just someone who is here to do silly things | He/dele | swapnator/🇧🇷/🏳️‍⚧️ https://kaliemary.carrd.co/
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Kaliemary - Kaliemary - Tumblr Blog
wibbly wobbly timey whimey shenanigans... smol stanley meets young adult ford

they live in my head rent free ever since I've discovered twins-in-time au. har har.
please consider reblogging over liking to support my art 🤍

Concept: Depressing dystopian factory where everything is gray and samey and the workers are called by their employee numbers by an ominous deep voice.
But it's a really great place to work with high salaries, excellent benefits, and a flexible working schedule with plenty of paid leave. They just like the dystopian aesthetic.

Bill-Fiddleford role swap/ Evil McGucket AU?

Made my digital circus prompt list for October! 🎪🎡
Feel free to join by using the hashtag “#digitaltober”, I’m excited to see what you guys come up with!
2 triangle double the trouble - Unfamiliar familiar triangle visit (pt. 1)

I tried doing something different :p
I did Dipper waking up very fast because I'm little tired of drawing today.
also I forget to put Dipper saying Bill before she appers so that's why she appers saying "Not Bill"
transcript of the dialogue below the cut (because the font that I picked for her might be hard to read ;u;)
???: Pine tree...
Dipper: Bill
???: Not Bill
???: I can see your troughts dumshuck
Dipper: then who are you "not Bill"?
Augenie: Augenie
Augenie: and before you say anything more.
Augenie: Comfoting phares don’t matter when coming from the same mouth that tells lies tinted with your beloved’s blood.
Augenie: Pastries might be delicious but the secrets are not worth be spilling in blue tea.

My dear, My love, My darling
Can't we come to compromise?
Probably overhyped episode 3 a bit, so I apologize to everyone who's expecting it to be a groundbreaking masterpiece of existential horror, when it's mostly just gonna be another silly circus episode with some spooky shit in it.

I'm very happy about this two sketches
Alone Together au! Where both Ford and Fiddleford fall through the portal

30 years after + first fall through

They fell through the portal after Fidd left Ford and before Stan arrives, that middle period where Ford is haunted by bill and going crazy.
Fiddleford went back after the incident trying one last time to warn Ford but instead they got into a fight actives the portal get sucked in and you know the rest.

2tdp au sneak peak
while I work on the chapters for 2 triangles double the trouble au I'll just drop a sneak peak under the cut for the script from chapter 1, since I doubt that I will finish it this soon and because I find this bit to fun to just keep it locked. :p
*photos of test*:Dipper
Ford: “but all the equations and symbols are right!”
Ford: “this reminds me of a teacher I had”
“that’s what I’m saying” :Dipper
“but for some forsaken reason my teacher doesn’t want to give me a higher grade!” :Dipper
Ford: “Ms. Clarentia”
Ford: “that shorty cubicle demon”
Ford: “just remembering her makes me want to punch someone”
Ford: “she always found a way to take 1 or more points off my tests!!”
Ford continues to complain about his old teacher and Dipper just turns off his cell phone with a sigh.

💫If only I can hear it one last time… 🎶✨
Also here's the drawings Bill made

I couldn't resist so I did a human version of @void-dude Tad strange.
Also the sweater says "I simp for squishable old man" because I think he would wear that non-ironically.

ah don't mind me, I just drawing 2tdp gf au relateded stuff (this is 15/16 dipper and mabel btw, and they have acne, I still trying to figure out how to styeliized it)
and also

some other versions of them, this one is from reverse falls I made all them melting since they are not extremely powerful anymore (I think, I honestly don't remenber a thing of the lore from the reverse falls au, if it had any)

also also, a spoiler for probrably "comic" 1 of the au, it will be short but it is only to show how bill and their parents interact in the au.
![First slide. The title reads "drawing characters with Down syndrome". Below that: "myth that I need to get out of the way before the actual tutorial: [caps] people with DS do not look the same [end caps]. They share similar features, but there is no one face that every person with DS has. Most people with DS won't have every single trait, just pick what works for your character." Around that are three actual photos; from top to bottom; a photo of the actress Gigi Cunningham, a Black woman in her 20s posing with her hands on hips; a photo of Zhou Zhou, a Chinese man in a suit conducting an orchestra; portrait photo of Georgie Wildgust, an elderly white man smiling to the camera. Each photo is captioned with the person's name.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7f4403fd328c284d5bae6ca90eaa6d07/18bf095cd4118d2a-d1/s500x750/6feee60a3e2b462d399245d34ba50f6db14afac6.png)

![fourth slide, called "eyes". text reads "probably the most characteristic feature, so it's important to get right. People with Mosaic Down syndrome (more on it later!) will often have this as one of the few visible traits". top right has a close-up of a blue iris with white dots going around the pupil. It's captioned "these white spots going in a circle are called Brushfield spots. A lot of people with DS have them". Below that is a step-by-step tutorial on drawing eyes. First step focuses on the general shape, with the text reading "there's a lot of shapes to choose from: almond; round; upturned; + more but these are most common". Each of them has a drawing attached. Step two focuses on eyelids. Text reads "pronounced eyelids, both bottom and upper ones. They have a very noticeable crease". There's two pairs of eyes with heavy eyelids under that. Step three shows wrinkles around the eyes. Text: "some people with DS will have creases around the eyes + large bags under the eyes; if you have a simpler artstyle probably skip this one". Attached drawing shows a pair of eyes with wrinkles coming form the upper eyelid on the outer side and bags under the eyes. Step four reads "give them strabismus [many exclamation points]! I know artists are allergic to drawing strabismus if it's not for a joke but crossed eyes are actually awesome [awesome in all caps], (ok not all have strabismus but like half do)". Drawing attached shows a person with DS and strabismus.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2f7b683cb96ee98791b5e27baca3494b/18bf095cd4118d2a-f1/s500x750/04920f4b30096952d3d5d015dd10e6b840b6be70.png)

tutorial for drawing characters with Down syndrome!
DISCLAIMER... please keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. it's more of an overview of features that are common in people with Down syndrome, not meaning to imply that every person with DS has all of them 👍👍 thanks
if you draw any characters using this feel free to tag me!!
MR. and Mrs. Cipher!!

here we go! their design is complete! I loved to make their design since is not something extremely complex (like a human body) so I just added details to their forms! the lines and more colors may or may not be related to the au lore (I'm still deciding) but either way this was too fun to make.
the image was too empty so I added some random notes! in case you didn't understand my handwritting (under the cut) from left to right:
longer hat than Bill Dimension Bending smoke Chimas 31% (Add (glow)) gave away his cane to Bill
(grossely) IN-LOVE
Heels! Bill and Euclid Fluids 31% (Add (glow))

remaking their design just to fit better with my style, Scalene still red (bow), Euclid still blue (hat)
Twitter/X is down in Brazil for who knows how long, due to Elon’s shenanigans. So please support us Brazilian refugee artists here by giving them visibility.
Reblogs are appreciated, especially if includes some of your favorite Brazilian artists, or your own profile ✨

dipper and mabel bad end where they end up like ford and stan