kingarise - Stories in the Spiral
Stories in the Spiral

(RP Blog for Lucette and the cast of The Light of Valencia                       Also known as Kingdommaker.        Pronouns: She/Her/My Dude                                                                                     Anonymous: Open                                               RPs: Open                             Please read the rules before following 

976 posts

Im Soooo Bored! We Still Have 80 Miles To Go!

I’m soooo bored! we still have 80 miles to go!

Someone y’all to me about something or teach me how to draw male lips. I’ve been struggling with a sketch for hours

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3 years ago

Lucette’s mind and tongue were rendered speechless as she watched in blanked out horror as a whole fucking ....thing appeared out of Bi-Han’s body and glared down at him with glowing white eyes. The second most bewildering thing was that Bi-Han was speaking to it as if it were another human!

‘Well, that’s interesting. Explains the odd bouts of silence. I assume that’s the other being he has been speaking to.’

The voice’s bored commentary was what snapped Lucette out of her terror and shocked induced frozen state, blinking up at the being as it floated closer to and touched her hand. She shuddered as a cold, slick feeling encompassed her right hand, almost like she dumped her hand into a barrel of oil. As if she wasn’t already freezing enough. “Ah! Hey wait, what the hell are you-Ah!” She screamed as she was warped through a portal and appeared in a whole different room, her head spinning. Yanking her hand away, she backed up 5 steps and glared at the entity with narrowed eyes. “What are you? And where did you take me?” She demanded, eyes now glowing orange as she summoned a fireball in her hand.

‘That’s a bit of an overreaction, don’t you think?’ “And you hush up. I’d like to see how you’d react if some shadow guy appeared out of nowhere and teleports you somewhere.” Lucette snapped back at her, not in the mood for sass.


Lucette watched in amazement and wonder as the man conjured a portal out of a small amulet. She’s never seen magic like that before.

‘Not bad. For a human.’

And there is Miss Raincloud, raining on her parade. Lucette rolled her eyes as Bi-Han stepped through the portal and, unthinkingly, stepped in right behind him. Only to let out a loud shriek when she fell face first into bonechilling snow and ice. Popping her head up, she coughed out the mouthful of snow that got into her mouth, blinking and looking around.

She was in a fucking ice tundra. This man took her from a mildly cold climate to a fucking winter wonderland!

‘That’s what you get for being so trusting.’

‘You’re not helping.” She growled as she dug herself out of the hole she made, realizing with a growing dread that something was very wrong. Her clothes were completely and utterly soaking wet from the snow. And the polar wind was blowing hard. Lucette quickly felt her body temperature begin to drop, her fingers and toes quickly going numb with a faint burning sensation and her teeth chattering in her mouth. If she wasn’t miserable before, she sure was now. Looking up, she saw that they were standing in front of some sort of Mooshu-like palace, Bi-Han speaking speaking to two people a few feet in front of them.

Huffing an annoyed breath, she stomped a path through the snow, each step sending a shockwave up her bare legs as the ice seeped further into the now ruined sneakers, walking up behind him and now sending a mild glare at the back of his head. Now she’s 10x more suspicious of him.

‘You think he brought you here to let the environment kill you less than 10 feet away from his home?’ Lucette could hear the incredulous tone she was using and turned her head to the wall and stuck her tongue out, imagining that she was doing it in her direction.

“I have just cause to believe so.” Lucette murmured haughtily before turning back to Bi-Han.

“Thanks for the warning of the weather, sir.” It was hard to keep her sarcasm out of her voice. But then again, she’s freezing, she’s wet, can’t feel her appendages and is away from home and starving. She deserves some sarcasm.

Bi-Han shuddered. A familiar sensation shudders through him: the shadowy form that materialized out of his own, arms crossed and tapping his boot against the ground and somehow managing a look of unamusement without a mouth.

‘You really forgot about our guest within a span of only a few minutes?’

Oh… right, her.

Saibot shook his head. Sometimes how dense Bi-Han could be was surprising even after the decades that they spent together. Just how he made his way up to the throne of the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was beyond him: ‘Go speak to your brother, I’ll take care of her and return to you.’

The pure white eyes that stared back at him didn’t leave much room for protest. Bi-Han sighs, clasping his hands behind his back; peering at Lucette behind Saibot’s lithe figure. “Alright, don’t take too long.”

‘You know I can’t be apart from you for more than a few hours at most.’ While literal, drew a hint of a smile across the otherwise grim Grandmaster’s lips. They were two halves of one whole, and nobody else in the world knew him better than his shadow, his shadow; a flash of purple from the corner of one eye the telltale sign of him taking one of her hands and warping them to one of the many guest chambers in the temple.

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3 years ago

Lucette watched in amazement and wonder as the man conjured a portal out of a small amulet. She’s never seen magic like that before.

‘Not bad. For a human.’

And there is Miss Raincloud, raining on her parade. Lucette rolled her eyes as Bi-Han stepped through the portal and, unthinkingly, stepped in right behind him. Only to let out a loud shriek when she fell face first into bonechilling snow and ice. Popping her head up, she coughed out the mouthful of snow that got into her mouth, blinking and looking around.

She was in a fucking ice tundra. This man took her from a mildly cold climate to a fucking winter wonderland! 

‘That’s what you get for being so trusting.’

‘You’re not helping.” She growled as she dug herself out of the hole she made, realizing with a growing dread that something was very wrong. Her clothes were completely and utterly soaking wet from the snow. And the polar wind was blowing hard. Lucette quickly felt her body temperature begin to drop, her fingers and toes quickly going numb with a faint burning sensation and her teeth chattering in her mouth. If she wasn’t miserable before, she sure was now. Looking up, she saw that they were standing in front of some sort of Mooshu-like palace, Bi-Han speaking speaking to two people a few feet in front of them.

Huffing an annoyed breath, she stomped a path through the snow, each step sending a shockwave up her bare legs as the ice seeped further into the now ruined sneakers, walking up behind him and now sending a mild glare at the back of his head. Now she’s 10x more suspicious of him.

‘You think he brought you here to let the environment kill you less than 10 feet away from his home?’ Lucette could hear the incredulous tone she was using and turned her head to the wall and stuck her tongue out, imagining that she was doing it in her direction.

“I have just cause to believe so.” Lucette murmured haughtily before turning back to Bi-Han.

“Thanks for the warning of the weather, sir.” It was hard to keep her sarcasm out of her voice. But then again, she’s freezing, she’s wet, can’t feel her appendages and is away from home and starving. She deserves some sarcasm.


Lucette pouted as she recognized the look on the man, Bi-Han’s, face. It was a look she was well acquainted with. Exasperation.

‘If he’s exhausted dealing with you now, just wait til something happens and you go charging in as usual.’

What a pest. The confused and odd look Bi-Han gave her didn’t help matters, either. How can he not know what Mooshu and Valencia were? The most famous worlds in the Spiral?! Lucette was astonished when he told her that she was in a place called Earthrealm, blue eyes growing wide in wonder.

“Earthrealm? As in…..Earth? Maria’s original home?”

Lucette looked around with a new appreciation, her mouth open in shock. That explained why none of the animals talked here.

“It looks…..nice? Where are the giant trees? And waterfalls? and all the shiny moving things? The ones that she says carries people on the ground?”

Lucette stopped herself before she asked too many questions. She stared at Bi-han in surprise when he told her that he will take her to where he and his brother lived.

“Really?! That would be great! Since I…uh….don’t know how to get back to my own home.”

She felt embarrassed admitting that to a total stranger but since the stranger was helping her and making sure she didn’t freeze to death, she felt it was only fair she admits that.

That could be a problem down the road. 

But a problem down the road. Bi-Han detached his amulet from where it was clipped on his belt - an identical medallion to the one Kuai Liang wore - holding it outwards as a portal of swirling purple energy opened: a gust of wind from Arctika blowing through.

‘Your brother is going to have a fit when he finds that you’ve adopted a stray.’ 

‘Not helpful.’ He groaned, rubbing his temples as he steps through the portal into the frozen plains of Arctika. Home sweet home, a few decades ago he would never think he would be so glad to see the Lin Kuei temple again. The former Grandmaster was surely rolling over in his grave, and hopefully, the bastard Sektor as well. 

Bi-Han exhaled, his breath coming out a cold puff of fog from behind the mask. Those tall stone walls and structures resembling an ancient Chinese palace was growing on him. The double doors of the temple swings open as he approaches, two of the students bowing their heads: “Grandmaster Liang.” 

“Where is my brother? Still got his nose buried in a pile of work as per usual?” 

“Grandmaster Kuai Liang is in the dojo, overseeing the training of the newer recruits. He has asked that you join him for dinner tonight, said that it would do you good to breathe air outside of your room for once.” The words made Bi-Han snort. Good little brother, always looking out for him even through all his prudish ways: a hand lifting to catch a flake of snow landing in his palm. 

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3 years ago

Lucette pouted as she recognized the look on the man, Bi-Han’s, face. It was a look she was well acquainted with. Exasperation.

‘If he’s exhausted dealing with you now, just wait til something happens and you go charging in as usual.’

What a pest. The confused and odd look Bi-Han gave her didn’t help matters, either. How can he not know what Mooshu and Valencia were? The most famous worlds in the Spiral?! Lucette was astonished when he told her that she was in a place called Earthrealm, blue eyes growing wide in wonder.

“Earthrealm? As in.....Earth? Maria’s original home?”

Lucette looked around with a new appreciation, her mouth open in shock. That explained why none of the animals talked here.

“It looks.....nice? Where are the giant trees? And waterfalls? and all the shiny moving things? The ones that she says carries people on the ground?”

Lucette stopped herself before she asked too many questions. She stared at Bi-han in surprise when he told her that he will take her to where he and his brother lived.

“Really?! That would be great! Since I...uh....don’t know how to get back to my own home.”

She felt embarrassed admitting that to a total stranger but since the stranger was helping her and making sure she didn’t freeze to death, she felt it was only fair she admits that.


The man’s long period of silence rang alarm bells in Lucette’s mind. The way his head tilted and his eyes looked distant for a bit before focusing on her was not natural. She would’ve been more disturbed by it but-

‘Let’s not have the pot calling a kettle black now, girl.’

Yes, she could not speak so boldly. When he spoke to her, he started talking about….some other odd place.

“S…Spain? My apologies, but I have never heard of such a world. I am from the world of Valencia, ruled by the clockworks. I can most certainly assure you, I am no visitor. Or…at least, not willingly.”

She felt embarrassed admitting that but withholding too much information from someone who seems to know the place would not be very helpful in the long run.

“The Changbai Mountains? Am I somewhere in Mooshu?”

‘I have traveled Mooshu and have never heard of such a mountain range. He is either messing with you or we are truly further away than I thought.’

It seems so. She was in really deep trouble now. At the man’s answer of being a human and admitting he knew he didn’t look like one, Lucette’s body posture relaxed slightly, though she still kept her hands close to her side.

“My sincerest apologies for the rude question, Bi-Han. I have encountered many odd creatures in my life and have many magical enemies.”

Wouldn’t be very queenly to forget her manners, after all.

Alright, the gods are seriously trying to fuck with him. Not going to be the first time this has happened, but still.

‘Is she delusional or something? Mooshu? Clockworks? What the fuck?’

‘You’re talking to me, I’m your shadow living inside your mind. Not really outside a realm of possibility that she came from either another realm, or maybe even some universe.’

Saibot had a point, as much as that made him roll his eyes. Bi-Han’s attention turned to her, Lucette, as she claimed to be named, breathing out a long breath that turned into smoke in the chilly mountain air, escaping through the slight gaps at the sides of his mask: “I know nothing of whatever realms you speak of, but this is Earthrealm and we are currently standing on the Changbai Mountains.”

A pause before he adds:

“While I also don’t know how much of what you’re telling me is the truth, it would not do well for me to leave you here to freeze on this mountain. Guess I’m going to cut my vacation short and take you back to my brother’s place… our place.”

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3 years ago

The man’s long period of silence rang alarm bells in Lucette’s mind. The way his head tilted and his eyes looked distant for a bit before focusing on her was not natural. She would’ve been more disturbed by it but-

‘Let’s not have the pot calling a kettle black now, girl.’

Yes, she could not speak so boldly. When he spoke to her, he started talking about....some other odd place. 

“S...Spain? My apologies, but I have never heard of such a world. I am from the world of Valencia, ruled by the clockworks. I can most certainly assure you, I am no visitor. least, not willingly.”

She felt embarrassed admitting that but withholding too much information from someone who seems to know the place would not be very helpful in the long run.

“The Changbai Mountains? Am I somewhere in Mooshu?”

‘I have traveled Mooshu and have never heard of such a mountain range. He is either messing with you or we are truly further away than I thought.’

It seems so. She was in really deep trouble now. At the man’s answer of being a human and admitting he knew he didn’t look like one, Lucette’s body posture relaxed slightly, though she still kept her hands close to her side.

“My sincerest apologies for the rude question, Bi-Han. I have encountered many odd creatures in my life and have many magical enemies.”

Wouldn’t be very queenly to forget her manners, after all.


The sound of someone else’s voice startled Lucette, causing her to yelp and whirl around, only to pause when she laid eyes on….what was talking to her.

’Well, that’s different.’

Different was putting it nicely. The man looked like a frost bitten corpse who had been dug up and dressed in Mooshu like clothing. Pale ashen skin with a blue tint, odd colored eyes, and the mask covering half of his face didn’t help. And that sickle hanging off his hip looked a bit too sharp in her opinion. She decided to answer the question but keeping her Royal title hidden. You never know.

”I….I am Lucette Favero of Valencia. Who is it that I am speaking to? And are you human or otherwise?”

Many would think that a rude question but considering her situation and the man’s odd appearance, Lucette thinks it’s a well deserved one. If he is a hoodoo possessed or controlled creature, she would rather know upfront than later. It didn’t help that he was wearing armor and she….wasn’t. She was dressed in Terrus’ shirt, Maria’s odd trousers she called “shorts” and odd shoes that Maria called “sneakers”. Nothing one would wear to a fight.

She kept one hand close to her hip, palm open, prepared to summon a fireball if he tried something.

‘Valencia? Isn’t that a city from the Earthrealm country of Spain?’ Though Bi-Han was admittedly more focused on the how, even with Saibot’s incredulous vocalization in his thoughts. 

Saying he was suspicious would not be wrong: her clothing, her claims of where she came from, nothing was adding up correctly. Unless, of course, she was thrown here by some sort of magic, nothing was really impossible in those realms. Though if that was the case - 

‘I swear if this was Quan Chi doing his bullshit again, I’m going to lose MY shit.’ 

‘Not possible, he is dead. We watched Hasashi tear his head off.’ 

Bi-Han scowled beneath his mask. Even his bloody name left a sour taste on his tongue. It was all thanks to that vile sorcerer that he was very nearly condemned to the fires of the Netherrealm, at the hands of the specter Scorpion and now Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi of the Shirai Ryu. Fucker deserved to die and more, lucky that Scorpion got to him before he did, or he wouldn’t just be losing his head. 

“You are quite a distance from Spain, girl. Did you get lost from your party of tourists?” For the sake of now, though, he’ll wear his nice little mask of civility. “It’s quite an awful month to be out here in the Changbai Mountains.” 

Her reaction to his appearance was… not unexpected, to say the least: “Bi-Han. I am a human, even if I may not look like one.”

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3 years ago

Lucette tilted her head curiously as the shadow being pointed at the door, glancing over and giving him a questioning glance. What does that mean? She was about to ask but was interrupted by a knock on the door and another tall man entering. He sort of resembled Bi-Han so she assumes he’s a relative, only to wiggle in smug pride when it was confirmed on him calling Bi-Han his brother.  ‘Wow, you know context clues! Good for you!’ There’s always someone hating in the background. Lucette blinked owlishly up at the man, only for her expression to twist into an annoyed look, her mouth twisting up into a pout as she arched her brow at him. “Oh? He didn’t forget about my existence again? I’m amazed.” She knew she shouldn’t be sassy, but she can’t help it. He put her in a polar environment with little to no warning!

Her expression fell, sadness overcoming her at the , rather rude and harsh, reminder that she had no way to get back to her home. Her Uncle and Maria were probably worried out of their minds. And Maria is probably gonna take the blame. Biting her lip, she pushed back the tears and steeled herself, reminding herself that one way or another, she was going to find a way home. Be it now, tomorrow or even 50 years.

“Yes, I am Princess Lucette Favero of the world of Valencia. I had accidentally teleported myself to your world while I was attempting to do a magic spell that I wasn’t prepared for. I appreciate your generosity in allowing me to remain here in your home. I know that I probably sound crazy to you, as it seems magic isn’t the same here as it is in my world, but its true.” She explained, crossing her arms. She decided to reveal her royal title as it has now been confirmed that these people will be her allies for now. Might as well be honest.


Lucette raised an eyebrow as the only answer she received was an odd warbling sound, not really telling her anything helpful.

“Uh….In the Common Tongue, please?”

‘He can’t speak, girl. He has no vocal cords. But judging by the room we are in, we are probably in a guest room. There will probably be servants or some thing similar to help you. That’s all I can gather.’

Sometimes having a voice inside your head that isn’t yours can be useful.

“Oh. Well then.” Lucette dissolved the fireball in her hand, her eyes going back to their bright blue color, her posture relaxing. “You seem to be mostly harmless. And helpful.”

Lucette took the time to look around the room, humming thoughtfully. It was….nice. Nowhere near as big as her rooms back in the palace but relatively large. Reminded her of Mooshu in a fashion. Not as nice as her own room, however. But nice all the same. Lucette was then quickly reminded that she was stuck in wet and cold clothes and shivered, wrapping her arms around herself,

“Uh, Where would I find clothing?” She asked the shadow being, turning back to look at him. She desperately wants to take a hot bath but doesn’t want to be running around the room naked looking for clothes.

He gestured at the door. There would be a few recruits outside, and if Bi-Han didn’t catch a case of forgetfulness like he had earlier - scratch that, he probably did. Curse the fact he can’t speak the human tongue, blegh -

A knock on the door shook Saibot out of his thoughts.

“I kind of figured I’d find you here, my brother looked like he lost half his soul when I passed him.” Kuai Liang chuckled, blue eyes turning to Lucette with an arch of his eyebrow. “You’re… Lucette, yes? My brother told me a little about you when I spoke to him. Quite the story how you got here, and it would look like that you are going to be staying here unless we figure out how to get you back to your realm.”

‘Very helpful, Grandmaster Liang, as though this poor girl isn’t traumatized enough already by the thought of never being able to go home again.’ Fortunate him that he had learned how to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the man. Were both of the Liang brothers somehow that dense?

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