kaisa | 18 | digital artist my commissions are open!
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Certain words can change your brain forever and ever so you do have to be very careful about it.

Castlevania/Alucard by Loiza Chen
Pov: all of your colleagues want you dead (sound)

makima 🫀

no one:
me: tako mind flayer
Bird flu? Yes, they tend to do that.

"What's upstairs"? They cannot talk.

Apartment Complex? I find it quite simple.

"Road work ahead"? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.

You're telling me a ginger bred this man?

Wood fired pizza? How is Pizza gonna get a job now??

Chef's kiss? Do- Do they really?

Based? Based on what??

three key changes of hamilton here in the philippines:
they changed the "john adams doesn't have a real job anyway" line in take a break to "vice president isn't a real job anyway" to seemingly diss at sara duterte's incompetence as vp (the whole theater LAUGHED)
rachelle ann go as eliza did the korean finger heart at hamilton during helpless
king george iii did the spaghetti pababa dance

(Another) PSA from your friend, Li'l Fway 💖

The thing about Erzsebet is that she's a very unsubtle colonialism metaphor.
Olrox likens her to the Spaniards who invaded his land and slaughtered his people, She speaks of how she wants to conquer Europe and later the "New World" because she considers it her divine right to do so (The Manifest Destiny ideology that made invaders believe that they were divinely ordained to destroy the native population and settle on their land).
She tells the Night Creatures in episode 8 to silence Edouard's singing. During the French Revolution, music and songs were considered a fundamentally important part of it (him singing the songs he used to sing when he was a human could also symbolise his rebellion against his nature as a Night Creature, beings that were considered nothing but bloodthirsty, mindless monsters that held no memories of their past lives)
Even the great power she possesses is not her own, it was the blood of Sekhmet, an Egyptian goddess, another land she conquered and stole from (Drolta says that she was an Egyptian priestess in life, making me believe that Erzsebet was the one to turn her)
She promises slave-owning vampires that as their Messiah she will return the world to it's "natural order", where the slaves that revolted against them will become their property again.
This directly contradicts what Annette's mentor said. That slavery may seem like this practise that always existed to people like Annette who was born into a family of slaves, and lived the majority of her life in chains and people like Comte de Vaublanc who was likely born into a family of slaveowners, someone who spent his entire life enslaving and abusing people. But ultimately, humans did not come into this world as slaves and slaveowners. Turning slavery into something that is not natural and inevitable but rather a man-made evil that can be defeated.
Idk i noticed those things while watching the show and i saw no one in the tags talking about it so I decided to write down my thoughts.

“Listen to my voice. Listen to our heartbeat. Listen...”
Bad end if
why did no one tell me quantum computers looked like that

Round here they call him Strider.

i am in fact NOT being very brave about it and will whine and complain until i die. As is my right
hello everyone let’s stop looking back and wondering if things could have been different, it’s never gonna happen! love you

oh okay. heart steps right out of my chest and falls down the stairs

my actual everyday mood 😭