Grimoire/Book Of Shadows Template Is Now Available!

And even the "Spell Book" database, complete with a few of my favorites!

My Notion Grimoire/Book Of Shadows Template Is Now Available!

If you're interested in grabbing the template, it's available now on my Gumroad!

1 year ago

you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.

1 year ago

Reasons to be alive: An incomplete list

feel free to add stuff in reblogs, I'll update this post as I go

My dogs


Dogs in general

Birds hopping around instead of flying



A found family trope I've yet to complete

New friends




Pretty skies


Water bodies (lakes, oceans, ponds, rivers...)



Looking back on childhood memorabilia when I'm old



All instruments


Dancing around in your room at two am with your best friends at a sleepover

The feeling when your exams are over for the year

Stuffed animals

New recipes

Learn to take care of plants

Meet more librarians

Eat raspberries for the first time

Kiss girls

Kiss boys

Hold a hug for 20+ seconds

Blanket fort, cookie dough, barbie movie and a good friend in a college dorm


Getting better at knitting

Also crocheting

And embroidery

And sewing

First time wearing something I made

Feeding people

Hosting parties

1 year ago
Prompt 14: Nightmare For Stobin Month
Prompt 14: Nightmare For Stobin Month

Prompt 14: Nightmare for stobin month