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So I Did A Quick Google Search, And Brooches Are Often Used To Indicate Someones Class, Status, That

So I did a quick Google search, and brooches are often used to indicate someone’s class, status, that sort of thing. On the surface, it may seem like Jeremy gifting Shuri the brooch was a sort of reminder for her to stop tarnishing the family name and act more like a noble.

But brooches also symbolize love, devotion, and hidden desires. Of course, it could be referencing Jeremy’s romantic feelings for Shuri, but I think it could also mean how they both wanted to make up with each other and actually be a family, but they never truly tried to bridge that gap between them. Which is why he gives her a necklace in the 2nd timeline: because they are a true family this time around.

For Nora, it’s insanely obvious that he’s in love with Shuri, but she hasn’t picked up on that yet. So his hidden desire is to be with Shuri in a romantic capacity rather than a platonic one, while also showing his love and devotion towards her no matter what happens between them.

So I’ve always wondered why Jeremy’s brooch changed to a necklace in the second timeline.

Potential spoilers below

I haven’t read the novel so this is a shot in the dark, but… is this supposed to reference the necklace(s) that Shuli has received in the past? Like the mysterious necklace that Johannes discovered and the eagle necklace from Theo?

In fiction, necklaces can be a symbol of devotion and protection, but in this case, it can also symbolize a collar. Spice&Kitty/ORKA use Shuli’s neck scar as a way to remind us of her vulnerability. That she can disappear at any moment. A necklace may shield her, or may be the very item that strangles her.

My theory is that Jeremy’s gift will be used as evidence against them during the holy trial. Theo’s necklace would serve as the perfect narrative decoy for readers to be wary about. Meanwhile, the biggest piece of evidence used against her is the necklace we’ve all come to love.

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More Posts from Kibo-ichiro

9 months ago

I was doing a reread of the Hunting Competition arc when I saw this panel in chapter 78:

I Was Doing A Reread Of The Hunting Competition Arc When I Saw This Panel In Chapter 78:

So maybe Nora’s lightbulb moment is him deciding on whether to dress up for Shuri more often or to dress down?

so there's a panel that always confuses me...

ch 83 spoilers

In Ch 82. JerShuNora go to the festival and attend a gallery show.

So There's A Panel That Always Confuses Me...

As they're looking around, Jeremy brings up the topic of his physique and asks Shuri to compare him to a muscular statue (that totally isn't a mini statue of David).

So There's A Panel That Always Confuses Me...

While we get some shirtless Jeremy fan-service, Nora asks Shuri why she's familiar with Jeremy's physique. At first I thought this was alluding to the upcoming puppet show and the snowball of rumors between Shuri and Jeremy, but there's something else I'm confused by.

So There's A Panel That Always Confuses Me...

In the next panel, Shuri and Jeremy move to the exit while Nora has a lightbulb moment. We never get to find out what this is. Even a side comment from Jeremy says "What are you thinking about?"

Just what was he thinking about? The moment suggests that it's something lighthearted but I can't put my finger on what it might be.

Did he realize that Shuri might also be familiar with his measurements? She has bought clothes for him before.

Or maybe he realized that he can flex (literally) for Shuri to swoon for him? But we don't really see any indication that Nora changed any behaviors. Even the chest scene happened unintentionally while he was asleep.

Maybe I'm blind but I'm stumped here. If anyone has any guesses, please let me know!

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8 months ago

So a while back I won a cheap eBay auction listing for a collection of love letters from the first world war.

They arrived today, and…the listing was WAY more than I expected for the price I won it for. There’s over 100, and they’re not just from WWI, but from 1906 (earliest I’ve found so far) through to 1915.

Charlie writes to his girlfriend, Gertrude. This is the most beautiful, lovesick stuff I’ve ever read. He sends her so many letters, sometimes twice a day, and lots of poems. He seems to have been an artist, as he talks a lot about small exhibitions of his stuff, and included a flyer for one. He also talks about how her parents don’t approve of them and how he’s desperately awaiting the day they’ll be married.

I haven’t found the latest of the letters, but the fact it’s up until 1915 and then stops…doesn’t give me hope for a happy ending.

This man continuously refers to his precious beloved Gertie as his queen and goddess, and whilst most of it is sickly sweet, there’s some raunchy stuff too, with him talking about how he can’t wait until they have a little house together and can ‘please each other all day’…

So A While Back I Won A Cheap EBay Auction Listing For A Collection Of Love Letters From The First World
So A While Back I Won A Cheap EBay Auction Listing For A Collection Of Love Letters From The First World
So A While Back I Won A Cheap EBay Auction Listing For A Collection Of Love Letters From The First World
So A While Back I Won A Cheap EBay Auction Listing For A Collection Of Love Letters From The First World

There’s. So many.

I’m going to put them in order by date, read them through, and then maybe even transcribe them so we can find out a bit about Charlie and Gertie’s love story.

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8 months ago

enough toxic masculinity I'm ready for salubrious mexicanity. I'm ready for a social movement that encourages (esp straight, cis) men to indulge in things that make them more joyful, emotionally healthy, and help them strengthen not core muscles but core compassionate communication skills.

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