kissmeunderthestarlight - KissMe under the Starlight
KissMe under the Starlight

♪Now, I need somebody to know, somebody to heal Somebody to have just to know how it feels♪

161 posts

Check Out My Baekhyun Fanfic~! It's Still In Process, Only Got The First Chapter But I'm Going To Try

Check Out My Baekhyun Fanfic~! It's Still In Process, Only Got The First Chapter But I'm Going To Try

check out my Baekhyun fanfic~! It's still in process, only got the first chapter but I'm going to try to update it very often if I can get a lot of love!!

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20(Joshua's Ending)

20(Joshua's Ending)

Requested by: peachyyraphiee

~It's still a boring morning (Far away so far away far away so far away) The distance between me and you has no progress. So far away (Far away so far away) Do you still think of me as the person before? In your small eyes, I'm probably still a kid. This isn't the first time so what can I do? I can't get over how you laugh in front of me, I can't just stay still~


Taehyung ran somewhere off to the right, Joshua somewhere to the left, and Mingyu simply ran straight away from you. You smirked as you decided which one to run after and took off after him, not knowing at the time that this choice would eventually change how you and him saw each other.


You tried to run fast but it seemed useless when you turned the corner and saw Joshua no where in sight. "Oh, come on," you complained as you started to peek into different rooms to find him. Stopping at the living room you walked quietly in and glanced around, noticing all the different places that he could hide which weren't many.

Hearing a shuffling noise behind the vouch you smirked and tip toed to the front, climbing silently onto the couch and peeking over the edge. You almost let out a laugh when you saw Joshua kneeling behind it and looking out from the side. He hadn't noticed you yet and you decided to scare him a little, kinda wanting to go back on the idea though when you remembered that he hadn't actually done anything.

You shrugged and decided to do it anyways. Sneaking around the other end of the couch you crawled up behind him and quickly tapped his shoulders, making him let out a yelp and turn to face you quickly. He placed a hand against the floor as he almost fell back from the surprise.

"Yah! Raphie-ah, what the heck?!"

You let the laugh that you were holding back slip out and held a hand to your stomach when you started to laugh harder, the face he had made replaying in your mind. "Mi-Mian, Joshua, but th-that was so funny!!"

His lips formed a small pout and he looked away, "That's really mean. You don't have to laugh so much."

~I wanna be your morning baby. From now on, be alright. Spend it together, morning baby. I want u to be my night. Everything you think of will become all of me. Look at me and be my lady. You're my twenties. Don't try to brush past it like it's nothing. If u want me yeah if u want me. I can give you my everything, if I'm in your heart~

"Heh," you reached over and pat his knee, "Sorry Joshua."

"How'd you know I was back here? I thought I was pretty well hidden."

Your eyebrows drew together and you felt a smile form on your face, "Joshua, there's not many places you could hide in here anyways. Besides you were moving around when I came in."

"What?!" He sighed and shook his head, "Of course I did."

You laughed again and shook your head, before stopping upon realizing that Joshua was staring at you. "Wh-What?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

Your eyebrows dew together again and you asked him, "Are you sure?"

"Well, if you want to know." He said as he brought his hand up and laid it gently against the side of your face. "I love you."

You froze and stared at him with wide eyes, "What?"

"You heard me, I said that I love you."

" me?"

He smiled and nodded his head. "I have since high school."

"H-High school?!"

"Mhm," he said before leaning closer and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "So, will you let me ask you one question?"

~Without anyone knowing I have changed. It's mixed up baby, I'm mixed up into you lady. I didn't know I'd be like this because it was always just a what if (You're Oh) Do you still think of me as the person before? In your small eyes, I'm probably still a kid. This isn't the first time so what can I do? I can't get over how you laugh in front of me, I can't just stay still~

"Uh, uhm, sure. Yeah, go ahead."

He grabbed ahold of your hands and straightened up, "Raphie, I'm sorry that I'm asking this on the floor behind the couch, but would you please go on a date with me? I know you probably don't want o and that's fine bu-"

"Okay," you interrupted him with a small smile.

Joshua blinked his eyes and stared at you blankly, "Okay?"

You let out a small laugh and nodded, "Of course I will."

** Time Skip **

You ran through the sudden down pour of rain and into the building where Joshua and his group stayed. Looking back out the window you shook your jacket off and tried to refix your hair, which had become frizzy from the sudden humidity which quickly followed the storm cloud that seemed to zero in on you. You nodded at the doorman and smiled slightly before heading back towards the boys' dorm, ready for the day you were going to have with your now boyfriend.

Upon arriving at the door you blinked in confusion when you saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan in nice clothes smiling at you. "Uh, hey guys."

They said nothing but Seungcheol handed you a piece of paper and Jeonghan handed you a rose. Your eyes widened and you hesitantly took them from him

Tonight is going to be extra special so I've asked the boys to pitch in and help. Just follow the petals of the flower type that you are holding in your hand.


You smiled and looked up surprised to find yourself alone in the hallway. Glancing both sides of you you didn't see them so you decided to go ahead and open the door. On the other side of the door scattered across the floor in a trail leading off to the kitchen. You followed and a smile lit up your face when you saw Joshua standing by the table, dressed nicely, smiling widely back at you.

~I wanna be your morning baby, from now on, be alright. Spend it together, morning baby, I want u to be my night. Everything you think of will become all of me. Look at me and be my lady. You're my twenties. When you look at me, you're so beautiful. I want to tell you. All of you that I see, I want to cherish it. Just come to me. I want you to want me baby~

"Hey there," he said as he walked over to you and kissed your forehead. "Glad you made it okay."

"What's all this?" You asked with a smile as you started to take off your jacket.

"Well, this is all for our anniversary of our second year together." He said softly as he helped you take your jacket off and set it on a stool. He laid his hand on your back and led you to a chair at the table before pulling it out and and sliding it back in once you were seated. "Tonight's meal is your favorite."

"Joshua, you really didn't have to do all of this. This is just...amazing."

He smiled and grabbed ahold of your hand from across the table, "Of course it has to be, because you're amazing."

You let out a small laugh and squeezed his hand, "So you're going for extra cheesy tonight huh?"

He laughed along with you and shook his head, "Yup, going to layer it on thick."

The rest of the evening you both spent talking and reminiscing about the past memories, both good and bad. A lot of them you both kept laughing over remembering something one of you had done that was embarrassing or just down right funny. You were both now in the living room on the floor, surrounded by candles and listening to soft classical music and were having the best time just talking to one another and enjoying the other's presence.  

You took a sip from your glass and looked up becoming surprised when you found Joshua staring at you. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Joshua took your hand away from your face, laughing from your reaction. "No, I was just staring at the most beautiful girl in the world."

Your cheeks reddened and you lightly punched his arm, "Stop that."

"And you want to know what you're staring at?" He asked as he placed his free hand on your cheek.

"Let me guess, the most beautiful girl in the world?" You joked with a smile on your face before becoming serious when you didn't see him laugh.

"Nope, you are looking at the luckiest man in the world because I get to be with you for the rest of my life."

You smiled and felt yourself blush, throwing yourself into his arms and kissing his cheek. "Even though that started off cheesy that was so sweet!"

He laughed and squeezed his arms tight around you, refusing to let you go and silently vowing that he would always be by your side. "I love you, forever."

You pulled back and looked up at him, a wide smile still on your face. "Forever."

~I wanna be your morning baby. From now on, be alright (until always) I'll show you how I only think of you. Don't try to brush past it like it's nothing. If u want me yeah if u want me. I can give you my everything if I'm in your heart~

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Swimming Fool(Jun-Seventeen)

Swimming Fool(Jun-Seventeen)

Requested by: elisyilay

~I've fallen into you, I'm struggling because of you. My movements become slower and I'm starting to suffocate. I'm a swimming fool. I want to not think of you sometimes, I think I'm gonna go crazy when I think of you, but it's easier said than done. Whatever la lala lalalala~

"Hey, jagi?" You heard your husband call from inside the kitchen.

"Yeah?" You called from your small office room inside the house, which had your stuff for work you needed to bring home and Jun's things.

"I-uh-think there's a problem with my food," he called out before trailing off.

You looked up and stared blankly at the wall, not really understanding what would be wrong with it. "What do you me-"


Your eyes widened and you shot from your chair taking off towards the kitchen, stopping when you opened the door and saw what happened. "What the -"

Jun turned towards you and then glanced back towards the now covered in red sauce microwave. "Uhm, I told you there was something wrong with my food." He mumbled as he looked at the horrific scene with a scowl.

You didn't know what to say, all you could do was glance from him to the microwave and back again. After a few minutes though you felt a laugh bubble up but bit your lip to hold it back, though that apparently was futile since you stared laughing. Hard. Like so hard you had tears forming in your eyes and your stomach was cramping. 

"Oh..m-my...gosh. I can't beli-believe you...just did that! Bwahaha!" 

Jun stared at you like you were insane for a few seconds before an amused smile formed on his face and he rolled his eyes. "I don't get it though," he said before turning serious again. "Why'd it explode?"

You finally calmed down and took a seat on the bar stool as you wiped underneath your eyes and took deep breaths. "You've never been told that you can't put anything with red sauce in the microwave uncovered for long periods of time?"

His eyes widened in disbelief, "What? Why? That's so stupid!"

You shrugged and smiled at him in amusement, "I don't know but I thought everyone knew that."

"Well obviously I didn't," he muttered as he sighed and got some paper towels to start cleaning the mess up.

"Uhm, here let me get you some cleaner."

"Thanks jagi."

~Hit me hit me up. Ring ring ring ring I call. My mouth curls, the moment I pick up my mouth curls. When you want to hear about my heart throw your hands up, throw your hands up, throw your hands up. I've fallen into you, I'm struggling because of you. My movements become slower and I'm starting to suffocate. I'm a swimming fool~

The two of you were now watching a drama that was playing on tv but you just started giggling when the look on Jun's face from earlier popped into your head. Jun glanced over at you and pulled his eyebrows together, wondering what made you laugh since it wasn't exactly a funny scene that was playing.

You felt Jun's gaze on you which made you laugh harder and you fell back into his arms. "Sorry," you said lamely as you bit back the rest of your laughs.

"Why're you laughing?" He asked you, still confused and curious.

"Uhm, just thought about something funny." You said, trying to brush the question off so you wouldn't upset Jun.

Though he wasn't stupid and guessed right off the bat what you were laughing at. "Yah! I thought we weren't going to think about what happened earlier?!"

You laughed and shook your head, "I'm sorry but your face when I ran in and saw you, it was so frikin funny!"

"Ya~h~ it wasn't that funny!" He whined as he pouted and took his arm from behind your neck.

"I'm sorry, it's not you I'm laughing at it's just what happened that I find funny."

"Mhm, sure."

You smiled and rolled your eyes though you looked to the man with adoration. You loved how he always got embarrassed and pretended like he was mad. "Hey, jagi. Mianhae~"

He looked over at you and saw you tilting your head to the side, pouting cutely. He  looked away quickly and tried to hide his smile from you. Though you loved to pick on him he could never stay mad at you and it was same the other way around. Neither of you was ever mad at one another, and it you ever did get upset it never lasted long.

"Oppa~" You called out to him as you pouted, "I'm rea~lly sorry. Forgive me?"

He sighed and forced the smile off his face before turning to face you, "Aish. Why should I?"

"Because I love you! Saranghaeyo~" You told him as you smiled and made a heart with your hands.

He laughed and brought his hands up to his face, cupping your cheeks. "Aish, I love you too. Why can I never stay mad at you?"

You smiled and kissed his nose, "Because I'm cute and you love me?"

"Haha, yeah that's the reason I suppose." He said as he pretended to think it over then chuckled when you pouted, leaning forward and kissing your cheeks then your forehead.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too. I suppose."

You both smiled and you rolled your eyes playfully. He tilted his head and smiled widely at me then his eyes widened. Sitting up straight now he stared at you with a serious expression making you look at him with confusion.


"Let's have a baking contest!"

~Tantalizing feel that soaks from the tip of my toes I twitch once. The heart dances, badum tss. I throw my body, I've fallen for you stupid. I'm always soaked in this feeling. The light shining because of you is hot. I want to keep swimming. We are always tied together, tightly. Hit me hit me up. Ring ring ring ring I call. My mouth curls, the moment I pick up my mouth curls. When you want to hear about my heart throw your hands up, throw your hands up, throw your hands up~

"Okay, we have milk chocolate cake mix and then fudge brownie mix. Oo~ or we have..."

You sighed as you watched your husband go on and on about the different baking mixes that were stored in your pantry. Leaning against the counter you crossed your arms and couldn't believe that you had actually agreed to this idea. 

"Hey, babe, maybe we shouldn't do this." 

"Huh? Wae?" He asked you as he kept looking through the boxed mixes to find one he wanted to make.

"I didn't make spaghetti sauce explode in our microwave earlier."

"Yah~ Didn't I tell you not to mention that again?" He whined as he turned to face you with a pout.

"Jun," you said softly, "Honey, you've never baked anything before. You've always just watched me, you never even wanted to help. You sure you can bake this stuff without making anything-hmmm- you know, explode?"

He sighed and looked at you with exasperation. "Yes!"

"Alright, alright, don't get lippy. You can't blame me for being cautious." You told him as you cupped his face.

"Yeah, I guess not." He took your hands from his face and turned to the two boxes on the counter with excitement. "Now, let's get started!"

"Oh god, here we go."

*Ten minutes later*

You sat on the floor, your legs stretched out straight in front of you, and scowled at the counter across from you. Jun was beside you on the floor and occasionally would glance over at you, worry in his gaze. He would reach his hand out slowly but then would change his mind and retrack it again.

The kitchen around you both was a mess, chocolate mixing everywhere even some on the walls. Egg shells were scattered around and there was even some oil that had fallen, dripping over the side of the counters and onto the floor. Among other things you were scared to even acknowledge. You weren't exactly sure what had happened but you knew it started with Jun's evil smirk.

"Hey, jagi? I'm sorry," Jun said breaking the thick silence and slightly turning to face you. "Jagi?"

You stayed silent but turned your hand and glared at him, chocolate mixing sliding from your head and onto the floor. He smiled innocently and took ahold of your hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it. 

"I wuv you~" He told cutely as he scooted closer to you. "Here, let me help you clean up."

He brought his face closer to your own and you looked to him with confusion, "What are you doi- EW!!! UGH!!"

He laughed as you pulled away and stood up, walking to the sink and grabbing some paper towels that were laying beside it. 

"I can't believe you frikin licked my cheek!" Your nose crinkled with disgust as you glared back at him.

He laughed again and walked up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his chin on your shoulder. "Sorry, thought I was helping you."

"Mhm," you hummed as you tore off another paper towel and dampened it before handing it back to him.

"Here, clean up."

"Yes ma'am," he told you as he grabbed it and then paused handing it back to you.

You took it with confusion and glanced from him to the towel. "What? Don't want to be clean?"

He smiled and shook his head, "No I just want you to clean me."

"What? Seriously?"

"Pwease~" He drawled out as he pouted cutely making you sigh and smile.

"Ugh, fine." 

"I love you~" He said as he chuckled and closed his eyes while you started cleaning up the mixing.

"Mhm, you better."

~I’ve fallen into you, I’m struggling because of you. My movements become slower and I’m starting to suffocate. I’m a swimming fool. I’ve fallen into you, I’m struggling because of you. My movements become slower and I’m starting to suffocate. I’m a swimming fool~

Tags :

Critical Beauty(Yeo One-Pentagon)

Critical Beauty(Yeo One-Pentagon)

Requested by: MarriedToKpop

~I was walking and I just found this rose on the street. If you like it, take it. I didn’t know you liked pink, but seeing you hold it it does look good with you. Don’t look at me like that. Stop asking me. Where did you learn to smile like that. I feel hot all of a sudden. Heat is rising for some reason~


Your eyes popped wide open and you gasped as you sat up quickly once the shrill noise reached your ears. You paused for a second to catch your breath and look at your surroundings to recognize where you were, before realizing you were in your class. Embarrassment covered you as you saw all the looks that your class mates were giving you and you slid farther down into your chair as you felt your cheeks heat up. 

You heard a snort from behind you and felt a hand tap your head making you pout and bring your own up to rub the sore spot. "Ouch," you muttered as you turned sideways in your chair and scowled at your boyfriend. 

"You're such a goof, I can't believe you fell asleep in class." Yeo One picked at you as he waited patiently for you to collect your things. 

"You didn't have to hit me though," you told him as you glanced up at him and pouted.

He smiled and bent over reaching his hand up to rub your head, "Mianhae. Come on now, school's out and I don't want to stay here longer than usual."

You shook your head but couldn't help to smile as he held onto your hand and led you from the classroom. A smile stayed on your face while the both of you walked hand in hand and headed out of the school building then started on your walk home. Yeo One talked about random things and you never complained, you loved listening to him get excited about something so when he got like this you would just stay quiet and listen.

"Hey, y/n, can we do something tonight?" He asked as he tilted his head and smiled down at you.

"Hm? Sure, what were you thinking?"

He paused for a minute and then cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, well my parents are gone for the night so would you like to come over? I was- uh- I was planning on making dinner?"

Your eyes widened in surprise and you glanced over to him, a smile slowly crossed onto your face as you stopped and stared at him in amazement. "Wait, what? Really?"

"Mhm, ar-are you okay with that?" He asked slowly, a slight pink tint covering his cheeks. 

"Of course I am." You told him as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, making him let out a laugh. "That sounds amazing."

You heard him sigh, most likely from relief, and he wrapped his arms around you as well. "Good, then shall we go?"

You pulled back from the hug and nodded about to start down the street again when he put his hand on your arm, stopping you. "What?"

~Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you keep asking the obvious? That’s how I feel. Why do you want me to say the obvious? It’s written on your face. Why are you getting mad? You’re a critical beauty~

He smiled and didn't say anything, instead he just nodded towards a car that had just pulled to a stop behind you. You glanced from the car to your boyfriend and felt your eyebrows pull together. 

"My uhm, my dad insisted." He bit his lip and looked away then back to you, "Are you okay with it. Cause we can walk if you wa-"

"What? Are you kidding? Let's go!" 

He laughed and followed behind you as you drug him to the car. 

*Time Skip brought to you by.....FACE MIST! Even Daesung promotes it!* ~never gets old~

You looked around the house with contempt as you remembered how homey his house felt. It had been a while since you'd been here but as always it felt nice to be here. The both of you had been in a relationship since you were in the tenth grade and now you were both freshman in college. All these years your families had grown closer and eventually you all were actually close and felt like a great big family. Your parents adored him and treated him as their own son and his parents were so loving to you, always making you feel welcomed.

"Hey jagi, it's done." Your handsome boyfriend said as he poked his head through the kitchen doorway.

"Oh, coming!"

"No, wait!" He called suddenly making you stop quickly and look at him with wide eyes. "Stay here, one second."

You watched with confusion as he turned and ran back into the kitchen and listened as you heard banging and clinking. "Yeo, what are you doing?"

"One second! Ouch! Crap, that's hot!"

You got worried and walked quickly to the doorway, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine! Here come in now." He told you softly as he opened the door for you and led you to the table, that was now set with a table cloth and the room was warmly lit thanks to the candles scattered around the room. 

You paused and stared at the set table with amazement. "Ye-Yeo, thi-this is beautiful."

He scratched his cheek and bit his lip, "You like it?"

"Ye-Yeah, I love it!" You told him as you turned and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Thank you so much for this."

"No problem, you deserve better but this was the best I could do."

"Better?! What's better than this?"

He chuckled and pulled away, pulling a chair out for you and smiling widely.

~Stop trying to find signs of me checking out other girls or trying to find the differences. Don’t want you to join the others who are so obvious. Just want us to get closer. I feel the high like diving into the sky, as if I’ve always been like that giving off a tsundere vibe. I live for you, I’ll give you everything. If I’m with you alone anywhere we go, it’s Hollywood~

You sighed in contempt and leaned back slightly in your chair , smiling happily as you looked to Yeo One. He had finished earlier than you had and was spending the rest of the time talking with you about random things. Overall you enjoyed everything and didn't stop telling him that especially since you enjoyed the food so much.

"You never told me you could cook though, Yeo." You told him as you leaned your elbows on the table, looking over at him as he stood at the sink. 

"Yeah, mom taught me long ago but I never had the chance to actually show you my skills."

You laughed and stood from the table, heading over to him and wrapping your arms around him from behind. "Thank you again for the amazing dinner."

"No problem at all, jagi." He turned the tap off and turned to face you, holding you in his embrace while softly kissing your forehead. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm also happy I was able to pull tonight off."

You pulled back and looked at him with confusion, "What's so special about tonight?"

"Uhm," he stopped and pulled back. "I can't do this in here, I have it all planned so just follow me real quick."

"Uh, sure. Okay," you told him with confusion as you followed after him not really understanding what was going on.

He stopped the both of you by the glass door that goes out to the patio and turned around to face you, reaching to his pocket and holding something behind his back. "Okay, close your eyes."

You were even more confused and looked at him strangely for a few seconds before rolling your eyes and closing them. Listening to him was a lot easier than arguing with him, you told yourself as you sighed and mentally complained. Eventually you felt something smooth and cool wrap around your eyes and felt Yeo tying it behind your head. 

"So....any particular reason I'm being blindfolded? Because I'm pretty sure it's not my birthday...or our anniversary to be exact." You told him with a smile before you felt his hand on your back and walked hesitantly to where he led you. 

He chuckled and continued leading you, "You would be correct but tonight is in fact a very special one."

"Mind telling me wh-" You were cut off when he shushed you and you felt his hand disappear. "Woah, hey. Babe, where'd you go?!"

"Relax," he whispered from behind you as he took the blindfold off and wrapped his arms around you resting his hands on your stomach. "Open your eyes."

You did as he said and blinked your eyes open, then felt them widen and your mouth drop open in surprise at the view you saw. "Oh-Oh my-" You couldn't even speak as you felt your eyes water.

"Do you like it?"

"Love it," you whispered. 

There were candles around, like the kitchen, and rose petals scattered on the ground. In the shape of a heart. Then you heard gentle music playing and turned to your left to see a small speaker playing music from his phone. 

"Yeo, this is amazin- Oh my gosh." You had turned back and was surprised to see Yeo One kneeling in the middle of the roses on one knee with a ring case in his hands. 

"Y/n, we have been together since I was an idiotic teen but thanks to you being next to me all these years I have grown into the man, well not man but a young adult, that I am today and have fallen head over heels for you. I live everyday waking up thinking about you and going to sleep with you still on my mind. You are my light and my day, you've supported me through my good and bad days, and I couldn't love you anymore than I do. I promise to spend the rest of my life doing nothing but making you happy and I never want to spend a day away from your side."

He gently grabbed ahold of your hand and you felt your eyes water again, wanting to cry but not wanting to miss a thing you held them back. 

"I want you to be my future and I don't want to miss a chance to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you please do me the absolute honor of marrying me? Say yes?"

~Somehow this shining thing found its way into my pocket, I guess you can try putting it on your finger. Oh goosebumps, it fits you perfectly. How come the same ring is on my finger? Don’t look at me like that. What are you so curious about. How did your voice become like that? I feel hot all of a sudden, I’m going crazy because of you~

You stared down at him and let go of his hand to cup his face, "Are you crazy? Why would I every say no? Yes!"

He froze for a few seconds then blinked quickly, "Wh-Really?!" He stood up and held onto your arms as he stared into your eyes.

You laughed and nodded, feeling the tears finally come out and run down your cheeks. "Yes!"

He laughed and pulled you to him, squeezing you in his embrace and making you laugh but you returned his hug with a smile. "I love you," he mumbled as he rested his head on top of yours.

"I love you, too."

"Oh! The ring," he exclaimed as he pulled back and got it out of the case and slipping it onto your finger.  "It's even more beautiful on you," he mumbled making your smile widen.

"Oh please, this is just amazing." 

You looked up at him as he cupped your face and closed your eyes when he leaned forward, kissing you. 

"I love you."

"I love you."

~Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you keep asking the obvious? That’s how I feel, why do you want me to say the obvious? It’s written on your face. Why are you getting mad? You’re a critical beauty. It’s Yuto. Burn everything up, fire. I lost it all for you. I’m addicted to you like a deeply spread virus. Someone save me, I can’t hide my growing feelings. That’s right, I can’t breathe because of you~

"Okay, let's see we have all the bridesmaids and bouquets. And uh, let's see. Oh! I forgot to g-"

"Jihee, would you please calm down!" You told the stressing girl with a laugh, "You being on edge is putting me on edge. And I don't think I can afford to be on edge today."

"Oh, y/n, I'm so sorry!" She said as she sat beside you with a sigh. "You're right, I'm stressing. But it's because today's such a big day and-"

"And the wedding planner can handle everything, okay? Shouldn't I be the one who's stressing seeing as how I'm the one getting married?"

You both shared a laugh and you wrapped your arm around her shoulders, "Look I love you and all, you wouldn't be my maid of honor if I didn't, but your job right now is to just stay by my side and keep me calm okay?"

She nodded and some stray strands out of my face, "I feel like a proud mother right now."

"Well that would be my job," a voice said from the doorway making the smile grow on your face and you stand from the small bench you were seated on. 

"Eomma~ I'm so glad you're here right now." You said as you stood and hugged her smaller form making her chuckle.

"Oh my little baby, I'm so happy right now. I love you, sweetheart."

She cupped your face in her hands and smiled at you, "I'm nervous."

"Butterflies?" She asked softly as she tilted her head to the side and studied you.

"Yeah, like a whole swarm of them." You admitted as you set your hand on your stomach.

"Oh my baby, you are so in love aren't you?"

You felt heat rush to your cheeks and bit your lip, "Yes. I am momma."

"Well sweetie, let me tell you something. From how nervous that boy was out there who's waiting for you, I can tell you that he whole-heartedly loves you too."

You smiled and nodded, holding onto her hands as the wedding planner opened the door and smiled at you. "Ready?"

Your eyes widened and you took a deep breath before nodding to her. "Let's do this."

[A/n: I would just like to say that I have no idea how weddings work in korea so you will be having a wedding that I know how to write about x'D]

Your father came from behind her and smiled at you, kissing your cheek as you placed your arm through his. "Ready to go?"

You nodded and felt your mother lower your veil before smiling at you and heading into the main hall. Glancing once more at your father you slightly tightened your hand on his arm and faced the doors, taking a deep breath and watching with amazement as they slowly opened. Your father led you down the isle and your gaze didn't stray from the man standing at the very end. The man that you were about to start the rest of your life with. The man that was smiling widely at you and the very love of your life.

"You ready?" He whispered when you finally reached him.

You took another breath and looked into his eyes, "Totally."

"Let's go then."

~Don’t look at me like that, stop asking me. Where did you learn to smile like that? I feel hot all of a sudden, heat is rising for some reason. Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you keep asking the obvious? That’s how I feel, why do you want me to say the obvious? It’s written on your face. Why are you getting mad? You’re a critical beauty~

Tags :

Sun and Moon(Taeyong-NCT)

Sun And Moon(Taeyong-NCT)

Requested by: Chanyeol​​​​​​​ 

ceng jing de wo tai guo zi si zhi zhao gu wo zi ji

The past me was too selfish, only caring about myself

ceng jing de wo tai sha bu dong de ni de xin

The past me was too foolish to understand your heart

xian zai de wo yi tian tian zai gai bian

The me of now is changing every day

ming ming ni bu zai wo shen bian que yin wei ni er gai bian

Clearly, you're not by my side but I am changing because of you,

yin wei ni gei de ai

because of the love you gave me

ba shi jian dong jie hui dao ni shen bian

Let me freeze time and return to your side

na hui yi de shu fan hui guo qu na yi

Turning back the pages in this book of memories

ye na yi ye de ni wo Oh~ho na shi hou de ni he wo

The you and I from that page, oh~ho, the you and I of that time

[Sorry, I personally like listening to the chinese version more, but that might just be me.]

~I see you even when I close my eyes, I hear you even when I cover my ears. When I think of you, even if you're in a place where I can't touch you, I can feel you. When my moon rises your sun rises as well under the same sky. In this different time our hearts are connected under the same sky~

You sighed and clicked the song off, not wanting to cry anymore, and wiped the tears from your cheeks. Setting your phone off to the side you placed your chin on your hand and rested your elbow on the counter thinking about the memories flooding your mind, both bad and good memories. You let another tear slip down your cheek not bothering to wipe it and too tired from all the crying you've done until now.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

You sighed and looked at your now lit phone screen, which showed a message from your best friend, f/n. Clicking the message you read,

Hey, feel like going out tonight? It might do you some good...

You smiled slightly and texted your response back, deciding that it actually might be better to go out tonight. You had certainly had enough of just sitting here crying about what went wrong with you and your, now ex, boyfriend Taeyong. Letting out a determined breath you stood from the stool and headed back to your room to get ready for the night out f/n had planned.

~Time Skip~

You opened the door when you heard a knock on it and smiled when you saw f/n standing on the other side with a wide smile. She practically bounced towards you and enveloped you in a hug, squeezing you tightly.

"You ready to go?"

"Depends," you said with slightly narrowed eyes, "Where exactly did you plan on taking us?"

"That, my adorable little amigo, is something that will be kept a secret until we get there." She told you as she pinched your cheeks, making you hit her hands away in annoyance. She laughed and wrapped her arm around your own pulling you after her as she pulled your door shut. "Come on! Let's go!"

You covered your ears and your eyebrows drew together, shrinking away from the loud booming sounds coming from the speakers. You tapped your friend's shoulder, making her turn to look at you, coming closer so she could hear you. "It's too loud in here, I'm gonna go outside for a bit."

"Okay," she called back at you and gave you a smile.

You turned and pushed your way through the crowds of people, trying to make your way to the large patio glass doors that were located towards the back of the building. After arriving at the club with f/n you instantly regretted your agreement to accompany her due to the large amount of people that were partying and dancing. You quickened your steps and let out a breath of relief as soon as you opened the doors and stepped outside, breathing in the fresh cool air.

You walked over to the balcony railing and leaned against it staring out at the night sky. Thoughts and memories ran through your mind as the night wind blew against you, cooling you. Memories of the reason you were here to begin with. The reason you were, well are still so depressed. And that reason being your boyfri- ex boyfriend, for the 5th time.

"Y/n?" Your eyes widened and you whipped around to see the devil you were just thinking about.


The both of you were silent as the breeze blew around you and made you shiver. You turned your face away and looked back out over the night lights, choosing to ignore his currently unwanted presence. He, on the other hand, came closer towards you and leaned against the railing himself looking over a you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, you barely being able to hear him over the pounding music that was still loud even through the walls.

You debated whether you would answer or not, not really wanting to have a conversation with him. Finally you sighed and decided to answer him but kept it short. "F/n asked me to come with her, I decided that it would be okay to go with her."

~You and I, our own secrets. You and I, you and I, you and I, we are like one. Every night, in my dreams we are connected to each other we're looking at the same place. Without a sound, you enter into me and I'm being pulled by you~  

"That's good. I'm glad to se-"

"Don't," You told him firmly before turning to him and staring at him with a blank face. "Don't do this to me Taeyong. Not now." You shook your head and started to walk towards the doors wanting to head inside to get away from him, "I can't deal with this."

"No wait!" He said quickly as he grabbed ahold of your arm and stopped you, turning you back to face him. "Listen to me, y/n."

"Why?! What do you possibly have to say that will change how I feel?"

"How do you feel?" He said, his eyes starting to water.

"I hate you," you told him as tears started to fall down your cheeks. "I've forgiven you time and time again and you just disappoint me in the end!"

Taeyong's face fell and he pulled you closer to him, his grip on your arm firm yet gentle. "Y/n, I'm so sorry but please, please listen to me."

"What?" You hit your free hand against his chest, not really putting any force behind it. "What do you have to tell me that I don't already know?"

"I never, never cheated on you!" He shouted out as he grabbed your free arm and held it, making sure not to hurt you. "That girl, that you saw me with, was Jaehyun's cousin. He wanted me to keep an eye on her while he went off with some girl."

You scoffed and pulled your arms away from him stepping back some and looking away from him. "Do you honestly think I'd believe that? After all, this isn't the first time I've caught you with one of your friend's family members."

"Y/n," Taeyong's voice had gone soft and he kept stepping towards you 'til he was right in front of you, "I love you. I always have."

"Saying you love me won't fix things Taeyong."

"I know and I'm not saying it because I think it will," he paused and ran his hands down your arms 'til he reached your hands, bringing them up to his face and resting them against his lips. "I've missed you."

You felt your throat tighten and felt tears rise again, but you held them back refusing to cry anymore over him.

"I can't do this. I can't go through this crap again," you said before ripping your hands away from his and taking off towards the doors making it inside and taking off towards the exit.

~When my moon rises your sun rises as well under the same sky. In this different time our hearts are connected under the same sky. You and I You and I You and I. Our own secrets. You and I You and I You and I. We are like one~  

You didn't hear anything behind you, not that you think you even could hear anything seeing how loud it was, and based on how many people were surrounding you currently you were pretty positive that unless he was directly behind you there was no way he could keep track of you. After many shoves and pushes you finally made your way to the front door and quickly ran out of them, glad you had your small bag with you so you could let f/n know that you were going home and that you'd talk to her tomorrow before shutting your phone off.

You took in a deep breath of the fresh air and quickly signaled a cab before hoping in and rattling off your address to the cabbie. He tried to make small talk with you but you kept your answers short not really feeling the mood to have a conversation. Finally you arrived at your house and headed inside kicking your shoes off as soon as you stepped through the front door, p/n{Pet's name sorry you have a pet X'D} coming up to greet you which you returned with a tired smile.

Another sigh escaped your lips and you rubbed the back of your neck as you locked the door behind you and headed away from the door, wanting to just go to bed and forget everything that had happened. Which, after you took a quick shower, is exactly what you did. You jumped into bed and prayed that you wouldn't have anymore dreams. You didn't want Taeyong in your life anymore even in your dreams which seemed to be appearing more frequently, so hopefully you would just sleep straight though the night.


A bright light hit your eyelids, making you slowly wake up and making your eyes flutter open before you let out a groan. You turned over and buried your head into a pillow turning it over to the side after a few seconds and staring at your closed curtains over the window.

"So thin," you muttered to yourself in complaint.

You sat up and brushed your fingers through your very messy hair when you realized that even though you had a crappy sleep you hadn't dreamed at all. A small smile crossed your face and you swung your legs over the side of the bed, letting them hang for a few minutes before standing and walking over to your window and opening the curtains letting the warm and comforting sunlight hit your face like a welcome. You stretched your arms above your head and let out a yawn as you looked out over the streets finding that it was still early enough out that no one was around.

That is everyone except for one car, a car that looked vaguely familiar. Taeyong's car.

~Every night, in my dreams we are connected to each other, we're looking at the same place. Without a sound, you enter into me and I'm being pulled by you. When my moon rises your sun rises as well under the same sky. In this different time our hearts are connected under the same sky~    

Your eyes widened and you quickly shut your curtains again before rushing over to where you had set your phone during the night. Grabbing it you turned it on while you headed into the bathroom to get dressed real quick. Your phone, being on vibrate, fell off the counter and you let out a silent curse before picking it up off the ground and gasping in surprise by the number of missed calls and texts you had coming in.

Noticing the three voicemail notifications you clicked the notification and held the phone up to your ear, almost collapsing in relief when you figured out it was from f/n.

Hey~ Are you okay?! I just saw Taeyong! He was running out of the club pretty quickly and figured he was chasing after you. Did something happen?

Next voicemail~

Y/n, hun please call me back. I'm worried about you.

Next voicemail~

Please please let me know you're okay! If you don't call me back I'm going to guess you're most likely asleep. Call me tomorrow and let me know if everything's okay! Love you~

You smiled and decided to message her back, letting her know that everything was in fact okay. Stepping foot into the kitchen you jumped when you heard a knock on your front door so you turned and slowly headed towards the door, peering out from the peep hole when you reached it. Taeyong was standing at your door one hand leaning against the door frame and his clothes wrinkled from you guessed him staying in his car all night.

You sighed and decided to open the door, your eyes widening when you caught a glance of his face. He looked awful. He had dark circles under his eyes, which were red and puffy, and his face was pale with a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Taeyong, were you out there all night?" You asked as your eyebrows came together from confusion.

He nodded and opened his mouth to say something only to start coughing. You stared at him in shock and let out a breath as you opened the door wider, wrapping your arm around his shoulders to help him inside.  

"Come on, you look awful."

He leaned against you heavily for a few steps and you barely were able to help him walk to the couch before he collapsed onto it and closed his eyes. Your eyes widened and you quickly bent over him, lightly shaking him.

"Ta-Taeyong? Taeyong!"

~You and I You and I You and I. Our own secrets. You and I You and I You and I. We are like one. Will I be able to see you again? At the end of this long journey? Want to be together in the same time, in different places, this distorted fate~    

You rushed to gather some things and came back with a warm damp rag, setting it against his forehead and grabbing the thermometer. After checking it you were surprised that it was so high and decided to help him get over whatever this was before talking things over with him. As you were about to stand to go get some water and medicine you felt his hand take a hold of yours and lightly pull you towards him.

He opened his mouth and lightly uttered a few words that made your heart skip a beat. "Please don't leave me."

You kneeled down beside him and ran your fingers lightly through his hair, saddened by the still familiar feeling. "I shouldn't even let you stay but I know that if I had kicked you out you'd stay outside my place until I listened to you." A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you thought about how stubborn he was about some things, "Hurry up and get better, than we can talk. I'll hear you out."

"Th-Thank you," he whispered before closing his eyes again and falling asleep.


Everything was silent around the house as you busied yourself with cleaning around the house while you waited for him to wake up. Every few minutes you'd go and check on him, make sure he was still covered and after the fifth or so time you smiled in relief when you noticed his fever had gone down. You knew that he'd be up before too long so you had went ahead and prepared some soup setting it off to the side and covering it so it wouldn't loose any heat. After you had poked your head around the living room entryway yet again you stopped yourself and shook your head as to how you were acting like nothing had ever changed. You walked towards him and laid your hand gently on his forehead, feeling it finally cool down from when he first arrived on your doorstep.

Hearing a buzzing noise you looked around and grabbed a phone off the floor, realizing it was Taeyong's, and before you could set it down on the table the phone screen lit up and reveled a message from Jaehyun.

Have you told her yet? Explained about the miscommunication with my cousin?

Your eyes widened and you looked quickly towards Taeyong who was still asleep. You pulled the blanket over his arms some more and set his phone down on the table before standing and heading into the kitchen, the message you had just read replaying in your mind. He-He wasn't lying, you thought to yourself. You couldn't believe that you never even listened to his side of the story when you first caught him.

Now that you thought about it you realized why he was probably never planning on telling you what had happened. He knew that he had hurt you previously before with similar circumstances and probably didn't want you to think anything again. He never cheated on you and you blamed him this whole time for your misery, yet when he tried to explain to you you pushed him out. Didn't want to hear anything he said.

"Y-Y/n?" You heard his voice call from the living room.

You stood and walked through the entryway towards him before sinking down onto the floor beside where he still laid. "I'm here," you said softly making him smile and reach out grabbing onto your hand. "You have a message," you told him before handing him his phone and looking away.

You noticed from the corner of your eyes that his facial expression didn't change as he read the message, and he instead deleted it from what you could tell. "Go ahead," you said quietly which made him frown.


"Go ahead and get mad at me for not listening to you. For not wanting to hear your explanation."

"Y/n, baby, why would I get mad at you about that? You had every right to be mad."

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes you did. I shouldn't have tried to hide it, I should have told you straight out about Jaehyun asking me to keep his cousin company. And I'm so so sorry I didn't. I knew I had hurt you before and didn't want to see you hurt again by me telling you, which I didn't realize not telling you would have the same effect."

You felt tears slide down your cheeks and felt him swipe his thumb underneath them, rubbing them away quickly. "I still love you," you cried out as you fell into his arms which started to rub your back in soothing circles.

"And I still love you," he said against your ear.

"Really?" You asked him as you pulled away and stared up at him.

"I will always love you," he told you sweetly with a smile before leaning towards you and making you melt with a kiss.

"Always," you whispered back when he pulled away slightly.

Tags :

3005(Rap Monster-BTS)

3005(Rap Monster-BTS)

Requested by: Suga's Neck Pillow 

~No matter what you say or what you do when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you. F*** these other niggas, I'll be right by your side till 3005, hold up. Hold up, wait a minute, all good just a week ago. Crew at my house and we party every weekend so. On the radio, that's my favorite song made me bounce around, like I don't know, like I won't be here long. Now the thrill is gone. Got no patience, cause I'm not a doctor. Girl why is you lying, girl why you Mufasa. Yeah, mi casa su casa, gotta strip it like Gaza. Got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava. Yeah, we spit that saliva, iPhone got message from Viber. Either the head is so hydra, or we let bygones be bygones~  

"Namjoon, want a piece?" You asked your boyfriend as you held your cone of cotton candy out towards him.

He smiled and took a chunk, closing his eyes as it melted in his mouth. "Why is this stuff always so good?"

"Because it's so bad for you. The food that's always bad for you is the best," you told him with a laugh.

He nodded, agreeing with you, and wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to his side. "So what do you want to do?"

"Hm? Oh, uhm I kinda wanna stay away from the rides." {Sorry guys, if you like rides you don't in this x'D}

"Right, sorry forgot about your phobia." He said as he rubbed your arm and looked around the fair again. "How about I try to get you a stuffed animal?"

Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed onto his arm, pulling him to a stop. "No!"

"What? Why not?"

You stopped and stared at him with an open mouth, stuck at what you could say to get yourself out of the hole you didn't want to dig any further. You couldn't exactly tell him that you were scared he'd break something to his face.

"Uhm, because I want to go on the Ferris Wheel. What do you say?" You said as you tilted your head to the side and smiled hopefully.

"Sure," he said before grabbing onto your head and pulling you along after him as he headed towards the Ferris Wheel.

Once you guys reached the line you were saddened to see that there was a pretty long line, but you didn't want to leave and then come back later only to find a even longer line. Namjoon must've realized you were upset because he looked down at you and touched your cheek lightly.

"Wanna go do something else then come back?"

"No, let's wait. After all you know what they say, being patient pays off," you told him with a smile.

You saw his eyebrows draw together and he glanced at the line then back to you, "O~kay, but who had ever said that?"

You shrugged and waved his question away while simply saying, "It's a family thing."

He slowly nodded and laughed before wrapping his arms around you from behind and pulling you closer until your back was pressed against his chest.

~"My God, you pay for your friends?" I'll take that as a compliment. Got a house full of homies, why I feel so the opposite? Incompetent ain't the half of it. Saturdays with young lavishes. Saddest sh**, is I'm bad as it. These they took from the cabinet (woah) Sorry, I'm just scared of the future. Till 3005, I got your back, we can do this, hold up. No matter what you say or what you do when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you. F*** these other niggas, I'll be right by your side till 3005. Hold up (hold up)~

You were warm snuggled up against your boyfriend, who had his arms around you with his hands holding onto yours and his chin lying on your shoulder, while the both of you slowly rocked side to side in a calming matter. Many people who looked at you smiled as they watched you both but neither of you really paid attention to the stares. You looked up and smiled when you saw the line start moving again, this time you and Namjoon would make it to a car.

You tapped his arms excitedly and grabbed onto him pulling him quickly after you while he tried to catch his footing again. He looked to you exasperated while you bounced lightly on your feet, a huge smile on your face as you squeezed his hand. With a laugh he shook his head and walked with you to the worker who gave you both a smile before opening the door to a car and letting the both of you climb in before shutting the door after you, making sure it was locked and turning to start the machine.

You let out a squeal and practically pressed yourself against the side as you felt yourself moving up though frowning when the wheel had stopped moving again so the people behind you could get out. Namjoon laughed as he watched your disappointment then laid his arm on top of your shoulders, leaning his head back and enjoying the night breeze blowing against you both.

"I hope we get stopped at the top!" You said, the excitement practically pouring out as you spoke each word.

Namjoon turned his head towards you and rolled his eyes, "You say that every time we get on one of these things." His eyes, which he had just closed, opened again and looked to you. "Wait, why do you like these things so much?"

You froze and felt heat rising to your cheeks followed closely by anger as you turned to you him quickly, "You don't remember?"

His eyes widened and he looked like a deer caught in headlights as he thought about what you could be talking about. "Remember what?"

Your eyes narrowed and you turned away from him slightly disappointed. "Nothing, just forget it."

He became silent and you imagined him wracking his brain to figure out what was so special that you'd get so mad. The wheel started to turn again but you just stared out at what view you could see, which was just over the park. Both of you were silent as it slowly kept turning, neither of you speaking for different reasons.

"I'm sorry," you heard him mutter with sadness coating his voice making you hate yourself for lashing out at him.

Your car was slowly raising to the top and you turned to him, "Our first kiss."

He looked confused and waited for you to elaborate more which just made you roll your eyes.

"Our first kiss was at the top of a Ferris Wheel."

His eyes widened and you watched as realization dawned on him. "You're right. Oh baby I'm sorry I forgot!"

You smiled and shook your head, "It's fine. It's stupid that I get excited because of that huh?"

"Not at all!" He said as he scooted closer to you making the car rock and making you clutch his shirt in your hands.

"Yah! Namjoon!"

"What?" He asked you with a laugh as he looked down at you.

"Don't do that!"

"Oh come on, not like it's gonna break."

Your face dropped and you looked at him with wide eyes, the mental scene of exactly that happening because of the reputation your boyfriend held. Fortunately you were brought out of your stupor when you saw a bright flash of light and heard a bang. You jerked your head forward and gasped when you saw the fireworks going off, not noticing that the wheel had stopped your car at the very top giving you an even better view of them.

~No matter what you say or what you do when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you. F*** these other niggas, I'll be right by your side till 3005. Hold up (hold up) I used to care what people thought but now I care more. I mean nobody out here's got it figured out. So therefore, I've lost all hope of a happy ending. Depending on whether or not it's worth it. So insecure, no one's perfect. We spend it, with no shame. We blow that, like Coltrane. We in here, like Rogaine. Or leave it, like Cobain. And when I'm long gone, whole crew sing a swan song cause we all just ticking time bombs, got a lambo like Lebron's mom. And no matter where all of my friends go, Emily, Fam, and Lorenzo. All of them people my kinfolk. At least I think so. Can't tell. Cause when them checks clear, they're not here cause they don't care~

All you could do was stare in amazement as you watched the beautiful fireworks show go on, all while you sat at the very top. You felt a hand being placed under your chin and pull your face to the side to show a very pleased Namjoon smiling to himself.

"I'm glad you are enjoying the fireworks, but I have something to tell you." He said before inching even closer to you.

"W-What is it?" You stuttered from the sudden nervousness which made you feel like it was your first date all over again.

"I love you," he whispered before leaning forward and capturing your lips in a kiss so sweet and gentle you practically melted against him.

After he pulled back you smiled and brought your hand up to his face letting it gently cup his cheek as you stared at him with adoration. "I love you, too."

He hugged you and kissed your head before you pulled back, "Were you acting before?!"

He looked confused for a second before laughing again, "No I honestly didn't know that's why you loved Ferris Wheels so much. I feel kinda proud."

You hit his stomach and laughed as he pretended to bend over in pain eventually laughing along with you and kissing your forehead. The both of you sat back, your head lying against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, and watched as they shot off the rest of the fireworks. When you reached the bottom and were getting out you looked at Namjoon and your mouth dropped open in shock when you saw him hand the worker a bill and patted his back.

He turned towards you and stopped in shock from being caught before smiling sheepishly and walking towards you.

"You bribed him?!"

"What? Didn't you want to stop at the top?" He asked innocently, holding back a laugh as he looked at your shocked expression.

"That's not the point," you told him as you laughed yourself and shook your head. "I didn't think you had it in you to bribe someone."

He held your hand as you both started to make your way around the fairground again and looked down to you offended, "I honestly don't know if I should take that as a compliment or be offended."

You laughed again and pulled his face down kissing his cheek. "Don't worry I love you no matter what."

He shook his head and caught up to you quickly as you had started walking ahead of him. "I'm going to start getting offended here," he said simply making you laugh and hold onto his hand.

~It's kinda sad, but I'm laughing whatever happens. Assassins are stabbed in the back of my cabin. Labrador yapping. I'm glad that it happened, I mean it. Between us, I think there's something special and if I lose my mental, just hold my hand. Even if you don't understand, hold up. No matter what you say or what you do when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you. F*** these other niggas, I'll be right by your side till 3005. Hold up (hold up) No matter what you say or what you do when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you. F*** these other niggas, I'll be right by your sid till 3005. Hold up (hold up)~

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