My drawings, my ideas, everything I draw is all for you
38 posts
Kiarasd - SD Kiar - Tumblr Blog

Hello again, and again I apologize for the absence, I just had no idea what exactly to draw. But I was inspired by the “tadc freakshow” fandom and the character Able itself, as conceived by the author @SM-babe.

Hello everyone guys, Merry Christmas to everyone, I wish you a lot of good things in the future and happiness, and for you I drew myself and my characters: Caesar, Chace and Morel. (*´˘`*)♡. I’m so sorry that I just drew it crookedly :_)

Hello everyone, sorry that I was gone for a long time :_) I just didn’t have time, or I was just lazy. In the meantime, here are the drawings I recently drew (´・ω・`)

I had to suffer over my hair, but I did it 😆

And plus a BONUS! 😏

I tried 😁
Hi, sorry if I'm distracting. Please tell me you still draw pro tales of moonlight city? And yes, I really like your drawings on this topic😁. I can show you my drawings if you want.
No worries!
Actually yes I have! I am currently working as a freelance comic artist/thumbnail artist, so been pretty busy, but I have been working on TOMC slowly but surely!
I MIGHT show pictures this year, but we will see how it goes! (Currently reworking on the story and such!)
Hello guys, sorry for being away for a long time, I had some business, so please forgive me🥲. And so I decided and drew you on the topic"Tales of moonlight city ". I was very inspired by this fandom, because it is unusual and a bit like"Cuphead" 🤔 . If you want me to continue to draw something like this, then write and make me continue to draw at your request, I will wait for everyone to have a good day👋😁.
Hi everyone, I'm new.👋 this is my 1st work of art. Don't judge too harshly.☺💗