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Eternity Forever

Eternity Forever

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1 year ago

Test Blaze post. Do NOT APPOVE!

Test Blaze Post. Do NOT APPOVE!
1 year ago
Line graph with monthly temperature anomalies from each year from 1880 to 2023 growing across the graph to create a stacked bell shape. The Y-axis is labeled negative 3 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees Celsius and the X-axis has each month from January to December. As time goes on, the curved lines seem to stack higher and higher, and the colors of the lines change from white and light blue to light red, and then dark red. Finally, the 2023 line stops at August, the latest month we have data for, and it’s visible that June, July, and August 2023 were all hotter than any previous respective month. Credit: NASA

Confirmed: Summer 2023 Hottest in NASA’s Record

All three months of summer 2023 broke records. July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded, and the hottest July. June 2023 was the hottest June, and August 2023 was the hottest August.

NASA’s temperature record, GISTEMP, starts in 1880, when consistent, modern recordkeeping became possible. Our record uses millions of measurements of surface temperature from weather stations, ships and ocean buoys, and Antarctic research stations. Other agencies and organizations who keep similar global temperature records find the same pattern of long-term warming.

Global temperatures are rising from increased emissions of greenhouse gasses, like carbon dioxide and methane. Over the last 200 years, humans have raised atmospheric CO2 by nearly 50%, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels.

Drivers of climate change, both natural and human-caused, leave distinct fingerprints. Through observations and modeling, NASA researchers confirm that the current warming is the result of human activities, particularly increased greenhouse gas emissions.

1 year ago
‼XAOΣ. Super League 2. H δεύτερη εθνική κατηγορία.

⚽Σ’ ένα ιδεατό κόσμο θα έπρεπε να λειτουργούσε ως… εργαστήριο ανάδειξης νέων ποδοσφαιρισ
23K views, 430 likes, 69 loves, 19 comments, 267 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from ΠΣΑΠΠ - Πανελλήνιος Σύνδεσμος Αμειβομένων Ποδοσφαιριστών

Greek Superleague 2

Its supposed to be a professional league. #not

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2 years ago
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Alpine Sunrise, Austria [OC][1280x1920] - Author: holy-shot on Reddit