39 posts
Chapters: 5/?Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Three
Tuesday was an agonizingly slow day. The beginning of the week was never that busy for Family Video, so he was bored most of the day. At least he had Robin to talk to. He knew he could come out to her, but he also knew that she would start her rambling if he told her he'd figured it out because of Eddie Munson.
As Steve aimlessly rewound tapes, restocked shelves and reorgnized tapes, he let his mind wander. If he wasn't eyeing the clock to watch it tick by so very slowly.
"Earth to Steve," Robin says waving her hand in Steve's face.
"Shit Rob, sorry."
"What's gotten into you today?"
"Just. Distracted."
"Oooo is it a girl?"
Steve's face flushed.
"No? You're bright red face says otherwise."
"It's not a girl."
"Well if it's not a girl then..."
Steve could see as the gears in Robin's head begin to turn, things slotting into place and then her face lit up. She leaned forward, resting her arms on the counter.
"Is it a boy?" She whispered, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
Steve's blush deepened and he ducked his head away.
"Come on Steve, you can tell me!"
"Yeah, I know, it's just. I'm a little caught off guard myself. And our first couple of interactions were kind of. Awkward."
"Awkward how?"
"Well the first time I was drunk and high at my party. And the second time. Uh. Recounting with him what happened with him at the party because I didn't remember. It was. Just awkward."
Robin gasped.
"Did you guys kiss? Full on make out? Sex?"
Steve fixed her with a look and she was hiding a laugh behind her hand.
"No. He ended the party, helped me to my room. And I uh. Came onto him."
Robin started laughing, trying to hold it in which only caused snorts to escape. Steve's face was as red as a tomato now.
"Yeah yeah, laugh it up."
"Sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry. You. Who just figured out you're bisexual. Came onto him. While you were drunk and high."
"Yeah, I know, stupid. And I'm. Seeing him again tonight."
"Ooooo a date?"
"No, not a date. Just. Getting to know each other."
"Is he attractive? I mean obviously men are not my type, but do you think he's attractive?"
"Very. Like you have no idea. Hotter than Billy Hargrove attractive."
Robin let out a whistle.
"So who's the lucky guy?"
Flustered, Steve dropped the tape he was holding. He attempted to catch it but he fumbled it a few times before it clattered to the floor. He shot Robin a playful glare and her eyes were dancing with mirth.
"Let's not talk about that," Steve says bending down to pick up the tape.
"Why not? You like him right?"
"Yeah but. I mean I don't know him well. And if you were to find out who it is, you would. You would be shocked."
Her tone had taken on a whine now and instead of being annoyed he just shook his head.
"Come on! I want to know! Please, please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaaase?"
"Okay! Okay. It's um."
Steve fidgeted with his hands.
"Eddie Munson," he muttered under his breath.
"Eddie Munson."
This time it came out so fast Robin could barely understand what he was saying.
"Eddie Munson!"
Steve's eyes went wide with shock, slapping a hand over his mouth at how loud he'd shouted Eddie's name. Thankfully there were no customers. Robin blinked a few times.
"Eddie Munson."
"Uh huh."
"The Eddie Munson!?"
"Yes! Ok, shhh!"
She blinked again.
"Holy shit, you have the hots for Eddie Munson."
"Shut up."
"What are you guys doing tonight?"
"Um. His band is playing tonight. I'm going to watch."
"You don't like metal music."
"Yeah, but. I told him I wanted to get to know him. And he invited me to his band's show so..."
"So you're going."
"Yep. Oh god. What do I wear? Because I'm not in the metal scene, is preppy not good enough, it's probably not appropriate, I don't have any metal like clothes, what if I mess this up, what if he doesn't like me after tonight..."
"Now who's the one rambling?"
Steve snapped his mouth shut, his cheeks flushing red again, and Robin giggled.
"Oh my god, you're already so far gone."
"Don't make fun of me. He's just so. How do I put it. Pretty. I mean have you seen those eyes, they're like a whole galaxy on their own. And those lips, they look so. Soft, I mean imagine kissing lips that are soft and full and just. Perfect. And I mean, he pulls off the jewelry and the tattoos and shirtless, dear god."
Steve knew he was rambling again, and just recounting some of Eddie's physical features had him half hard and he had to adjust himself to hide his. Well, problem.
"Steve, you're hopeless."
"Don't remind me."
"Just be yourself. Wear what's comfortable for you. If he likes you, he'll like you for you."
"Yeah. I guess your right."
After their conversation about Eddie, Steve was happy to talk to Robin about Vickie, though he more listened while she rambled, but he didn't mind. And thankfully, their conversations were enough to fill the agonizingly slow time till their shift was over. Now he had to get ready to go to the Hideout. He had some time to kill but he wanted everything to be just right.
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More Posts from Kristybear2001
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary
Another little Steddie one shot. Really proud of this one
Scars To Your Beautiful
Eddie had survived the Upside Down. He'd clung to the little bit of life he had and Steve had dragged him through the gate and into a hospital, effectively saving his life. Owens had cleared his name, the government had given them all hush money and Eddie and Wayne had gotten a new place. Eddie now had a new solid group of friends and Wayne was good in taking care of him when he could. But Steve was there too.
Steve would spend his free days visiting Eddie, and taking care of him when Wayne needed sleep or was at work. Eddie was difficult to work with but Steve was patient. It'd been three months now and his wounds were almost healed. But his body was littered with scars. He didn't think anyone would find him attractive now.
Fresh pink scars, jagged lines littered his sides, some on his arms and by some miracle his tattoos had been missed and then a thick jagged scar running from his jawline and down his throat. It was one of Eddie's rough days. He'd just finished a shower and now he was staring at himself in the mirror.
His fingers ghosted over every scar, so many of them, and the eyes that stared back at him weren't his usual warmth and excitement. They were sad. Haunted. Eddie heaved a sigh, his eyes sliding shut and rubbing his hands across his face. He was feeling so incredibly insecure. He wouldn't change what he'd done, he sacrificed himself to save everyone else. But along with Survivors guilt and the insecurities with his scars, and how he wasn't really doing much with his life right now, he was having quite the bad day.
A voice startled Eddie out of his thoughts and his eyes snapped open. He could see Steve in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a look of concern on his face. That was another complicated thing. Steve. Eddie was head over heels in love, but Steve was. Well straight.
This had always been Eddie's problem. Falling hard and fast. It had led to a lot of heartbreak. He'd tried to stop this one, but his feelings for Steve had blindsighted him. One minute Steve was an aquantence who was trying to help clear his name, and the next. He was saving Eddie's life and Eddie had tumbled heart first into his feelings.
"You ok?"
Eddie shook the thoughts from his head, letting his breath out through his nose that he didn't even realize he was holding.
"Yeah. Fine."
Eddie had always been a terrible liar and it was clear Steve wasn't convinced. Eddie's unrequited feelings were bad enough, but then Steve had to be confusing. A man Eddie very much knew was straight and yet. Throughout spring break Steve had never protested against Eddie's playful flirting. And Steve had been. Well touchy, he'd make his own subtle advances. And Eddie wasn't sure if it was on purpose or if Steve genuinely had no idea what he was doing.
"What's wrong?"
Eddie wanted to lie again. But he was a weak man when it came to Steve. Sighing again, Eddie moved to sit on the toilet seat, the lid already put down because his towel had been sitting there. He rubbed his hands across his face again.
"Just a bad day."
It was quiet for a moment.
"Seems like more than just a bad day."
Eddie's head snapped up, because Steve's voice sounded much closer. And Steve was standing right in front of him now, that same look of concern etched onto his beautiful features. Eddie sucked in a breath. When had Steve gotten so close?
"It's nothing."
Steve frowned before crouching in front of him, taking Eddie's hands in his. His touch was soft, gentle, rubbing soothing circles into his skin with the pads of his thumbs. And Eddie would be lying if he said that didn't make his heart flutter, his belly swoop and butterflies erupt, his heart now pounding in his chest. His gaze locked with Steve's, warm brown eyes looking back at him.
"It doesn't seem like nothing."
Steve was being patient, his voice was soft and gentle and he was allowing Eddie time to gather his thoughts.
"I just. I feel...."
Eddie trailed off, trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into words.
"I feel ugly."
Understanding dawned on Steve's features and Eddie wasn't sure how he was going to react. But what Steve did was not at all what Eddie expected. Maybe for him to reassure him that he wasn't ugly but not this. His breath hitched in his throat because Steve's lips were on his skin. Kissing every little scar, starting from his jaw and throat, down to his arms and sides, and every scar in between.
They were gentle kisses, filled with adoration, affection and Eddie's heart did another flutter, his belly did another swoop. Everywhere Steve's lips touched left a tingling sensation that burned through Eddie's veins, his very soul. Another bought of confusion washed over him. Maybe Steve wasn't as straight as he thought he was.
"You are not ugly. You are beautiful. So utterly beautiful. And every little scar. It doesn't take away from your beauty. They add to it. You're scars are just as beautiful as you are. Because they tell a story. That what you've been through, you fought. You survived. And you are stronger than you were before. Be proud of these scars. They're a part of you. And I wouldn't change a single part of you."
Eddie could feel his eyes misting over. Steve's words were the sweetest anyone had ever said to him. Eddie was well and thoroughly fucked. There was no coming back from this. He was hopelessly in love. Steve owned his heart, and part of Eddie wanted to just rip it out of his chest and put it in Steve's hands.
He didn't even realize he was crying until Steve was kissing away those tears. Finally his shoulders sagged, a choked sob escaping from the back of his throat, because he felt relieved. He was still beautiful. He was wanted. Accepted. For exactly the way that he was and it felt like a giant weight had been lifted from his chest.
"God, could you get anymore perfect?"
An affectionate chuckle escaped from Steve and he was gently tugging Eddie closer.
"I'm just being honest. Telling you what I see," Steve says, reaching up to brush some of Eddie's curls out of his face.
Eddie sucked in a breath, gathered all of his courage and finally asked the question he needed the answer to.
"What is this? Between us? I mean. As far as I know you're straight. And I'm. Well, not straight."
Eddie clamped his mouth shut, biting down on his lower lip, eyes watching Steve for any indication of what he was thinking.
"I thought I was. But if I'm being completely honest with myself. I'm not. I mean I still like women, but..."
"So you're bisexual then."
"Is that what it is?"
Eddie nodded.
"It's what I am."
Steve tilted his head, a pensive look crossing his features.
"That makes sense. Looking back, I should've known. Should've figured it out. You're not. The first guy that I've wanted to kiss."
Eddie's breath hitched again.
"You want to kiss me?"
The question came out almost like a whisper. Steve bit his lip before nodding.
"Yeah. Yeah, I want to kiss you. And so much more. And we'll get there. For now. For now, I just want to kiss you. If I can."
Eddie didn't hesitate, diving in for that first kiss. His hands gently cupped Steve's cheeks, his mouth meeting Steve's in a desperate, yet soft kiss. And Steve was kissing him back, lips moving languidly against each other, tongues darting out to taste and tease. Eddie felt like he could live in this moment forever. And maybe it sounded cliché but this kiss was like magic. Perfect in every way. For the first time, Eddie truly loved himself. Because Steve saw him for who he was. And he wanted him.
They finally broke the kiss when they needed air. And with one look at each other, they knew they didn't need to talk about it. Because it was there, in their eyes. What they were to each other. No words needed to be spoken. They just knew. Eddie pulled another kiss from Steve, this one slower, sweeter, as if conveying everything that he was feeling.
"You're perfect," Steve whispered against his lips, and Eddie swallowed down the words, a soft whimper escaping, because those words went straight to his heart. Where they would remain, for as long as Eddie lived.
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
It was a week later, another Saturday. Steve had invited everyone over for a movie party, ordering pizza and gathering movies to watch. He'd already talked to Eddie about coming out, what they were to each other and Eddie had expressed that he wanted them to be together, which Steve very much agreed to.
With the living room now set up, there was popcorn made, pizza on its way, sleeping bags sprawled out on the floor, the tv set up with the first movie. And everybody was getting settled, Dustin, Will, Max, Lucas and Mike were on the floor with the sleeping bags. Nancy, Jonathon and Robin were settled around the couch. And then there was Steve and Eddie.
Eddie had sprawled out on the couch and then opened his arms. And Steve smiled, immediately climbing into Eddie's arms and settling on top of him, head on Eddie's chest. Eddie's arms wrapped around him, fingers tangling in Steve's hair to play with it, and lips dropping a kiss to the top of Steve's head.
Everybody was too busy talking to notice what Eddie and Steve were doing and then the movie was playing. They were content to lay like this, not hiding anything but waiting to see how long it would take everyone to figure it out. It was ten minutes into the movie when Dustin turned around to tell Eddie something, but the words got stuck in his throat, mouth dropping open in shock.
And then Eddie and Steve were laughing, which caught everyone else's attention. Everybody was in shock except for Robin, because she already knew. Steve was laughing so hard now that snorts were escaping and he buried his face in Eddie's chest, shoulders shaking from the laughter.
"You're adorable when you snort," Eddie says smiling as he playfully pokes Steve's side. Steve huffed, playfully swatting Eddie's hand away.
"What the fuck is going on?" Dustin says.
"Hey, language," Steve says lifting his head from Eddie's chest now. Dustin started protesting, everybody started asking questions and then the doorbell rang. And Steve got up, but before he headed for the door to get the pizza, he kissed Eddie. Right on the lips.
The room erupted in a chorus of gasps and exclamations of shock, but Steve just smiled.
"Oh by the way, I'm bisexual, and Eddie and I are dating."
He knew his friends would accept it, they were just surprised right now. And sure enough, once their bellies were full of pizza and they were on the second movie they all spoke their happiness and congratulations.
Everybody ended up staying the night and of course Steve and Eddie shared Steve's bedroom. But it was two days later when Steve's parents came home. Richard and Charlotte Harrington were the epitome of perfect rich life. They were never the best parents, always leaving Steve alone while they went on business trips, they didn't really act like parents, his father wanted him to work for his company and his mother was upset he didn't have the grades to go to college.
Suffice to say, the tension in the air when they returned was thick. Steve was making himself lunch when his parents sat down. They let him finish and sit himself down before his father cleared his throat.
"Steve we need to talk to you."
"About what?"
"About your future."
Steve's body stiffened. He had a future. He didn't want one predetermined by his parents. He was happy with his life, working at Family Video with Robin, his beautiful relationship with Eddie, spending time with his friends. He was happy and he didn't want it to change.
"I have a future," Steve snipped.
"Working at a video rental store for four dollars an hour is not a future Steven," his mother says.
"I like my life. I'm not changing it to fit your expectations."
"Steve your future has already been decided," his father says firmly. Steve paused, eyes flicking up to meet his fathers.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You're going to quit your job and come to my company. And you're going to marry a nice girl, in three months time. Her name is Marissa, she's from Indianapolis and she's already agreed to the marriage."
Steve's world came crashing down. He blinked. Once. Twice.
"You're fucking with me."
His voice was quiet now. He didn't want to believe this, he didn't want that life. He didn't want to end up like the Wheelers, in an unhappy marriage, when he was so utterly happy with Eddie.
"This is happening Steven. It's been decided," his mother says reaching out to take his hand. He quickly snatched it away, anger and fear beginning to seep in.
"No. No, it is not happening."
He stood up.
"I am not marrying some random girl that I don't know! I am not going to end up in an unhappy marriage with a job that I hate! This is my life! And you know what? You can cut me off from your money, you can take my car. But I am happy where I am. And for the record. I'm already in a relationship."
His parents stared at him for a moment in surprise.
"Well is she nice?"
Steve scoffed. His parents were not exactly fond of queers. But Steve didn't care.
"He. He is wonderful. Guess I forgot to tell you. I'm bisexual. I like guys just as much as I like girls, and I am in a happy relationship. With a man."
His father sucked in a breath and his mother looked like she'd been slapped.
"You will end that. Immediately. Not in this family, never. You will marry Marissa," his father hissed.
"Or what? Do your worst. I'm not marrying her. And if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go spend the night with my boyfriend."
Steve turned on his heel and grabbed his keys, slipping his shoes on and exiting. The drive to Eddie's trailer felt longer than it actually was and he could feel tears stinging in the corners of his eyes. He didn't want any of this. He just wanted to live his life the way he wanted to.
And yes, he was terrified of losing his home, his car, his money and admittedly, he still had hoped his parents cared about him at all. But that hope was dashed now. He was terrified of losing those things, but Eddie was worth it. His life was worth it. He would stay with Eddie, whether he was broke or rich, or homeless or not. Nothing mattered except Eddie.
When he arrived the tears were freely falling and when Eddie opened the door, concern immediately crossed his features.
Steve sucked in a watery breath.
"Can I come in?"
"Of course."
Eddie stepped aside, allowing Steve to enter, and closed the door behind him. Then his hands were on Steve's face, soft and gentle, brushing away his falling tears.
"Sweetheart what's wrong?"
The nickname had his heart fluttering and the dam broke. He told Eddie everything his parents had told him, everything that he told his parents and that he was afraid of what he was going to do with his life now. And Eddie held him, arms wrapping around him, lips planting kisses on the top of his head and whispering soft words of reassurance.
"We're gonna figure everything out ok? I promise. Everything's gonna be ok baby. I'm right here."
Steve clung to Eddie.
"I don't want to marry some girl. I want to be with you, I'm happy with you."
Eddie cupped his cheeks again, allowing Steve to look at him.
"And we are staying together. No matter what. You and me sweetheart, you and me. No one's gonna take that away from us. They can't make you do it."
Steve nodded and Eddie brushed away the rest of his tears. Once Steve was clam enough, Eddie let Steve borrow some clothes, a pair of sweats and his Iron Maiden tshirt and then he was cuddling up with Steve in his bed, gently playing with his hair.
"Sleep Steve. I'll be right here."
Somehow, Eddie knew that he was exhausted. And he loved that. He loved everything about Eddie. He loved Eddie. That realization had Steve relaxing. He loved Eddie. In Eddie's arms, he was safe. Happy. Wanted. Accepted. Adored. In Eddie's arms was the only place he wanted to be. And slowly, he drifted off.
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's Parents, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair Summary:
Forbidden Love is now its own book on AO3. Don't worry, I have more stuff coming
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Five
When Thursday came around Steve started preparing. Making little sandwiches, packing fruit, though he doubted Eddie would eat any of them. He ended up tossing some chips and candy in there as well and some cold beers. He'd planned for it to be later so they could watch the sun set and the stars come out.
He wasn't going to dress overly nice, he wanted it to be about comfort rather than fancy, and Eddie wasn't one to get fancy anyways. After a shower and doing his routine he settled for a comfortable yellow sweater and some jeans.
Once he had everything ready and packed in the car he set out to Eddie's trailer, arriving right at six. He double checked his appearance before getting out of his car and walking up to the door. Just as he was about to knock, Eddie swung the door open and Steve's breath caught in his throat. Was it ever possible for Eddie to not be gorgeous? He didn't think so.
Eddie was wearing a fresh pair of jeans, no rips this time but still black denim and a Megadeath tshirt. All of his jewelry and his leather jacket. He looked cleaner, nicer, but still completely himself.
"I uh. Tried to dress a little nicer. I don't have much though," Eddie says gazing down at his attire, before back up at Steve. And those big brown eyes had him weak in the knees.
"You look. Wow."
Eddie's lips curved up into a shy smile.
"Definitely," Steve says, nodding.
"Uh, if you want you can. Bring your guitar. I. Like watching you play."
Another smile appeared, Eddie's face lighting up.
"No one's. Ever wanted to watch me play, just for a date."
"Well. I'd like to."
Eddie was nearly bouncing in his spot, his smile widening before darting out of sight to grab his acoustic guitar. When he returned he stepped out of the trailer and put it in the back of the car before they both got settled. They fussed over the music selection because their tastes were so opposite, but the banter felt light and natural.
When they arrived, Eddie grabbed his guitar and Steve grabbed the blanket and cooler, setting everything up in a small clearing by the lake.
"This is a nice spot," Eddie says as he settles with his guitar laid beside him.
"I thought we could watch the sun set. Do a little stargazing, maybe light a fire," Steve says, settling beside Eddie.
"You really are a romantic."
Steve smiled sheepishly.
"Guilty as charged."
There didn't seem to be any nerves this time, as the two dug into the little picnic and eased right into conversation. They talked about music and interests, and even though their interests were different they both put in an effort to understand what the other was interested in. They bickered over the music, but it was filled with laughter.
Then they watched the sun set, watched the stars begin to appear, Eddie talking lazily about why he loved the night. He loved the moon and the stars and the way the moonlight bathed over everything with an ethereal glow, and the color of blue and silver that wrapped around the nature like a blanket. Then Steve lit a fire and Eddie sat up, pulling his guitar into his lap.
"Any requests?" Eddie asked, gently plucking at the strings to produce a slow and beautiful melody. Steve shook his head.
"Whatever comes to your mind. Whatever feels right in the moment."
Steve was sprawled out on his stomach now, his chin propped up with his hands and intently watching Eddie. Eddie's fingers continued to idly pluck at the strings before settling for I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner. As the song came together, Eddie played beautifully, flawlessly. And he looked so utterly pretty as he played.
His eyes closed, hair falling slightly into his face, fingers dancing across the strings that produced such a beautiful sound and softly humming along, as if the words were on the tip of his tongue. Steve was completely captivated. He watched as Eddie played and he could feel goosebumps dancing across his skin.
In that moment, all Steve saw was Eddie. This was a moment he would commit to memory, like a mental video to be saved so he could always look at it. Eddie's eyelashes were long and beautiful, causing shadows to gently dance across his cheeks, and the glow of the fire and the moonlight bathing over him made him look. Well like an angel. An angel sent from Heaven. As the last notes faded away, Steve was smiling, a look of pure adoration dancing in his eyes.
"That was beautiful."
Eddie's eyes fluttered open, and dear god that did something to Steve. A wave of heat pooling down in his belly, the butterflies swooping and dancing around. And then Eddie's smile, lips soft and full, little dimples in his cheeks.
"You liked it?"
Steve nodded eagerly and Eddie's smile grew. He played a few more songs and Steve watched with rapt attention. And after, a flood of compliments poured out of his mouth that had Eddie blushing as he set his guitar aside and laid back down to watch the sky.
They stayed for a few more hours, idly talking before Steve took Eddie home and walked him up to the door.
"Tonight was..."
Steve trailed off, attempting to find the right words.
"Perfect," Eddie finished.
"Yeah. Perfect."
Eddie shuffled on his feet, a lazy smile appearing.
"Do you think. There could be a third date?"
Steve's own smile appeared.
"And a fourth. I'd like there to be."
Eddie smiled again.
"Me too."
A comfortable silence fell over them and Eddie was fidgeting with his rings, gaze cast down to his feet that he was shuffling. Unable to resist the urge, Steve reached out and brushed aside the curls that were partially hiding Eddie's face. Eddie's head snapped up, eyes locking with Steve's and somehow they grew darker, gaze flicking to Steve's lips for a brief moment.
And then Eddie was leaning in, Steve's eyes tracking the movement. It wasn't a full kiss, just a tentative brush of lips, a brief moment. But it left Steve tingling, craving more. Eddie pulled back and Steve's eyes flicked up to meet Eddie's.
"Goodnight Steve."
His voice was soft and it nearly stole Steve's breath.
"Goodnight Eddie."
Steve's voice was just as soft and Eddie smiled, picking up his guitar that had been leaning against the wall and disappeared inside. As Steve got in his car, a wide lovesick smile appeared. That was without a doubt, the best date that Steve had ever been on. And he couldn't wait for the third one.
Steve had always considered himself a straight man. He knew Eddie wasn't straight, the man had been constantly flirting with him over the last week and he wasn't exactly shy about it. He wasn't exactly sure if Eddie was gay or bisexual, but he did know that Eddie wasn't straight. And Steve. Well, amid the Upside Down and trying to keep Max alive and figuring out Vecna and what to do, had been having a sexuality crisis. Because like it or not, he found Eddie attractive.
Eddie had an infenctious energy, and despite everything the man had been through he kept a smile on his face, the one that showcased his cute little dimples, the one that lit up his whole face, that made his beautiful chocolate brown eyes sparkle with amusement and excitement. And Eddie's flirtation had been heavy. And admittedly, Steve couldn't bring himself to put an end to the flirting, and maybe he'd flirted back a little. Eddie was beautiful, Steve couldn't deny it. More often than not, he was finding excuses to talk to Eddie, excuses to touch Eddie, excuse to look at Eddie. Specifically excuses to stare at Eddie's lips.
His entire conversation where Eddie had encouraged him to get Nancy back had barely even been registered because he couldn't stop staring at Eddie's lips. They were soft, pink and full, the kind of lips that looked like they would be heaven to kiss. And thinking back, this wasn't the first time that he'd wanted to kiss a man, though he'd pushed those feelings aside as quick as they came.
Sure, there had been a brief moment when Tommy Hagan was beating the shit out of him, that he'd wanted to kiss him. And maybe back then Steve would've been a bit homophobic. But then he met Robin, and she became his best friend, and he'd grown as a person, he became an ally. There was a brief moment where he'd even wanted to kiss Jonathon Byers, because despite how they'd started out, Byers was a good guy.
Then there was Billy. Billy Hargrove who was wild and untamed and yes. Attractive. And he'd called him King Steve, and he'd be lying if he said that didn't do something to him. And now there was Eddie. Eddie who was also a little wild and chaotic, but not in a bad way. In an adorable way, and Steve never thought he would find himself calling Eddie Munson of all people, adorable. But he was. Adorable, pretty, beautiful. Gorgeous even.
And this is how Steve got to where he was now. He'd mulled over his feelings, his thoughts, and he'd come to the conclusion, that while he wasn't straight, he wasn't gay either. He was in between. Bisexual. Eddie looked just as pretty as ever, his bandana wrapped around his head, his trademark black ripped jeans with a studded belt, an army green puffy vest thrown over his black leather jacket and his Hellfire Club shirt, and the makeshift shield and spear settled on his back.
"Hey, if anything goes south, I mean at all. You abort. Ok? Don't try to be cute or. Be a hero. You guys are just...."
"Decoys, we know. Don't worry Steve. You can be the hero," Dustin says, cutting him off.
"Absolutely, I mean look at us. We are nooooooot hero's," Eddie replied.
"Ok. Good."
Steve couldn't resist a glance at Eddie. Taking him all in, definitely checking him out, before he knew he had to go. So reluctantly he turned around. Before he could take a step, he heard Eddie step forward.
"Hey Steve?"
Steve turned back around, eyes locking on Eddie, who looked nervous, like he wanted to say something but ultimately decided not to and said something else.
"Make him pay."
Steve gave a nod and started walking away. And then his heart started pounding, something told him that he should take his chance now or he would regret it later.
"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy says when Steve turned around, yet again.
But Steve ignored her, and with enough courage and confidence as he could muster he strode right up to Eddie, grabbed him by his jacket to pull him in. And kissed him. Eddie's lips were exactly what Steve imagined they would be, better even.
He could faintly hear the surprise of Dustin, Nancy and Robin and for a brief moment Eddie was frozen, but then he was kissing him back, his hands finding Steve's own jacket to tug him closer. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was everything Steve needed. He hadn't read it wrong, the flirting had been real, and the kiss had honestly felt like coming home, a sensation that was new to Steve, but very welcome. Steve gently broke the kiss.
"Stay alive ok?"
Eddie gave a nod, his adam's apple bobbing slightly.
"You too."
Finally they let go of each other and Steve left with Nancy and Robin to go to the Creel house.
(Just a little snippet from a one shot I posted on Wattpad. I haven't seen anyone put this into a scene and I've had this idea for a few days so I finally wrote it down. I might put ir up on AO3 but for now I'll give you this little snippet and post the Wattpad link for the rest of the one shot. If you guys want to request a Steddie one shot feel free to let me know and I'll write one up for you)
(Wattpad link) https://www.wattpad.com/story/366228702?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=KristyBear21