kittykanzashi - Kitty Kanzashi
Kitty Kanzashi

Because life must be full of Kanzashi

593 posts

Kimono Kanzashi Hairclip

Kimono Kanzashi Hairclip

Kimono Kanzashi Hairclip

More Posts from Kittykanzashi

7 years ago
Making a dress - Simple white underskirt
The blog of the eclectic UK designer/maker of handmade hana tsumami kanzashi.

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8 years ago

Lolita Hakama Commision

Lolita Hakama Commision
Lolita Hakama Commision

My first lolita hakama skirt completed and shipped to it owner.

I can not wait to see what co-ords she comes up with.

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7 years ago

Holy moly I would love to get my hands on the fabric!  This would make the most fab obi.

Heres What Ive Been Pouring All My Time And Energy Into Lately!!!! So Glad To Be Able To Finally Share
Heres What Ive Been Pouring All My Time And Energy Into Lately!!!! So Glad To Be Able To Finally Share
Heres What Ive Been Pouring All My Time And Energy Into Lately!!!! So Glad To Be Able To Finally Share
Heres What Ive Been Pouring All My Time And Energy Into Lately!!!! So Glad To Be Able To Finally Share
Heres What Ive Been Pouring All My Time And Energy Into Lately!!!! So Glad To Be Able To Finally Share

Here’s what I’ve been pouring all my time and energy into lately!!!! So glad to be able to finally share it!

I’ve been designing these yokai themed patterns that will soon be turned into fabric and then into hats by the amazing Misallati Hat Club - an incredibly skilled and chill duo of brothers!! 

I’ll post when the hats are available for sale! They’re all gonna be completely hand-made too! I am psyched as hell. I love yokai and Japanese mythology so much, so this project has been an absolute blast.


10 years ago
Oh God Where Can I Get My Hands On A Pair Of Zori Like These.

Oh god where can I get my hands on a pair of zori like these.

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