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Baby, I'd burn this world for you || CLOSED ||

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Ride Or Die - Chapter 11 (m)

Ride or Die - Chapter 11 (m)

Ride Or Die - Chapter 11 (m)

— pairing | Jeon Jungkook /Reader — word c | 5,606 — genre | Mafia au!, Angst , smut. — summary |  He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang.And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him.. — warnings/tags | Adult content, Violence, drugs, alcoholic beverages, explicit sex, low slang words. — disclaimer | myself and this fic DOES NOT condone violence, abuse, use of drugs, alcohol or any kind of crimes. This is a fanfic, an alternative reality, I have no intention of offending anyone. If that makes you feel bad, please do not read. In this fanfic the character is not abusive to the reader, and remember, what Jungkook does in this fanfic is not what he does in real life. Myself or this fanfic does not have any type of connection with BTS, Jungkook or Bighit. Hope you like it.

— Ride Or Die - Character Biography.


O1  | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | ‘11′ | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


Jungkook was sitting on the edge of his bed, he stared at your photo as wallpaper on his cell phone screen and sighed every time he thought how much he missed you. Of all the decisions he had to make in his life, leaving you was by far the most painful and difficult. He didn’t mind killing people, torturing them, making them suffer, let alone the consequences his actions would do to their lives. But when it came to you, it all got complicated.

During the months that you were separated, he tried his best to stay away from you, the first month was easy, until the day Hoseok came saying that he hadn’t found you and that the neighbors hadn’t seen in weeks. Jungkook panicked, sending as many men as he could to search for you around the city. When Hoseok called him again saying that everything was fine and that you had appeared safe and sound, he had to hear your voice to prove it, he could barely hold himself as he heard your tearful voice calling his name on the other end of the line, and when he hung up the phone, he tossed the phone into the wall and destroyed everything that could be destroyed in that room. He hated to be the reason for your pain.

The second month became difficult, Jungkook had to fill himself with jobs to not go after you and to take you in his arms, beg for you to forgive him and accept him back. That month was simply the worst month for anyone who decided to annoy the infamous Jeon Jungkook. The fury, the anger, the lack he felt from you was consuming him and he managed to become even more dangerous and deadly than before. Anyone who crossed his path, anyone who dared go wrong with him, annoy him or who simply touched on the subject ‘you’ Jungkook had no mercy.

The third month became impossible for Jungkook to overcome the lack of you. He started to get out of control, with the feelings on his skin, taking control of his mind and body, making him unstable and a million times more dangerous, so he turned away from the leadership of the Century, leaving it in Hoseok's hands. Jungkook barely left the room during the day, and if he hadn’t eaten before, now he simply didn’t even come close to meals. When he realized, he was going out at night to chase after you. Often he just stopped across the street from your house and watch you through the living room windows. Sometimes he would go to college and watch you from afar, how happy you looked with your friends. But he knew you well enough to know that the smiles you gave them was fake, because he knew you were suffering too. Other times he would follow you through the streets at night, hidden in the shadows, while you were doing night walks. He loved the way you shook your head, moved your feet and arms, totally relaxed, dancing to the music that came from your headphones. He hated dancing, but he loved watching you dance.

Sitting in that bed, looking at your photo, he remembered one night as he was following you, he was across the street, hidden in the shadows of the alleys. You were dancing again, as you did every time you went out to walk the night. He then spotted a man a few meters behind you. From the way he walked and looked at you, Jungkook knew that this man would try something and he wouldn’t let anything happen. No one would harm you, his angel, his light.

With quick, silent steps, he crossed the street and approached the man who was already approaching you from behind. The music on the headphones was so loud that you didn’t even hear that approach. Jungkook crept behind the man and grabbed him from behind, covering his mouth and pulling him to an alleyway few yards behind you. Jeon threw the man on the floor of the alley and peered into the street, seeing that you kept walking and dancing quietly, a sign that you hadn’t noticed anything.

“Are you crazy ...” The man started talking, rising from the ground and heading toward Jeon who opened his pocket knife and let the blade slip out, striking the man with the knife, piercing his lungs, letting him fall to the ground and agonize.

"Yeah, I got crazy when I saw what you were about to do with my girl." He said quietly lowering himself to the side of the man who groaned in pain and began to choke on his own blood. He smiled, satisfied with what was happening, the blood being pumped out of the man's body through the hole Jeon's knife made, soiling his black shirt with blood. “I'll have mercy on you and I will not stab you again. I hope you suffer a lot on the road to hell. One day, I'll be there to stab you again, and again and again.” He growled and got up, putting his penknife in his pocket and walking with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, as if nothing had happened.

Returning to the present, Hoseok's voice caught his eye, making him look at the door and see his friend leaning against the portal. He did not have a good expression on his face.

"Yoongi and Namjoon are in Velvet and apparently have members of the East gang there. The two are thinking that maybe the guys want to pull a fight with them. I tried to call Taehyung to send him there, but his phone It's off. "

"Alright." Jungkook said getting up from the bed and walking out of the room. The two of them left the house and entered the Dodge, heading towards the nightclub.


When Jungkook and Hoseok arrived at the pub, the first thing they did upon entering the establishment was to look for Yoongi and Namjoon, who were leaning against a wall, in a dimly lit corner of the place. Both of them had crossed arms and stared a specific location, four guys sitting in the bar, talking to each other and looking disguisedly in the direction of the two.

"Did they say anything to you?" Jungkook asked as he approached his friends.

"No, but they've been staring at us since they arrived. The first one, wearing that red T-shirt, I've seen him walking with the lider of the East gang. He's a guard or something.” Namjoon said.

"And the four of them are armed." Yoongi said. "They'll do something, and if it's not with us, it's with the place. If they're not going to attack us four, that means they intend to attack the place."

“They're in Century territory, if they do anything, they will provoke war with us and the Jeon's mafia.” Jungkook said turning around and watching the men. "They cannot be stupid enough to get into enemy territory in just four. There must be more of them around here."

"And if there are more of them, we're at a disadvantage. Where is Taehyung anyway?" Namjoon asked.

"I don’t know, his cell phone is off." Hoseok said. Jungkook snorted and pulled out his cell phone, trying to call Kim again. That's when Hoseok saw Taehyung coming through the door of the nightclub. Yoongi and Namjoon were relieved to know that nothing had happened to the boy, but Hoseok frowned when he realized that there was a hand holding Taehyung's arm. It was a small, delicate hand, it was a girl's hand. “Holy shit.” Jung exclaimed loudly and nudged Jungkook's shoulder, drawing his attention as he turned in the direction the others looked at with wide eyes. Jeon almost had a heart attack when he saw you standing next to him, holding his arm as he made his way through the crowd.

You wore a white dress, and high heels. So innocent and helpless hiding behind Taehyung. Jungkook did not know what to think at the time. He followed you both with his eyes and as you walked towards the drinks counter, where those men were, the fury invaded the veins of Jungkook. He didn’t think twice before taking the gun he kept at his waist and walking toward the drinks counter. The other three did the same, following the leader. He was not going to allow anyone to touch you. They wouldn’t allow it.

Meanwhile, you and Taehyung ordered your drinks from the bartender and talked about something random when one of the men who was sitting next to you, wearing a red shirt, said something catching your attention.

"Wow, Jeon's famous girl is even prettier up close.”

Taehyung raised one eyebrow, looking directly at that man.

"Yes, but it's not for your beak, you scumbag."

"Now that you're done, you decided to get another member of Century, sweetheart?" The guy in the red shirt asked, raising his hand toward you, but before he could touch your skin, Taehyung pulled you back and Jungkook quickly approached, holding the man's head and slamming it against the counter, pushing it against the furniture, and placed the gun on his head. The other three boys made a point of doing something, but Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok placed them on the sight of their pistols. The bartender simply ignored that gesture as half the people there as well.

“If you touch her, I'll spread your brain across the floor.” Jungkook growled, putting pressure on the hand that shoved the man's head against the counter. You stared wide-eyed at the scene above Taehyung's shoulders that held you protectively behind him. You couldn’t describe the feeling of seeing Jungkook again after so long. He was still the same, handsome, charming, intimidating, passionate, and dangerous. He was still the same man you fell in love with. “I want you and your fucking friends out of my area in 30 seconds, or I'll hunt you down, kill you and send your bodies to your families, you got me, you shit?” The man just nodded frantically before Jeon grabbed his hair and tossed him to the floor. Half a minute later, those four men rushed out of the nightclub, which made Hoseok slightly confused. It seemed to be being too easy.

As soon as Jeon saw that these men had left the pub, he turned toward Taehyung, advancing furiously against him, hitting him with a punch in the jaw, making you hop back and cover your mouth, smothering a cry of surprise .

“But what the hell are you doing with her? What the fuck do you have in mind? What did I tell you to do, you idiot?” He screamed and hit him with a knee in the stomach, making you hold your breath, startled by Jungkook's reaction to Taehyung. “I told you and the others to stay away from her precisely because of that. The danger.”

And when you saw that Jeon would strike another blow toward Taehyung, you jumped in front of him, intending to protect him. You closed your eyes tightly, waiting for the impact Jungkook's punch would have on you, but nothing happened. When you opened your eyes, Jeon stood with his fist raised, standing in the air, his eyes wide and his face pale. Namjoon and Yoongi looked at each other in astonishment as Hoseok went on the defensive position, ready to fight Jungkook if he had really hit you, even though he knew Jungkook would never do it. Seconds later, Jungkook's face turned red and he lowered his fist, exploding shortly afterwards

“What the hell, (Y/N), I could have hit you, are you crazy?"

Three months away from you and that's what he had to say? You sighed, feeling the tears threatening to fall from your eyes, the sadness and happiness of seeing him again personally, but the sadness you felt through his words was triggering an avalanche of emotions that you just couldn’t handle and pretend to be okay.

"Is that all you have to tell me?" You whimpered, a tear trickling down your cheek, making Jungkook's expression soften instantly. He lowered his shoulders, finally realizing you were there in front of him, but he was acting like a jerk again.

You snorted and turned, running toward the pub's exit, head down and after passing through the sea of people, you finally left the nightclub hugging your body feeling the chill of the night. That was not how you planned your re-encounter with Jungkook, that was not how it was supposed to be. In your head that scene would have happened completely different. After he had expelled those men from there, he should have held you tightly, let you cry on his chest, he should comfort you, he should apologize for the days you missed crying for him, he should say that he loved you, and missed you. He should have been sweet to you and not rude. You sniffed once more, holding as much of your tears as you could, you didn’t want to cry.

And at that moment, you could only think of Jimin's words. It was always him who dried your tears, it was Jimin who was always with you when you cried because of Jungkook and in that moment, once again you cried because of him. That wasn’t right, why were you in love with Jungkook? Why couldn’t you be in love with Jimin? He sure wouldn’t make you cry like now. However, your body, soul and heart belonged to Jungkook. And forever would be his, even if it hurts, even if you were not together, you would never find someone like him, you would never love someone like him, not even Jimin.

Jungkook didn’t waste a second and went after you, past people and following you out. He saw you walking briskly down the sidewalk, arms wrapped around your body, trying to shield you from the cold. For three months he had the urge to talk to you, to touch you, but he held on because he knew it was right for you, but at that moment he was fucking himself for what was right. He wouldn’t let the woman of his life walk alone on the street, in that cold. He walked over to the Dodge, he sped the car and approached you. He did not have to honk, because you knew the engine sound of the Dodge 78 well. You thought to ignore and keep walking, but the truth was, you needed to be close to him. You stopped walking as the car parked beside you on the sidewalk.

Jungkook reached for the backseat and took out a jacket. He got out of the vehicle and turned around, approaching you. As much as he wanted to pick you up and kiss you, he just helped you put on his jacket. You still sniffed and refused to lift your head, but didn’t think twice before stepping into the car in silence as he opened the passenger door for you.

He wasn’t running this time, he was in no hurry to get anywhere.

“Why are you doing this?” You asked after twenty minutes that Jungkook was just roaming the city. He drew his attention from the street to look at you who had eyes and a red nose before turning his attention back to the road with a shrug.

"I couldn’t leave you alone on the street at this time and in the cold."

“Why do you care?”

“Because I love you.”

"Then why did you break up with me?" Your voice cracked as you said that, shrinking again and crying. He drove for another few minutes to park his car in front of a park and turn off the engine. He remained silent, listening to the sniffles echoing through the car. He then finally took a deep breath and began to speak.

"The day you left that house, my life was over, (Y/N)!" He started, staring out of the car through the front window. "I didn’t ... I didn’t want to break up with you, you know what you are for me. You know how important you’re to me.”

“If I were really important, you wouldn’t have left me." You said interrupting him. Jungkook immediately turned to you, his eyebrows drooping and his jaw clenched, not believing what he was hearing. You shrugged into the seat, not looking at him. "You just had to talk to me, if you really cared, you wouldn’t have left me."

"I know you're hurt, I know a part of you must hate me, but never say that I don’t care about you." He said putting his hand on your chin, turning your face toward him, forcing you to look at him. As he looks into your eyes, he can see various feelings passing through them, anger, pain, fear, sadness. But he could also see that affection you had whenever you looked at him. “I did what I did to protect you. Your parents are dead because of me, but they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t come into your life.”

"Stop it, Jungkook.” You growled, growing angry. You left the car, slamming the door behind you, leaning against the hood. Jungkook frowned and left, going after you. “Can you stop acting like you regret meeting me?” You asked turning to him with your arms crossed. “I know the fact that someone murdered them was because of my connection to your family. And I honestly blamed you in the beginning, then I started to blame myself, because if it was really someone else's fault, it would be mine because I took the ride.” You said walking up to him, it was your turn to hold his chin and direct his gaze to yours. “I agreed to date you, I chose to continue with you after finding out what you and your friends were doing.”

“(Y/N) ...” He tried to argue and pull away, but you pushed him and held him against the car door. You were the only person in the world who could intimidate him.

“Do you regret loving me, Jeon Jungkook?

“Of course not.” He answered without hesitation.

“Good, because I don’t regret accepting you, I don’t regret having left my parents' house to be with you, I don’t regret anything that I did with you and for you. But the most important thing is that I don’t regret loving you.” And at that moment his eyes seemed to shine, with the glow it always had when he heard you say that loved him, and a smile threatened to leave his lips. “I love you, I cannot stand being without you anymore, I cannot bear to pretend I forgot you. I know what are the risks of being with you, but I don’t really care.”

“It's risky, baby ...”

"Life is risky, Jungkook, there's no point in always running the risk, one day we have to face them all. If we don’t take risks, we will not live." You said putting both hands on the back of the boy's neck, pulling him closer. "You always let me make my choices, so let me choose that too, let me choose to be with you."

And so he grabbed your face, sealing your lips in a passionate and loving kiss, a kiss that made your bodies wake up from all that sadness, making you both realize that that moment was real and not a hallucination of your minds.

"I need you." You whispered between his lips. "I love you. I need you now, Jungkook. I need to feel you inside me."

He moaned in response, moving away. He opened the car door and pulled the seat forward, throwing himself into the back seat, sitting up in the middle of it, with his legs spread wide. He flashed a wink and a smile at you before hitting his palms on his thighs, beckoning you to sit there. You went in and closed the door, just threw his jacket on the floor of the car. You ended up banging your head on the roof of the car and laughed as you lifted your dress up to your waist and placed one leg on either side of Jungkook's waist, sitting on his lap, putting pressure on his cock.

Your hands thrust into his hair as your lips were together again in a fierce kiss. Jungkook's hands came up to your waist, causing you to move and rub between your pussy and his hard jeans-covered cock, making you both groan with the sensation of pleasure. He broke the kiss, lowering his lips down your neck and shoulders, nibbling, sucking, licking and kissing your exposed skin as you moaned his name, lower than he would like.

“You look beautiful in this dress, but if you don’t get it off in the next two seconds, I'll tear it up.” He said with his hands on the hem of your dress, ready to take it off. You laughed, raised your arms a little, and let him take it out. “No bra? So naughty baby.” He whispered, grabbing your breasts and gently squeezing them into his hands. "You have no idea how much I missed it, my love.” Jungkook began to run his tongue between your breasts making your whole body shiver and a moan come from your lips.

“Ah Jungkookie.” You moaned grabbing his hair as you felt his tongue around one of your nipples as his hand played with the other.  “Please."

“Are you begging already, baby? I have not even started.”

“I need you, I missed you.”

“Me too, princess.” He whispered back to kiss you. You lifted your hip slightly, so he was able to open the zipper of his pants and push it down with his underwear. He gripped your waist while you used your hand to position him at your entrance. “So wet, baby. Oh fuck.” He groaned loudly as you sat down on his lap all the way in. It was so good that he held you still for a few seconds, not wanting to cum so fast. "So tight baby, damn it! So wet.” He moaned still holding you. “My dick missed that pussy.”

“Can I move? I need more, love."

“You want to ride on that dick, baby?" You groaned in response and he let go of your waist, giving you permission to do what you wanted. So you started to move on his lap, rolling, bouncing and rubbing as he clung to your neck and squeezed your breasts. “Yeah baby, use this dick to fuck that tight pussy, like the greedy little bitch you are.”

“I love it.” You groaned smiling and squinting, while increasing the speed of movement.

"Do you love that dick, baby?"

"I love this dick, baby. I love it when it fills me, oh shit." You moaned as Jungkook moved his hips toward yours, taking a deep thrust. "Fuck me, Jungkook, fast and hard."

"As you wish." He whispered, grabbed your waist and began to move against you, using his strength to get in and out of you. You moaned loudly, grabbing his shoulders and closing your eyes, just feeling the pleasurable friction between you.

"Baby ..." You groaned tightly around his cock. “Oh God."

“I'm almost there too, Princess ... Cum for me, my love.”

And without him having to say another word, you tossed your head back, digging your nails into the back of his neck as you felt the surge of ecstasy running through your body, making you shout his name and your legs tremble. Jungkook tightened his hands around your hips and groaned as you let his liquid inside you, slowing his movements until it stopped, both of you without air. He hugged your body, placing his face between your breasts as you thrust your face into his hair.

"Can I still be your bride?" You whispered through his hair. Jeon pulled back a little, pulling the hair from your sweaty face, before stroking your cheek and smiling.

"You never ceased to be."


He is here. That was the first thought you had when you woke up the next morning. You turned to the side and saw Jungkook sleeping soundly. The night before was tiring for both of you. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before rising slowly so as not to wake the boy by your side. You looked at his watch and it was still eight o'clock in the morning.

You went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. You couldn’t take your smile off your face, being with him again was as if the light had entered your life again, even if it came in the form of a fallen angel.

As soon as you stepped on the floor of the living room, the doorbell rang and you frowned, staring at the door. You were not expecting anyone, and it was Saturday morning, who would be there that hour?

Forgetting that you were wearing only panties and bra, you opened the door, facing Jimin. You stared at him and he didn’t look happy at all, he had his eyebrows down and his jaw clenched. When he got there and saw Jungkook's car parked, he knew something was happening, but seeing you in your panties and bra confirmed his theory.

“Are you together again?” He asked dryly and directly. You sighed, you had no reason to deny it, so you just shook your head. Jimin glanced at the street, before turning red toward her. "I thought we were making some progress, (Y/N). I thought ... I thought you liked me.”

"And I like you, Jimin. But I love him. And you knew that from the beginning ...”

"He hurt you, (Y/N), for god sake.” Jimin screamed, throwing his hands up, his eyes wide, unable to believe that this was happening. "Don’t you remember how you cried every night because of him? Because I remember it very well. You cannot want this for your life, he will only hurt you even more ...”

“What the fuck?” Jungkook's voice behind you caught the attention of the two of you. You turned back, watching him coming down the stairs, a furious look on his face. His gaze did not leave Jimin as he walked toward him. Standing next to you, he held out the shirt he was about to wear for you and you picked it up, confused as to why he was giving you that, that's when you looked at your own body and saw that you were all in your underwear. You hurried to get dressed while Jungkook stopped in front of the door, blocking Jimin's sight.

“You know you'll only hurt her.” Jimin said, not intimidated by the psychopathic look Jungkook carried on his face.

"I don’t care what you think. Go away while you still can.” Jungkook growled, pointing to the street.

"And if I do not want …"

"Jimin." You pushed Jungkook gently to the side, and looked at the blonde. "Please do not make it any harder. You know what will happen if you try to make me choose between you and him.”

Jimin seemed to be taken aback by your response. He then sighed and shook his head. He turned his back and walked down the porch stairs to his car and out of there. Jungkook grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, closing the door and pushing you against it. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the wood, making you breath out of breath.

Jungkook sighed heavily and studied your face for a few seconds. It was visible that he was annoyed at something, you just couldn’t tell if it was because you were in your panties and bra when you opened the door, or because the person who saw you half naked, was another man.

"You fucked him?" He asked, making you eyes widen. You did not have to answer, because your facial expression said it all. Jungkook narrowed his eyes and licked his lips, releasing the air heavily.

"You told me to stay with someone else."

"So now you decide to do what I say?" He asked in a low, almost menacing voice, making your whole body shiver. Oh he was angry.

"That depends, if I like your order, yes, I will obey." You said petulant. Jungkook's face darkened and you lost your breath as you faced those big black eyes staring at you like a hunter looks at his prey. At that moment Jeon thought of a thousand and one ways to deal with that situation, but only one of these solutions would please you both, so he took a step back and pointed to the couch.

“Put your hands on the arm of the sofa and bend over, now!” He commanded his voice low, his eyes clouded by something you knew well, desire. You just blinked a few times and obeyed. So your ass stayed up, and you waited anxiously to know what he would do to you.

"You know how much annoys me know that another man touched you as I do?" He asked stopping behind you, holding your hips and pushing him against you. You sighed and nodded, confirming that you did. "And yet you did?" He asked and you nodded again. Jungkook let out a cold chuckle and stroked your shriveled skin. "Did you enjoy fucking Jimin?" He asked and you nodded again, letting out a loud moan as Jeon hit you with a strong slap in the ass, which made your pussy clench instantly. "I'm going to ask you again, baby, did you enjoy fucking Jimin, hm?" He asked in a low voice, now caressing and admiring the mark his hand formed on your skin. “Did you like his cock fucking that tight pussy?" You nodded again and yelled as his hand hit you once more in the ass. You started to gasp. It was impressive as with him, your horny never had limits. "Are you sure about that, baby?" He growled and you shook your head. "No?"


"Then why did you let him touch what is mine?"

“Because you asked me to forget you. And I was trying." You answered by moving your head a little to the side, looking at him over your shoulder, staring into dark eyes, full of jealousy and lust. "But nothing and no one could make me forget you."

"That doesn’t get you out of punishment, baby. You want to know what I'm going to do with you?" You nodded frantically. "I'll show you who owns this pussy. I'll fuck you until the neighbors have decorated my name. I'm going to fuck you until you forget that shit and remember that I'm the only one who can make you cum. And at the end of it, baby, you will not even remember the name of that little bastard. "

Oh boy.

The noise of your panties being ripped made you whole body tremble with desire. Jungkook wouldn’t even need to touch you to get you wet because you were already soaked.

"Look at that pussy, all wet, and I didn’t even touch you baby. My slaps left you like this, love? Or it was the fact that you saw me drowning in jealousy? "

"Both," you whispered, feeling his index finger caress your entrance.

"I'm about to fuck you in a way I've never done before. Can you handle it?”  He asked and you looked over your shoulder again, nodding. It was when you felt him penetrating hard, causing you to open and tighten around him at the same time.

"Shit," you murmured, rolling your eyes and squeezing your fingers on the arm of the sofa, moving your hips to get used to it inside you. Your cunt pulsing and threatening to give you an orgasm faster than expected.

"Give me your hair," he ordered, and you obeyed, lifting your head and tossing your hair back. Jungkook gathered each of your strands of hair in his hand and then wrapped it in his fist, pulling them lightly. "Are you ready?"

"Yes" You answered.

Jungkook laughed before using his wandering hand to grasp your waist. When he began to fuck you, you tried to hold back your groans, but the first few seconds he was in you, you were filled with pleasure and did not hold back, groaning loudly as Jungkook bit his lip and concentrated on digging deeply and with strength in you.

With every thrust, you went up to heaven and came back.

He pulled your hair hard and growled, making you bend your back and stand as he fucked you from behind.

"Say my name," he growled in your ear.


"Scream my name, now," he ordered, thrusting harder.

"Jungkook ... fuck." You screamed as your legs began to shake, bringing your hands back and holding onto Jungkook's hips, wanting even more movement, even stronger.

"Who you belong to?" He asked in your ear.

"To you."

"Who this fucking pussy belong to, (Y/N)?"

"You, Jungkook."

"That's it baby, now I want you to be a good girl and cum over my dick." And so he pushed your shoulder, causing you to bend again, loosening your hair and grabbing your waist, popping it in, making your moans grow even louder until you finally jumped in a burst of pleasure, screaming his name, not being able to remember anything else, as he'd said would happen.

Things were starting to get back to normal again.


all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.

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More Posts from Katebacks

6 years ago
So Cute, Omg
So Cute, Omg

So cute, omg <3

6 years ago


6 years ago

Our First Time - Park Jimin (M)


— pairing | Park Jimin/Reader — word c | 2,574 — genre | Boyfriend au!, Virgin au!  Non Idol au! Smut. — summary |  [ Jimin always wanted to be closer to you, and one day he finally succeeded. ]. — warnings/tags | I have no idea where I drew inspiration for it. Lol . Adult content, explicit sex, low slang words,


“Jiminie, baby, I'm home.” I was in the kitchen when I heard her voice from the living room, and then the sound of her keys falling on the coffee table. Her voice, followed by the sound of her keys, were two things I was very well accustomed to. (Y/N) and I had been dating for almost two years and I couldn’t get enough of hearing her come home, to our home.

She was beautiful. Always smiling, always making everyone smile around her. (Y/N) was a wonderful person and I was lucky to have her by my side. A few years ago I wouldn’t think we'd be dating today. I was too shy to say anything to her. I always froze when we were close to each other and when she talked to me, I could barely open my mouth to respond. I shouldn’t be like this, it was JungKook who was the shy one with women, I was the extrovert, but at that time, he was better off with her than I was. I don’t even know where I got the nerve to do that in that day.

It was late, we had just watched an anime marathon in the living room and (Y/N) wanted to leave, but it was too late for her to go alone, and the Hyungs were tired to take her home. The six then began a discussion to know in which room she would sleep, while I just stood still, curled up on the couch, wrapped in my blanket, watching as she laughed at the guys. She played with Hoseok, and laughed at some bad joke Jin had. I wanted to be like this with her. I wanted to make her laugh too, but I just could not. I wonder why? I never had no problem talking to girls, Jungkook it was like that at first, then why I was so shy around her, like I was a virgin? Well, I was, but that doesm’t mean anything.

"Why doesn’t she sleep with Jimin hyung?" Taehyung's voice caught my attention, making me look at him and make everyone look at me, including (Y/N). "He bought a King size bed, there's plenty of room for both of them."

"His bed may be large, but mine is more comfortable, not to mention I'll be in it." Jungkook said looking at me, teasing me. He knew I was jealous when she had to sleep in one of the members' bedrooms. I just stared at him, glaring at him furiously enough for him to back away.

"I never slept in Jimin’s room." Her voice said, making me look at her. (Y/N) smiled at me. "If you have no problem, can I sleep in your room today?" She asked and I opened my mouth to respond, but the words did not come out. Then I just nodded and gave her a small smile. Everyone then got up and went to their rooms. I did the same and (Y/N) followed me into my room. She had never entered my room, I had forgotten that, so I prayed my room was neat when I opened the door for her. As she entered, she dropped her cell phone on the dresser by the door and began to walk, looking up and down.

She stopped in front of the bed and sat on the edge, turning to me who was still standing in the bedroom door, deciding what to do. She let out a sigh and gave me a smile.

“C’mon Jiminie, I don’t bite. Come here." She called me with her hands. I closed the door behind me and sat next to her on the bed, looking anywhere but for her. An uncomfortable silence settled between us. “Jimin, Is it okay for you to me sleep here? If you're uncomfortable with me, just tell me, I can sleep with one of the others."

"No," I almost screamed, making her jump at my side. I scratched the back of my neck and looked at her. "It's just ... I … I’m shy… with you.”

“Are you shy with me? Why?” I shrugged, not knowing how to answer that. She bit her lip and it made the fire inside me burn. Shit, I couldn’t have an erection with her over there. "Why don’t we close the curtains, turn out the lights and try again? Maybe it could help."

It was not a bad idea.I got up and closed the curtains before turning off the bedroom lights. I knew the room very well to get to the bed without tripping over anything.

“What now?” I Asked.

"Now you talk to me, Jiminie. Why are you so shy around me?" Her voice asked and only then did I realize that I was standing in front of her sitting on the bed.

"I like you." I spoke without stammering, without hesitation, without freezing. The dark was really helping. I heard her laugh and then I felt her hands on my waist. My whole body shook with only her touch.

"Do you like me, Jiminie?" She was ... Oh no, she couldn’t be ... Is she flirting? With me? "Answer me, baby." She asked. Being called ‘baby’ by her was one of my biggest fantasies. Every time I jerk off thinking about her, it was with her calling me baby.

"Yes, (Y/N), I like you." I replied, almost in a whisper.

"Then you will not mind if I do this .." She slipped her hands through my shirt and carried them up to my back where she scratched it lightly with her fingernails. Soon after I felt her kisses on my abdomen, making me moan at the feel of her soft lips on my skin. And her hands that had come out of my back went down my thighs and up toward my cock that was hard on her. She stroked it and squeezed it over my shorts as I stroked her hair and face. I wouldn’t miss that chance for anything. (Y/N) took her hands up to the waistband of my pants and pulled it down, taking my underwear with it. Before I even felt her hands on my cock, I felt her lips kiss it, causing me to let out a low moan as she held it and began to masturbate me. It was much better than me masturbating for her. A thousand times better. Soon her mouth was around my cock and my moan this time came out a little louder. She sucked me alternating between sucking lightly and with a little more force, which ripped me moans and sighs.

I closed my eyes and stroked her hair before opening them again, widening them when I remember that I had no condoms. Holy shit Jimin, you are so stupid. What do I do now? The woman I'm in love with is in front of me, making me a blowjob, and I can’t tell her that I'm an inexperienced virgin and that I don’t have a condom with me. Can i?

"(Y/N) ... I'm going to interrupt this moment, pretty quickly.." I whispered breathlessly resting my hands on her shoulders, unable to see her face in the darkness. She just mumbled something and putting my dick deep in her throat, almost making me cum. “Shit ... I ... I don’t have a condom with me.”

She laughed, pulling me out of her mouth.

“ And now?"

“Hm, I'm going to get with Yoongi, he sure must have one, and if he doesn’t, there is another five guys living in this house, it's not possible that neither of them will not have a condom.”

“Okay, I'll wait here.” She said pulling my shorts and my underwear up. I walked with my arms outstretched toward the bedroom door. As I left, I felt the wall in the dark until I found a door. I opened it and went into the bedroom, turning on the lights. Yoongi was lying on his bed on his stomach, with the blanket up to his waist, he had both arms open and his head off the pillow.

“Hyung?” I called, but he did not move. “Yoongi, wake up.” I said shaking him. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked before focusing on me and looking at me with a killer look. He hated being awakened.

"The house is on fire?" He asked, looking at me with a serious expression.

"No, Hyung, why do you think so?" I asked, frowning.

"Because that's the only plausible reason for you to wake me up without me trying to kill you." He grunted between his teeth.

"Sorry, but I just ... I need a favor ..." I said scratching the back of my neck. He sighed and began to sit on the bed. “Can I borrow one ... A condom?”

"Why do you want a ...?" He stopped rubbing his eyes and stared at me for a few seconds. “Oh.” And he laughed. I didn’t understand what he meant, until he reached out, opening the drawer of the bedside table, and from there picked up a closed package, tossing it to me. "Keep it in your wallet, brat.” And he lay down again. "And don’t let Jin hear you two or he'll start with a speech about sexuality that you will not want to hear, trust me."

“Thank you Hyung.” I smiled and walked to the door, but before I left I turned to him. "And I'm sorry for waking you up."

“Okay, now, get out of here before I set you on fire.” He laughed and waved his hand. I turned off the light and left the room, going towards my, feeling the walls.

“Baby?” I called as I entered the room and closed the door.

“I'm here.” She answered. I put the condom pack on the bedside table and lay on the bed, leaning over her and kissing her. I stroked her body with my hands, before pulling her shorts down along with her underwear and tossing it away. She helped me take off her blouse and bra, and so I kissed the valley of her breasts, squeezing them between my hands feeling even more aroused to have all that body for me.

I lowered my kisses down her abdomen until I reached between her legs. I kissed her thighs and stroked them with my fingers, wrapping them around her, before putting my mouth in her pussy and starting to eat her out. I will not deny it, I dreamed about it almost every night.

"You're so sweet. God, I want to drown in your juice, baby."

Her hands went into my hair and she pulled it lightly while moaning low sounds, which only made my fire burn even more. I usually had an uncontrollable urge to kiss her all the time, all over her body, but in that moment and under those circumstances, I didn’t want to stop kissing her anymore.

"Please ..." she whispered as I still eating her pussy, using my tongue to caress her. “Please Jimin, please me.” I gave her one last intimate kiss before getting up and picking up the condom pack and opening it. I had already put condoms once to try it, and I knew how to put it, but it was dark and I wasn’t seeing anything. Fortunately, I managed to put it on. I lay down on (Y/N), eager to get inside her, and to feel her. I snuggled in the entrance of her pussy and slowly pushed myself inside her, moaning all the way, as she did too.

"You're so big, baby.” She whispered and a shiver ran down my spine as i heard her sweet voice so full of pleasure. When I was totally inside her, I felt her hands on my shoulders, pulling me down. I lay on top of her, wrapping my arms under her back, holding onto her shoulders, and began to move inside her, gradually increasing the speed until I was thrusting up hard and hard.

“Shh, baby.” I whispered to her. "They'll hear us ... Bite my shoulder, if you want ... Okay?"

“Okay.” She answered in a husky voice as she arched her back.

"You're so hot, baby. I can do this for the rest of my life. Fuck, this pussy is so good for me.”

"Oh promise me we'll do this many times baby ..." She moaned and then bit my shoulder lightly. I smiled and lowered my head, resting it on the fold of her neck, kissing and nibbling.

“I promise. I promise love.” I whispered, increasing the strength and speed of the thrusts as her arms pressed me against her.

"Oh my God, I can’t..." She said pulling my hand and placing it in her mouth as a sign that I would help her keep quiet. I took that chance to do what I wanted most. I rested my hand on the bed and began to thrust slowly and hard, making her squeal through my hand until her wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me to her. I hugged her trembling body beneath me.

“God.” She whispered.

“Are you alright?” I asked and felt his hands on my face. Soon she gave me a slow kiss.

“Yes, now do me a favor, put me on all fours and cum for me.” She said making me giggle. I obeyed. As I slid into her, I began slow movements, until I was bent over her, holding her hands tightening the sheet and stocking willingly, moaning undecipherable sounds next to her.

“Fuck (Y/N), you have no idea how much I waited for this ... You're so soft. So hot baby, shit ... I will not hold out for long.”

"Then don’t hold back, Jimin." As soon as her words hit my ears, I bit my lips to hold my moan of pleasure as I finally cum, still fucking her hard. I pressed my face into her back, unable to move. My breath was totally out of control, and my heart beat super fast. We were both sweaty and tired. I lay down beside her and pulled her to me. I couldn’t believe it had actually happening.

We decided to take a shower together. It would have taken less time in the shower if she hadn’t turned her back to me under the shower and asked for more. It was almost two o'clock in the morning and the shower was on, as I was behind her, going deep into that paradise she had between her legs.

"Earth for Park Jimin" I returned to the present time to see (Y/N) standing in front of me, snapping her fingers. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, hey, baby," I said, giving him a kiss. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just remembering something."

"And what was it?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, caressing the back of my neck with the tips of her fingers. God, I never tired of that touch.

"Our first time." I said smiling. (Y/N) smirked and brought her face closer to mine.

"Well, why don’t we remember that in practice? I would love you to fuck me in our bathroom." She said in a sensual voice, making my body shiver. Oh boy.

"Wait for me in the tub, baby." I said holding her chin and giving her light kisses on her jaw. "I'm going to fuck you like it's our first time.”


all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018/2019 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.

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6 years ago


That's bad, love. I hope you're okay now 💜