✉ Requests Closed ✉ Hello I have a full time job so I might not be able to write a lot of things, this is mostly a 18+ blog so follow at your own risk, don't hesitate to ask anything my ask is always open to talk 27 years old

275 posts

This Is Really Really Really Embarrassing But I Always Thought Hoseok Was Between Hyung And Maknae Like

This is really really really embarrassing but I always thought Hoseok was between hyung and maknae like I always thought namjoon was older 😟😟

  • sun-motion
    sun-motion liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Justiceforvillains

8 years ago

i was just thinking wow Jimin is really hot maybe i shou.................and then i saw this thank you for reminding me who my bias was

Set It On Fire
Set It On Fire

set it on fire

8 years ago

I don't mean this is any way mean but hoseok is hyung line and he wasn't on your most recent gif reaction

I always put him in maknae line I was probably too tired I will add him tommorw And tbh I don't think he would be rough in bed 😂😂 even though he's my bias 😍😍 THANKS FOR TELLING ME 😆😆

8 years ago


also I have a lot of request right now I swear I will start doing them as soon as I can. It’s just hard with finales and everything but if you wanna request go ahead 😄😄

Maknae Line Reaction to their girlfriend cuddling them in her sleep


Jimin is going to be all for it he would immediately wrap his arms around you. carefully give you some kisses cause he couldn’t hold him self back of how adorable you looked cuddled against him.

Maknae Line Reaction To Their Girlfriend Cuddling Them In Her Sleep


We all know Taehyung is a huge fan of cuddling. so when you were lying on the couch watching a movie. you would turn around and nuzzle your whole head in his chest. he would look down and softly touch your cheeks admiring how big his hand is compared to your face.

Maknae Line Reaction To Their Girlfriend Cuddling Them In Her Sleep


I feel like Jungkook would find it absolutely adorable and cute but he wouldn’t act on it. he would just let you hug him. however if he was sleepy too he would be the one nuzzling into you trying to find warmness.

Maknae Line Reaction To Their Girlfriend Cuddling Them In Her Sleep

So this was a small reaction thing i thought about. I’m really sorry that I’m not updating as fast as i used to. but once i finish these damn tests i will be on here more often :D

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8 years ago
Blanket Monster [Fluffy Jung Hoseok Imagine]

Blanket Monster [Fluffy Jung Hoseok imagine]

Warning: it’s really cute and fluffy :D

It was just another cold winter day. you were laying lazily on yours and Hoseoks bed. There was nothing much you could do inside the house. Hoseok was probably in the living room watching tv while you were bored out of your mind.

you took one end of the blanket in your hand and then rolled around in it to make a blanket burrito once you were satisfied you called out to your boyfriend giggling no answer. pouting you got up slowly making your way to where your boyfriend was sat watching tv on the couch just like you guessed.

an idea popped in your mind. you smiled evilly sneaking up behind him. tap tap tap and stop tap tap tap and stop. unfortunately he heard your foot steps and turned around smiling widely when he saw you wrapped up in blankets from head to toe “hi baby” “hi” frowning when you made no move to come closer “are you gonna just stand there or.....?” “no…turn around” “huh?” “just turn around oppa!” turning around thinking what the hell is up with you.

tap tap tap he chuckled even though he already caught you sneaking up on him you still trying to supposedly ‘surprise him’. "seriously what are you doing?" "nothing just don’t look" he sighed "Fine" now you were quick no longer sneaking. you were right next to him.

And when he was just about to turn his head to you...."I'M A BLANKET MONSTER!!!!!" you yelled spreading your arms with the blanket like you are some kind of bird and fell on top of him. He bursts out of laughing at your silliness while you were giggling uncontrollably. "So that's what you wanted, you could have just told me that you wanted to cuddle" he said kissing your forehead "but it wouldn’t be fun that way" you beamed at him with the hugest smile nuzzling against his chest.

“you’re silly” “hmmm” it was silence for a minute or two. Hoseok was thinking about how he never felt so comfortable before he can just be himself with you. you really don’t have to do anything and he would still be the happiest with you his thoughts were interrupted when he felt eyes looking up at him “yes, babe?” “can i ask you something?”

the seriousness in your voice made him look down at you immediately suddenly feeling nervous why does he feel like there’s something wrong “what is it babe?” taking a deep breath ready to ask the question you nuzzled your nose in his neck and asked “do penguins have knees?”

ok so i literally got this idea while i was in a blanket burrito myself XD and it was like 2 a.m so excuse any mistakes. i just thought it was cute. anyway if you guys want any bts imagine, scenarios or reaction just send them to me and i will gladly work on them :)

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8 years ago

Snow Storm [Jungkok noona au]


They don’t know how this happened they don’t know when it happened. all they know that they were lost, and alone in a rough snow storm. they were walking aimlessly through the snow every step was getting harder the cold wind wouldn’t stop hitting them making them shiver.

“hyung do you know where we’re going?” Tae asked holding his jacket tighter around himself “no, but there has to be a route somewhere or at lest a car passing by” Jin replied “in that weather hmpf i don’t think so” “well do you have another idea Yoongi” at that he stayed silence “didn’t think so.....Jimin what are you doing?” the boy turned around with wide eyes “where is Jungkook?” “wha..what do you mean where is Jungkook you were walking next to him”.

Jin was suddenly terrified no this couldn’t be happening right now, they didn’t lose Jungkook no way “well he isn’t i just turned around to talk to him and he wasn’t there..” Jin could feel the younger boy’s voice shaking with fear “OMG HYUNG WHERE IS HE?!?!” Taehyung shouted eyes wide as a golf ball looking at him expecting and an answer “i.....he....i...” “ok everyone calm down let’s just go back the way we came, i’m sure he’s fine” at these moments Jin is really grateful for Yoongi and how calm he could be in any kind of situation.

They followed Yoongi this time yelling out Jungkook’s name repeatedly Jin could feel how anxious Yoongi was getting even though he still put up a tough face for the younger kids. they kept walking but to no avail they couldn’t find him anywhere their shouts got more franker now.

that’s when they heard a whimper from somewhere Jimin was the first to hear it running as fast as he could into the direction of the voice “I FOUND HIM HE’S HERE HELP ME GET HIM OU.....’‘ his voice soon dropped as soon as he laid eyes on him the three went running to him when Jin asked why isn’t the younger moving “there’s blood..” even though he whispered it but they all heard it everything stood still Jimin left his head up “he’s bleeding” the red ice around him and how pale his skin was proofed it.

I know this really fucking sucked but i promise it will get better.....(hopefully) this was kind of an introduction thingy to the story. i didn’t really revised this so there’s probably a lot of wrong grammar and misspelling I”m really tiered so.....sorry :D

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