She/Her, 24, Virgo. Lover of all things Otome~ I just wish I had more time to play. Had my start on Voltage Inc. games but have long since ventured to other games (Not to say I don’t play them anymore). Can’t help but love my original baes tho. Lately I have been obsessed with jjk, but I also love hxh, death note, many others💕Currently just a repost blog, Might repost more often and make a list of my favorites if I ever work up the motivation but for right now enjoy these talented folks.
426 posts
Its Not Often I Find A Feitan Fic So Im So Dang Happy Rn
It’s not often I find a Feitan fic so I’m so dang happy rn
Painting Lies
Feitan/reader (with a slight mention of phinks/reader and shalnark/reader)

He was surprisingly gentle. Nails would carve jagged lines down your legs, he’d press bruises into your skin. The burning of ointment, and warm water often pull gasps from your throat. The stinging and burning of the cuts grasped the air in your chest by its tail, twisting and tugging until it was yanked out, the same way he used pliers on that poor man's teeth when he was annoyed. At least you weren't left with gaping bloody holes when your breath and whines were ripped out.
You met him at an exhibition. There was a gentle background of classical music, a flood of people chattering away as they strolled through the exhibit. You hid in plain sight, your name tag on your chest, staring across the room at a piece made by someone else. Their line work was wonderful, each mark beautifully dragged your eyes across the piece in a loop. Its web pushing you out and pulling you in again. You hated it, it wasn’t bad no, but it was exactly what you wished to be. You were jealous, so filled with envy that you wanted to scream, to cry, and to throw a fit, sob into your pillow, and be comforted by your old stuffed friend.
You liked your little corner, and you happily talked with no one, becoming quick friends with the snack table. A few people came over to complement your work, and you nodded and thanked them. Perhaps you were too anxious, maybe it was a bad day, but you felt like your thanks were forced. It felt like you were stripped bare in front of them, caught halfway through changing. Plucked from the shower, your hair still dripping wet, as if you were halfway through shampooing.
He was different. His eyes were sharp, he felt social-avoidant, more so than you. You stood silently near each other for a while. You still felt like you were on a platter but less so as he took the liberty of glances at your name tag and gazed across the room. He stepped closer as the room grew less crowded.
“You made those?” he motioned toward your section of the exhibition.
You nodded slowly, feeling as if you were shivering like a scared dog.
“They’re good.”
“Thank you.”
You stole sips from your drink, glancing up at him every so often. He looked nice in the suit, it was tailored well, and the vents in the back didn't have the shipping treads still attached. You noticed that it helped you realize who was most likely to have money, and at the very least let you know who knew how to dress in a formal setting.
“The one-piece, with the organs, looked real.”
“Oh? Yeah, I stared at images of surgery the whole time while painting it.” You twirled your straw around your glass. The ice tapped against the cup, like the glass wind chimes that hug from your balcony. Your downstairs neighbor complained about them and you had to get rid of them. Sometimes you still see yourself sitting there in your chair, with your cat tucked behind your feet sleeping. “I didn't get the color right, I should have worked on it longer, it doesn't have enough eye movement.” The piece you’ve been glaring at didn't have those imperfections.
“I like it.”
I like talking with you. “I’m glad.”
You saw the time, realizing you had to go. There were awards to be handed out, and all of them were another reason for you to grow jealous. You wondered if stuffing your pockets full of snacks would be a good thing to come from this night.
“Are you going to the award ceremony?”
He looked back at you, thinking about it perhaps, you wouldn't blame him. They can be boring, especially if they’re unnecessarily long. He nodded, stepping forward without saying anything. He looked over towards you, waiting only a moment before you walked alongside him.
Your table was close to the walls. Nicely placed close to the snacks and drinks, but not close enough to have people hovering behind you. Having your pieces sold wasn't a guarantee, so you stuffed small handfuls of the free food into your bag when you thought no one was looking.
You didn't care to remember much about the night. Your legs were killing you, and you felt like you could sleep through a week when you got home. You liked your brief time with that man, the one you never caught the name of. It was a slow quiet conversation that dragged on but it didn't feel as awkward as you were used to. In a way, you wished to see him again, to have him be a new familiar face at any future show you had. You liked him, in the way you like a staple background character in a show.
You were more than shocked to find out that every piece of yours sold. Even more so when you saw you got more than the original asking price. You were crying with joy, while you practically jumped off the walls letting yourself celebrate with a childish movie and a more spendy takeout meal than you usually allow yourself from time to time. You fell asleep watching it, your cat curled up on your chest.
Your streak of good luck had you dancing all week. You danced with your cat as you took breaks from your projects, swinging him in your arms like he was a newborn. His little squeaks of a meow made you squeal with delight. You peppered kisses across his nose and ears, brushing his chest and desperately fighting off mats that always tried to appear in his fur. Your day job was boring as usual but there were fewer annoying things to deal with. You lucked out managing to snag a deal on paints, even managing to fit an experimental project into your personal use stash of cash.
In your unprofessional opinion, the best thing to happen was bumping into that man from the exhibit. It was late in the afternoon, and the sun started to dip down behind buildings and trees. You had to make a quick stop at a convenience store, the chime of the door welcoming you. You passed by the man in the green jacket waiting on a pack of cigarettes. Your shoes clicked on the floor, they made you feel cute, if you weren't in public maybe you’d spin in a circle and laugh, telling a joke to yourself about being a teacher walking in the halls. You grabbed a small can of tuna, a treat for your cat until you could get his food tomorrow when the store opened. You made sure to triple-check your budget and grab a snack for yourself.
There were a lot of things that needed to be done; you had bills due next week, the cat needed more food, you needed to check on litter sales, and you needed to do some grocery shopping. You need to check the calendar when you get home, that cat of yours needs to go to the groomer to help with his too-fluffy face. Then lost in thought you took a step back bumping into someone behind you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You turned around, already apologizing with real sincerity.
“It’s fine.”
“Oh! You’re the guy from the thing,” You nearly didn't recognize him, half his face was covered after all. His eyes though were just so sharp, they were calculating and every time they dragged across the room it felt like the walls and floors shivered as a person would. They were beautiful in a scary intimidating way, matched with his silence you would have never dared talk with him.
“Do you live here? Or are you passing through or something?” Maybe you should have been more scared, no you should have been more scared, it was worse than extended family gatherings where you had to sit next to your father’s 3rd cousin’s great-niece, who was also your age with perfect grades and decorated in awards. Part of you desperately wanted to talk to him. You felt so strange dancing around your words, biting on sentences, and licking your comas, but you wanted to get to know this guy, as weird and as awful as it sounded, you kinda had a crush on the guy. It would explain your actions at least.
“Staying for business for a few weeks.”
“Maybe we’ll run into each other again, if that happens and you’re free I could show you this really pretty place with a bunch of cute kitties!” You smiled to yourself and went to check out your things, “I like doodling the cats sometimes they can be so silly, it's peaceful there,” you hummed a little note, thinking of them playing with each other and snacking on treats people left for them. “Anyways, it was nice seeing you again! In case we don't meet again, have a good few weeks!” You waved him goodbye and left with the ring of the door.
You passed through the streets until you were home and greeted by the cat sleeping atop the fridge. He was comfortably curled up with his tail covering his eyes and nose. His little pink ears poked out from atop his head twitching when the door opened and closed. His paws hung over the edge of the fridge, his little paw pads covered in dust and a little dirt from the plant on your balcony.
You went about your day painting his paws. Working diligently on your projects and scrambling to find that damned sketchbook. There were a thousand things to do during your very short few days before your exhibit. Everything was nearly complete. You needed to finish that one cursed liver that was not agreeing with the angle, and you had some hooks to hang to the back of a couple of others. That public showcase needed a more grief-stricken feel, you needed to figure out how to make it ooze out of the piece, and make this more than some random extra gory piece.
You worked late into the evening, you had bright white lights shining down onto the canvas from over your shoulders. When you started yawning every few minutes, your eyes started to water and you were starting to fight to keep focus, you decided to rest. The knot in your shoulders pinched and pulled at you stretched. You struggled to run your knuckles across your back as if to weed out the knots. You rubbed your eyes and noticed you forgot to close the blinds.
Living on the upper floors came with the benefit of safety. Though it did concern you that someone across the street could have been watching you. You’d simply need to make sure to do that every time you start to paint. Or set an alarm on your phone to make sure you close them each night. Though it was late and you needed to finish as soon as you could, so you didn't bother to go change into some fluffy pajamas or curl up into your bed but plopped onto your cheap futon with your cat and a small mountain of blankets you swiped from across the house and just let the exhaustion catch up with you.
Your hard work paid off. You reached your deadline, and while you had a thousand vile words for your last piece others only had small criticisms that you graciously thanked them for. You found yourself stuffing your face with snacks and yawning to yourself in-between conversations. You swear that if you miss one night of full sleep, you feel it for weeks.
Through the nice clothes of passersby and the quiet background chatter of the room, you saw that same guy looking up at one painting. His face was gently covered in a veil to cover his emotions, you couldn't read them even if you knew how. Yet he looked up and the way he looked made you want to believe that he liked it, you hoped that he was gazing up at it with admiration. He looked away from it, meeting eyes with you.
In a sudden surge of confidence, you stepped forward, your hands filled with your small prize of free food. You didn't know what you wanted to say to this man, but you did like how he looked in a suit, it's not your place to comment on his clothing but you preferred to see his lips the few times he spoke. You offered your handful of snacks as you munched on a cube of cheese, biting into pepper jack, how did you feel about the warm pepper jack?
“Do you like it?”
“Sort of.”
You looked up at the painting, your last one, the one that gave you the most trouble. The details still felt all wrong, the emotion was there but it was muddy, and hard to feel.
“It doesn't look like a liver,” you both said to each other.
You felt so excited, he knew it was off too, he knew that it wasn't right. “What’s wrong with it?” you smiled looking at the painting, tilting your head to see if that would help.
“The shading there,” he pointed, “ It doesn't have the right shade it should, and the blood vessels are too easy to see there.”
“Do you think a wash would fix it? I could give this a purple color in the shadows, less dark maybe like a lilac color? But then that part would look too uniform…”
You walked past each piece talking about the issues you could fix with the gorier ones, and how you could make the less gory invoke a desperate and sorrowful feeling.
“Can I ask if you're a collector or a critic?” You yawned a little, but you still felt decently awake, “I’m just curious you don't have to answer.”
“Neither,” he didn't bat an eye at your anxious stumble of words. “I went to the other one because my boss asked me to.”
“Did you come to this one because you wanted to?”
He didn't answer right away. “Yes.”
“Well I’m glad, it meant I could use you as an excuse to avoid conversation,” you joked, once again yawning as you sat down on a bench.
“You’re tired.”
“Yeah, I had to pull one too many all-nighters. I have to catch the last bus.”
He sat down next to you. Deep down inside you, exhaustion was bubbling up. It floated up to your skin melting away at your muscles and nerves. With every breath, you took it chewed through you until you were speaking in yawns and blinking through watery eyes. You wiped away at it, trying to keep yourself afloat in your head and not be dragged down into sleep.
“I could drive you home.”
You sniffled and yawned, trying to think. “I’d like that, I think, I’m just not exactly comfortable with it…” you couldn't ride the bus like this, you couldn't have some stranger drive you home like this either. Yet as if the world was against you, you had to pick between two awful ideas.
“Okay, you can drive me home, just don’t kidnap me, murder me, or any other gross shit okay?” You knew that the request made no logical sense but it made you feel ever so slightly more comfortable with the idea.
You typed your address into his phone, sinking into the passenger seat of what you kinda assumed was a rental car, though you didn’t care to ask while half asleep. The humm of the car on the empty streets was calming. The constant sound and the passing of the buildings only caused you to feel more sleepy, and you just slipped away. It just became so hard to fight to stay awake, it made you feel calm and there was an odd sense of comfort in it, falling asleep in the car, it reminded you of being a little kid.
You briefly woke up when the passenger door opened and you were plucked from the car. You made some confused noise which caused him to speak.
“I’ll carry you in.”
You mumbled something to him, probably your apartment number. Then you unsurprisingly feel asleep again. You kinda woke up to unlock the door. The handle was weird and had to be pushed just right to get the door to open.
“Come in if you want.” You said kicking off your uncomfy fancy shoes and scooping your very confused cat off the floor. He stared wide-eyed at the strange man that was invited into your home.
You had yet to move back into your bed so you collapsed just like every other night on your shitty little futon. “You can sleep over if you want, there’s my room that way if ya want the bed, possibly a sleeping bag if you’ll put up with a pink one from when I was nine.” You vaguely pointed in the directions of each place before promptly forgetting what happened next.
You woke up to a beautiful smell and a pile of blankets, pillows, and a pink sleeping bag on the floor. You were mildly confused but just rolled yourself onto the floor with your mountain of blankets and pillows. Nothing meowed when you landed so you took it as a success.
You looked out of the blankets at the feet beside your head. “I had like nothing in there to make real food out of?” You looked up at him confused.
“I grabbed stuff.”
“That’s like husband material right there.”
You yawned sitting up with a groan. He walked away back to the kitchen, and you looked down at yourself, wondering when you changed into pajamas, but it wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing you’ve done while asleep so you moved on like an idiot. That savory smell made you salivate like a starved dog. It was like your shitty little kitchen was glowing with holy light.
“Thank you so much!”
He nodded, sitting down on a mismatched stool next to you. You didn't mind eating in silence, you were so excited to have a home-cooked meal that tasted good, you may be able to do many things but cooking was not your forte.
“I leave tonight, will you show me the cat place?”
“The cat place?” you stared at him for a moment before it dawned on you and you practically screamed, “The cat place! Oh yes, I will! I have some wet food that we can feed them! My cat is picky and won’t eat the kind I wanted him to try.”
That's how you came to lead him through this bright sunny park, with a small bag of cat food and treats. It wasn’t warm, there was this slight cool feel to the air, when you stepped into the sun it warmed you instantly but as the leaves covered you from it you felt a shiver deep in your bones.
You stopped at a small little creek tucked away from the open park. You sat yourself on the ground and opened your bag, you had to fish out all your little gifts for the cats and handed him a can of cat food.
“Get ready, it's adorable.” You grasped the pull tab looking out across the grass and rocks.
Then pulled up the tab and unsealed the can. A series of loud meows and cries echoed around the trees as cats started locking their heads out of bushes and grass to find the food. You had a huge smile on your face and stood up to dump the food across the ground for them to fight over. You sprinkled and tossed some solid treats in the grass and across the rocks. Sometimes crows and ravens would eat them so you sat down and enjoyed watching the cats.
You gently stroked the kittens that climbed up your legs to grab your food. You playfully pushed the friendlier cats over and let them kick at your hands and naw on your fingers. The quiet man had let the cats rub along his sides scratching their heads. He said nothing but you’d sometimes catch him looking at you. You laughed holding a cat up to your face, and holding its paw so it looked like he was waving at the man.
“You know mister, a cute kitten such as myself, still doesn’t know your name.” You kissed the cat's head before placing him back on the ground. “But you obviously know mine, it’s quite unfair don’t you think?”
“Fetain,” he said, “Not unfair now.”
You laughed lightly and tossed him a water bottle, sifting through your bag to give him a simple sandwich and pulled out some snacks. The sun moved slowly pulling across the sky, shining down from the branches. The sun stippled across the grass, sparkling across the rocks of the creek, and curressing the kittens who were bathing in its warmth.
“It’s a shame you leave tonight.”
Your fingers plucked a fallen leaf from the ground, you rubbed your thumb across its veins, feeling the slight bumps. It was a smooth yellow, freshly fallen from the branches. It was leathery, and you loved its color. Staring at it left you feeling as if you had been gazing up at the sunrise, watching the sun scatter across the stream.
“I like this color.” You looked over at him, “reminds me of a sunrise, the white wispy clouds dyed this pale yellow and highlighting parts of the water…” you drew yourself into a melancholy silence, if you had a chance to watch the sunrise with him and the cats you would.
“Cheesy,” he huffed a small chuckle.
“I know I know, it’s gross and cheesy,” you rolled your eyes, “kinda looks like a cartoon cheese yellow, now that ya say that.”
“It’s getting late, sun's setting.”
“Oh, do you wanna be cheesy and watch it?” You wrapped your arms around your knees and looked over at him.
He didn’t say much of anything but leaned back onto his arms to watch alongside you. You pulled a friendly fur ball into your lap, and rubbed his little ears.
“I think my cat liked you, he’s pretty shy, but he seemed to like you.”
“He was cute.”
“Isn't he?” you laid down with a smile looking up at him. “I think he’d be cuddling with you in no time if you keep visiting.”
Saying goodbye was a bitter moment. You desperately didn’t want him to leave, you realized that you had become so isolated in your daily life. The momentary companionship had left a bittersweet taste, and the more you stayed hung up on it the more it felt like your teeth were rotting away from your overthinking. You tried to go out more after he left. You’d sit sketching the little creek you had shown him. If anything you felt yourself faced with an embarrassing block.
You repeated the same ideas, the same concepts but nothing felt complete, everything was missing something. There weren’t enough emotions maybe, or everything was too muddled together. Perhaps you were the problem and we’re trying too hard, or the idea wasn’t completed, and you were rushing it. Working through the block was a painful endeavor, you spent hours sitting and just listening to music, trying to let your mind wonder. Somewhere a seed of an idea was uncovered, a small fragile thing covered in a thin layer of dirt.
You rolled it between your fingers, the texture needed to be grooved, little threads feathering the figure. How can you capture the sorrow? How can you make something violent and graceful at once? You needed desperation in the figure, the hands needed to search for another that wasn’t there, it needed to feel both cruel and comforting, or maybe it would morph into something new, something that would take on its own life, becoming more than a painting filled with an empty heart. You found yourself transfixed on the eyes. They were the most detailed aspect, you found yourself drawn to them adding so much detail that every brush stroke was a reflection of yourself. When you had to cover it with a cloth, you knew you were succeeding.
You became haunted by the painting, its eyes followed you with that cruel pity. There was something foreboding with the way it giggled at you. You became absent minded with the time, forgetting to take care of yourself as you painted a nightmare of dependency. Having the eyes be such a focal point was a great idea and you were sure that it would look perfect when it was complete but it was just so gastly. It’s effect on you was proving how successful it was already though you had only been working for a short while.
You continued sleeping on your cheap futon while you worked passing out late into the morning and arising even later into the afternoon. Honestly you became too focused on work, ignoring your phone and missing the messages from that mysterious guy you think is cute not knowing he was visiting town again, honestly you should have been taking brakes and paying more attention.
When Fetain showed up at your door you were dressed in one of your painting shirts and left awkwardly without pants, since you had been neglecting your chores.
He stood staring at the painting as you folded your laundry, he would have sat down but the cat was fond of that chair. Fetain was drawn to the eyes too, or at least that’s what you guessed, he was staring intently at every little detail and it was nice if you had to be honest. He wasn’t someone you felt like you needed to look up to, not a teacher or a critic, or not that you know of at least, god you hope not, but he seemed genuinely interested in the ideas you had. Every concept seemed to make him think, the more abstract left him with open ended inferences, and there were a thousand ways one painting could inspire him. You sometimes see that shine in his eyes where he gets an idea. You never asked but you were starting to get curious about it.
“The eyes need to have more shadows.”
You waddled over folding a pair of pants, looking over his shoulder, “show me.”
The eye lids, you somehow missed that important detail and your shading was off. His hand pointed to the shoulder and the shoulder blades.
“Too sharp, and looks like they’re missing a lot of blood.”
“That’s not a bad idea actually, to purposefully make them look like that.” You leaned forwards holding your folded pants to your chest, you traveled your finger down the spine, “I could try to make these look sharper as if something like a knife is digging from the inside out? Do you think that would be too much?” You looked up at him.
“If you don’t like it you can always change it.”
You hummed in agreement, “I think I’ll try it and maybe I can make it look more bruised too.” You went back to folding your things thinking out loud about some of your n ideas under your breath.
“I’ll make food.”
“You really don’t have to do that you know, I appreciate it and I mean I love your cooking so I’m not going to say no it’s just, I feel a little awkward with a guest cooking, does that make sense?”
He nodded and started searching through your kitchen to get an idea of what you had. “I’ll still cook.”
There was something sweet about working on the painting as he cooked. You were jealous of his cooking, last time you had it it stuck in your thoughts. You’d be laying there and then shout out with annoyance as you could slightly taste it still, you could remember the way it melted on your tongue, you savored it and wished to rip into a newly made dish with the ferocity of a rabid dog. You felt like how you imagine your cat does when looking at an empty bowl and the empty box of treats that was mocking him.
You slowly went about putting your folded clothes back in the closet and your drawers. It was mundane but taking the break you needed was helping with preventing any sort of burn out. While you were in your room putting things away you just started wandering around and moving things that had been moved from their correct spots, you must have been looking for something and got distracted before fixing it. Some of your selves were getting dusty, you should wipe them down but you also needed to clean the bathroom.
You settled with staring in the bathroom, it would be less fun but it was needed more than the rest. You sorted through old makeup tossing out old products and things you hadn’t used in a while. You shuffled through spilt bandages boxes and your medicine cabinet. You scrubbed off the grime from the counters and the dust that had collected in the small corners.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Little spots and marks on the glass dotted across your reflection. You could tell that you’ve been doing nothing but working for days. Your skin thankfully wasn’t bad but you started the process of washing it and attempting to prevent acne from bubbling up worse in the few spots that were starting to get a little more irritated. If the visit that you had missed the warning of had ruffle your feathers you relaxed as you rinsed off your face. It was grounding in a way, basic self care that can easily be pushed to the side and missed in a rush, and the warm water comforted you in the chill of autumn.
You walked back out where that beautiful smell was strongest, pulling the knots and tangles out of your hair as you did. The pan was sizzling and you could hear it as you came around the corner. You’d tug on your hair and a series of pops from the stove would mimic you. Tug. Pop pop. Tug. Pop pop. Tug tug. Pop.
“It smells good.”
“Good it’s done.”
You ate mostly quietly, caught up too much on the distinct flavors, and a myriad of textures. You happily tried everything with a joy comparable to that of a puppy running so fast that it ends up stumbling into its mother's legs. When you bit down into something bitter your nose scrunched up, and your eyes closed. You whined a little at the surprise and made a little joke about how maybe you shouldn't trust his cooking after all. He rolled his eyes and slid you a piece of his meal that he knew you enjoyed much more than you had gotten to tell him.
“Eat and stop complaining.”
You saw a glimmer in his eye and laughed, taking a bite of his kindness.
You talked quietly on your futon, some random thing playing on tv to fill the background. You tended to mostly be the one talking, it's not that you minded but sometimes you questioned if you were boring him or if he wanted to say something. You just kept talking to him and convincing your cat to trust him a bit more. When you started getting a little sleepy he didn't mind, offering to do the dishes while you rested.
“Are you sure? You already did the-” you were cut off by your yawn, “cooking.”
“It's fine, sleep.”
“Okay, but at least let me put them away when I wake up.” you lay down, watching him walk to the kitchen, “I don't want you doing all of it,” and you slipped to sleep, with your cat crawling onto your back not too much later.
It felt fuzzy and it blurred together like watered-down acrylic. You saw him scrubbing away in the kitchen, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Your eyes dipped shut and when you pulled them apart half aware that you didn't want to sleep, he wasn't in the kitchen, he was walking around your home. He must have finished and wanted to let you sleep, you rationalized as you blinked asleep again. It felt so warm, so comforting to be asleep, but something was missing, something was off. You couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, you just laid there, eyes closed half aware that something was wrong.
You heard your cat meow. It was low and drawn out. He was upset. What could be upsetting him? You vaguely remember reaching for him but couldn't remember if you found him or if he was doing better or not. You definitely didn’t know why he was upset, or if comfort is what he needed, but you still longed to stop his crying.
The room was different, you noticed that first. You nearly didn’t notice it, a lot of the room looked familiar, but the furniture wasn’t as distressed as the ones you had. There was no sticker from when you were a kid on the shelf on the bottom. The shelves were arranged the same and even had the same things that you had in yours. It felt like you woke up from a weird dream. The shelves of books had the books you were missing in series and even books you wanted to read.
You didn’t really believe it, your sheets were different but so alike at the same time. It was clearly an attempt to replicate it as best as possible. You tossed the blankets off of you panic slowly seeping in, you were so confused so lost, you could have sworn you were home asleep on your futon, but this looked eerily close to your room.
Where was your cat? Had he been left behind? What happened to Fetain? Where were you, and why the hell did it look so much like your room?
You looked under the bed finding your cat tucked away with one of your shoes. His front paws were wrapped around the toes and his head was resting on the ankle of the shoe. Relief for his well-being leaked through you as you called out his name like a whisper, desperate for him to truly show you he was alright. His big eyes opened wide and he yawned squeaking as he stretched out his limbs before crawling over to you. You combed your fingers through his fur, and he purred and mewled, letting you drag him up to your face and cradle him like a newborn. His warm soft and fluffy body grounded you as you looked around wide-eyed at the room, for an embarrassingly long time you just sat there frozen and confused in the corner wondering what was going on.
You desperately clung to him, pulling open the closet to see your clothes lose threads, stains, and all, but mixed in were clothes that weren't yours at all. You took laps around the room inspecting everything in sight. The shelves had things that were nearly impossible to replace and things you had thought were long gone. There was a bag near the bed and when you peeked inside there were more, little knick-knacks and trinkets, books with notes, and emotionally important gifts.
It felt like choking. Suffocating. A thousand things went wrong like a ship in a bottle tossed helplessly onto the shoreline with jagged rocks. You wanted to sob feeling as if you were being torn into a million pieces, scattered across the wind. You grabbed the door handle wondering if you should open it or if you should even try to see if it was locked. Should you be sitting in bed pretending to be asleep still? Behave and be good in the hopes that you don't get brutally murdered? There were too many options, and you twisted the door handle.
It opened easily and you looked out into a hallway. It was plain, sparse with nothing on the walls, there was nothing except the orange lights humming above you. There were voices down the hall you stared down towards them. Should you see who that is? Should you go back and tuck yourself back into the sheets? It was all so strange, standing in the doorway of the mimic of your room, looking around at an unfamiliar place.
You stepped tenderly across the carpet that seemed to you like glass. Each step made you feel like the floor creaked and groaned, splintering and cracking with each timid tiptoe. You felt so cold, shivering and quaking down the long looming hall. There was a loud frustrated yell, a curse, and a mocking laugh, you peered around the corner tucked into yourself.
Two men, both blondes, were sitting around a tv, a low table covered in marks and scratches was scattered with cans and cups. There were wrappers and chips, a standard mess of snacks and drinks that had piled up. The two blondes threatened each other as they focused intently on the TV screen playing some sort of shooter game. You looked across it all into a kitchen that needed a bit of a clean too, it was much better than the table but some take out boxes were set next to the trash can.
You didn’t know what to do. A thousand different emotions glued you to the floor, tears threatened to run lines down your cheeks until it melted through the meat of your cheeks. Oh how crying could provide comfort, to be swaddled up with a tub of something sweet, and to whail to some cute comfort show. It was cruel, to be standing there like a statue, but as fragile as a newborn. You couldn’t do anything but someone could easily hurt you and make horrible nightmares cling like phantoms. Even worse they’ll be true and real digging claws to your skin and sinking down into muscle and bone.
You retreated back, tucking yourself around the corner. The sweet boy that was your cat mewled and squirmed digging his claws into your shoulder, as a toddler would try to stabilize itself in a parents’ arms. How many times would things go wrong?
You scattered backwards down the hall, the two blondes turning around the corner to see you standing not too far from them. You didn’t say anything to them, you couldn’t. There was nothing to do, you just kept backing up, holding on desperately to your cat, trying not to hurt him, but also it felt like you were holding a stuffed animal at this point.
“Where am I? Who are you?” it felt like you were choking, a plastic bag forced over your head as you were left gasping and sputtering for air almost. “Why am I here?” You felt like you were shouting but it was nothing more than a whisper, and your mind was reeling and spinning, a hurricane tore through your thoughts as you spiraled and gapped for air.
It became so hard to breathe, too difficult to try to stay calm and hold back the tears. You were shaking and panting, your chest rising and falling faster than a ball would bounce. It was horrible losing your thoughts as fear and panic overtook you. It became hard to know what was going on, and hard to stay standing as the floor seemed to sway and rock like the deck of a boat. The two men seemed a little shocked. One looked more awkward than anything.
You shook your head frantically, and stepped back like a dog in a corner. You were scared and everything just came imploding into you. When the cat squirmed out of your arms you were so lost and confused that you didn’t reach for him again, you watched him hide in the room you woke up in with a glassy and far away look. Somehow it felt like your body wasn’t yours, a doll tossed and strewn about the floor, left to be picked up by the next kid to come across you. Yet you laid there sobbing, shaking your body, and your face boiling as you cried. It must have been a pathetic sight, a desperate and lonely picture.
You didn’t fight more than a gentle push at one of the men's faces, as one picked you up from your puddle on the floor. It wasn’t like you even recognized which one it was, there was nothing you could do. The act was nothing more than a bleeding mouse trying to push away a cat. Nothing useful would come of it, it was a last act of defiance, a testament to freedom, and a symbol that you didn’t approve of this, that it was thrusted upon you by someone else. It was nothing more than that, but it boiled and evaporated just as fast as your emotions spilled over. You yawned through tears but leaned into the hold, because everyone needs comfort over everything else.
Fetain was like a shadow. He stood out in the room, the bright pale walls and the curious oddities of your old home made him look like a monster. He didn’t so much as speak a word along the lines of “good morning” just sat in a chair pulled back from the desk, with one of your books in hand. You knew it was your book, it’s hard to mimic the bite marks along the bottom corner of the first ten pages or so. You remember getting it to, remember reading it for the first time. You loved the book, but part of your confused mind knew that you shouldn’t like him reading it, or the fact that your cat was curled up on his lap.
Your cat was always shy, friendly enough that he would never hiss, scratch, or bite without a serious reason for it. He was easily spooked by strangers, always dashing away when they towered over him and reached down to pet him. He preferred watching them really, gazing down from atop the cabinets, or from across the room. When strangers were over sometimes you couldn’t even convince him to let you hold him he was so scared. Yet seeing him there on his lap, in this unfamiliar place pissed you off.
“Where am I?”
“Home, doesn’t matter where.” He didn’t look up, he scratched under your cat's chin.
“Bullshit. Why the hell am I here?” You pushed yourself up, hovering over the side of the bed, as if you could somehow intimidate him.
“I brought you home.”
You jumped up, the sheets and blankets falling like water across the floor. They followed your movements like an afterimage, leaving a trail in your wake. You grabbed his wrists forcing the damned book from his hands, letting it fall to your feet. The cat looked up at you, wide eyes, and his ears straight up in the air.
“What do you want?” It was despairing, a whisper and a plea.
You were so tired yet, exhausted by the weight of your emotions and the stress of it all. Your grip was pathetic at best, but it was desperate. Some last attempt at consoling, a final prayer for comfort, as you fell to your knees, and rested your head on the cat's stomach. You still held his wrists but now there was no fight, just proof that he was there and that it was his doing.
“You,” he said, the answer to your question that you already knew. His hand fell to your head, his fingers massaging your scalp, “I want you to paint for me.”
“Is that why?”
“Yes, and more.”
Your arms fell to your sides and you looked up at him, and his hands moved to your cheeks, pinning you gently in place so he could study your face.
“Others won't hurt you, they like you. You grow to like them too.”
You gripped his sleeve, as you fought back another sob, leaning forward so your nose was inches above his knees. The sob jumped in your chest and bounced around, but you never wailed, only gasped as he moved to hold your hand.
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More Posts from Konekobby
I really enjoyed this series, it has romance, drama, and smexy times~
Better in Love
Bodyguard!Toji x Brat!FemReader (Historical AU)
Series Summary: you’re the daughter of a feudal lord, and Toji becomes your bodyguard. then, you fall in love
Chapters: 5/5
Status: Completed Tags/Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI
mentions of violence, nudity, teasing, pet names, good old fashioned tension, takes place in historical/feudal japan eraish (pls don’t hold me to this, i’m sorry i just like the aesthetic), deep talk, slight angst, trapped in a small space trope, slight angst, airport chase scene but a ferry instead, straight up sex lmao, like oral sex (f and m receiving), multiple orgasms, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, dom/sub, praise/slight degrading kink, one mention of cervix fucking, dacryphilia, dirty talk, pet names, begging, toji likes talking to the kitty okay, he also gets pussydrunk!, dumbification, corniness, reassurance, cuddling ‘n’ kissin xoxo
Author's Notes: based on this fanart 💞 💞💞 enjoy dilftoji<3
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5
Love this, like I kinda want them to get back together but I also like what she and Yuji has going on

𝟙𝟠+ 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪, 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝔻ℕ𝕀
Chapter 1: You are a single mother to Megumi and erotic fiction writer. You had asked his father, Toji, to pick up Megumi for you so you could continue writing and meet your deadline. Except when you answer the door, you find yourself with Megumi's teacher, Yuuji, instead.
Chapter 2: Toji is trying to ask for a second chance, but why now after all these years?
Chapter 3: Yuuji left his wallet, which prompts him to offer to help you take Megumi to and from school. You decide to thank him by buying him dinner, and you don't take no for an answer.
Chapter 4: Yuuji is ready and waiting for your date with Megumi spending the night at a neighbor's. After a bit of a rocky start... Yuuji spends the night.
Content Warnings: dubcon kinda, degredation, more or less hate sex, squirting, cervix fucking, Cockwarming, creampie, iloveyous, etc. Very soft sex honestly
This made my instincts to be bred kick in
baby trapping - (vol. 2) suguru geto & satoru gojo
rating: e (18+) reader: f summary: being in the presence of two of the most powerful sorcerers in japan and quite possibly the world left you feeling small. a small time curse wielder known mostly for using a small rapier full of cursed energy. you fought almost with a dance like stance, it was like watching a beautiful performance as you slashed your way to victory. to geto and gojo, you were their little doll. tags: baby trapping, smut, multiple sex scenes, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, dirty dirty stuff a/n: if have any other characters to add to the baby trapping collection, please check my pinned post and suggest your own! U・x・U

Keep reading
ok like. chubby fertility archon reader is so yummy and good but what about.. fertility archon childe and chubby reader?? he’s the number one believer that everybody should get pregnant and have children… rumour has it that several hundred years ago he went on a spree and impregnated more people than you could possibly count. as of late, however, he’s seemed to reign it in.
until he met you.
when he first saw you, he didn’t even think you were real; maybe you were something he’d conjured up from his imagination. after all, there was no way anyone’s body could be that perfect — from your head all the way down to your toes you were perfectly made to bear children. his children. and he made it his goal to seduce you from that no-good husband of yours; he couldn’t breed you nearly as well as childe could. your breeding hips, your full breasts, your cute chubby tummy — all perfect for bearing the children childe would give you. he could picture it as clear as day in his mind.
all you needed was to give in to him.
GOD i’m OBSESSED with this. big breeder childe who’s almost like an incubus rather than an esteemed archon given his penchant for tempting cute little darlings into carrying his children? yes please.
afab + gn reader below (no gendered pronouns or terms but afab anatomy), chubby reader, light dubcon/coercion, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, lactation kink, cheating/netorare, and body worship below!

rumor has it that there was once a time where if you picked any pregnant stranger off the street, there was no less than a 100% chance the father of the baby (or babies, given childe’s insane fertility) in their tummy was childe, the very fertility archon himself. a whole generation comprised of almost nothing except for demiarchon babies with flaming ginger streaks in their hair came as a direct result of childe’s escapades; he swears that all the time he spent knocking up brood mama after brood mama until he had a harem large enough to fill an entire hotel twice over was the most fun he’s ever had.
keyword being was— sure, he had a blast going on a pleasure escapade so long and debauched that it’s a part of history books now, but there’s a reason why he’s since dropped that experience to second place on his list of his most enjoyable memories.
courting and wooing you has been far more fun.

when childe first found out that you have a husband, he wasn’t exactly shocked per se— of course someone with a body and a face like yours would be married; anybody who would willingly pass up the opportunity to take a spouse like you is a moron through and through. the only thing that would be even dumber than passing up on such a gorgeous little thing would be marrying them and then failing to properly appreciate them— as is what seems to be the case with your husband.
it’s really not that hard for an archon to look into the lives of mortals— when you oversee a nation, it’s pretty easy to find ways to involve yourself with its people. some archons take to simply walking around their nation as if they’re just a normal citizen themselves and often go unrecognized as the archon— and childe’s no exception. as far as any onlooker is concerned, he’s just a handsome stranger with a certain air about him that places him a tier above the rest… but nobody would guess he’s the very same archon responsible for all those wild tales of breeding rampages and pregnancy cults.
as far as you’re concerned, childe’s just a regular at your humble little bakery. a handsome stranger, sure, but you know him more as the polite young man who always makes it a point to swing by and pick up a pastry or two. he says he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth himself, but his children do.
it’s not a total lie to say that he has children— remember his blood runs through plenty of the now-grown up demiarchon adults working and living throughout the nation— it’s just that his children aren’t really… children anymore and that he doesn’t keep in touch with them. hell, they probably don’t even know that he’s their father; he can’t imagine any of the cuties he knocked up all those centuries ago would just tell their children that their dad’s an archon, and he’s sure that many of the children outlived their parents by decades due to their archon blood. who knows what excuse their parents gave when their children noticed how they never seem to age that much. similarly, the pastries usually end up going to children or pretty housewives he passes by on the streets as a gift rather than to his own flesh and blood.
the reason he says his purchases are gifts for his kids is because he knows that it makes your heart melt to see such a kindhearted, family-oriented man— you told him that yourself. one night some time ago when he was the only one in your shop as you wiped down the counter and swept the floors, you praised him for being such a good family man before offhandedly mentioning that you’d love to see little ones of your own running around your home.
well, that certainly caught childe’s interest. unknowingly expressing your desire to have children to the archon of fertility? you really are perfect.
he’ll keep his true identity as the very archon everyone turns to when they’re hoping to conceive a secret just for a little while longer. there’s no telling how anyone would react to being in an archon’s presence, especially when you already have somewhat of a connection with him. while he certainly wouldn’t be so bold as to claim you’re best friends or anything, he considers himself familiar enough with you to call you a friend, especially if you’re sharing your dreams and worries with him.
imagine childe’s surprise when you revealed you don’t already have children of your own— maybe he’s biased as, you know, the literal archon of fertility, but if he married a partner like you… celestia, he would have bred you the moment he first laid eyes on you. actually, that’s all he’s wanted to do since the moment he first met you after a chance visit to your bakery resulted in him meeting the most delicious little piece of ass he’s ever seen— so to hear that you’ve gone so many months feeling unloved and unworthy, and perhaps most importantly of all, unbred, just strikes pain right into this poor fertility archon’s heart.
again, call him biased if you’d like, but he really does mean it when he says that you have a body made for breeding. the joy of stopping by your humble bakery comes in the form of being able to watch your body as you move about your kitchen and the dining area— tight jeans hugging your wide, round hips and clinging to your soft, thick thighs as you scoot chairs and tables around, bending at the waist to better put your strength behind each push. with hips like those, you’re just begging to be bent over the very counter you always greet him at with his cock shoved deep and snug inside of you. the sight of your soft belly pushing against the tiny little apron you wear over your clothes is enough to make him hard right where he sits five feet away from you— thick darlings always know how to take a good, rough pounding, and the soft layer of fat on your midsection will serve as a wonderful protective cushion for a baby in your tummy. and don’t even get him started on your tits… has he jerked off to the mental image of them growing a cup size or two as they swell and swell with breastmilk to provide for the baby? absolutely.
how in teyvat has your husband not knocked you up three times over yet? you’re so perfect.
and now imagine your surprise when childe invites you out for dinner one evening— no, it’s not a date, he had said with an innocent smile. you’re taken, after all. consider this just an evening between friends, okay?
oh, it’s totally a date. and if things go the way he hopes they will, you’ll end up pregnant by the end of the night. it’s what you deserve. it’s what you want. it’s what you need— if he dwells too long on the thought of you trying to tie your tiny apron over an increasingly growing, round pregnant belly, he damn near comes right in his pants. there’s nobody in all of teyvat who’d make a lovelier pregnant parent than you… and he would know. he’s personally responsible for at least 70% of his nation’s pregnancies throughout history.
you don’t feel guilty in going out to dinner with childe because it’s just as he said— it’s not a date, just an evening between friends sharing a delicious meal together. having someone else prepare food for you is a welcome chance of pace— whereas you usually cook for you and your husband, childe said that there’s nothing he’d enjoy more than getting the opportunity to cook for you. after all, he’s always eating your cooking— why not let him return the favor by taking a seat at his kitchen table and sampling his cooking?
when childe innocently says that you could have his cooking every single day if you so desire after you praise his skills, you don’t think anything of it. when childe rests his hand on your hip as you help him with dishes afterwards— as you basically demanded to help with something after he worked so hard on a meal for you— you assume it was just an accident… or that’s what you would assume if his hand didn’t linger on your hip for a moment before pulling away. when he asks you again about your marriage and your desire to have children, you wouldn’t even begin to guess that he’d offer to help you in the very same breath.
“you said it yourself,” he murmurs in your ear, hand rubbing across your soft belly as you set your towel down. “that there’s nothing you’d love more than to hear your little ones running through the halls of your house.”
“you know that i…” you start, but despite your attempt at protesting, you arch into his touch when his hand makes its way back to your ass.
“that you’re married?” childe finishes for you, scoffing lightly. “sweetheart, that’s not a deterrent for me. besides, if a man can’t treat his spouse properly, then what’s so wrong with me just… filling out the gaps? if your husband won’t breed you and give you the family you want, what’s to say that i can’t do it for you?” what, do you think this is his first time wooing a married person?
you fall silent. of course you know that, in your heart, adultery is wrong and marriages are to be respected through showing loyalty to one another… but when your husband won’t meet your needs and fulfill the one wish you have… would it be so wrong to seek out someone who can help you? you and your husband do have sex— it seems it’s just that your evenings together have never lined up with your ovulation days, so it wouldn’t exactly be hard to pass the baby off as his… and there’s nothing you want more than to be a parent… and is it not true that your needs matter too? isn’t a marriage about fairness and compromise?
even childe’s surprised by just how easily you gave in to his offer to breed you silly. here you are, a married person, making out with a man other than your husband as he helps you out of your clothes. childe can’t help but relish in the fact that he’s about to breed you in his own kitchen— if knocking you up in the kitchen isn’t the spitting image of domesticity, he’s not sure what is.
oh, your lips are so sweet— it’s as if the sugar from all your baked goods you spend so much time making every day has become a permanent part of you, pulling him in and making him addicted to tasting more and more and more of you. you kiss so shyly and so purely he’d guess that you’ve never kissed before if he didn’t already know that you’re married.
“i want to be a parent more than anything else,” you whisper sadly against his lips, your hands clutching at the neckline of his shirt. “i just… it’s all i want, childe. why won’t he even just talk about the idea of having a family together?”
childe cups one of your cheeks in his hand, prompting you to look into his eyes. “you poor thing,” he murmurs. “why don’t you let me give it to you? that’s what i’m best for, after all.”
oh, does he mean that. more than you’ll ever, ever know.

the guilt of going behind your husband’s back vanishes practically the second childe sinks his raw cock into you. archons, he’s thick— he fills you in ways your husband never has and never will, reaching so deep he hits your cervix once he’s sheathed all the way into you.
“look at you, sucking me right in,” childe purrs, sitting back to get a better look at you as you take him to the hilt. “so eager… you’ve wanted this all this time, haven’t you?”
you give a frantic nod and gasp as he begins to thrust in and out of you, heavy balls slapping against your ass on each brutal movement of his hips. being filled by something this big and this thick… how have you gone so long without experiencing this sensation? you’re so tight around him you can feel him twitch and throb against the hot walls of your cunt, the bush of pubic hair at the base of his cock tickling your lips each time your hips meet his.
“gonna be so fucking lovely,” childe grunts as he pounds away at your dripping cunt. “this belly of yours is already perfect, so the only thing that could make it even better is putting my baby in you. seeing you round out and grow so nice and pretty for me… fuck, i’ll come if i think about it too hard.”
you can’t help but imagine it yourself… how you’ll look with a round belly filling out all your clothes, your tits swelling nice and big with milk until they’re resting on your belly like a shelf. will you finally get your wish for a family granted tonight?
“i know,” he chirps, leaning forward and effectively lifting your hips up and off the table below.
“why don’t you ask the archon ajax for an extra blessing?”

I love this man!!

Takamasa Saeki!