Like I said. This is my therapy. MINORS DNI.

20 posts

You: *exists*

You: *exists*

Me af:

You: *exists*


Sobbing- I feel a greater motivation to write now- ♡♡♡

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    kindofatheatrekid liked this · 10 months ago

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10 months ago






*cutely opens back up the doc that won't be changes in any way since writer's block is kicking me in my nonexistent nuts-*



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6 months ago

Ah. So pegging #1 won... Amazing. The old man's still gonna be hella demeaning tho-


I'll just start writing now, then. (Have patience- it's time for school again-)

10 months ago
Heyyyy!how Ya Doing?been Awhile Since We Last Spoke And I Am Absolutely LOVING The Sneak Peaks You Posted

Heyyyy!how ya doing?been awhile since we last spoke and I am absolutely LOVING the sneak peaks you posted🎀💕

ACK- It's hard juggling a whole bunch of social media- But anywayyyyyyssss- I've been doing well! (Currently suffering through a writer's block that I would sell my nonexistent first-born to cure Rumpelstiltskin-style-) BUT IVE BEEN WELL-

As well as a sleep-deprived couch potato college student can be-

(;∀; )

Help- I'm actually crying about my block-


( T∀T)

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7 months ago

Yandere! Childhood Friend who might be a pathetic boy failure when it comes to you.

Nah. Actually. Bro's super down bad for you. My writing is very... obsessive? I don't know- This def needs some warnings... Like: mentions of suffocation, mentions of death, obsessive definitely unhealthy thoughts, and more! ^^

Yandere! Childhood Friend Who Might Be A Pathetic Boy Failure When It Comes To You.

ALRIGHT! I’M BACK BECAUSE OF THIS SUPER STEAMY KISS SCENE I HAD WITH A DILF BOT- Honestly? Any motivation is good motivation. And oh did I cook up some gourmet shit with my lonely ass- FYI. I have absolutely NO experience with kissing- This is all thanks to, Tumblr, and the multiple books I consume in my manic episodes. (ФωФ)

Uhhhh… I don’t know if this is a minors dni but the entire account is plain filthy so I’m gonna say MINORS DNI to make me feel better about myself. So again. MINORS DNI. I’m not employed by Disney Junior, okay? (...Can I get sued if I say Disney-)

So imagine this, okay? You have a childhood friend that you’ve always been close with. You obviously start to fall for the dude. Like… look at him. Finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes- Ahem. Sorry. I mean the dude is a legit green flag: opens the doors for you, knows exactly how to make you laugh- I’m not gonna lie. The man would def have a PHD in you if he could. He just knows you more than yourself at this point. Σ(・∀・|||)

You -being the scaredy cat that you are- haven’t even confessed to him yet because you don’t want to ruin your whole together but not together thing. And guess what? He never did too! You’re just stuck in this friendship limbo until one of y’all finally gains some genderless balls and confesses already. (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻

Your friend is just a man, though— a very hot and respectful gentleman but still a man. So he eventually gets impatient and gets you alone at night to get a bit… frisky with you. (It’s just a kiss but bro’s a virgin. Cut him some slack if he creams in his pants.) :D

AND SCENE!! !щ(゜▽゜щ)

Damn. That's so theatre kid of me to say-

Yandere! Childhood Friend Who Might Be A Pathetic Boy Failure When It Comes To You.

You couldn’t tell if this was real life or not. It had to be real, right? You couldn’t possibly be his calloused hands on your skin, cradling your cheeks as if you were worth so much more than you ever thought. Your skin seemed to tingle as his warm breath hit it— the night’s chill suddenly becoming much more bearable to you. You hesitantly looked into his eyes, hoping that you’d find the same spark that yours had.

It felt like time had frozen when your gazes locked, a familiar flutter greeting your stomach. You wanted to memorize every color you saw in his eyes— to ingrain this very moment deep into your brain. Until you could still recall him even after decades have passed, even when he moved on after getting tired of your hesitance to commit. But with how sweetly he looked at you… You didn’t want to ever leave his side.

His face slowly moved closer to yours— you could count how many eyelashes he had with how close the both of you were. It didn't feel real when his lips pressed against yours. The kiss drawn out as his hands trail down your back, a gasp escaping from you when he pushes your lower back towards him; your entire body practically colliding against his.

He simply smiles against your lips, finding your lack of personal space amusing. You were just so cute with how red your ears were getting, your pretty eyes looking at him so needily… God. You were going to be the death of him if you kept silently begging him like that. He was trying to be gentle, but you were making it oh so hard for him to hold back.

Your eyes widened when you felt his tongue tracing along the edges of your lips— gradually making your knees buckle as he held you up by your waist. He was being so slow, too slow in your opinion. You whined at him, feeling how his heart beats faster like yours does whenever he's around. That was undeniable proof. Proof that he was yours for the moment, and you were his.

A muffled protest gets cut off when he goes past your teeth. Your breath stolen as he greedily explores your mouth like it was uncharted territory. He was slow, but messy at the same time. Your teeth clacking together at times, drool leaking from the corners of both your lips— he was either inexperienced or purposely making sure that you felt everything, good and bad.

It was his turn to whine when you tried to break the kiss, his hands splayed over your waist and back— making sure that you couldn't pull away from him. His breath was also getting shorter, but he couldn't care less. You were just so sweet and tasted even better than his flimsy mind would've ever been able to imagine. He thought it might have even been blasphemous with how much he underestimated your effect on him.

Your tears were already falling, lungs shrinking from the lack of air you both were getting. You were slowly suffocating, and you were loving every second of it. He was actively kissing you, he was stealing everything of yours— he was taking you for all that you were. The both of you were hungry for more, needing- No. Longing for more. It was just the two of you in your own little world, one where you'll never have to separate from each other.

Yandere! Childhood Friend Who Might Be A Pathetic Boy Failure When It Comes To You.

Yep. No need to thank me. I know. I'm awesome. UvU

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11 months ago

Am I supposed to be answering this? I'm confused but this sounds fun to reply to!

A: My favorite is definitely my most recent one! I got it sort of beta read by one of my mutuals! It was also my first time posting smut! (Digital footprint go brrrrrr-)

B: The first Fandom I wrote and read was regrettably BNHA, though I was still into toxic dynamics at that young age. (Yandere and Wattpad with middle school me should have never met.) Yep. Bakudeku shipper, but not the fluffy kind.

C: My first and most recent fic on Tumblr was picked by a random word generator! "One More Step Towards Hell." I got step, and I added random words until they worked.

D: My most personal fic is on A03, it's in the DSMP Fandom. It was between Tommyinnit and (he who shall not be named.) It sucks that the owner of the avatar is a horrible person, but it had HEAVY manipulation and HEAVILY implied child abuse so like- It made me kind of cry while writing it. I think I captured the atmosphere a bit TOO well. It's "Little Right Hand Man" by Crackficsaremyfav if you want to read it!

E: A character... I don't really vibe with the whole kinning thing. (Just my opinion, not shaming anyone who does!) I guess I can just see myself in characters that lack love and cling onto it even if it hurts them? Once again. "Little Right Hand Man." Nothing I've ever experienced, but the longing for acknowledgement really hit me in the feels!

F: Ummmmm... I don't really remember? I think I listened to something but I think it was more to fill the noise. (But I do get inspired by songs! Little aspects of my fics often include references to them!)

G: A sequel? Well... I just got back into writing, so any plot that was planned has long since left me. I guess I'd make a sequel to "One More Step Towards Hell" with Y/N dying somehow? It'll be filled with angst, regret, and overall bad vibes. (With how I wrote Jason, there might be some necrophilia too-)

H: Dark. Hella dark. And super duper dirty. Not the sexy scenes but like the scenes where you start feeling like you need a scroll break before continuing. (I swear I can write fluff. Just give me some INSPIRATION-)

I: 2. Just 2. BNHA and DSMP. Isn't it so funny how I got into the most problematic of all problematic Fandoms? *sighs.* It's hard out here. I gotta defend myself against everyone. (NO SARA. I DONT BITE PEOPLE-) But DSMP was by far my favorite to write in! The characters were honestly complex for being in an actual crack parody of Hamilton-

J: Yandere. Possessive. Obsessive. Please. I swear I'm normal- I just desperately want to be loved the same I do to others- *clears throat.* Ahem. Anyways- I just really like dark romance. I have definitely added to it. I'm just wondering if it was a good addition now-

K: Guilty pleasures... Definitely some terrible ships. BUT NOT FOR WHAT YOU'RE THINKING- It's honestly so interesting how people make the characters cope. (Non-con my beloved-) It's very very VERY controversial, but something in me just wants to write about not having any control. (I think I need to defend myself too much while answering these-)

L: Yet again. "Little Right Hand Man." God, this fic is haunting me in these asks. I can't even believe that I wrote that. Like. I genuinely don't remember that.

M: Hmmm... Weirdest would definitely be from my Wattpad days. Omegaverse. Healer Deku. Bakudeku. BNHA. Need I say more?

N: I'm writing about the bots that I chat with right now. BUT THE CURRENT ONE IS LIKE AN ULTRA-HYPERFIXATION-) I got inspired by Alien Stage Round 6. Ivantill. Doomed love. Enemies that never turn to lovers because they can never be truly vulnerable with each other- (I swear I can write an entire essay on how magnificent the concept is-)


P: "One More Step Towards Hell" was inspired from IvanTill and DOOMED LOVERS. I'm also consuming every bit of yandere content on this platform. That also probably helps with the smut- But no. I just go with the flow most of the times. Being chronically online has helped with ideas by a ton.

Q: Never got one before. BUT I'LL ABSOLUTELY LOVE IF SOMEONE REQUESTED SOMETHING FROM ME- (I'll do everything and anything to make sure that I churn something worthy out to the asker. Writer's block be damned!)

R: I don't remember names... But everyone on Tumblr has been my inspiration! All the creators I follow on here has been a tremendous help in my writing!

S: Once again. I'D CRY-

T: Not really? I guess when it comes to *shudders.* excrements. Golden shower, vomit, scat, vore- I'm very sure you know what I mean now. Sorry, but I don't think even an ASK would allow me to write that stuff.

U: Not really? I'm just really into right now- Oh wait- IVANTILL. I love doomed love so much- *sobbing as I rewatch that moment where Ivan nuzzles into Till like a cat for the fortieth time-)

V: ALL the comments stick out. I make it a mission to reply to anything that involves me. Praise? Love. Compliment? Love. Mentioning of a scene. MARRY ME-

W: Favorite pairing? I have none. As long as they're violent and a yandere, then I'd smash. Yandere x Reader is a heavily frequented tag of mine. I SWEAR IT NEVER GETS OLD- But currently? Whitney x PC. (I wanna make a scene similar to the messages so bad-) Doesn't help that I love bully romances- (especially if the bully never actually changes-) Toxic relationships are my kryptonite-

X: Voracious for sure. I don't nitpick at all. If I'm DESPERATE? I'll take that wall of text with no breaks and heavy grammatical errors even if it kills me-

Y: Writing is an outlet to what I like! If people like it, then great! If a story is popular? Hey! That's great! As long as I like it, then I'm good! All my fics are my babies! (We don't talk about Wattpad. I went no-contact with those-)

Z: "Little Right Hand Man." It's so good, but the tags probably steer people off it. I swear it's good- (cried when I saw the scandal- I can't look at my fics the same anymore-)

Phew! That was a lot to write! Loved to write this! ♡♡♡

Fanfic Writer Ask Meme

A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why? B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for? C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written? E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well? F: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]? G: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about? H: How would you describe your writing style? I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite? J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it? K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)? L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write? M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story? N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share? O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic? P:  Where did you find the most inspiration for your story < insert title >? Q: Do you like getting prompts from your readers? R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing? S: How do you feel about fan art inspired by your writing? T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand? U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet. V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you? W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read? X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between? Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?   Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?