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Kpoptiktoks - KPOP TikToks

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2 years ago

Outside the Fox

OT7 x Reader - BTS (2002 words)

Chapter 3/21

Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.


"If you guys don't hurry up I'm going to be late" Jimin whined through the house. 

He was met by varying groans of acknowledgement. He shook his head and checked his hair in the entry hall mirror again, licking his fingers to smooth down that one impossible cowlick at the back. Jungkook slid along the old wooden floor in his socks just as Jimin was about to yell again. He collided with the older man, messing up his hair completely. Jimin growled at the young bunny before fixing his hair for what he'd hoped would be the last time. 

The youngest grabbed his chunky black boots from the rack behind Jimin. He sat on the second to last step of the staircase, blocking the way just in time for Yoongi to trip over him. Luckily the agile jackal gracefully jumped over the last two steps and swept through the hall to collect his own shoes, kissing Jimin on the cheek gently as he passed. 

Namjoon was last, as always.

The bear was terrible at keeping track of time at the best of times, let alone when he was trying to fight off his hibernation instincts this late in the year. Jimin checked his watch and sighed, only met with shrugs from his other packmates. Resigned to his fate, he gave up rushing and lent down to help Jungkook tie his ridiculous laces. 

Eventually, Namjoon stumbled blearily down the steps, meeting each of his waiting packmates with a peck and a sheepish smile knowing Jimin was fuming. 

"Sorry Chimmy," Namjoon ruffled the red panda's hair affectionately, not quite catching on to the fury behind the younger man's eyes at the usually welcomed gesture. 

Yoongi stifled a laugh as he reached out to help Jimin fix his hair yet again while Joon found his shoes. By the time they made it out of the door, Jimin was already five minutes late with a 20-minute drive to go. 


You heard Jimin before you saw him. That man spoke a million words a second and his volume only seemed to have an increase button. 

You had to admit you had spent a long portion of the morning glancing towards the door waiting for his arrival. So far you had managed to make a few acquaintances that morning, but they all seemed to be battling with the same anti-sharing problem you were having so they weren't particularly entertaining relationships as of yet. 

You'd thought maybe Jimin would come along and you could listen to him talk about his pack some more, see if he could offer you some advice on what to do next if he had been through a similar restart to you. You hadn't really expected him to come in with three other hybrids. Definitely not the three men he had described to you yesterday. It was impressive how well he had detailed each of them, and yet it still hadn't done them true justice. 

The tallest of the group exuded confidence in the most bizarre way. He clearly didn't mean to command the room around him but still, everyone moved subconsciously out of his way. Yet his face was the kindest you'd ever seen. He bowed to everyone around them as he walked, paying special attention to Jimin's colleagues. 

Your eyes drifted to the bunny drooped over his arm. Clinging to their leader like his world might fall away if he were to let go. It was odd when those around him looked so at peace. His eyes darted around the room and his long grey ears perked up listening for every sound in the room. 

The third man had the cutest grin. Or it might've been the cutest if it weren't for his glistening fangs on display among his gummy smile. His shoulders were relaxed and he seemed comfortable in his surroundings. He held lovingly onto Jimin's hip and you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that you didn't have a love like that.

Your eyes land on Jimin only to find him already watching you, waving like a madman. You glance around to ensure it really is you he is gesturing for. Coming up empty for an alternative you return his enthusiasm with a weak smile. He wriggles free from his mate to hurry over to you.

"How did you sleep? How was your first night? I hope no one was rude... I know it's difficult having to share a room like that for the first couple of nights, with so many strange noises. Although I suppose I don't know yet, maybe you've spent nights in a similar situation." The excitable man doesn't pause for you to answer once. 

You try to remember every question he posed, and figure out which order you were supposed to answer in. Before you get a chance, his pack catches up and he is being pulled back by his collar by the man that had been holding onto him originally, although now it was definitely more restraint than a loving embrace. Each of them bowed to you politely and you followed suit, eyeing them cautiously.

"Y/N-shi, Jimin was so excited to tell us about you when he came home, we had to come to meet you. I hope you don't mind the sudden intrusion." The clear leader explained. "I am Namjoon, this is Jungkook, and Yoongi." He gestures to his companions accordingly. 

Of course, just from their descriptions, you had guessed their identities.

You try to muster up a warm response but only manage a half-assed hello and a bow. Jimin gestures for a mostly empty seating area across the room and the five of you head in that direction. You allow them to go ahead of you so you can study them further. Something about their demeanour seems odd. The rabbit seemed too intent on clinging to Namjoon, almost as if something bad might happen if he were to let go. Jungkook's head flitted around the room and then back to Namjoon in a constant rhythm.

It made your neck ache just watching him.

"I hope this isn't too inappropriate." Yoongi falls back from Jimin to match your pace. 

You turn to look at him. His hair is so pretty, the length frames his face perfectly, its ebony colour highlighting his unmarred skin. He looks like a character from a fairytale your mother used to read to you before bed.

"Not at all I'm just surprised. Jimin was very kind to me yesterday, but I didn't think I'd left an impression that warranted an introduction to his family... And judging by your apologies this is something he does often just to be nice?"

"No, it isn't. But he was rather insistent." Yoongi admits.

This does nothing to assuage the dread that had sunk into the pit of your stomach. They were obviously singling you out. The special treatment that you hadn't asked for.

When the men sat down, Jungkook sat in Namjoon's lap despite the abundance of space left for him on the sizeable sofa. Jimin and Yoongi sat in armchairs opposite one another on armchairs, leaving a chair in their circle for you. It felt more like an interrogation set up than a conversation. 

Still, you took the seat they presented you with, fidgeting slightly as each of them stared at you. It was clear they meant well but you were still exceedingly confused as to why three grown men had taken time out of their, presumably, very busy lives just to meet you on a whim. 

It felt like being back in her old life, her husband's friends staring at her, delighting in her pedigree more than her personality. Being a cross fox was a great rarity, especially around this part of the world. It had been a difficult hybrid to manufacture and therefore anyone who possessed one had been someone of great power before the laws regarding hybrid ownership changed. Still, many humans took great pleasure in pursuing romantic relationships with rarer breeds to maintain their status. Much like your husband. 

He was a kind man, and he loved you. But it had never been abundantly obvious as to whether that was as a person, or as a possession. 

Being the centre of attention this way brought up too many memories regarding your old life that you weren't ready to face just yet. Being cornered always set off your fight instinct as a fox, lashing out instead of thinking it all the way through. So you brought up the only other topic you can think to.

"Do you make him do that?" You gesture to the bunny in Namjoon's arms.

The entire group tenses and Jungkook hisses, turning his face into his companion's neck to hide away.

"I'm sorry to overstep it just seems odd that you would make your most vulnerable packmate cling to you in that way, I thought that dynamic had faded out years ago." You can't stop the words tumbling free after you brought it up.

It definitely seems like you may have made a mistake. Yoongi's eyes are narrowed into slits directed at you, Jimin is glancing back and forth between you and the clearly offended bunny, and Namjoon is trying to smooth down the raised hackles. 

"Jungkook doesn't do well in large, unfamiliar settings." Namjoon explains. "He just really wanted to meet you at Jimin's request... perhaps we should've thought of a better venue but clinging like this usually helps him."

"Maybe we should have thought through another plan." Yoongi sighs, eyes returning to normal as he turns to Namjoon.

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing Yoongi." Namjoon shrugs. He pulls Jungkook back so he can meet his eyes. "Bunny I need you to go with Yoongi, you two can go decompress in the car okay?" 

Yoongi stands and helps Jungkook up. You all watch them retreat waiting for them to be well out of Jungkook's hearing range.

"Sorry Y/N I should've warned you, he is very insecure about his little anxiety problem." Jimin says

"Seems like more than a little problem... Also maybe a warning at all would've been nice..." 

"He is working on the anxiety." Namjoon's tone suggests the topic is no longer on the table for discussion.

"I really didn't mean to offend, I will be more careful if I meet him again." you bow sincerely. "Do you have time to stay? I understand if you need to go to him."

You aren't really sure what answer you are hoping for. It seems much more manageable to have a conversation with just Namjoon like this, but you really are concerned about the state of his packmates.  Namjoon shakes his head and the warm smile he had entered with returns to his face. 

Jimin tries his hand at asking you questions again, all of which you manage to turn around on them in some way. Desperate to form some kind of connection today, you open up a little more than yesterday. You tell them about what you hope to achieve in the coming months, your plan to get an amazing job and leave the shelter as soon as you can manage rent somewhere. You ask Namjoon what he does, even though Jimin had already told you. 

It's amazing to see the way his eyes light up when he speaks about his writing. He has the deepest dimples you think you've ever seen, dimples you find yourself getting lost in as he talks. Every word that comes from his lips sounds almost poetic, it really is no wonder he ended up in his line of work. When you pull your attention away, you can see the true devotion in Jimin's eyes, hanging on the same way you were even after they've been together so long. 

Another pang of jealousy hits your stomach as you see what they have together, a relationship you would give anything for. 

After about 20 minutes Namjoon wipes his hands on his jeans and moves to stand up.

"I really should go and leave Jimin to actually do some work." He laughs at himself as the redhead sticks his tongue out. "It was nice meeting you Y/N, I hope we cross paths again soon. If you need anything please call me, and if you ever want a place to stay that isn't here I'm sure we could find space." He hands you a card.

A beautiful velvet finish business card with his name and number on one side, and an indigo cytograph with author written in the middle on the back.

"Thank you for the offer, but we've only just met. We are practically strangers." You try to hand the card back but he won't take it.

"I have a feeling our paths will cross a fair few more times if Jimin has his way, definitely not strangers." He winks at you and then kisses Jimin goodbye before making a swift exit. 

You both watch as his broad back disappears through the front door. Jimin lets out the kind of sigh you've only ever heard teenage girls make in films before now. The kind of sigh that they release as the handsome male lead leaves the room. You stare at him, focusing on the complete adoration across his features. 

He snaps out of it when he feels you staring, physically shaking himself. He tries to give you a supportive look and claps his hands together to announce him standing up.

"Next time will go a lot better... I promise not to ambush you." His eyes practically squeeze closed as he grins before heading off into another room.

Next time...

You'll have to meet them again.

Jimin's interest in you is confusing at best. He doesn't know who you are or where you've come from, and yet he seems eager to become your friend. A genuine friend that's interested in your life and wanted you to know about theirs. Something you weren't quite used to and definitely weren't sure you trusted. 

You sat and contemplated the pack's intentions for a while, watching the busy shelter move around you.

Everyone seemed so settled in their routines. People came and went. Some stayed to play games. Kids were dropped off in the care of the elderly who had come just for a day out. Many went out to work, and a few stayed behind and studied. It was peaceful to just observe. A few hybrids made eye contact with you, smiling in the most inviting way. You made a mental note to attempt to get to know them when they finally stood still long enough for you to try. 

"You’re in my space." A gruff voice came from behind you.

You turn to look only to be met with the woman from the dorm. From this angle, you could see she was a lion hybrid. She had sharp claws that she clearly hadn't cut in a long time, fangs that she hadn't retracted, and a tail that swished violently back and forth.

"I'm sorry, I thought this was a public space?" You answer not willing to let someone bully you.

She growls in response, turning a few heads in the room.

"It's mutually understood around here." She claims through gritted teeth. "First your stink ruins my bedroom, and now you've taken my chair too. I ought to do something about you.

You roll your eyes, instinct raising your attack response yet again. This only seems to aggravate the lioness further. She grabs the back of the chair and pushes you onto the ground.

"Oi! Lyra! Too far. The newbie didn't know, just let it go will you." Another woman yells.

She comes over to help you to your feet, letting you brush yourself off as she confronts the lion.

"Just because no one else like your lumpy-ass chair doesn't mean we've agreed it's yours you psycho." The newcomer admonishes. 

The lioness just climbs smugly into your newly vacated chair and settles in.

"No one asked you pipsqueak." She sneers, and opens her phone signalling she was moving on. 

Part of you wants to push the subject but the look in your rescuer's eyes suggest that may be a bad idea.

You take her in properly now the room seemed to be returning to its own business. Pretty round ears and small features betray her as a mouse hybrid. Surprising for the amount of courage she showed compared to the rest of the room.

"Noelle, pleasure." She holds out her hand for you to shake. "You arrived yesterday, right? I saw you talking to Jimin! He is super nice."

"Yeah, he got me all set up... What's her problem?" You ask.

"She isn't quite used to being bottom of the pack. She won't tell us her full backstory but my guess is she got overthrown in her hierarchy and decided to lone wolf it." 

Noelle gestured to a telltale scar poking out of Lyra's collar. The wound still looks extremely fresh. 

It's rare now that hybrids will fight for hierarchy, more of a natural given now that so many different breeds interact so freely with each other. Plus it's a more latent instinct, bread out by the scientists that created them hundreds of years ago. But some of the bigger predators still had to fight the instinct, and occasionally lost...

"Honestly she should know better. She is on her final strike warning here, she has been a bit of a bully to more people than you..." 

Noelle manages to move you off the topic after that. Instead, she tries to get you to talk about yourself, and when that doesn't work she suggests a game. The two of you spend the afternoon teaching one another card games and discussing future plans, something you are more than happy to receive advice about. It turns out the little mouse is very well connected with people inside and outside of the centre. 

She mentions a firm where she knows the mail room guy, they were looking for a receptionist with a position that might be ideal for you. It doesn't take belong to have an interview set up for you at the beginning of the next week. At dinner time she walks you through the protocol of the canteen, and by the time you two finish talking and you return to your dorm, your vicious new bunk mate is fast asleep and none the wiser to your arrival.


I'm posting early as I'm away this weekend, I actually not back until after the next chapter is supposed to be due so I might not be able to post at the right time until feb, but then we should be back on schedule. Sorry, it isn't Beta'd, it's been a very busy period for me and my Beta, I'll replace it when I get the chance :)


Outside of the fox masterlist

3 years ago

Tags :
2 years ago

Outside the Fox

OT7 x Reader - BTS (2002 words)

Chapter 3/21

Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.


"If you guys don't hurry up I'm going to be late" Jimin whined through the house. 

He was met by varying groans of acknowledgement. He shook his head and checked his hair in the entry hall mirror again, licking his fingers to smooth down that one impossible cowlick at the back. Jungkook slid along the old wooden floor in his socks just as Jimin was about to yell again. He collided with the older man, messing up his hair completely. Jimin growled at the young bunny before fixing his hair for what he'd hoped would be the last time. 

The youngest grabbed his chunky black boots from the rack behind Jimin. He sat on the second to last step of the staircase, blocking the way just in time for Yoongi to trip over him. Luckily the agile jackal gracefully jumped over the last two steps and swept through the hall to collect his own shoes, kissing Jimin on the cheek gently as he passed. 

Namjoon was last, as always.

The bear was terrible at keeping track of time at the best of times, let alone when he was trying to fight off his hibernation instincts this late in the year. Jimin checked his watch and sighed, only met with shrugs from his other packmates. Resigned to his fate, he gave up rushing and lent down to help Jungkook tie his ridiculous laces. 

Eventually, Namjoon stumbled blearily down the steps, meeting each of his waiting packmates with a peck and a sheepish smile knowing Jimin was fuming. 

"Sorry Chimmy," Namjoon ruffled the red panda's hair affectionately, not quite catching on to the fury behind the younger man's eyes at the usually welcomed gesture. 

Yoongi stifled a laugh as he reached out to help Jimin fix his hair yet again while Joon found his shoes. By the time they made it out of the door, Jimin was already five minutes late with a 20-minute drive to go. 


You heard Jimin before you saw him. That man spoke a million words a second and his volume only seemed to have an increase button. 

You had to admit you had spent a long portion of the morning glancing towards the door waiting for his arrival. So far you had managed to make a few acquaintances that morning, but they all seemed to be battling with the same anti-sharing problem you were having so they weren't particularly entertaining relationships as of yet. 

You'd thought maybe Jimin would come along and you could listen to him talk about his pack some more, see if he could offer you some advice on what to do next if he had been through a similar restart to you. You hadn't really expected him to come in with three other hybrids. Definitely not the three men he had described to you yesterday. It was impressive how well he had detailed each of them, and yet it still hadn't done them true justice. 

The tallest of the group exuded confidence in the most bizarre way. He clearly didn't mean to command the room around him but still, everyone moved subconsciously out of his way. Yet his face was the kindest you'd ever seen. He bowed to everyone around them as he walked, paying special attention to Jimin's colleagues. 

Your eyes drifted to the bunny drooped over his arm. Clinging to their leader like his world might fall away if he were to let go. It was odd when those around him looked so at peace. His eyes darted around the room and his long grey ears perked up listening for every sound in the room. 

The third man had the cutest grin. Or it might've been the cutest if it weren't for his glistening fangs on display among his gummy smile. His shoulders were relaxed and he seemed comfortable in his surroundings. He held lovingly onto Jimin's hip and you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that you didn't have a love like that.

Your eyes land on Jimin only to find him already watching you, waving like a madman. You glance around to ensure it really is you he is gesturing for. Coming up empty for an alternative you return his enthusiasm with a weak smile. He wriggles free from his mate to hurry over to you.

"How did you sleep? How was your first night? I hope no one was rude... I know it's difficult having to share a room like that for the first couple of nights, with so many strange noises. Although I suppose I don't know yet, maybe you've spent nights in a similar situation." The excitable man doesn't pause for you to answer once. 

You try to remember every question he posed, and figure out which order you were supposed to answer in. Before you get a chance, his pack catches up and he is being pulled back by his collar by the man that had been holding onto him originally, although now it was definitely more restraint than a loving embrace. Each of them bowed to you politely and you followed suit, eyeing them cautiously.

"Y/N-shi, Jimin was so excited to tell us about you when he came home, we had to come to meet you. I hope you don't mind the sudden intrusion." The clear leader explained. "I am Namjoon, this is Jungkook, and Yoongi." He gestures to his companions accordingly. 

Of course, just from their descriptions, you had guessed their identities.

You try to muster up a warm response but only manage a half-assed hello and a bow. Jimin gestures for a mostly empty seating area across the room and the five of you head in that direction. You allow them to go ahead of you so you can study them further. Something about their demeanour seems odd. The rabbit seemed too intent on clinging to Namjoon, almost as if something bad might happen if he were to let go. Jungkook's head flitted around the room and then back to Namjoon in a constant rhythm.

It made your neck ache just watching him.

"I hope this isn't too inappropriate." Yoongi falls back from Jimin to match your pace. 

You turn to look at him. His hair is so pretty, the length frames his face perfectly, its ebony colour highlighting his unmarred skin. He looks like a character from a fairytale your mother used to read to you before bed.

"Not at all I'm just surprised. Jimin was very kind to me yesterday, but I didn't think I'd left an impression that warranted an introduction to his family... And judging by your apologies this is something he does often just to be nice?"

"No, it isn't. But he was rather insistent." Yoongi admits.

This does nothing to assuage the dread that had sunk into the pit of your stomach. They were obviously singling you out. The special treatment that you hadn't asked for.

When the men sat down, Jungkook sat in Namjoon's lap despite the abundance of space left for him on the sizeable sofa. Jimin and Yoongi sat in armchairs opposite one another on armchairs, leaving a chair in their circle for you. It felt more like an interrogation set up than a conversation. 

Still, you took the seat they presented you with, fidgeting slightly as each of them stared at you. It was clear they meant well but you were still exceedingly confused as to why three grown men had taken time out of their, presumably, very busy lives just to meet you on a whim. 

It felt like being back in her old life, her husband's friends staring at her, delighting in her pedigree more than her personality. Being a cross fox was a great rarity, especially around this part of the world. It had been a difficult hybrid to manufacture and therefore anyone who possessed one had been someone of great power before the laws regarding hybrid ownership changed. Still, many humans took great pleasure in pursuing romantic relationships with rarer breeds to maintain their status. Much like your husband. 

He was a kind man, and he loved you. But it had never been abundantly obvious as to whether that was as a person, or as a possession. 

Being the centre of attention this way brought up too many memories regarding your old life that you weren't ready to face just yet. Being cornered always set off your fight instinct as a fox, lashing out instead of thinking it all the way through. So you brought up the only other topic you can think to.

"Do you make him do that?" You gesture to the bunny in Namjoon's arms.

The entire group tenses and Jungkook hisses, turning his face into his companion's neck to hide away.

"I'm sorry to overstep it just seems odd that you would make your most vulnerable packmate cling to you in that way, I thought that dynamic had faded out years ago." You can't stop the words tumbling free after you brought it up.

It definitely seems like you may have made a mistake. Yoongi's eyes are narrowed into slits directed at you, Jimin is glancing back and forth between you and the clearly offended bunny, and Namjoon is trying to smooth down the raised hackles. 

"Jungkook doesn't do well in large, unfamiliar settings." Namjoon explains. "He just really wanted to meet you at Jimin's request... perhaps we should've thought of a better venue but clinging like this usually helps him."

"Maybe we should have thought through another plan." Yoongi sighs, eyes returning to normal as he turns to Namjoon.

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing Yoongi." Namjoon shrugs. He pulls Jungkook back so he can meet his eyes. "Bunny I need you to go with Yoongi, you two can go decompress in the car okay?" 

Yoongi stands and helps Jungkook up. You all watch them retreat waiting for them to be well out of Jungkook's hearing range.

"Sorry Y/N I should've warned you, he is very insecure about his little anxiety problem." Jimin says

"Seems like more than a little problem... Also maybe a warning at all would've been nice..." 

"He is working on the anxiety." Namjoon's tone suggests the topic is no longer on the table for discussion.

"I really didn't mean to offend, I will be more careful if I meet him again." you bow sincerely. "Do you have time to stay? I understand if you need to go to him."

You aren't really sure what answer you are hoping for. It seems much more manageable to have a conversation with just Namjoon like this, but you really are concerned about the state of his packmates.  Namjoon shakes his head and the warm smile he had entered with returns to his face. 

Jimin tries his hand at asking you questions again, all of which you manage to turn around on them in some way. Desperate to form some kind of connection today, you open up a little more than yesterday. You tell them about what you hope to achieve in the coming months, your plan to get an amazing job and leave the shelter as soon as you can manage rent somewhere. You ask Namjoon what he does, even though Jimin had already told you. 

It's amazing to see the way his eyes light up when he speaks about his writing. He has the deepest dimples you think you've ever seen, dimples you find yourself getting lost in as he talks. Every word that comes from his lips sounds almost poetic, it really is no wonder he ended up in his line of work. When you pull your attention away, you can see the true devotion in Jimin's eyes, hanging on the same way you were even after they've been together so long. 

Another pang of jealousy hits your stomach as you see what they have together, a relationship you would give anything for. 

After about 20 minutes Namjoon wipes his hands on his jeans and moves to stand up.

"I really should go and leave Jimin to actually do some work." He laughs at himself as the redhead sticks his tongue out. "It was nice meeting you Y/N, I hope we cross paths again soon. If you need anything please call me, and if you ever want a place to stay that isn't here I'm sure we could find space." He hands you a card.

A beautiful velvet finish business card with his name and number on one side, and an indigo cytograph with author written in the middle on the back.

"Thank you for the offer, but we've only just met. We are practically strangers." You try to hand the card back but he won't take it.

"I have a feeling our paths will cross a fair few more times if Jimin has his way, definitely not strangers." He winks at you and then kisses Jimin goodbye before making a swift exit. 

You both watch as his broad back disappears through the front door. Jimin lets out the kind of sigh you've only ever heard teenage girls make in films before now. The kind of sigh that they release as the handsome male lead leaves the room. You stare at him, focusing on the complete adoration across his features. 

He snaps out of it when he feels you staring, physically shaking himself. He tries to give you a supportive look and claps his hands together to announce him standing up.

"Next time will go a lot better... I promise not to ambush you." His eyes practically squeeze closed as he grins before heading off into another room.

Next time...

You'll have to meet them again.

Jimin's interest in you is confusing at best. He doesn't know who you are or where you've come from, and yet he seems eager to become your friend. A genuine friend that's interested in your life and wanted you to know about theirs. Something you weren't quite used to and definitely weren't sure you trusted. 

You sat and contemplated the pack's intentions for a while, watching the busy shelter move around you.

Everyone seemed so settled in their routines. People came and went. Some stayed to play games. Kids were dropped off in the care of the elderly who had come just for a day out. Many went out to work, and a few stayed behind and studied. It was peaceful to just observe. A few hybrids made eye contact with you, smiling in the most inviting way. You made a mental note to attempt to get to know them when they finally stood still long enough for you to try. 

"You’re in my space." A gruff voice came from behind you.

You turn to look only to be met with the woman from the dorm. From this angle, you could see she was a lion hybrid. She had sharp claws that she clearly hadn't cut in a long time, fangs that she hadn't retracted, and a tail that swished violently back and forth.

"I'm sorry, I thought this was a public space?" You answer not willing to let someone bully you.

She growls in response, turning a few heads in the room.

"It's mutually understood around here." She claims through gritted teeth. "First your stink ruins my bedroom, and now you've taken my chair too. I ought to do something about you.

You roll your eyes, instinct raising your attack response yet again. This only seems to aggravate the lioness further. She grabs the back of the chair and pushes you onto the ground.

"Oi! Lyra! Too far. The newbie didn't know, just let it go will you." Another woman yells.

She comes over to help you to your feet, letting you brush yourself off as she confronts the lion.

"Just because no one else like your lumpy-ass chair doesn't mean we've agreed it's yours you psycho." The newcomer admonishes. 

The lioness just climbs smugly into your newly vacated chair and settles in.

"No one asked you pipsqueak." She sneers, and opens her phone signalling she was moving on. 

Part of you wants to push the subject but the look in your rescuer's eyes suggest that may be a bad idea.

You take her in properly now the room seemed to be returning to its own business. Pretty round ears and small features betray her as a mouse hybrid. Surprising for the amount of courage she showed compared to the rest of the room.

"Noelle, pleasure." She holds out her hand for you to shake. "You arrived yesterday, right? I saw you talking to Jimin! He is super nice."

"Yeah, he got me all set up... What's her problem?" You ask.

"She isn't quite used to being bottom of the pack. She won't tell us her full backstory but my guess is she got overthrown in her hierarchy and decided to lone wolf it." 

Noelle gestured to a telltale scar poking out of Lyra's collar. The wound still looks extremely fresh. 

It's rare now that hybrids will fight for hierarchy, more of a natural given now that so many different breeds interact so freely with each other. Plus it's a more latent instinct, bread out by the scientists that created them hundreds of years ago. But some of the bigger predators still had to fight the instinct, and occasionally lost...

"Honestly she should know better. She is on her final strike warning here, she has been a bit of a bully to more people than you..." 

Noelle manages to move you off the topic after that. Instead, she tries to get you to talk about yourself, and when that doesn't work she suggests a game. The two of you spend the afternoon teaching one another card games and discussing future plans, something you are more than happy to receive advice about. It turns out the little mouse is very well connected with people inside and outside of the centre. 

She mentions a firm where she knows the mail room guy, they were looking for a receptionist with a position that might be ideal for you. It doesn't take belong to have an interview set up for you at the beginning of the next week. At dinner time she walks you through the protocol of the canteen, and by the time you two finish talking and you return to your dorm, your vicious new bunk mate is fast asleep and none the wiser to your arrival.


I'm posting early as I'm away this weekend, I actually not back until after the next chapter is supposed to be due so I might not be able to post at the right time until feb, but then we should be back on schedule. Sorry, it isn't Beta'd, it's been a very busy period for me and my Beta, I'll replace it when I get the chance :)


Outside of the fox masterlist

3 years ago

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3 years ago

Find them @ gehenna1986B on twitter

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