24Kiri SimpI’m not really much of a posting person more of a reading other blogs and sharing things I like lol sorry
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I Love This So Much I Cannot Wait For The Next Part
I love this so much I cannot wait for the next part
Rough and new | bakugo | part seven

✦ Summary: You meet a new and interesting creature that seems to share your curiosity. Both of you have motives to your actions that turn out to be vastly different.
✦ Warnings: mer!Bakugo, fem!reader, adult reader, smut(ish) content due to the curcumstances of the story do not expect full smut, dubcon
Minors do not interact

The night was painfully present, shimming its way between you and the mer’s hot body. Guess such a mass of muscles takes some time to get cold. Although his arms were still tightly wrapped around your form, you shivered. You weren’t sure whether you were crying again or simply never stopped doing that. The realisation hit you hard, dragging you down off your high. Just how drunk were you a while ago? Enough to get stuck here.
All you wanted to do was vanish. You found yourself in a situation that you didn’t understand, nor wanted to understand. Coming to terms with what you’ve done, that it was your and only your fault was just too crushing. You’re not stupid nor ignorant, hasty and thirsty… but that’s how you acted. That’s all that was fueling your childish curiosity with the beautiful and dangerous creature. You should have told someone about your finding, not come here alone, just how you planned. Or forget about the whole thing, act like you never saw the golden glimpse in the water.
No matter how tight you shut your eyes, your head was still spinning underneath. All you wanted to do was get out of here, go to bed, cry.
After what felt like eternity your arms moved from his neck down his back, untangling yourself from the muscular form crushing you into the now cold rock. Slowly and delicately, as if you were observed by a wild animal, you started to move and shimmy out of his cage-like grasp.
The mer’s eyes opened slowly. Did he fall asleep on you? Most likely. He looked unkempt and sleepy but still focused solely on your face. The blonde head tilted slightly expressing his curiosity.
You wanted to tell him something, or maybe not. Saying anything, letting your voice escape your throat felt terrifying. As if disrupting this moment would cause him to leap at you and tear you apart.
Still looking the blonde in the eye you started to crawl, on all four, to the side of the rock, then slowly down into the water. The cold swallowed you as you sunk. The mer seemed fascinated, sliding into the water himself. Observing his form attentively you moved towards the beach, push by push, not too fast. He was swimming around you somehow, brushing your legs and butt, looking at you with those wide-blown eyes. Two glowing-red spots observing you from underneath the dark water.
Biting your lower lip you started to kick and pull your limbs quicker, feeling your stomach clench out of fear. Just a bit closer, just a tiny bit. Your feet brushed the sand and you felt like crying. It was like running in a dream, trying so hard and failing so bad. The mer’s body had less and less water to move in, less and less space to circle around you. He swam just in front of you, staring at your face, not blinking even once, his fair hair dancing in the water.
Finally, your foot dug into the sand hard. It was now or never. Spinning around you splashed and pushed as hard as you could, slipping in the water and wounding your feet on the sharp rocks. The land was closer with every second, the water lower to the point it was merely licking your ankles.
Only did you turn around when your knees safely hit the cold dry sand of the beach. Panting, trying to catch your breath you cried your eyes out and shivered out of cold and fear. The sand rubbed all over your hair and face as you dropped to the floor curling.
It was all dark.

“Moment. Tell me everything once again, from the beginning.”
The cup was burning your hand slightly. The steaming-hot tea smelled good, comforting. Looking inside you saw your reflection, disrupted by the shaking of your hand. The teabag sunk low, left for far too long. The liquid was dark and you saw his red eyes…
The tea spilled as you hit the cup on the table.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered looking at the small pool.
“It’s nothing.” The man crouched next to you pulling a tissue out of the box with a sigh.
“Thank you Shinso.” Your voice came out muffed as you wrapped yourself tightly with the blanket.
“Please, tell me what happened.” The black haired was still crouching, staring at your face with an apologetic look. “I saw it, on your neck, it has something to do with a mer.”
Out of all people, why was it Shinso, why did he have to find you? It was humiliating enough to think about your mistakes on your own, to spiral down into overthinking while laying on the cold sand and panting trying to catch your breath. Now it was a whole new level of mortifying.
Shinso knew a lot about mers, giving his faculty at the university the two of you met at. The guy, a genius to add, wanted to become a marine biologist with the speciality about mers. He just got information about a mer showing up on a wild beach and he found you, crying in the sand. You passed out in his arms as soon as you realised it was his face.
What was the worst in this situation is that he has the absolute right to be angry with you, to scold you, to tell you just how stupid you are. You met a mer and instead of calling the person who knew everything about them and who wished about meeting a wild one in real life, you kept it to yourself. You went too far, not knowing when to quit with your curiosity and now you ended up injured, disorientated and defeated. How could you tell him all that?
“Listen, things happen.” He tried to reach for your hand but it was safely wrapped in layers of blanket that you didn’t wish to get out of anywhere. “Just please tell me what happened. Just think how would you feel if you found me like that. Wouldn’t you want to know…”
“I went too far with him!” You finally snapped under his pressure and the odd feeling weightening down your shoulders.
“Went too far with who?’’
“The mer.”
Shinso blinked at you a few times. He knew there was a mer involved. Why else would you be lying on the beach in the middle of the night with a bite mark that only looked like mer’s teeth? It was that wound that worried him the most. The man actually had a theory on what could have led to this situation but he’d rather hear it from you than jump to conclusions.
“What happened with the mer?”
“I don’t know Shinso, I don’t know anything about them!” You whispered feeling small and stupid.
“Please, I know you must feel awful now but… it’s just important, really important, also for me. Something happened and I can help you. I don’t want to leave you like that.”
God, good that you have friends like that or you would be dehydrating on that beach till now, crying your eyes out.
“Just, just promise you won’t tell me shit.” You mumbled and he nodded his head sitting between the table and the couch. His form was squeezed tightly beneath you, all ears at whatever you had to throw out of yourself.
“How could you know, really, don’t shame yourself like that.” After listening quietly to your story, Shinso answered. “Anyone would be interested, heck, people try to pet tigers in the jungle.”
“No they don’t, petting a tiger is stupid.”
“Yes, they do. Listen. I know it’s hard right now but there’s something you need to know.” Shino sighed, running a hand through his hair. “This may not be the perfect time to tell you this but the matter is rather… important.” You were looking at him patiently, ready for whatever he was about to say, silently hoping it was not something you’ve done wrong. “What happened between you and that mer was very different depending on the side. You, as I assume, took it as something fun and interesting but him… from what you say, eh, it looked like a typical example of… courting.”
“What?” You spat out. He sure has some nerves to joke around right now. You do look and feel slightly better than the moment he bringed you from the beach but you’re still shaken.
“Courting. It's a mers’ custom where two mers interested in each other act in a specific way, it may have various stages and different parts but the idea is the same.”
Saying that you were shocked would be a lie. Deep down you had the feeling something was going on between you and the blonde, you just kept ignoring it. Until now the thought was buried deep down your skull, safe and secure, ignored all the way. But when Shinso stated it matter-of-factly like that it couldn’t be pushed to the side anymore.
“I-I kinda felt like it but I thought I was just imagining things.” You mumbled avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t worry. That’s such a weird thing that I understand you could mistake it. Still, we do have a problem.” The man reached for your hair, pushing it to the side and exposing the reddened skin of your neck. The bruise started to change colour slightly, taking in a purple tune around the bites.
“This is a mating sign. With that, he gave himself to you.”
“Okay, I know you’re scared but…” Shinso sighed. “Mers mate for life. A partner once marked.” He pointed to your bite. “Is considered taken forever. Their smells blend, their bodies react to each other. All sorts of complex things happen but what’s important now is that he bit you. He considers you his mate. That will never change. Even if you’ll never want to see him again it happened. And he will never find a different person… a different love in his life. I know it’s a lot to ask of you but… we need to go back there.”
You felt like throwing up.
“Imagine. He pretty much just confessed to you, no it’s more, he just gave everything he has to you and you… run away.”

PART SIX | PART EIGHT (upcoming)
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