Draws stuff, lives in the nightmares
242 posts
Klvm0nn - Cavilion Pamilla - Tumblr Blog
They could never make me form a certain opinion on you, Billy

hey these are some tips for some of the little details in drawing fat folks that some people might not know!
everyone has fat on their bodies so its a worthwhile skill to have, but most art tutorials leave it out. heres some other good tips from artists!!

Honestly I’m so irritated with myself for not being able to draw ugly characters or smth like that🙄 I really think I should make Billy more ugly but the only thing I’m capable of is a hooked nose and ugly eye bags and he STILL looks so anime-ish in my opinion. Gonna be working of that, but I just wanted to share my random thoughts
I really like the way milkandbrownies draws Billy. I like their style a lot and their version of Billy inspires me! I wanna draw him like that, their Billy looks exactly how I imagine him lol
drew this instead of working on my computer

guy i havent drawn in a LOOONGGG time

matching his freak [not the good kind] by also screaming and having a manic episode into the phone..............he would get sick of me so fast

I love these things they are my favorites

dont. u tell what we did here agnes :)

Found this in one of my old sketchbooks, started crying
хей факерс IM SO BACK!!!!

he’s not ginger, you are
What a stupid man! I like him!

jk I hate him
erm something quick be4 bed

Loud cartoon sigh sfx
i dont headcanon anything i simply know the truth the characters told me
family jewels - moral orel animatic ⛪✝️
Hellooo hello hello!!!! Could you please draw Billy like that one American Apparel cover?? It just gives me his vibes and I love your style a lot.

So yeah thanks byyeyeee!!!! *runs*

Just as a reminder from me as an OC X Canon artist: It sucks having people brush your Oc to the side. I will ALWAYS love your OCs significantly more than the canon character you ship them with.
I get how frustrating it is for people to ONLY acknowledge and see the canon character. It's disheartening.
You've worked hard in designing, writing, drawing them. Your Oc is your pride and joy; They aren't to be overlooked. They are to be acknowledged and appreciated as they are!!
(This shouldn't be taken as an ok for you to be like "(Character) is MINE!!!" or stuff like that. Character dependent/Delusional attachment styles are extremely unhealthy and makes everyone's fandom experience less enjoyable, I have zero tolerance with that)

Hey gays do you like remember me???? Hehehehehee

here’s the translation cuz I just woke up and too lazy to rewrite it
омой бог Лейн ивакура мой любимый персонаж в моем любимом фендоме!!!

this came to me in a waking nightmare

Name: Veomany "Vernon" Inthalangsy / ເວອມານີ "ເວີນອນ" ອິນທະລັງສີ
Height: 5'3 (160 cm)
Age: Looks to be around 25-26
Ethnicity: Laotian
Occupation: Archeologist (Formerly)

Born in Savannakhet, Laos, Veomany Inthalangsy moved to America with her parents in the early 1960s during the period surrounding the Vietnam War and Secret War in Laos.
Her parents sought refuge and a better life, settling in a small neighborhood in Sacramento. Veomany, who soon adopted the nickname "Vernon" to blend in.
Fascinated by history and ancient cultures, Vernon pursued a degree in archaeology. Her academic prowess led her to a promising career, quickly gaining recognition for her work. However, her ambition soon turned dark.
Driven by greed and a desire for power, she began stealing artifacts during expeditions to sell to private collectors and destroying key artifacts to prevent certain historical truths from being uncovered.
Vernon's actions weren't merely for profit; she relished the control she had over history and the secrets she withheld.

Vernon was in the Middle East for an Archeological Excavation where an unforeseen catastrophe struck. A violent sandstorm swept through the region, engulfing the archaeological site and separating Vernon from her team.
In the midst of Vernon's excavation, AM's awakening heralded the downfall of humanity. Cities crumbled, societies collapsed, and humanity faced extinction. Amidst the chaos of AM's rampage, Vernon found herself isolated from the horrors unfolding around her.
As the cataclysmic events unfolded, she stumbled upon a hidden chamber within the archaeological site, shielded from the devastation above. In a stroke of luck—or perhaps fate—she was spared from the fate that befell the rest of humanity.

AM, omnipotent and omnipresent, took notice of Vernon's unintended survival. Unlike the other humans who had perished in the wake of its wrath, Vernon survived, like a cockroach. It saw her as an intellectual challenge, Vernon's survival introduces an element of unpredictability. And so it kept her alive.
AM decided to exploit her deepest fear: being alone. Unlike the five other survivors whom AM had selected for specific torments, Vernon was condemned to an existence of perpetual solitude.
AM made a calculated decision not to inform the other five survivors about Vernon's existence. This ensured that not only would Vernon never encounter another human being, but the others would remain oblivious to her plight, intensifying her isolation.
For the next 109 years, AM meticulously ensured that Vernon never encountered another human being. She wandered the labyrinthine halls of the complex, her only companion the oppressive presence of AM.
The five survivors continued their own tormented existences, unaware that another human shared their fate, yet was forever kept apart.
AM occasionally offers Vernon a fleeting chance at human contact, only to snatch it away, deepening her torment.

Vernon meticulously studies AM’s behavior and environment, trying to piece together patterns that might help her understand or outsmart the supercomputer.
Vernon learns to anticipate AM's psychological tricks and adapts her strategies to mitigate their impact, constantly evolving to withstand new forms of torture.
Empathetic Moments
In rare moments when AM creates illusions of other beings, Vernon shows empathy and care, which hints at her underlying humanity and offers her brief emotional solace.
Her belief in her own superiority grows, leading her to see herself as the only worthy human left, which both motivates her survival and isolates her further.
She uses manipulation to navigate AM's traps, whether it means tricking the illusions AM creates or deceiving herself to cope with her reality.
Vernon frequently deceives herself to maintain her sanity, constructing elaborate mental defenses and justifications for her actions

In AM's Complex: Daily Life and Survival
Routine: Vernon establishes daily routines to maintain her sanity, such as specific routes she patrols, exercises she performs, and small rituals that give her a sense of control.
Exploration: She dedicates time each day to exploring new parts of the complex, mapping out areas and noting any changes or potential threats.
Mental Fortitude: Vernon practices mental exercises to strengthen her mind against AM’s psychological attacks, using techniques she has developed over the years.
Record-Keeping: She keeps a detailed journal of her experiences, observations about AM, and any patterns she notices, which serves both as a coping mechanism and a potential tool for understanding her captor.
Coping Mechanisms: To deal with loneliness, Vernon creates imaginary companions or talks to herself, using these strategies to stave off the worst effects of isolation.
Defiance: Small acts of defiance against AM, such as carving messages into walls or sabotaging minor systems, give her a sense of agency and resistance.
Conversations with AM: AM often initiates conversations with Vernon, usually to taunt her or present new challenges. These interactions serve as both psychological torment and a reminder of her captivity. Lately she's been finding comfort in them, Knowing there are some aspects of her knowledge in the ancient world he doesn't know about in his database.