just-anothr-anxious-bisxual - Just Another Anxious Bisexual
Just Another Anxious Bisexual

Literally just 8 and a half lizards in a flannel and cuffed jeans. Be gay, do crimes. Live life until the universe decides to pluck you off ❤

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no one has their life together. no one. there’s always some problem. And in teens, it’s just as bad because our problems are invalidated, or seen as “just horomones” like fuck you i already think that and i’m trying really fucking hard to trally accept the fact that i’m not okay. but then adults be here like, “nah, you’ll grow out of it,” “you’re just being dramatic,” yeah I know but it matters to me. so we learn to hide our problems, mask it with sarcasm and makup. pretend it’s okay. because as soon as were not, it’s wrong. and it fucking hurts. i want people to know me, i want to talk about my problems, but i physically cannot unless i trust them so much. and even then, they have to push a little, ask the right, specific questions. but it’s all just part of growing up. our parents had the same problems… right?


the average teen today would have been put in a phyc ward 60 years ago. 30 years ago, it was almost unheard of for a kid to miss school because of stress, now its normal.

in ten years, suicide rates in youth went up 56%.

but it’s just horomones.

we’re too young to know our sexualities and gender, too old to get upset over small things. too young to know what the “real world” is like, yet expected to know exactly how to behave all the time.

peer pressure, social media, makeup, fashion, mental health. words that have more meaning than peopple realize.

but we’re okay. it’s horomones, everyone has them.

but they don’t.

we can find out about anything, we’re expected to be ready for eveything. we have all the worlds knowledge in our hands, we have everything handed to us. but we don’t. we have to fight harder to survive, to be seen as vlid, and we know that.

we can’t not be okay, because as soon as we are we’re mental. but we’te good at acting. i’m fine, nothing’s wrong, i’m okay, are all things we’re conditioned to say.

So we don’t have our lives together, and people need to know that.

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