i may not be the most active but I'm trying to get better at consistency. NOW WITH SLIGHTLY MORE DETERMINATION THAN EVER WOOOOOO
189 posts
Kroakfish - Kroakfish - Tumblr Blog

i played overwatch 2 for the first time
are u a guy or a girl

It's time to start again

i'd rather see 1000 graffiti penises than 1 product billboard. i'd live in dick city if it meant i could avoid advertisements in my daily life.

this was so vivid to me i had to drop everything and draw it just to get it out

He should have gone all Theseus style and replaced the labyrinth brick by brick so he could memorize the structure and would have been able to get through it easily
i know the minotaur's labyrinth was almost certainly actually a maze but it's really funny to imagine theseus was just so fucking stupid he couldn't even find his way out of a unicursal, non-branching path without ariadne's ball of string

the thing about adulthood is when someone says something extremely rude to you, you can either turn the other cheek or calmly & firmly correct them. The third option is to tell them “say that again, I’ll bite you” & everyone sort of nervously laughs and tries to move on from your little joke. Which is why I think it’s very important that when they do say it again you follow through. Nobody actually expects you to bite them. We should be biting more. Also if you’re with the county health department do not read thi s post
So whats up guys

follow up because i quickly colored it

so silly silly drawing after a pretty long art block, might have put too much effort into this but that's just the way i function i guess, kinda hard to build a routine around proactive art when the determination's just not there

so silly silly drawing after a pretty long art block, might have put too much effort into this but that's just the way i function i guess, kinda hard to build a routine around proactive art when the determination's just not there
any other artists with online friends feel like they've lost their muse whenever they're not online anymore?
any other artists with online friends feel like they've lost their muse whenever they're not online anymore?

If they ever make a Kill Six Billion Demons anime they should have fullmetal alchemist style intermission cards with a k6bd character and a voice saying Kill Six Billion Demons in a slightly different tone every time.
"Kill Six Billion Demons!"
"Kill Six Billion Demons."
Kill Six Billion Demons has created a world full of wonder and terror. A truly phatasmagoric realm where you can lie to God themself. Anyway what are the characters' opinions on trans people??
Allison: Not only is she supportive, but she happens to be the one "cis" person in an all trans friend group.
Cio: All devils are genderfluid AND moral-fluid. And she is a person who has gone through a lot of change herself. The transgenders are utterly normal and mundane to her.
White Chain: Canonically trans, and canonically dealing with internalised transphobia.
Nyave: Obviously supportive, like, come on.
Princess: What is gender?
Zaid: Probably a chud while on earth, but learned a lot when he got isekai'd, so yeah he's probably supportive now.
Juggernaut Star: Trans and transphobic.
Vigilant Gaze: The bestest ally you could wish for.
Oscar: Supportive, but he will kill you.
Maya: Supportive, and as a student of the art of cutting, she can give you free surgery.
Nadia Om: A woman who knows that women have it rough in life, yet also a woman who has benefitted from a horrible power structure and doesn't try to uplift other women. She is a TERF.
Incubus: Supportive, but only because he wants to manipulate you. Definitely not ally material.
Mammon: He's not transphobic per se, but he will forget a trans person's name and pronouns.
Solomon David: Supportive, but the paperwork and bureaucracy needed to legally change gender in the Celestial Empire is ENORMOUS. Also not available to immigrants.
Jadis: She already knows you are trans, therefore her allyship is irrelevant. Alternatively, she already knows she is transphobic, and that is a fact she can't change.
Jagganoth: Hates everyone equally.
Gog-Agog: Gog-Agog supports your right to transition into Gog-Agog.

am enjoying v much
can I boop your firey nose or will it burn me
my nose wont burn you but i am holding a live grenade. So id be careful
taking off a mask to reveal what lies beneath as a romantic gesture is overdone, and besides i want to see the romantic or even platonic potential of protecting someone's identity beneath the mask, without any expectation of ever being allowed to see what's under it. picking it up and holding it gently to their face when it's knocked off and they're in danger of being exposed, without trying to catch a glimpse of what they "really" look like under there. throwing yourself in front of them to hide them from view while they put themselves back together without taking advantage or looking back to see what you're protecting. learning to read them by body language, tone of voice, and behaviour so well that you never need to see their face to feel like you know and understand them.