ketchfantrolls - . ketch's alternia .
. ketch's alternia .

ketch - 18+ - @windy-trickster ilyyyyyother art blog is @ketch-sideblog

630 posts

Ketchfantrolls - . Ketch's Alternia . - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

Hi, I've noticed the colors of my art get desaturated when uploaded to artfight. This doesn't happen to the thumbnails, as they are more vibrant and true to the original image than the actual attack. Is this just an unfortunate image compression thing that the website does or can I avoid this? :) ty

This is a known issue with users who use Procreate. Check to make sure that your canvases are set to a sRGB color setting instead of a P3 color setting; the latter is the cause of desaturation.

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8 months ago
Saying "voting Doesn't Matter" Might Reach Your Younger Peers Online But It Certainly Hasn't Reached

Saying "voting doesn't matter" might reach your younger peers online but it certainly hasn't reached Clangus Hargbarg who was part of the kkk in 1951 and still sends in his ballot. He hasn't missed a one.

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9 months ago

The Voice of The Goddess

1 / 2 The crackling of static droned throughout an empty, unlit dingy room. The static, oddly rhythmic, was playing from a banged up looking husktop atop of an old dusty counter. That was Psiloc's husktop, but this wasn't Psiloc's hive. No, it was some old, abandoned hive the Purpleblood had found in his travels, the place where he'd normally meet up with regulars to play his little role as a dealer of sorts. Normally he'd only be here in the best of spirits, chatting it up with friends and clients with his usual goofy grin and laxed speech pattern. Tho he was alone to night. Just him, the dull glow from his husktop and the static that blared loudly in his ears. Despite being coldblooded, his entire body from head to toe felt like it was on fire, his eyes were wide and reddened, pupils so small you could mistake him for not being born with any! His mouth agape, head casted downwards towards the husktop that sit in front of him. Everything felt so far away, but also too sickeningly close all at the same time. The aftereffects of the usual drugs he clogged himself up with were gone. Psiloc was sober. Sober after so long of diluting himself, after so long of SOMEONE ELSE fuckin' diluting him as well. A low groan escaped his lips as his head suddenly jerked upwards, a loud crack ripping through the silence. He was going to feel that the next night, or maybe he wouldn't, who knows at this rate. Nothing felt real to him, Psiloc almost wanted to believe he hadn't just violently craned his neck upwards, his eyes casted to the ceiling as the static seemed to fade out, leaving him in icy silence. The Purpleblood kept his eyes on the ceiling as if transfixed on something, something he couldn't see although knew was there. The faded reds of his normally yellowed sclera grew redder and redder by the moment as memories erupted from somewhere deep inside of him. The Clurch, his sister and her hive, the food, the drink she prepared for him that one time. How his sister seemed to avoid him, how she never seemed interested in what he did despite ALWAYS showing his support towards everything his sister did. Psiloc slowly reached up and brushed his cold fingertips against his face, his heart beating fast as he felt the minimal dried paint on his face. He dragged his nails downwards until they touched his throat, his fingers slowly curling around it as something new brushed against his ears. A voice; a woman's voice to be exact. Someone pulling him from his thoughts, his large ears perking up to catch what she was saying. It all sounded like hushed gibberish him, but something told him to keep listening. He strained, growling out softly in pain as he forced himself to block out any external noise, if there was even any present expect for the rhythmic static that sounded oh so far away by now. Psiloc gripped his throat harder, eyes wide as he stood up slowly. The voice called to him, whispering twisted thoughts and ideas into his head, a nasty miasma of murderous thoughts that Psiloc could never consider doing himself. He wasn't like the others; he wouldn't stoop to the lows of murder and bloodshed no matter how hard someone tried to force him. Although one sentence caught his attention, one he both didn't and did understand. "Rise, Seer of Light. Reclaim what has 6een taken from you." [Psiloc Cerrum is unavailable for asks]

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9 months ago
The Shadowshroom Infection: Part 1/2

The Shadowshroom Infection: Part 1/2

Hiya! This is a little worldbuilding I did for Alternia in regards to the mentioned ~hordes of the undead~

It’s simple in concept really, trolls is bugs so naturally they would be affected by a form of cordyceps fungi!

In my own geography, these mushrooms are relegated to one side of The Peaks, a gargantuan mountain range because of the particularly frigid weather helping them thrive.

Part 2 will be the infection effect’s timeline visual and what not!

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9 months ago

lemme just

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9 months ago
Hey, It's Me, Ya Girl, Still Sick In Her Apartment!
Hey, It's Me, Ya Girl, Still Sick In Her Apartment!
Hey, It's Me, Ya Girl, Still Sick In Her Apartment!
Hey, It's Me, Ya Girl, Still Sick In Her Apartment!

Hey, it's me, ya girl, still sick in her apartment! 🤧

This month's brushes are complete! You can download all nine brushes free of charge; just save it and install 'em to Clip Studio. Instructions are included, too. Thanks again for your support!

Past Freebie Brushes | Subscriber Brushes | And My Brush Tag

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9 months ago

just wondering, is your autism medically diagnosed or self diagnosed?

who fucking cares

10 months ago
Been Struggling To Doodle My Fantrolls For Awhile Now. So, I Decided To Do This Cute Little Simple Doodle

Been struggling to doodle my fantrolls for awhile now. So, I decided to do this cute little simple doodle of Amoret! Not my best work, but it's helped me a little with this artblock. Enjoy my baby girl <3

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10 months ago
Yeah So I'm Dumb About A Song Againhere's A Little Gif That Somewhat Matches The Beat

yeah so I'm dumb about a song again here's a little gif that somewhat matches the beat

10 months ago

yeah sorry i cant come over tonight i'm busy

Yeah Sorry I Cant Come Over Tonight I'm Busy

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10 months ago


[Event happens a couple nights after attack]

Anahit was resting within her cocoon, her face poking halfway through the semi-thick, gooey green slime. Her eyes were closed, head tilted back slightly as she rested her aching body. Her shoulder burned with a dull pain, her back still screaming at her from the impact of the rock that was thrown at her. After being attacked, Anahit’s neighbor, Veketi, the person she hated for basically all of her life, had been staying with her for the past couple of nights, making sure she was resting and helping her tend to her wounds. A groan escaped her lips as she moved her shoulder, huffing softly. That bone would leave a scar, that she knew for sure. Anahit attempted to sink herself deeper into the slime until a knock sounded from outside of her respiteblock. She hissed out a sigh while pulling herself up, muttering “who is it” grumpily under her breath. “It’s simply me, Anahit. Someone is here to see you and I was going to allow her entrance to your respiteblock, but I thought I’d ask first before I did so.” Veketi’s voice spoke from behind the door as Anahit craned her neck up slightly, looking over the edge of her cocoon. Someone was here to see her? Well, that could mean one of two people. Even if she cared for them both, she was hoping it was one over the other. “Let her in,” Anahit said softly, adjusting herself so she’s properly sitting upright. The door opened and a familiar lowblood girl shuffled into the room before her eyes landed on Anahit, moving over to the side of her cocoon quickly. “Annie…!” Zyzbon frowned the moment she laid eyes on her matesprite, leaning on the side of her matesprite’s cocoon. Anahit just smiled softly and freed one of her hands from the slime, laying it over the cocoon so her matesprite could gently grasp it within her own, pressing her cheek against Anahit’s palm. “My dear Zyzbon…” Anahit mumbled softly while resting her head against the rim of the cocoon, her eyes softened and half-lidded as she stared at her matesprite. A comfortable silence washed over the room as Zyzbon gently played with Anahit’s fingers, carefully bending and flexing them. Anahit could feel the anxiety radiating off her beloved, her heart aching a little at the sheer idea of Zyzbon being worried about her. Anahit opened her mouth to speak, but was silenced once Zyzbon beat her to it. “Are… Are you okay, Annie…? Your… Your neighbor told me what happened and… And I wanted to come see you.” Zyzbon knew that wasn’t the truth, how else would she explain how she knew Anahit was hurt? Anahit was quiet for a moment before she spoke. “I’m fine, dear. I just need to rest for a while… Then I’ll be back to my old self, alright?” Zyzbon shifted her weight as she squeezed her lover’s hand in hers, looking down at the Burgundyblood in her cocoon. “D-Does Cerrin know…?” Her question came out a lot softer than she wanted it to, making Anahit take a moment to process what she said. The Burgundyblood clicked her tongue, looking away from the other lowblood. “No”, she said softly as her gaze remained on the wall in front of her. Zyzbon nodded and decided to not push any further, leaning more of her body weight onto the cocoon. That same comfortable silence once again fell over them, Anahit starting to sink back into her cocoon. “Annie…?” Zyzbon’s voice came out softly, making the Burgundyblood looking over at her with softened eyes. Zyzbon gently squeezed her matesprite’s hand. “Can… Can I stay with you for a bit…? J-Just to make sure you’re okay. Please?” Anahit laughed softly with a smile, nodding. “Of course, dear. Whatever makes you feel better.” Zyzbon smiled at this, her four ears wiggling softly. “Red for you, Anahit…” “Red for you too, Zyzbon.”

Zyzbon - @ketchfantrolls Cerrin - @wormstuck

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10 months ago

All of the colors :)

WOAHHHHHHH. all colors.....

10 months ago

guess who made one of those ask game things :] yknow cause why not

Guess Who Made One Of Those Ask Game Things :] Yknow Cause Why Not

you know the drill

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10 months ago

mossy moss + ourple :) + mint + babybel wrapper

Awwwhhhwh yayayaya!!!

Friend!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

Mossy Moss + Ourple :) + Mint + Babybel Wrapper

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10 months ago
ketchfantrolls - . ketch's alternia .
10 months ago

al colrs

Took you long enough /affectionate /silly /<3

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10 months ago

Who has the most delicate nasal passage. Answer me NOW!!! /silly

Who Has The Most Delicate Nasal Passage. Answer Me NOW!!! /silly
10 months ago
Note: I Am By No Means A Professional In Health Or Otherwise. This Is Personal Experience. I Made This
Note: I Am By No Means A Professional In Health Or Otherwise. This Is Personal Experience. I Made This
Note: I Am By No Means A Professional In Health Or Otherwise. This Is Personal Experience. I Made This

Note: I am by no means a professional in health or otherwise. This is personal experience. I made this as a metaphor to help my parents understand me better.

10 months ago

Hello everybody.

Please share resources and don’t keep silent about Palestine. Dedicate your day for them today. Do not ignore them, do not let their voices go unheard.

Here are some resources you can share around:

daily click

esims for Gaza

call for a ceasefire

donate feminine hygiene kits

learn about Palestine

Education, sources, donations

Shut it down for Palestine

Please do not ignore this post, share as much information and resources as you can for Palestine.

10 months ago

She's at her hive at the moment. Her neighbor's been taking care of her.

She's At Her Hive At The Moment. Her Neighbor's Been Taking Care Of Her.

ZYZBON: okay.. i'm gonna go over. ///

ZYZBON: thank yoU for telling me all this. i don't think anahit woUld have.. ///

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10 months ago

Oh she'd never avoid you. But uh... She was attacked by someone who hurt her in the past. She's safe now, but I doubt she's alright in other regards...

Oh She'd Never Avoid You. But Uh... She Was Attacked By Someone Who Hurt Her In The Past. She's Safe

ZYZBON: oh no... she was attacked?? ///

ZYZBON: but she's safe now..? where is she? do you think she would feel better if I came over to see her? ///

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10 months ago

Hey Zyz? Have you heard from Anahit lately? :(

-> Zyzbon looks a bit upset.

Hey Zyz? Have You Heard From Anahit Lately? :(

ZYZBON: no.. ///

ZYZBON: do yoU think.. she's avoiding me?.. ///

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