U Cant Even Write Pls Close Ur Acc
u cant even write pls close ur acc ☹️
I didn’t know dipshit 🥶😭💀🥺🥺
rickfh liked this · 2 years ago
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❝ i love you. and i know you don’t feel that way about me and that’s okay i just. i wanted to get to say it at least once. ❞
❝ what are you talking about— of course i love you? ❞
❝ but i do love you. i always have. i just thought you didn’t feel that way so i never said anything. ❞
❝ look i…i do care about you. a lot. and i wish i could love you that way. i really do but i just, i’ve never seen you like that. ❞
❝ …you love me? ❞
❝ why didn’t you ever say anything? ❞
❝ i did! i loved you. and i thought you didn’t feel that way so i moved on. i’m with someone now. why…why did you wait so long? ❞
❝ why did you wait so long to tell me how you feel? ❞
❝ i love you! okay? i’ve been so fucking in love with you for longer than i can remember. ❞
❝ you should have told me how you felt. ❞
❝ actually i…there was a little while there where i had this horrible crush on you. if i’d known this was how you were feeling i would’ve gone for it. ❞
❝ please don’t say it. i know you don’t love me. i don’t expect you to, but just. don’t make me have to hear you say it. ❞
❝ i’ve loved you for so long…i don’t remember what it was like to not be in love with you. ❞
❝ i can’t say no to you. and it’s just not fair. ❞
❝ please, don’t be cruel. i love you. like really love you. so if i’m just some passing curiosity for you…don’t. don’t say anything at all. ❞
❝ you don’t get it. i want the whole package with you. i don’t wanna be some fling you forget about in a few months. ❞
❝ do you know how long i’ve waited for you? ❞
❝ i don’t need you to love me back. i just want you to be able to accept that this is how i feel. ❞
❝ why did you think i wouldn’t love you back? ❞
❝ will you just slow down a minute! i’m trying to tell you i love you too. ❞
❝ i wouldn’t have been messing around with anyone else if i knew about this sooner. ❞
❝ will you stop crying so i can kiss you already? ❞
❝ honestly i’d never thought about it…i just need time to think it over. ❞
❝ i hadn’t ever taken the time to think about it. but…that doesn’t mean i couldn’t love you. ❞
❝ i just need to know. do you love me? or have i just been making this all in my head? ❞
❝ i love you. please don’t say anything yet. you don’t need to say anything. ❞
❝ no— they weren’t lying. i do. i love you. but i didn’t want you to find out like that. i didn’t want you find out at all, actually. ❞
❝ look can you just forget about it? okay? yeah i’m in love with you. big deal. it happens. ❞
❝ yes i love you. i’ll get over it. ❞
❝ are you…are you really over me? cause, that’d actually really suck because i’m not over you. ❞
❝ look, i know you love me. but you shouldn’t. ❞
❝ you are far too good to love someone like me. you’ll find someone better. ❞
❝ if that’s how you feel about them why not just say it? take a chance. wouldn’t you rather know one way or the other? ❞
❝ this whole time i didn’t see them…i didn’t see what was right in front of me and now it might be too late. ❞
❝ i love them so much it hurts. ❞
❝ love shouldn’t hurt this much. this whole thing is just consuming you in a way that isn’t healthy. ❞
❝ you either need to make a move or let them go. ❞
❝ this isn’t good for you. you can’t keep pouring yourself into someone who doesn’t even know you exist. ❞
❝ you do see how they look at you, right? ❞
❝ don’t you realize they’ve been in love with you for years? ❞
❝ they love you, dumbass. ❞
❝ look i’m so fed up with everyone knowing you two love each other except you. go kiss them or shut the fuck up about it. ❞
❝ just take a chance. you might be surprised. ❞
[ CONFESSION ] for sender to interrupt receiver’s confession of love by kissing them.
[ CONFESSED ] for receiver to interrupt sender’s confession of love by kissing them.
[ STOP ] for sender to try and walk away, afraid they’re going to get their heart broken but receiver grabs their wrist and pulls them back in for a kiss.
[ STOPPING ] for receiver to try and walk away, afraid they’re going to get their heart broken but sender grabs their wrist and pulls them back in for a kiss.
[ CONFRONTING ] for receiver to confront sender after a third party told receiver that sender is in love with them.
[ DRAMATICS ] for a near death experience to drive receiver to confess their feelings to sender.
[ SEE ] for receiver to be hurt and realize sender loves them because of the way they’re taking care of them.
[ EAVESDROP ] for receiver to overhear a conversation where sender talks about their feelings for them.
[ HUSH ] for sender to ramble about their feelings and how they know it isn’t requited only for receiver to put a hand over their mouth so they’ll be quiet long enough for them to explain they love them too.
[ AWAKEN ] for receiver to not think they feel the same way but realize after a simple hookup with sender that they’re in love with them to.
[ CASUAL ] for sender to want to sleep with receiver to get it out of their system. but receiver winds up catching feelings to because of it.
[ TENSION ] for muses who have been pining for each other to finally have sex for the first time.
[ BREAK ] sender can’t take it anymore and kisses receiver out of nowhere.
[ FREE ] receiver can’t take it anymore and kisses sender out of nowhere.
[ TRY ] sender has confessed their feelings and receiver tries kissing them to see how they feel.
[ TRYING ] receiver has confessed their feelings and sender tries kissing them to see how they feel.
Jude Bellingham x male reader

Ahh this is the second one of the two requests! Thanks again for the request lovee!! Sorry if this doesn’t satisfies your expectations!! English is my 3rd language, so please keep that in mind ❤️ Comment if you would like to be on my taglist!
Word count: too lazy sorry🤞
No ones pov: (idk what to use)
You were shining on the field, 2 assists and 2 goals. It was save to say you where the star of the match. There was so much tension between all the players, you could feel it and you knew damn well everyone else felt it. You passed the ball to Mount.
Jude’s pov:
I was running on the field, seeing y/n passing the ball to Mount. But then for no reason a player of the enemy team decides to mistake y/n for the football. Resulting in y/n falling to the ground. “Shit shit shit” I whisper scream. I sprint towards him, this was bad.
Time skip — 5 days later
Y/n pov: (this shit’s difficult leave me alone)
I opened my eyes, not realising where the fuck I was. I look around and the first person I see is Jude, holding my hands. He doesn’t notice my eyes on him, so I squeeze his hands. “Wha- omg your awake.” He says in a soft tone. I really wanna talk but no words come out, just a smile. “wa hap end.” There’s coming some sort of sound out of my mouth, but not much. “You got injured really bad. You were in a sort of ‘coma’ but i never left your side.” He answered while chuckling at your broken words.
“Di d we win?” I ask, my voice still hurting. “Yes, but we lost to France.” He says while his voice breaks. “I really tried baby-” he immediately stops talking, realising what he said. Basically confessing his love for me. “It’s okay, if yu want to as me some thing, as k it.” I immediately said, so he wouldn’t apologise. “Oh, i uh. I kinda like you…” he awkwardly smiles. “Me too, si lly.” I said giggling softly.
“No, i like like you.” “I know, it s so obvi ous yo u do.” Without thinking i grab his face and give him a kiss on the cheek. I looked at him, he looked at me for a good 5 seconds. Then we started making out.
What do y’all think 🤔 I love this so much. Hope you enjoyed loves!!
📩Request by @androgynousooogggwww
🏷️Taglist: ???
Please request instagram au’s those are soo fun to do!!

Heyy, tysm for this. I’ve always found AUs so interesting. I might, but only if other people would are interested in actually reading it. Please lmk if you would read it! :)
neymar and jude aren’t gays 🫶😞 stick to the gays like time cruise
Who the fuck is time cruise?? 🦶