kiarathace - kiara 🎀
kiara 🎀

Hiii, I'm Kiara and I love reading, sketching and writing ✨ ¦ 19 ¦

75 posts

I Actually Quite Like This One

I Actually Quite Like This One

I actually quite like this one 🎉🎉

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More Posts from Kiarathace

1 year ago

The manliest man ✨

I Couldn't Sleep Last Night, So I Figured I Would Draw Something While I Waited For My Sleep Meds To

I couldn't sleep last night, so I figured I would draw something while I waited for my sleep meds to kick in

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1 year ago

Hi, it's your friendly neighbourhood budget Spiderman!

Hi, It's Your Friendly Neighbourhood Budget Spiderman!

I tried shading! but I still couldn't get his hand right 😔

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1 year ago

This is top tier kinda stuff ✨🙏

Keigo Takami/Hawks - Anything For You

Keigo Takami/Hawks - Anything For You

Summary: Being a Pro Hero, Keigo almost always gets hurt and when he does, he always comes to you so that you can take care of him.

Warnings: not much really, bruises and minor scrapes ig?

WC: 680

Keigo Takami/Hawks - Anything For You

A/N - This one is kind of short, but I really hope you guys enjoy this little story for Hawks anyway!


Keigo Takami/Hawks - Anything For You

Since you met Keigo when you became a girlfriend over 5 years ago now, he’s always told you how he’ll always be there to protect you, no matter what.

It’s in his nature, he’s a Pro Hero, after all.

The problem with this is that he never really bothers to protect himself, I mean, he eats, drinks all of that other stuff he definitely needs to do to take care of himself, but he definitely does not put his life before yours, and to be completely honest, him doing that kind of pisses you off sometimes.

You know that Keigo loves you pretty much as much as you love him, but seeing him putting his mental and physical health on the line worries you to no end.

"I'm home, baby bird." You hear Keigo's all so familiar voice call out just as you hear the front door of your shared apartment shut.

“I'm in the kitchen, K!" You respond back as you continue working on dinner for the 2 of you.

You continue to stir the stew in the pot as you hear Keigo's footsteps come closer to the kitchen doorway.

A moment passes when you hear his footsteps stop, which causes you to turn your head to face him as he stands in the kitchen doorway.

The smile that you have on your face as you turn to him, dissapears as soon as you see the scrapes and bruises on his face.

You lower the heat on the oven before rushing over to him, cupping his cheeks when you get to him.

"K, what happened?" You ask. "What are these scrapes and bruises from?"

"Nothing you need to worry about baby bird, I promise." He responds before he places a kiss to your cheek.

"K, this isn't nothing." You say with a shake of your head. "You know I hate seeing you hurt."

"I know you do." Keigo nods as he takes your hands in his as they still rest on his cheeks. "But it's not that serious, so you don't need to worry about me, okay?" He continues before starting to walk away from you so that he can go take a shower and then relax after a long day of hero work.

Here he goes again, not really caring about how he's hurt.

You let out a gentle sigh as you quickly grab his hand, dragging him towards your shared bedroom.

"What are you-"

"What does it look like I'm doing K?" You ask, cutting him off. "I'm taking care of you bird for brains."

The 2 of you enter your shared bedroom with you telling him to sit on the edge of the bed before going into the connected bathroom, grabbing the small first aid kit that you keep under the sink so that you can disinfect the scrapes and cuts on his face.

Once you have the first aid kit, you make your way over to him, setting it down on the bed beside him before slipping into his lap so that you can take a closer look at the minor injuries on his face.

"Whatcha doin' there baby bird?" Keigo asks you with a soft chuckle as you (e/c) eyes look over his face intently.

“Just making sure that you’re okay.” you answer gently before your eyes meet his golden ones.

"Baby bird," he begins, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “You don’t have to worry about these little scrapes and bruises. You know I’m used to it.”

And again, he's not caring about his wellbeing when it comes to him getting hurt while doing pro hero work.

You let out a gentle sigh again as you wrap your arms around his neck.

“You want me to be happy right, Keigo?” you ask, to which he instantly nods in reply too causing you to smile at him. “Then, take care of yourself, that's what makes me happy. Okay?”

Keigo looks surprised for a brief moment before he lets out a laugh. “Of course, baby bird, anything for you.”

Keigo Takami/Hawks - Anything For You

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