kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
Owner of a bloody bakery

499 posts

Kreolik - Owner Of A Bloody Bakery - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago
I Have This Photo Saved In My Phone And I Dont Know Where I Got It From But HELLO GENERAL

I have this photo saved in my phone and I dont know where I got it from but HELLO GENERAL 🥵🤤

1 year ago

My star wars blorbos are all little angels who have never done anything wrong ever like:

Mr. Cinnamon roll, absolutely babygirl. Never once killed civilians

My Star Wars Blorbos Are All Little Angels Who Have Never Done Anything Wrong Ever Like:

Not an evil Imerpial Grand Admiral just misunderstood.

My Star Wars Blorbos Are All Little Angels Who Have Never Done Anything Wrong Ever Like:

Okay this one... this one did do something wrong but I love him anyway...

My Star Wars Blorbos Are All Little Angels Who Have Never Done Anything Wrong Ever Like:
1 year ago
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)
Jedi: Survivor (2023)

Jedi: Survivor (2023)

1 year ago
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
1 year ago
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
1 year ago
 Dagan Gera | Boss Fight | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023)
 Dagan Gera | Boss Fight | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023)
 Dagan Gera | Boss Fight | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023)
 Dagan Gera | Boss Fight | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023)

↳ Dagan Gera | Boss Fight | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023) 

1 year ago
The Tragedians
The Tragedians

the tragedians

2 years ago
Screenshot Studies In Preparation For Lightfall
Screenshot Studies In Preparation For Lightfall

screenshot studies in preparation for lightfall

2 years ago
A Flick Of The Wrist.
A Flick Of The Wrist.

A flick of the wrist.

2 years ago
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.
Today We Suffer, So Tomorrow Can Live On.

Today we suffer, so tomorrow can live on.

2 years ago
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.
Be Free.

Be free.

2 years ago
What Is That?The Witness.
What Is That?The Witness.
What Is That?The Witness.
What Is That?The Witness.
What Is That?The Witness.
What Is That?The Witness.

“What is that?”  “The Witness.”

- Destiny 2: Lightfall - Launch Trailer (×)

2 years ago
"We Have Seen Enough. The Children Of Sol Cry Out For Salvation."
"We Have Seen Enough. The Children Of Sol Cry Out For Salvation."

"We have seen enough. The children of Sol cry out for salvation."

2 years ago

The Traveler in DESTINY 2: LIGHTFALL

2 years ago

SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene gifs (PT. 1)! The mission was amazing!

SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
SPOILERS (?)! New Cutscene Gifs (PT. 1)! The Mission Was Amazing!
2 years ago
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23
Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23

Destiny 2, Year 5 - The Witch Queen ... 2.22.22 - 2.27.23

2 years ago
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds
Destiny 2 | New Worlds

Destiny 2 | New Worlds

2 years ago
The Court Of Savathun

The Court of Savathun

2 years ago
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,
Concept Art For The Witness And Rhulk, The First Disciple By Casper Konefa And Tobias Kwan.(Seriously,

Concept art for The Witness and Rhulk, The First Disciple by Casper Konefa and Tobias Kwan. (Seriously, click the links, there’s a lot more amazing art that I couldn’t include here!)

2 years ago
A screenshot from Destiny 1 showing three astronauts on Mars looking at the Traveler in the distance as they climb a ridge.
Three human beings stood on a high ridge and saw the shape of the future. Saw rain strike a millennia-old desert. Felt the air sweeten with oxygen and warm water and the beginnings of life. 
I am sometimes asked if I felt something die. The end of the era of human self-sufficiency. 
I don't know how to answer that question. I do know that I was changed. Nobody could experience that kind of wonder and remain unchanged. The decades since have proven that to me.
Hero, survivor, God's right hand man, I know he sees the blank Surface of the moon where I see a language built from brick and bone. He sits straight in his seat, takes a long, slow high-thespian breath, 
Then lets it go. For all I know I was the last true man on this earth. And May I smoke? The voices outside soften. Planes jet past heading off or back. Someone cries that she does not want to go to bed. Footsteps overhead. 
A fountain in the neighbor's yard babbles to itself, and the night air Lifts the sound indoors. It was another time, he says, picking up again. We were pioneers. Will you fight to stay alive here, riding the earth 
Toward God-knows-where? I think of Atlantis buried under ice, gone One day from sight, the shore from which it rose now glacial and stark. Our eyes adjust to the dark.
about Achatinella apexfulva, whose largest threat is 
(you might've guessed) another snail, Euglandina rosea, aptly named 
for its rosy-hued carapace, who will follow the slimy trail of its gastropod cousin 
then yank it from its shell with its serrated tongue and swallow it like Cronus, shell and all. 
When a species is the last of its kind, it's called an endling a word 
that reminds me of changeling,
A comic panel showing an astronaut floating in empty space. A text box reads 'I remember damage'.
A continuation of the previous image, showing the same astronaut slightly closer, than a close up on their opaque visor. Two text boxes read 'Then escape. Then adrift in a strangers galaxy for a long, long time'.
You, God, who live next door-
If at times, through the long night, I trouble you with my urgent knocking-this Is why: I hear you breathe so seldom. I know you're all alone in that room. If you should be thirsty, there's no one to get you a glass of water. I wait listening, always. Just give me a sign! I'm right here. 
As It happens, the wall between us is very thin. Why couldn't a cry from one of us break It down? It would crumble easily, 
it would barely make a sound.
Do you know about polar bears and penguins? Back before you came, they lived on Earth's two poles that had climates a lot like Europa's. But our technology was so inefficient, it was poisoning Earth's air and Idling off whole species of animals and plants. Like the opposite of terraforming. 
I'm gonna name this penguin Mihaylova after the scientist-aeronaut on Ares One. Do you remember meeting her and Hardy and Qiao? Can you see their faces in your mind? 
That was a long time ago, way before I was born, but you've been around so long, human years must feel like a minute to you. If that's true, then expect to see me (except grown up with a beard) on lo one second after you get this. 
I'm still not sure how I'm gonna send my letters to you yet. Maybe they'll let me use a Warsat. I know those are really for high-level threats and stuff, but how many of those can there be? This is a Golden Age. 
Your friend, 
The night gardener once asked me if I knew how citrus trees died: when they reach old age, if they are not cut down and they manage to survive drought, disease and innumerable attacks of pests, fungi and plagues, they succumb from overabundance. When they come to the end of their life cycle, they put out a final, massive crop of lemons. In their last spring their flowers bud and blossom in enormous bunches and fill the air with a smell so sweet that it stings your nostrils from two blocks away; then their fruits ripen all at once, whole limbs break off due to their excessive weight, and after a few weeks the ground is covered with rotting lemons. It is a strange sight, he said, to see such exuberance before death.
The results are what you have with you now: the sound of a long-broken machine deciding, on its own and without the interference of repairmen or excessive prayer vigils, to function again. It is a painfully raw sound that can legitimately be thought of as a second performer on these otherwise unaccompanied recordings. Its inexplicable
His eyes open wide. He calms. Then he speaks.
"We need you. Return to us."
A screenshot from Disco Elysium showing Harry and Kim standing in front of burning words that read "Un jour je serai de retour près de toi". Game text to the right reads "ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE — The fuel oil catches fire immediately, with a low hiss -- a bright orange flash across the surface of the lettering. The falling snow turns to vapour above the burning message, mingling with the black smoke. 
if you'll only come by. Know I told you it was okay to go. Know I told you it was okay to leave me. Why'd you believe me? You always believed me. Wish you would come back so we could talk about truth. Miss you. Wish you would walk through my door. Stare out from the mirror. Come through the pipes.
I am the last Speaker, and I dream that the Traveler will leave us. 
It shouldn't be a surprise. This truth has been passed down from Speaker to Speaker for generations: the Traveler is good, the Traveler is sentient, the Traveler will save us, and the Traveler will leave us. For many, many years, I believed that the prophecy of the Traveler's departure was misinterpreted, and fulfilled instead by its silence after the Collapse. I stopped preaching that final tenet. It only served to frighten people. 
My dreams, which have always been infrequent and fleeting, come more regularly. They are more confusing than ever, more disruptive. I once so rarely dreamed while awake, but now it happens all the time. 
111 am silent again. I am gone. I leave behind a yawning void.11 
My dreams forecast a terrible future: a future without the Traveler's Light. I see them all falling, Guardians and Lightless alike, toppled by the Traveler's absence. I don't understand why it happens, and I don't know when. But I know it is coming. 
The details almost don't matter.
has to imitate. It's true, the Carolina Wren caught in the bedroom yesterday died because he stepped on a glue trap and tore Ills wings off. Maybe we have both fallen through the soul's thin ice already. Even Ethiopia is splitting off from Africa to become its own continent. Last year it moved 10 feet. This will take a million years. There's always this nostalgia for the days when Time was so unreal it touched us only like the pale shadow of a hawk. Parmenedes transported himself above the beaten path of the stars to find the real that was beyond time. The words you left are still smoldering like the cigarette left in my ashtray as if it were a dying star. The thin thread of its smoke
A screenshot from Kentucky Route Zero showing three people looking at a projector projecting swirling colors in red and blue on the wall. Game text reads "
EMILY: Ghost, huh? You really think she's dead? ELMO: Does it matter? Maybe not. 
EMILY: I guess you're right. A ghost is just an absent person, whether they're dead or not.".
Long after she was dead: even if you don't have something anymore, you can be defined by its absence
The early bats are tying the air, the head, into knots. They fly on the wings of gnef. The late butterfly follows them over the edge of the cliff where the eadh becomes the alr we turn into. It's called mirror vision when we see what isn't here. The kind of faith that falls at unexpected moments thawed a climber reaches for a hold that will never 
in Ills life, be there. Its called despair when we open the door of a heart that no longer exists
A screenshot from Destiny 2 showing the Traveler lifting above the surface of the Earth.

destiny 1 / ghost fragment: human 4, destiny 1 / my god, it's full of stars, tracy k. smith / endling, sara burnett / station 11, maria nguyen / du, nachbar gott, wenn ich dich manchesmal, rainer maria rilke / letter 2, your friend micah abram, destiny 2 / when we cease to understand the world, benjamín labatut (tr. adrian nathan west) / all hail west texas liner notes, john darnielle / chapter 7: commandeered, the dark future, destiny 2 / disco elysium / miss you. would like to take a walk with you, gabrielle calvocoressi / suffering, constellations, destiny 2 / ten things i need to know, richard jackson / kentucky route zero / free range angel produce, joan tierney / what it's called, richard jackson / destiny 2

2 years ago
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery
kreolik - Owner of a bloody bakery