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Send Ya Boy Something For Graduation!

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Send ya boy something for graduation!

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2 years ago


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3 years ago

Hey! Are you a young trans (or just someone who wears a binder) who is still in school, is hiding a binder from their parents and doesn’t know how they’re going to wash it? Cause you’ve come to the right place!! (This is also just a tutorial on how I wash my binder).

Step 1: Be prepared.

It will be helpful if you go to a school where you carry a bag around. You need to prepare that morning. Make sure you have nothing going on that day after school. You’re going to need:

Your binder

A plastic bag (preferably two)

Washing detergent (either buy some before/after school, steal from your laundry or use hand soap like I did)

A sink (with water)

A normal bra

A clothes hanger

A school bag

And a towel.

You’re going to need to take a few of these to school with you (binder, bags, soap, bra, towel). And make sure you do this the moment you get home so your parents aren’t suspicious of why you are taking your school bag into your bathroom.

(I personally forgot this step and almost had to explain what I was doing).

Step 2: Washing time

Ok, take off your binder, and put on a bra (if you want to that is)

Pour warm water into your sink.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

And soak your binder in it.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Pull it out and put some soap on it (I use A LOT)

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

And then rub it in and put the binder back into your sink.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Drain your sink and fill with cold water. Put binder in again and soak it.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Drain the sink and run your binder under cold water to get off the extra soap.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Get any extra water out by squeezing it and put it in the plastic bag/s.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Put it in your school bag (along with anything else) and sneak into your room.

Step 3: Drying it.

Pull out your binder and hang it up in your closet with a hanger.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

I like to put a towel underneath to catch all the drips. And to prevent my carpet from being ruined.

Your binder will (hopefully) dry overnight.

I know a lot of people are in different conditions when it comes to family, resources etc. so this might not work for everyone. This is simply what works for me. If you need help/advice, you can always ask me.

And since this has gotten so many notes (thank you for that), I’ve posted a part 2

2 years ago
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Send ya boy some money for his graduation!

2 years ago

““Y'all fuck with my Gucci neck-pussy?””

— Grizzy, 2021

2 years ago

hello :] could i please have some headcannons for a he/it pronoun using (idk if that makes sense) unus who lives with alot of the other egos? (Annus, dark,yancy, wilford, damian ect.) thankyou!

aah, of course unus! welcome to the blog!!! (sorry, i’m excited, i don’t see many other UA/AHWM/WKM kinfolk/fictives around here!)

- Living with the other Egos was nice, but it was often really hectic! One time, Wilford decided it was “too calm” around the house, and decided to release a whole flock of geese into the house! Why? Who knows! Wilford doesn’t really have reasons for his shenanigans! He was mysteriously nowhere to be found during clean up though!

- Whenever the other Egos find something that reminds them of you and Annus, they bring the item to you! Unfortunately, that means your room is full of black and white decorations, so much so that you can barely see the walls! You and Annus appreciate the thought behind it though!

- The other Unus Annus egos live with you guys, which is nice, but it does mean all the Takis in the house go missing. Unsurprisingly, Hee Hoo is constantly covered in Taki dust!

- You and Annus are perceived as being really stoic, but you guys are actually super kind, and love pranks! Everyone ended up learning that the hard way when the Gongoozler’s pool was filled with Jell-O! At first, everyone blamed Wilford, but when he didn’t confess (he normally would, he loves pranks!) everyone was super confused! All of a sudden, Illinois piped up: “It could have been Unus... I saw it with some Jell-O mix earlier... But it couldn’t have been him!” Then Yancy joined in: “What? No, youse has it all wrong! I saw Annus with the Jell-O!” When they all noticed you both were gone and found you guys, they were greeted with the sight of the two of you laughing your asses off.

- Sometimes in doing laundry, Dark’s suits get mixed in with yours and Annus’, and then it’s a whole day thing of “who’s suit is who’s?”

- No matter how annoying everyone can be, you all care about each other, and consider each other family

Hope ya enjoy Unus!! Memento Mori!

-Mod Mellohi