hi! I make Voltron fan art✨ he/him/his viva viva Palestina 🇵🇸
87 posts
IM BACK! Everything Super Important Is Done Now. I Just Have My Classic Honers Classes Finals Which Should
IM BACK! Everything super important is done now. I just have my classic honers classes finals which should be easy and now I can get back on track with posting! Just a small reminder that I have an alt account where I yap, but I've been yapping over here bc this is where most of y'all will see it. Anywho that's mostly it, I will go back to my regular posts in about a week, I just need to make up for lost time and create more art for you guys :)
spacecowboy-01 liked this · 9 months ago
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
TRIGGER WARNING: it's not a super big thing but my silly little human version of rainbow dash has some healed sh scars on her upper arms.

Hmmm I wonder who my favorite pony is. I made them a runner because I love projecting. I even gave him my track number. He's so pretty 😭. I made her kinda scene, and for this kind of au thing she used to be really scene when they were a teen but kinda mellowed out and got more casual with it in college. It's actually how her and Fluttershy met, bc I will be drawing Fluttershy as a goth ( sometimes) and they bonded with their alt fashion when they were in HS.

Ok so this is not my official design, I'm still working it out, but I need your opinion on the hair colors. These are numbered 1-4 going from left to right on both rows. So top left is 1, top right is 2, bottom left is three, and bottom right.
Hey so uhhh who wants to write my sociology final for me 😁
i m o l d e r t h a n y o u
( a l s o a f i f t e e n y e a r o l d )
Yeah yeah 😤 I'm the oldest of my friend group anyway so ha! ( I'm also the shortest and most immature but what would I be if not a nuisance)