kanilive - Kiss💋

31| PlushPal | Cosmetologist Sagittarius NYC

471 posts

Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.

Honor these 25 black women who died in police custody.

Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.
Honor These 25 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody.


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More Posts from Kanilive

6 years ago

“FreakMan FreakMan yeah dass meeeeee”

Birthday Video Call 2

Erik “Killmonger” Stevens x BLACK Reader

A/N: Well look what we have here… a whole ass part two yeeeeee. Enjoy this nasty shit. 

Word Count: 3.3K

Warnings: Smutty Smut, Cursing, Sex Toys, Threesome, Erik Being Erik


“If I open the door he might kill me or just give me bomb dick, but if I don’t open the door he will definitely kill me, and bomb dick will be thrown out of the equation.” You quickly paced around your bedroom and tried to evaluate every possible solution that could happen once you let Erik inside the apartment. After two minutes of Erik’s shadowy figure standing still like a lifeless statue you decided the best option was to let him inside and deal with the consequences head on because your mama didn’t raise no punk bitch. If you die from dick, then you will die a satisfied woman.

You cautiously approached your set of sliding glass doors and slowly opened them up, careful not to make eye contact with Erik. Your plan didn’t work out as you had hoped because as soon as you slid the doors open Erik reached out to grip your jaw and forced you to look up at him. “You like the idea of playing games Princess?”

“Erik- I… Um…”

Erik continued to make his way inside of your bedroom, pushing you in along the way, “So now you want to act like you can’t speak and I haven’t even put my dick in your mouth yet. What happened to that bold ass attitude you had earlier?”

You continued to back away from Erik until your back pressed against a blank wall. You silently cursed to yourself for getting trapped between two hard places with nowhere to turn. “Erik, I can explain!” Thinking quickly on your feet you decided to use your last resort and lie for the sake of your already trembling walls. “It was a little jokey joke baby. Some hehe-haha funny shit.”

Erik raised his eyebrows at you in suspicion, he wasn’t buying the lie you were trying to sell him and a sly smirk spread across his face when he noticed the telling signs that you were aroused. “You were so busy playing that lil game of yours earlier that you didn’t cum, did you Princess?” The longer you stared at Erik the more your mind became clouded with lust. Unable to form a sentence you shook your head ‘no’, causing Erik to chuckle. “I bet you want me to give you some special birthday dick, don’t you?” Erik let one of his hands travel down to the seat of his crotch, releasing a sensual grunt as he gripped his growing length. “Too bad you don’t deserve this dick.” Erik closed in the small distance between the two of you and leaned in close to your ear. The feeling of Erik’s lips grazing against your skin sent shivers down your spine, somebody was going to give you birthday dick tonight, even if it wasn’t Erik. “Daddy still got you another present, get dressed so we can head out to the restaurant.”

Before you had a chance to rebuttal or give a thorough explanation as to why you deserve birthday meat and not to be treated like a damn vegan, Erik was gone and in the shower. You huffed out loud once more and stormed inside your walk-in closet that just so happened to have a big ruby red birthday box sitting there ready to be opened. As if you were a kid on Christmas Eve, you attacked the birthday box that was filled with a customized Balmain dress that resembled Beyoncé’s On The Run II tour outfit. You were about to leave out of your closet when the sound of a strong vibration caught your attention. “What the fuck is that?”

“You forgot a present inside that box Princess.” The startling sound of Erik’s lust filled voice caused you to jump out of your skin as you grabbed onto your beating heart. Erik found your reaction priceless and snickered to himself while he walked over to your gift box and pulled out an interesting looking pair of underwear. “Put these on.”

You cautiously took the underwear out of Erik’s grasp. “W-what are these?”

Erik glanced over your barley covered frame and snorted in amusement while he walked away, leaving you lost in your thoughts. “Don’t make me repeat myself Princess, we will be leaving in 30 minutes so hurry up.”

Uninterested in pushing Erik’s buttons any further you sprang into action and hastily got dressed while keeping your eyes on the clock. Erik was a man with a few ticks, besides being interrupted or being hung up on, he also hated being late. You continued to get dressed as you thought back to the one time you invited Erik to come meet your parents and he left to go see them without you because your makeup routine was taking slightly longer than you had planned. Asshole.

Erik tapped his YSL loafers against the hardwood floors as he leaned against your doorframe and watched you add the finishing touches to your outfit. Erik’s breath caught in his throat when you finally spun around and did a lil shimmy showing off your birthday outfit. “You look… gorgeous Princess.” You and Erik were about to head out of your bedroom when your special pair of panties caught Erik’s attention, “I thought I said put them shits on Princess?”

Your eyes quickly shifted to the unwanted gift sitting on your bedroom dresser. “I thought you meant when we come back from dinner. You want me to wear that now?”

Erik’s eyes darkened as he bared his fangs at you, “You knew exactly what the fuck I meant Princess. Put them on and let’s go.”

Usually you and Erik fought for dominance, this was one of the many traits that attracted Erik to you, but tonight something in your body felt the desire to be a sub. You gained a sudden urge to bend to Erik’s every whim. Maybe it was the pregaming you did while Erik was gone, maybe it was the way his eyes traveled over your body like he was seeing you for the first time, or maybe it was the shift in his voice that left no room for any of your nonsense. Whatever the reason was you quickly scrambled to put on your birthday gift as you gnawed on your plump lips, “I’m ready to go Daddy.”

Erik raised his eyebrow in amusement, “Oh now I’m Daddy? Don’t think I’m going to go easy on you tonight just because it’s your birthday. You’ve been a bad girl and bad girls get punished.” Erik whistled to himself as he looked over your body one final time, pleased with every inch of you. “Now let’s go before we lose our reservation.”

The car ride to the restaurant was filled with a mixture of arousal and anticipation. You continuously shifted in your seat attempting to find a comfortable position that didn’t stimulate your clit but the more you moved over the raised area of your underwear the more your plan backfired as you became turned on.

Erik was attentively watching all of your movements out the side of his eye and a twisted grin appeared on his face when a not so quiet moan escaped your lips. “You good over there Princess? You seem to be making a lot of noise.”

Your heart rate increased at Erik’s invasive observation, you loved and hated how he would never miss a detail about you. “I-I’m fine Erik.”

Erik grunted at your blunt lie, “I was considering maybe, just maybe going easy on you tonight, but you know how I feel about lying.” Before you could offer an explanation, Erik reached into his right trouser pocket and pulled out a tiny gold remote. The remote was covered in glowing blue writing that you only saw when Erik would bring you back a souvenir from Wakanda.

Your eyes shifted between Erik’s wicked grin and his chubby fingers actively typing away on the futuristic remote, “Erik…?” Within seconds an unfamiliar sensation was startled on your second set of already dripping lips. “Oh fuck!” You tightly clenched your thighs and pulled on the hem of your dress attempting to regain your composure in this twisted situation.

“Don’t cum.”

You whipped your head around in Erik’s direction and almost entertained the idea of slapping the taste out of his mouth. Only some type of subhuman would be able to hold off on their orgasm while this skilled toy worked every nerve ending in their swollen nub. “What?”

Erik put on his turn signal as he swerved into the upper echelon restaurant parking lot. “You heard what I said, don’t cum. That pair of underwear is designed to double in speed and release a special gel that will enhance the sensitivity of that pretty lil’ flower every time you bust.”

You sat in your seat stunned as your mind raced with a million and one thoughts. The thought of killing Erik crossed your mind more than what you were willing to admit.

You were finally brought out of your trance when you felt the cool night breeze hit your exposed legs. The spicy and husky sent of Erik filled your nostrils as he leaned into the car to help you outside while brushing his lips against the sensitive skin behind your ear. “I almost forgot to tell you Princess, in addition to all those wonderful gifts you will receive if you don’t listen and decide to cum, you will also get to feel a hologram version of my dick inserting into you inch by agonizing inch. Now get it together and don’t make a peep in front of these folks… Or else.”

You took a deep breath and said a silent prayer, you figured if you concentrated your energy on something else-. Your inner thoughts were cut off by the sudden increase of the vibrating intensity and a devilish chuckle seeping from Erik’s full lips, “What the fuck Stevens!”

Erik threw his hands up in defense as he escorted you into the high-class restaurant, “I didn’t do anything Princess, the underwear knows when you’re trying to rewire your brain attempting to ignore the pleasure. The levels triple in intensity if you do that.”

You heart started racing again and the feeling of ecstasy tingled through your veins. “T-then how am I supposed to w-win this Erik?”

Erik cranked his head to the side as he took in your appearance; uncontrolled and ragged breathing, buckling knees, and a firm grip on his arm almost made him feel pity for you… Almost. “Who said anything about you winning tonight?” Your jaw dropped to the floor, you soon realized that you were no longer dealing with your loving boyfriend Erik, you were dealing with the no mercy sex demon Killmonger. “Table for two please.”

Erik tightened his grip around your waist making sure you had support as the waitress led you guys to an almost secluded room in the back of the restaurant. The room was made of tall frosty glass windows instead of concrete walls and the ceiling was decorated with a mirror covering it from corner to corner. You were in awe of the room but soon began to question what the hell Erik had planned for you.

While still being cautious of Erik’s motives you took a seat across the table from him and began having an intense stare off. “Any other surprises I should know about tonight?” The irritation the oozed out of your mouth was enough to make Erik’s dick jump, he loved when you got like this.

Erik smirked as he picked up his menu, “There’s one more thing.”

The feeling of metal cuffs clasping onto your ankles caught you completely off guard and before you could pop off on Erik the feeling of the cool metal pressed against your skin was enough contact for your world to spin out of control as your first orgasm washed over you. “Fu-u-uck! O-o-!” You dug your nails into the clothed table while the feeling of Erik’s hologram dick penetrating your walls had you choking on air.

Erik watched you come completely undone with a look of longing and satisfaction written all over his face. Erik let out a low groan as he stoked himself through his slacks and diverted his attention to the waitress. “We’re ready to order. We will both take the number 3.”

You were so caught up in your climax high that you didn’t notice, nor care about the conversation between Erik and the waitress. The feeling of Erik’s hologram dick brushing up against your g-spot while the high-tech vibrator attacked your swollen nub was enough to bring you to orgasm number two in a matter of seconds. “DADDY PLEASE!”

“Why are you yelling Princess? Do you want the whole restaurant to hear you?” Erik was toying with you, he was enjoying his front row seat to watching you completely unravel without him having to touch you.

Your eyes closed and rolled to the back of your head while your legs continued to shake uncontrollably, you desired to slam your thighs shut in an effort to ease up on the never-ending pleasure and hurled a truckload of “fuck you” and “Daddy please” at Erik with hopes that he would cut your ankles loose. All your pleas tell on deaf ears. You continued to tremble as your love cave was filled to the max with hologram dick and you moaned out loud as the speed of Erik’s detached dick picked up its pace. “I-I’m CU-” You could no longer form words as your seventh orgasm in 30 minutes took full control of your body once again.

You were seconds away from your breaking point when the vibrating panties abruptly stopped, and Erik’s hologram dick paused mid-stroke. Relief washed over your body, but it was soon replaced with panic as your mind wondered what Erik had planned next. Soon your ankles were released from the chair of hell and you finally opened your eyes, only to be completely shocked that a blindfold now covered them. “Erik…?” The meekness in your own voice sent chills down your spine, your voice was sore from all your moaning and yelling.

“Follow my voice and come to Daddy.”

You were about to stand when a dainty pair of hands slid your heels from off of your feet and sent feathered kisses up your legs.

“Aye, lead her to me!”

The authority that dripped off of Erik’s voice was mouthwatering and your mystery helper must have agreed when she released a soft whimper of arousal. Your mystery helper guided you up from your seat and helped you wobble over to where Erik sat. Before you knew it, your clothes were being discarded and your body was thrown onto the table in front of him.

The feeling of calloused hands rubbing over your body relaxed your mind for mere seconds before the voice of the vessel decided to speak, “You know Daddy loves you, right Princess?”


“And you know you really pissed Daddy off when he had to climb up a fucking building to get into your house, right Princess?”


“I’m glad you understand.” Erik trailed kisses down your body until he reached the mess between your thighs. Your underwear was dripping with your love juice and Erik had to have a taste. Pulling your panties to the side so his hologram dick was still inside of you, Erik began slurping and attacking your swollen clit. Erik lifted his head up slightly and exchanged a glance between the waitress that stood on the sidelines doing everything in her power not to interfere unless instructed to do so. You felt Erik grin as his tongue twirled around on your overstimulated nub, his ego was at an all-time high tonight. With one swift motion Erik popped your clit out of his mouth and focused his attention on the waitress. “Come taste this pussy while I fuck her ass.”

“Yes sir.”

You laid in shock as love juice from another woman dripped down into your unattended mouth while a thick and experienced tongue infiltrated your pussy. Erik was a pro at eating you out, but a woman’s touch is nothing any man can ever compare to. “Damn ma!” You felt your core immediately tighten and decided to return the favor to this sex goddess.

Erik was a man that was secure in himself and his sex abilities but something about seeing you enjoy pleasing and receiving pleasure from someone other than himself had him in his feelings. Erik being who Erik is decided to turn your panties back on and increase the stroke of his hologram dick.

“DADD-D-DY!” You were no longer able to focus on anything other than your own pleasure as soon as Erik’s petty ass turned your underwear back on and you threw your head back in bliss letting your mind turn to mush.

Erik pushed your panties to the side until he had a clear view of your chocolate starfish. “You want Daddy to fill both of your holes Princess?”


On command Erik pressed all of his girth inside of your tight hole. Erik hissed at the feeling of your walls constricting around his dick and the wetness of your love cave dripping down to coat his shaft. “You love it when I fuck every hole you got? You love how I fill you up?”

You couldn’t answer Erik anymore, the feeling of his dick in your asshole and the pussy eating expert, combined with the technologically advanced vibrater panties that had an attached hologram dick was all too much for you to handle.

You arched your back as you clawed at the table underneath you, mumbling and begging for mercy, “I can’t cum-m anymore! I-I!”

“You can’t what?” Erik picked up his pace and slammed his dick into you while his hologram dick followed his same actions. “I want this beautiful ass pussy to cum all in her pretty ass mouth. You hear me Princess? Give me another one!”

You felt your stomach drop as every nerve in the lower half of your body reached its peak. You felt an intense orgasm approaching and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Erik moaned at the feeling of your walls wrapping around his dick like a blanket. “Cum for me Princess. Let it all out, I got you.”

Without needing further instructions or words of encouragement you squirted all over Erik and into the mystery helpers mouth. The mystery helper lapped up every drop of love juice you had to offer while Erik continued to thrust into your chocolate starfish chasing his orgasm.

Erik pulled your legs close to his chest and pushed the mystery helper out the way until he was face to face with you. You couldn’t see Erik, but you could feel the intensity of his gaze as he continued to stroke and twitch inside of you. “You want me to nut inside you Princess?” You bit down on your lip and nodded your head ‘yes’ as you wrapped your arms around Erik’s neck and let him release his hot cum inside of you. Erik let out an animalistic growl as he fucked the final drops of his sperm out of his dick.

Minutes that felt like hours passed as you laid with Erik panting and taking in the delicious smell of sex in the air. “Erik?”


“This was the best birthday I ever had.”

Erik untied the blindfold from your eyes and left a lingering kiss on your lips. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, but we aren’t done. Turn that ass over.”

Hologram dick sheeshhhhhhhh 

Tags: @blowmymbackout  @yaachtynoboat711  @vanitykocaine  @teheeboo  @madhatterhelsing  @inspired–byfashion  @purple-apricots  @niggarachi15  @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat  @iamrheaspeaks  @kaytauru  @datwestindiesgal  @melaninmarvelgirl62  @imasmille  @soulsparker  @sweetsexysavagery  @apettyassmess  @mufasa-3005  @yeahshesaidthat  @pinkdemolition  @drsunshine97  @part-time–thot  @guapmama4000  @wreckedcyborg  @wakandamaybe  @xclusvnani  @supremeuniversalreader  @bam2dis  @forbeautyandlife  @thelastkillmonger  @dragonfly-jonez  @misspooh  @yoyolovesbucky @iamascrazyasisound  @ordinaryornate  @mixedmelanin  @bartierbakarimobisson  @chelledallas  @blackpantherismyish @thehomierobbstark  @ange-sensuel  @panthergoddessbast  @hearteyes-for-killmonger  @amethyst1993  

6 years ago
kanilive - Kiss💋

Niggas are so afraid of getting friendzoned that they forget the biggest part of being a boyFRIEND

If you only want to date a girl just to fuck her, then you will eventually break her heart.

A girl saying that she wants a serious relationship isn’t a que for you to think “aw this is a challenge i gotta get through for sex”

a relationship isn’t a maze for pussy

Girls really sometimes just want a really good friend that can be more. But because niggas wanna bust a nut fast, they lie and portray themselves as something more just to have sex.

It’s like nigga camouflage.

But this very thing is the reason why the girl wanted a slow and serious relationship to begin with, to avoid niggas like that

But sadly alot of times they run into manipulative niggas that consider their emotions and standards as an obstacle to get over, instead of something that should taken seriously and cared for.

why do you think so many girls are literally afraid to date even though they want a serious relationship.

hell why do you think some of these girls turn bi after dating some of you niggas 👀

if you don’t think hiphop from 2008 - 2014 (which i dub as the lil weezy gang era) had one of if not THE BIGGEST negative impact on how niggas look at women and colorism; then your fucking dumb but that’s another topic.

Point is: if a girl wants a serious relationship and you’re not into that, just tell her. it’s alot more respectful and it saves everyone from alot of bs and stress

i personally think as men we let too much of what we saw and heard on music videos influence how we see and treat women especially black women

Just because that one pretty girl that you want doesn’t want to just have sex with you, doesn’t mean that there isn’t another pretty girl out there that does

Niggas Are So Afraid Of Getting Friendzoned That They Forget The Biggest Part Of Being A BoyFRIEND

alot people out here just fucking and i think that’s awesome

so please stop hurting these girls over sex

Niggas Are So Afraid Of Getting Friendzoned That They Forget The Biggest Part Of Being A BoyFRIEND
Niggas Are So Afraid Of Getting Friendzoned That They Forget The Biggest Part Of Being A BoyFRIEND
6 years ago


The first transgender suicide hotline is now up and running in the U.S. You can reach Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860.

6 years ago
This Is The Lucky Clover Cat. Reblogthis In 30 Seconds & He Will Bring U Good Luck And Fortune.

This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.

6 years ago

Ladies skin care really is 🔑 as a mua I can only do so much when it comes to covering texture





The basics of a GRATE skin care regime . You should exfoliate A T L E A S T Once a week but no more than Three times as to not put too much stress on your skin!

Black girls I know many of us don’t believe we need spf because of the gift of M E L A N I N But this is a LIE❗️❗️❗️

SPF protects you from over exsposure of the suns harmful rays think of it as an added layer of protection to ensure that our good up good up black doesn’t start to crack.

kanilive - Kiss💋
kanilive - Kiss💋