I'm a fan of so many things, I can't even scratch the surface in a description, but you will find all my fandoms here. I will be posting pics and just generally putting my crazy thoughts about my life and my fandoms out there for the whole world to see.
97 posts
I Had A Discussion With My Mom Tonight About The Upcoming Solar Eclipse On Monday And Found Out Exactly
I had a discussion with my mom tonight about the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday and found out exactly how much audacity the local Chamber of Commerce has.
You see, my mom works for the town library, and the library, as a member of said organization, was asked to wait to provide free eclipse viewing glasses until the Chamber had the chance to sell some for a profit.
The asking price?
$50!!! Fifty fucking dollars!!!!
For the cardboard piece of shit glasses that you can buy at the Wal-Mart 4 pair for 5 bucks or get for free with an Eclipse slush at Sonic!
The fucking audacity!
We are in the path of totality here and will be in it for just under 4 minutes, so the price of everything has soared for the weekend, including hotel rooms at our 2 just barest of okeyest hotels, has skyrocketed.
The price on those hotel rooms?
Starts at $675 a night this weekend. Starts there!
That, and most of the surrounding area hotels are sold out at those prices. We are not metropolitan, just rural with a little bit of industrial mixed in. We should not at all be able to command that pricing.
One of the local churches wants fifty bucks to park in their parking lot to watch it, and a few other places around followed suit. Private residents want anywhere from ten to fifty dollars to park on their property.
The gas prices here are up because of a predicted peak in use. There's an Eclipse Festival at the fairgrounds this weekend, with bands playing all weekend, and the pricing on it seems to be the only reasonably priced thing in the entire racket.
Our entire city collectively lost their minds in a money grab over this eclipse thing.
More Posts from Keavathemultifandomdiva
I feel like this is a photo from a post nuclear disaster movie. It's more likely just a photo from tornado season, or just extreme straight line wind.

I love you so much I hope we get reborn as housecats who sleep together like puzzle pieces
Today, I submitted a short story to a professional editor. I went to a symposium over the weekend, and there will be two rounds of edits, then submission into a contest. The winners will be published. Here's hoping I get published for the first time.
#Digital Library
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people