keloshe-sims - keloshe-sims

Welcome to my tumblr! I mostly post cc i've made, recolored, converted, or revived for free of course! Enjoy!

605 posts




Band Kid: Sarah Hillside

Grade: 10

Favorite listen: R U Down?

Favorite Watch: Nope (movie)

Dream College: Uob; Fine Arts

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More Posts from Keloshe-sims

2 years ago
Meet Gwen And Crow!~
Meet Gwen And Crow!~
Meet Gwen And Crow!~

meet gwen and crow!~

I’ve been wanting to do a household with an occult for quite some time, and i ended up creating gwen and her familiar, crow. I will be posting gameplay if you guys are interested. ( im waiting for infants to resume wren’s story ) if anyone has any legacy challenges that include occults, please let me know!

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2 years ago
I Was Tagged By @bl-sims-anime!! Thank You For Thinking Of Me, Your Pictures Are So Vivid And Bright,

I was tagged by @bl-sims-anime!! Thank you for thinking of me, your pictures are so vivid and bright, I love them!!

"Allow me to introduce myself, 'cause I am new here!"

My name is Cher Hilton!

Are you named after anyone? Yes!!! Cher comes from Cher on the movie Clueless, and Hilton comes from Paris Hilton, the heiress to a hotel empire.

2. When was the last time you cried? OMG, last night, I'm engaged!!

3. Do you have any kids? Hello, no!

4. Do you use sarcasm? Who, me?

5. What's the first thing you notice about people? When I was young, their bank account!

6. What's your eye color? Blue!

7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, definitely!

8. Any special talents? Singing and modeling baby!

9. Where were you born? Del Sol Valley

10. What are your hobbies? Shopping, yoga, shopping, spending money, did I say shopping?

11. Have any pets? Nope!

12. What sports have you played? This face is too pretty to break!

13. How tall are you? 5'9

14. Favorite school subject? Lunch?

15. Dream job? I'm living the dream!! Modeling and singing are it for me, I am one happy girl!

This was fun! And Cher really enjoyed talking about herself! I would like to tag @minmin-sims, @sweetsimapples, @simstrashkingdom, @eljeebee, @keiyad, @edenella. As always, no pressure to do this!

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2 years ago

Entry 3

You know what I love most in the morning? Running into the local gang!!

Entry 3
Entry 3

I quickly decided I didn't need to eat cereal and headed on to Portsim High. If I was gonna be seen around town trying to solve what happened to my mom might as well make her happy and get an education out of it!!

Entry 3

I didn't expect however to run into Tommy while I was in the principle office

Entry 3
Entry 3

I will admit he's kinda cute but if what if Whintey wrote in her journal is true I'm not gonna come between them.

Entry 3

you know what I love more than anything?? Pointless classwork like cmon I rather write in my journal then do this stupid spaghetti thing

Entry 3

On the bright side tho I did get to talk to Tommy and he's kinda cool. I didn't ask him about Whitney because 1) we just met and 2) Deja came up and took the rest of the lunch period

Entry 3

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2 years ago

I’m walking around my babies room looking to see what my sims need bc the lack of real clutter is hurting me

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2 years ago

how i have been updating eye cc

in warehouse, i set the AgeGender's value to "000030FE" for one swatch. then, on the same swatch in studio, i apply to all swatches. boom! works for all ages, including infants!

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