kittymeowgief - ShoongZoom

Eu sou a Geovanna, tenho 17 anos e bom ao longo do tempo vou aprendendo a como usar esse app đŸ’Ș 💗 (I'm Geovanna, I'm 17 years old and over time I'm learning how to use this appđŸ’Ș)

43 posts

Uma Farsa De Amor Na Espanha Elena Armas

Uma farsa de amor na Espanha — Elena Armas

Tenho uma conclusĂŁo sobre esse livro!!

SIMPLESMENTE AMO o jeito que o Aaron causa uma mistura de emoçÔes boas, excitantes e MUITO confusas na Catalina-- cara...

O jeito que o Aaron fala com o sotaque espanhol đŸ”„đŸ˜ž era sĂł um desse meu Deus!

Eu comprei esse livro sexta feira e ainda Ă© domingo! E eu praticamente jĂĄ terminei ele, ele Ă© viciante e simplesmente a escrita dessa escritora mexeu com o meu coração 💗💋

Jå passei até pela parte mais emocionante do livro >O CASAMENTO<, e não tenho críticas para uma perfeição DESSAAAAS

o jeito que a Lina fica toda arrepiada com cada olhar, sorriso, toque mĂ­nimo do Aaron!!!! Cara a interação lenta e apaixonante, somente: AAAAAAAH!!đŸ”„

GIF por websaintnist

Uma Farsa De Amor Na Espanha Elena Armas

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10 months ago


separados por um violino

11 months ago

😭 I love It!!!

hanahaki alternate ending

word count: 1.7k warnings: mentions of death genre: angst link to hanahaki sweethartlullaby ê•€ masterlist

the alternative ending

You opted for the surgery even though you would lose feelings for him, he encouraged you to take the surgery, because he knew it would be the best for you. You didn’t make him promise anything so you weren’t supposed to be surprised that he wasn’t there when you woke up from the anaesthesia. Your roommate was the one that came to support you until you were able to get on your feet again. You were sad nevertheless, but you realized this wouldn’t compare to the depression without the surgery.  However, there was a flaw and your memory got altered. You took some time to remember some parts of your life and they told you about the boy who you took the surgery for but it was a very subtle description. They told you his name, but that was it and somehow it was enough to fill the void you began to feel in your heart. 

It had been years since then, a decade maybe? You were going down the stairs of the church, right after your roommate’s wedding. Yes, she did find her “one” and it made you think for a moment. Would you ever find yours? 

Continuar lendo

7 months ago

I see no difference.....

I See No Difference.....

I See No Difference.....
10 months ago


“E eu sei que mesmo que alguĂ©m destruĂ­sse vocĂȘ, porque a vida Ă© assim e ninguĂ©m Ă© invencĂ­vel, vocĂȘ juntaria os pedaços e continuaria sendo a pessoa mais cheia de luz que jĂĄ conheci.” - Uma farsa de amor na Espanha

7 months ago