This is simply my OG blog and I can’t delete it without deleting my main blog. Active blog is @cassiedroll
83 posts
When Rose Finally Retired From Teaching At 75 Years Old, She Took Up Painting.

When Rose finally retired from teaching at 75 years old, she took up painting.
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Up until Rose went to Hogwarts, she and Hermione would play Nancy Drew games for hours on end. Hugo never quite understood.

James, Hugo and Fred II were amazed by the idea of the Loch Ness Monster and went in search of it every summer until Hugo turned 25 and they gave up. That summer, Rose sweared to have seen it. The boys were back on the Loch for 20 years after that. Their children never took their fathers’ searches seriously.

Lucy watched House every time she had a chance. That show is what ultimately made her decide to become a healer.

Fred II and Roxanne took after Angelina much more than George... in appearance.

Lily was sick of the girls in her family being named after flowers. She would have gone by Luna if she hadn’t married Luna’s son.