ktownshizzle - burn it
burn it

Call me K. 30+. Simp for MYG. But we OT7 in this house.

210 posts




Summary- Your unrequited crush on Hoseok seems to have played itself out as you overhear a conversation between him and Yoongi. But Yoongi has a secret of his own to tell you.

Word Count- 11372

Pairing- Yoongi x F!Reader (x Hoseok in a way?)

Trope- Friends to lovers au, smut/angst

Warnings- Unrequited love, a bit of a love triangle? Adult language, vulgarity, unprotected sex, lots of smutty things, minors DNI 18+++

Tags- @ksmutsociety @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @yoonguurt @shinestarhwaa @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @starlitmark @millennial-fangirl @ericssmile @wooahaeproductions @changbinslovelylegs @yeosxxx @starillusion13 @duchesskaren @minki-moo @woosanbby @frenchkisstheabyss

@cafekitsune Thank you for banners and dividers! 🤍💜🤍

A/N- Well this started out as a Hoseok fic....but Yoongi kind of took over? This is my first attempt at a BTS fic so please be kind. Thank you to @kwanisms for the gorgeous header and to @frenchkisstheabyss for beta reading all of this process and encouraging me...this wouldn't have been written without you!!


“What do you mean?” You hear the familiar sound of Hoseok’s voice from the other room as you walk in.  

Smiling, you open your mouth to announce yourself, but the next words have you clamping it shut. 

“She’s just my friend, I don’t see her that way.” 

Curious, you set the bag of food down on the coffee table in the living room, wondering who he’s talking about.  

“Liar, I see how you two are together.  You’ve been friends for ages, and I can tell-”

“I’m not lying.  Seriously, man-maybe you’re projecting.  She’s just my friend.  As if I could ever see her as a woman.” 

Hoseok’s laugh at that last line has your heart dropping two stories below the apartment, the tingle of hurt burning the back of your throat.  

“Hobi-” You can hear the tightness of Yoongi’s voice as you try to calm the tsunami in your stomach.  

“Why are you so intent on matchmaking us? It’s not like you, dude. Stop meddling, it’s weird.”

“As long as you say so, man. I just figured I’d check before-” 

Their voices halt the moment you begin to make noises, unwilling to hear your two friends talk about you like that. 

You already felt invasive enough having listened in on that little bit.

Fighting down the tears pricking the back of your eyes, you manage to call out to them.  

“I’m back with food!”  

You’re certain your voice is normal as you make your way into the kitchen, settling the bag down on the counter to pull out containers for everyone.  

“Come eat while it’s warm…” you manage, ignoring the two men as they wander out from Hoseok’s bedroom.  

“That was quick…” Yoongi mutters, and you don’t catch the glare he throws at Hoseok.

Shrugging, the latter man comes over to give you a big smile.  

“Want to eat in here or the living room?” Hoseok asks, nudging your shoulder playfully as you finish unpacking the food.  

Trying to school your features, you just shrug, glancing over at Yoongi.  

He’s just looking between you, eyes narrowed before he sighs and finally shrugs back at you.  

“Whatever works, I’m just hungry.” Yoongi grabs a carton of noodles to sniff it, glancing around at the little buffet you’d brought.

“Thanks for the food.” he says, shooting Hoseok another look as he hovers beside you, bumping into you as he picks through the array.  

After you all eat your fill and clean up the kitchen, you find yourself on the couch beside Hoseok as he rambles on about his day.

Eyeing him, you can’t help but think about what he’d said earlier.

“As if I could ever see her as a woman.” 

As long as you’ve been friends with the man, he’s always been playful and flirtatious with you.  

While that was all fine with you, there were times that you could swear there was something more.  

That he may have something beyond just your close friendship.

That he may feel the same way that you do for him.

The crush you’d had on him existed long before you’d called him your best friend.  

Long nights talking about everything and anything, lingering on the phone even after one or the other passed out.

How he’d show up after he’d heard you had a bad day, bringing you your favorite coffee or treat.  

How willing he’s always been to make you smile.  

Yes, that’s what friends are for.  

They care for you in your bad times, as well as the good.

You’ve told yourself this so often that you’d convinced yourself at this point.

You’d had to, the silly crush you had on him had slowly become true feelings.

Feelings you’d been struggling to suppress because your friendship had always meant more to you.  

Yet, he was always cuddling with you, touching you, brushing back your hair….

The flirtatious nature of how you were together had of course been noticed by all of your friend group as well.  

Yoongi asking Hoseok about it was nothing new either, so that’s not what bothered you.

Even as much as you’d told yourself that you were only friends, hearing him say that he couldn’t even see you as a woman had your heart dying in your chest.

It shouldn’t hurt, you’ve told yourself that very thing night after night after he’d done something to get your pulse racing, your emotions stirring in ways you couldn’t ignore.

Lost in your thoughts, you jump as you feel Hoseok’s breath on your ear.

“Whatcha thinking about?”  He asks and you turn to look at him, swallowing heavily.

There it was-that cheerful smile.  

The one that always had you wondering how you would ever survive being around him.

“Nothing.” You mumble, turning to glance at Yoongi, pulling back to put some distance between you.

“How’s your work going?” you ask, pretending not to notice how Yoongi shoots yet another look at Hoseok.  

Before he can answer, there’s a knock at the door and you eagerly jump up to get it.

You’re not sure if you can handle Hoseok’s touchiness tonight.

Not while you were still reeling from his painful words.


“Hey, are you ignoring me? You’d better be free that night, what would I do without my bestie beside me?”

You just sigh at the text, chewing your lip as you ponder how to deal with him.

Your writing had been taking a toll ever since your mood had plummeted.  

After that evening, you’d recovered some from the hurt.  

You’d known that you two were only friends, but apparently there was a part of you that had clung onto a small bit of hope that he’d secretly felt something more for you.

At least you had your answer to that now, you keep telling yourself.  

Don’t act weird, you think, shaking your head at how ridiculous and emotional you were over something you knew already.

Flirtations or not, he’d never attempted to do anything beyond just that.  

Don’t be a greedy bitch, and don’t whine about stupid shit, you think to yourself.

“Fine, fine, but you’re buying the drinks.” You send him, smirking.

“DEAL!” he sends back with his typical emojis, making you laugh despite the ache.  

Checking the rest of your messages, you manage to see a missed text from Yoongi.

“Huh, weird…”  you mutter, opening it.  

“Hey, so…are you free sometime this week for coffee or lunch?”  

You frown at the text, tilting your head in wonder.

Curious, as Yoongi wasn’t one to reach out suddenly for no reason, you just message back:

“Sure, I can meet whenever you’re free.  Is everything okay?” 

It’s a bit before you get a response, which was typical for the man, as he was always doing something in his studio.

“Yeah…just wanted to talk to you about something personal.” 

His response has your curiosity peaking, and you immediately respond back to him.

“Well, let me know when you have the time and I’ll come meet you wherever!”

Interesting, you think.  

Yoongi and you had been friends for as long as you and Hoseok, but you’d never developed the same kind of closeness.

Mostly because of how different they are, of course.

Yoongi is reserved, a bit more quiet and serious.  

He rarely spends a lot of alone time with you, so something must be up if he’s asking for a one on one.

Hoseok is cheerful and upbeat, talkative and he never shies away from physical touch with you.

Frowning, you realize that’s part of what got you into this mess in the first place.

It’s not his fault that I have inappropriate feelings for him, you chastise yourself.

You take a moment longer to read the next text from Yoongi, responding that he will text you when he has time.

Setting down your phone, you turn to your laptop to see if you can break through the writer’s block today.


You make your way inside the quiet little coffee shop, glancing around to see if Yoongi was inside yet.  

None of the tables were taken, and there was a lone barista behind the bar, cleaning.

I must be early, you think, checking the time.  

Figuring you’ll get drinks while you wait for him, you make your way to the counter.

“Hello, what can I get started for you?” The man asks, and you place your order, deciding to get something for Yoongi as well.  

By the time the young man is setting your two drinks on the counter, you hear the chime over the door ring.

“Hey, sorry, I got held up at the last minute.  Freaking Taehyung and Jungkook and their normal antics.” He grimaces.

You can’t help but grin, knowing all too well how hard it was to escape the little menaces.  

“No problem, here I got you a drink already.” You hold it out to him, his eyes lighting up as he takes it.  

“Thank you…my intention was to buy your drink, but you beat me to it.” He smiles, gesturing to the open tables. 

Choosing a two seater by the window, you slip into the chair as he does the same across from you.

“So, how is work going? Super busy?” You start as he sets his coffee on the table.

He sighs, running a hand over his face as he glances out the window, nodding.

“Always, and those two little-” he begins, then shakes his head.

“Anyhow, it’s nice to get away.  How is your writing going?” He inquires, leaning forward as he turns to face you fully.  

Letting out your own sigh, you look down to toy with the lid of your cup.  

“Eh…I’ve had better weeks of writing. Lately….” you let the words drift off, just giving a small shrug to fill the void.

You notice his frown as he studies you, concern in his eyes as he tilts his head.

“Lately? Did something happen? What’s going on?” He asks, his sudden worry apparent.

Waving him off, you take another sip of your drink.

“Oh…just…things.  Life.” You try to smile, “Just stupid thoughts and trying to work through something.  But it’s nothing important.” 

You try to look reassuring but the concern stays on his face.  

“What about you? You said you had something personal to talk about?” Changing the subject was the best bet, you think.

“Mmmm….” he hums, his voice deep and low as he seems to ponder how to start.

“I…well…” he chews his lip, glancing down, then back up at you.  

“We’ve been friends for a while, right?” He asks, taking you off guard.  

You merely nod, thinking for a moment before you respond, “Eight years, yeah.”

He nods once at your answer, studying you before glancing away again.  

“You haven’t…dated anyone since we’ve all been friends.” He says and you furrow your brow at him.

“I mean…no…I actually haven’t.” You mumble, frowning, worried about where this is going.

“How come?” he asks bluntly.

You can only blink at him with a blank expression.  

“Not to be rude but…I thought you wanted to talk about something personal?” You deflect, wondering why he’s suddenly so curious about your dating life.

His cheeks flush pink and he looks down at his cup as he idly spins it on the table.

Clearing his throat, he manages to say, “Well…yes, this is personal…” 

Glancing around the little shop, you try to think of how to word it. 

It’s not like you can blurt out, “Because I’m in love with Hobi.” Because…just no.  

“It’s…complicated, I suppose.” you finally respond, tapping your foot against the table leg.  

His eyes meet yours, flicking back and forth as they seem to want to see beyond your evasive answer.

“I have you guys, why do I need to date? I guess the right person just hasn’t presented themselves.”

He hums, leaning back to watch you as you speak.  

“You mean you have Hoseok?” He asks simply, causing you to choke on the sip you were taking.  

Reaching for a napkin to clean up the coffee that shot out of your nose, you dab at your face as he watches you with a serious look.  

“I don’t-” you start but he puts up a hand, shaking his head.

“I’m not going to pretend that I don’t notice how you two are together, everyone has asked at some point if you two are a couple.” He says softly, his words obviously not intending to hurt but damn, do they.

You just take a moment to tamp down on the surge of pain at the reality of things versus what everyone “thinks”.  

“Yeah well…he has a way of making people think that, doesn’t he?” The bitterness in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Yoongi, who leans forward once more.

“Is this why you asked me to come out, Yoongi? To talk about my personal life?” You say a bit more harshly than you intended, wiping up the little droplets of coffee off the table to distract yourself.

“Hey-not…like that.  I’m not trying to…” he waves his hands around, flustered at your reaction.  

“Look, I heard you two talking the other night, alright? I’m very well aware of how  he sees me, so it matters little what I think about anything, doesn’t it?”  You tell him, finally looking up at him.

His frown tugs down even more now as he reaches out to place his hand over yours.  

Sighing, he shakes his head.  

“I didn’t mean for you to hear that…I’m sorry-” 

Cutting him off, you blurt out, “He doesn’t even see me as a woman, so-” 

“Well he’s fucking stupid then.” Yoongi counters, almost growling the words as he spits them out.

You can’t even think of what to say, shocked at the tone of his voice, the anger in his dark eyes as he squeezes your hand in his.

“I swear, I wanted to slap the smile off his face the other day when he said that to me,” he continues.

“How could anyone not see you as a woman? It’s fucking rude to say something so disrespectful, even if he thought you couldn’t hear him. I don’t care if we’re friends or more.” 

You swallow the pain at the memory, but the fact that Yoongi is getting so defensive for your sake has a warm feeling blossoming in the pit of your stomach.  

You manage to blink away the tears threatening to slip from your eye as you listen to his tirade.  

“He can think whatever he wants…” You mutter, glancing out the window to watch the people walk by, life going on outside of this painful conversation.

“Well, he doesn’t need to be so blunt about shit like that.  He’s the one always clinging to you like you belong to him-” Yoongi almost snarls out, but he stops, sighing as he blinks down at his drink.  

“Well, for the record, I don’t belong to anyone.” You tell him, intrigued and curious about his reaction to everything.  

You swear he almost sounds-

“I sound jealous, don’t I?” He says, a humorless laugh accompanying the words.  

“You sound like you just didn’t like what he said, I wouldn’t think you were jealous, Yoongi.” You tell him, giving him a reassuring smile.

He pauses as he looks down at your hand beneath his own, rubbing his fingers along yours.

“What if I were to say I was jealous?” He asks, continuing to look down before he raises his gaze to meet yours.  

It seems as if time stops in the tiny cafe as his words echo through your head.   



“Yoongi, I’m not in the mood for jokes today.” You sigh out.

He purses his lips, his jaw working as he holds your gaze.

“I like you.” 

Your heart stutters, his sudden confession taking you completely by surprise.  

There wasn’t a glimmer of humor in his eyes.

Not an ounce of teasing in his tone.

He slips his hand off yours, leaning back as if he expects an outburst, but he never takes his eyes from yours.

Your mind is reeling at the idea that he’s being deadly serious.

Min Yoongi just confessed to you.

Yoongi…the serious, stoic friend you’d had for years.

When you don’t immediately respond, he just wipes a hand over his face.

“I wasn’t trying to be intrusive when I asked him about how he felt about you the other day.” He admits, finally breaking eye contact to look out the window, tching with his tongue as he considers his next words.

“Honestly, for years, everyone has had the idea that the two of you had some secret relationship going on.  That you just were being completely quiet about it, though to us it seemed very obvious.”  

You glance down at the hand he was just holding, feeling as if you’re floating in some weird alternate universe.  

Hearing how you and Hoseok had been viewed, mixed with the fact that Yoongi has had feelings for you….

You try your best not to zone out, hanging on his words as he continues.

“Of course, if that was the case, I’d be happy for the two of you.  You’re my friend, first and foremost.  Despite how I feel about you.”  

The low timbre of his voice lulls the pain of what he’s talking about a bit.

You’d always loved his voice, especially when it dropped low and deep like this.

Eyeing him as he watches the people walk by, you tilt your head to look at him in this new light as he talks.

It wasn’t a secret that you found all of your friends extremely attractive, every single one.  

Sometimes it felt almost unreasonable how handsome they all were, and you’d told them as much on many occasions.  

You certainly weren’t afraid to voice that opinion, it was just a fact at this point.  

It had just been so easy to look beyond the physical with all of them and Hoseok had definitely always been right up close, demanding all of your attention.

Never once past getting close with all the guys did you consider that any could have feelings for you, with the exception of Hobi of course.

“You…like me?” You finally respond, your entire worldview turning on it’s head.  

He winces at your words, turning back to meet your gaze.  

Pursing his lips, he merely nods.  

“I’m sorry if it’s abrupt, and if it upsets you at all.” he says softly, reaching out to grab his cup to drink from.  

“So the conversation you had with Hoseok….” you let the question linger as he sets his cup back down.  

He clucks his tongue, nodding gently as he finishes the thought.

“I figured if there was something between you two, if there was no hope…” he shrugs, chewing his lip as he looks down.

His words feel so very close to how you’ve been feeling lately about Hoseok, hitting you harder than you expect.

“Then you’d know…then you could let go.” You say without thinking, blinking at having uttered the words out loud.

His dark gaze meets yours, understanding passing between the two of you as he nods.

“I was shocked, honestly.  When he said nothing had ever happened between you.  But when he said-” he stops, his jaw clenching.  

You only manage an anemic smile as he continues, shrugging off the almost familiar pain.

“I’m not good at this kind of thing.” he tells you, “Confessing…admitting to you how I feel.”

You can’t help but feel a smile creep across your face as his cheeks tinge with a blush, unable to feel anything but excitement at his bravery.

“Yoongi-”  You start, but he stops you before you can say more. 

“Look…I asked him because I wanted to know how he felt about you.  If there was something there that I shouldn’t touch. On his side.” 

You just nod, understanding his logic with that.

“I want you to know that…telling you this, I don’t expect anything to come of it.  I know we’ve been friends a very long time and…I doubt you’ve ever seen me in that way.” 

Before you can respond, he only gives you a look and you let him continue speaking before saying anything.

He fiddles with his now empty cup, seeming to be turning over how he’s going to proceed.

“I’ve had feelings for you for a while now.  I thought eventually that they’d fade away and I wouldn’t have to deal with them.” he shrugs a shoulder as he says this.

His words still stun you, even though he’s already admitted to liking you.  

“Now I know how he feels about you, but I also want to ask you the same thing.  If it’s not too intrusive, of course.” he says, watching you closely.

You swallow the immediate urge to deflect and deny your true emotions for Hobi.  

But Yoongi was being completely honest with you, not to mention the courage it was taking to confess like this.

It felt dishonorable to lie at this point.

Feeling your cheeks heat, you can only let out a shaky sigh as you build up the courage to admit your true feelings out loud.

“I …. I have had emotions for Hoseok for a long time.” You finally say, watching him as closely as he’s watching you now.

He blanches a bit, but he seems unsurprised as he nods.

“I had the feeling that was the case.” he mumbles, his eyes narrowing as he glances out the window, his tongue in his cheek.

“It’s not like I expected anything, but…” you can only spread your hands out, as if to say, it is what it is.

“So his words the other day must have hurt.” He says, as a statement rather than a question.  

Feeling the slight ache at the memory, you can only nod as you shrug a shoulder.  

“It did, but it’s not as if I expected anything else. He’s never expressed any interest in me.”  

Yoongi’s head snaps around to look at you, his eyes narrowing even more.  

“Don’t lie to yourself, it’s obvious that he’s encouraged your feelings.  Even if it’s been unintentional.  I can’t tell you how much that pisses me off, now that I know how you feel.”  

His words seem to snap something inside of you, and suddenly he’s sitting forward as he reaches out to you, his eyes widening.  

“Hey…shit I’m so fucking sorry-” 

It takes you a moment to realize that tears are streaming down your face, and you’ve been holding your breath.  

He is out of his chair in a heartbeat, suddenly kneeling beside you, using a napkin to gently dab at your cheeks.  

You let out a shaky breath, intending to tell him it’s alright, that you’re fine but the moment you open your mouth, only a sob escapes.

“Damn it, I came here to admit my own feelings and here I am, hurting you.”  His voice is laced with anger, directed at himself.

Shaking your head, you just cover your mouth, trying to not draw the concern of the poor barista as you try to compose yourself.  

“No-” you choke out, looking down at the deep, concerned eyes of Yoongi.  

“Can I…?” He gestures awkwardly with his arms, and you immediately nod, slipping into his hug.  

“Shhh, hey, it’s alright.  I’m so sorry I’m digging up painful things for you, I never intended to upset you.”

You cling to him, gripping the back of his leather jacket as you try your best to collect yourself.

He rubs a hand down your spine as he continues to soothe you with small, simple words, giving you time to calm down.

“You-didn’t.” you finally manage, pulling back as you wipe at your face.  

You take in his pain filled eyes, and it’s an odd feeling to be filled with wonder at his sympathy and care all while wanting to bawl your eyes out over Hoseok at the same time.  

“I-I’m just confused, and frustrated.  At myself, mostly.” You say, trying to laugh.

“At yourself?” He asks, still kneeling before you, holding you at arms length as he reaches out to wipe away an errant tear.  

You just nod, taking in a deep breath.

“Yeah, I know he and I are only friends, so it’s stupid to think of anything else between us.”  

His eyes darken as he grimaces at your words, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear.

“Hey, don’t do that.  Your emotions are valid, even if you don’t want to have them.  It’s not something we have much control over, believe me.” He smiles but you can tell he’s empathizing more than he’s letting on.

This man had just confessed to you and here he was, comforting you over another man.  

Your head spins from the day's events, feeling overwhelmed from it all.

“Yoongi…” you start and he hums in askance.

Unable to stop yourself, you reach out to cup his cheek, almost laughing at the shocked and panicked look that washes over his face.

“Things have been…confusing.” you tell him, and he can only nod, but he leans into your hand as you continue.

“I’ve known for a long time that Hoseok doesn’t have feelings for me.  That…it’s in my head.” You admit, albeit sadly.

His lips thin into a line, but you continue before he can say anything.

“I’m still processing this…” you gesture with your free hand.  “It’s the last thing I expected…especially from you.” 

He raises his eyebrows, tilting his head at your admission.  

“Especially from me?” He asks softly.

You just smirk and nod, “Yes, especially from you.  You’ve never given me the impression that you’ve…been interested.” 

He just grins, and you still with shock over just how ridiculously sheepish and handsome he looks kneeling before you.  

Maybe...there was something here.  

Something you never considered because you’ve been blinded by Hoseok standing in the way.

Before you can jump on that train of thought, you manage to focus on what you were trying to say.

“Would you be willing to give me some time?” You ask him quietly.

His eyes widen and you can see him trying to fight back a smile at your words.  

“You…you’re not outright rejecting me?” He asks in surprise.

Smiling at his shock, you merely shake your head.

“No, I’m not.  But...knowing I have feelings for someone else has to have you lose some  interest.” You tell him, not even posing it as a question.  

You know it’s not something most people would tolerate.

“Hey…I’ve had a feeling that you two had a thing at some point.  It didn’t make me any less interested in you. And…I’ll be honest…” His eyes graze over you slowly, causing your face to flush at the deepening of his voice.

But it’s nothing compared to how his next words turn your world upside down.

“I’ve always seen you as a woman.  And not just any woman…an intelligent, strong and beautiful woman.”

His fingers brush your cheek, collecting the tear that leaks down your face as he gives you his signature lopsided smile.

“Take all the time you need, I’m not going anywhere, alright?”


Time seems to fly by, yet it feels as if you’re trudging along in a slow fog all at once.

Since your coffee meeting with Yoongi, your emotions have been all over the place.

The one good thing about being in this state is that your writing block is nonexistent.

After getting home from your talk, you’d naturally gone to your laptop and opened it, your thoughts racing like mad.

On a whim, you just started writing.

Pouring your heart out into the void of white on your screen, tears blurring your eyes as you let your imagination work through some of the confusion and stress that had been building.

Knowing this would never see the light of day, you just ran with it; allowing your frustrations out on your fictional characters as day bled into night, then into day again.

Picking up your mug, you pause as you realize that it’s empty.  

Glancing around, you blink at the morning sun peeking through the blinds, suddenly feeling a yawn claw its way out as you stretch and crack your neck.

6:44am, the clock seems to judge you with its ticking second hand.  

Well…you’ve definitely gotten quite a lot of work done, even if it’s never going to become anything.

Standing to stretch out your back, you glance around at your empty apartment.

The tension headache you’d developed over the last week still lingered, but you felt a bit lighter now that you’ve worked through the swirl of emotions that had been threatening to drown you.

Padding into the kitchen, you turn on your electric kettle and lean against the counter to wait, thinking back on the way you’d left things with Yoongi.  

His words still didn’t seem real, and you can’t help but think about him on his knees before you.

His long dark hair hanging in his eyes, one side tucked behind his ear.

Eyes narrowed, biting his lip as he professed his concern for you.  

It would be a bold faced lie to say you’d never looked at him as a woman does a man.

You and your girlfriends had often had some seriously depraved conversations about the men in your friends group, but you felt that was only natural.

You hung out with a group of handsome men, who wouldn’t give them the once over and imagine?

When you’d all first started hanging out, it was impossible to not find them all attractive.  

Have you ever even considered Yoongi?

For certain you’d appreciated his looks, his deep voice, his laid back demeanor.  

But from the beginning, it was always Hoseok’s sunny smile taking up your entire vision.

Gorgeous, cheerful, energetic-you had both been drawn to each other in a way you couldn’t explain.  

It was easy to get sucked into his energy, to let yourself get swept away.  

Before long, you and Hoseok were best friends, sharing everything with one another.

All of your friends were convinced that one day you’d just announce that you were together.  

Yet here you were, eight years later, hearing that he didn’t even see you as a woman.

That sentence just stuck like popcorn lodged in your gums; the more you teased at it and tried to dig it out, the more painful it became.

Then Yoongi out of the blue drops that bomb on you.

As much as you know you have to work through these emotions for Hoseok, you can’t help but think about how there’s really nothing to get over.

You never had anything together.

Sure, he flirted and teased.

Yeah, he almost always had to touch you, be next to you.

But…there was nothing more.

Not one kiss.

Not even an “almost anything”.  

In the end, it seems like it was just his way of being your best friend and you resent that you feel like he’s hurt you in some way.

He hadn’t done anything wrong and there wasn’t even anything to be angry at.

Sighing, you pour some hot water over a teabag, forcing your thoughts away from Hoseok for the moment.

Your last conversation with Yoongi replays in your mind as you steep your tea, a small warmth blooming in your stomach at the memory.

Not much had been said that hadn’t been talked about over coffee; he’d walked you home as you both awkwardly discussed going forward.

“I hope you don’t feel any pressure to give me an answer-” He’d said as you approached your building.

His hands were in his pockets, dark strands dangling as he kicked at the pavement outside of your building.

It was a rare sight to see Min Yoongi being shy and nervous, and you couldn’t help but smile softly at him.

Stepping forward, you’d drawn his gaze, his eyebrows raising as you cut him off.  

“Yoongi, do you want to come over sometime this week and watch a movie?”

Your words had shut him up for a solid thirty seconds as he blinked at your invitation.

“Eh?” He finally managed, then he was tilting his head in confusion.  “I thought you needed time?”

“Time to think about things, yes.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out.  Unless you’d rather not-” 

“No-I mean, yes, sure, I’d love to come watch a movie.”

Even now, you can’t help but smile at the delight in his dark eyes before he looked away, even as he clucked his tongue and cleared his throat.

Shuffling back to your cozy chair, you check your phone and notice a bunch of missed texts.  

Of course, you think, opening the familiar name on the screen.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Hey, are you sleeping?”

“I bet you’re writing and you have no idea what time it is! GO TO SLEEP!” 

Shaking your head and smiling, you just ignore Hoseok’s texts for now, scrolling through the others just checking in and saying hello.

Reluctantly, you make your way to your room, slightly annoyed that Hoseok knew you well enough to call it.

“Jerk.” You mutter, curling up with your blankets and drifting off.


“I swear, you guys just want something to gossip about.”  Hoseok scolded the nosy men in the room.  

“Don’t lump me in with them.” Namjoon says, turning his back to ignore the chatty trio.  

“Really, though, what would happen if she got a boyfriend?”  Jimin was asking, glancing at Taehyung as if to ask him for backup.  

Hoseok just leans back, sighing as he rests his hands behind him.  

“Then I would congratulate her and wish her well.”  He shoots back without hesitation, shaking his head.

He ignores the looks the two share, nodding at Yoongi as he makes his way into the practice room.

“Really? Just like that?” Taehyung asks, disbelief in his voice.

“Just like that.” Hoseok responds, shrugging his shoulders.  “You’re all overly concerned with my personal life right now.”

Yoongi stays silent, merely observing as they continue their conversation.  

“So, if-” Taehyung begins but Hoseok groans in annoyance, giving him a dark look that stops his question.

“If you’re not going to focus on practice-” He growls, causing the two to scramble and make excuses about things they need to do.

“What is it with these questions lately?” Hoseok mumbles, shaking his head as he stands to resume his choreography.  

Yoongi just grunts in response as he turns to focus on his own work.


Answering the door, you smile as you’re greeted with Yoongi’s familiar smiling face.  

Opening the door wider to allow him in, you can’t help but admire how handsome and soft he looks.

He’s wearing a loose grey sweater and jeans, and his long dark hair is pulled up into a half ponytail.  

Honestly, he looks...really sexy.

“I brought snacks.” He says, holding up the bag as he walks in and takes off his shoes.  

“Great!” You respond, taking the bag to the kitchen to put into little bowls so you can enjoy them during your show.

It’s been almost a month now that he’s been coming over for a movie night, making this number five.  

They weren’t dates, necessarily.  

Nothing had happened.

You’ve talked, laughed, watched movies, dramas, music videos.

Chatted about work, food, life in general.

Everything but touched on the topic that started all of this.

The respect he has had for you has been amazing, not once asking about your feelings towards anything, never inquiring about Hoseok or being intrusive in any way.

And he almost always sat with something between the two of you on the large couch, you think, watching him make his way to his normal spot.

Much had changed in a month, yet it also felt as if you were in this kind of limbo with Yoongi.

Of course, you were well aware that you were the one who asked for time.  

Hoseok had started to notice the little things as well.

Once upon a time, you’d have been on the phone with him at least a few times a week, ranting about your most recent writing project, or listening to him talk about dance practice and everything in between.

Those calls had slowly dwindled as you found yourself focusing more on yourself, on your work, on learning how to exist without him being your primary focus.  

On the other hand, you had been exchanging alot more conversation with Yoongi over this time.  

You’d been friends with him just as long as you have been with Hoseok and the others, yet you were learning things about him you never knew.

As you set the dishes down on the coffee table, you glance at where the pillow sits beside Yoongi, creating a makeshift barrier between the two of you.  

It wasn’t a sudden thought to remove it and toss it, to slide in beside him and see what it felt like for Yoongi to be the one to pull you into his side, to lay his head on yours as you curled into him.

No, it wasn’t sudden at all, it has been building up over these little drama dates you’ve been having with him.  

Settling on the couch beside the pillow, you chew your lip, considering how to even go about wanting to close the distance with him.  

Perhaps it was still too early, you think, returning his smile as he looks over at you, nodding along to his suggestions for your selection of the night. 

You both settle on a drama that has been airing, finding yourself involved and before long, two hours have passed.  

“Did you want to sleep or-?” He asks, turning to you as he holds the remote in his hand.

“If you don’t mind, I’d love to watch another.” You say softly, admiring him as he gives you a cute little smile as he turns to queue up the next episode.  

“Alright, bathroom break, I’ll be right back.”  He says, wandering off down your hallway.

“Need anything while I’m up?” you ask, going to get two more water bottles.  

“I’m good!” He calls as you go to sit back down.

You hesitate a moment before you grasp the irritating pillow and toss it over to the chair beside you.  

“There.” you mumble, proud of yourself before you’re filled with a sudden anxiousness as he comes to join you again.  

“Oh…” he says, eyeing the now empty space between you, glancing at you in askance as he sits down.

“It was in the way.” You say, cheeks heating as he nods slowly, and you catch the cute little eye twitch as he settles into the couch.  

“Ready?” He asks, side eyeing you as you adjust so you’re a bit closer to him.

“Yep.” You nod, trying to act nonchalant.

It’s slow, but as you make your way through the next hour-long episode, you find yourself bumping his knee with yours when you exclaim about what is going on.

Leaning in as you laugh, turning to see if his reaction matches your own.

Little by little the distance closes before your shoulder is brushing his, his deep throaty laughter evoking little tummy trembles.

And before you know it, you’re more focused on his facial expressions, his little grunts of surprise, the way his lips turn down as he finds something displeasing on the screen.  

Swallowing heavily, you reach out to brush an errant strand of hair back, causing him to freeze in place.

“Oh…sorry…you just…I-”  

“It’s fine.” He says, his eyes no longer taking in the show as his gaze sweeps over you.  

Your breath hitches a bit as you watch his adam’s apple bob, swallowing as  he licks his lips and clears his throat.

Brushing the strand back, you catch his dark gaze as it lingers on your lips, causing your stomach to flip.

He winces as he meets your eyes, clucking his tongue in that adorable way he does.

“Are you enjoying the show?” He asks, his voice a bit deeper and softer than normal and you can only nod as your fingers linger on the soft strands of his hair.

Somehow you’ve moved directly beside him, and you find yourself wondering what the exact distance is between his mouth and yours.

He clears his throat once more as he watches your gaze drop to his lips, seemingly unsure of what to say or do next.  

“I am.” You respond softly, your eyes just taking in the entirety of his face this close, unable to resist rubbing the silken strands between your fingertips.  

“Are you?” You ask after a long pause, the voices on the television fading into the background as you hear your heart thump in your chest.

How long had it been since you’d kissed someone? you wonder.

Since someone touched you in ways that were anything but friendly?

Feeling almost starved, you blush as you watch your hand tremble as you tuck his hair, your fingertips skimming the shell of his ear.

Suddenly, his hand is around your wrist, gently halting your motion as he studies your eyes.

“I don’t mean to sound…rude but…” He halts as your tongue darts out to wet your lips, his lashes fluttering as he appears to calm himself.

“Are you aware of what you’re doing right now?” He asks huskily, the timbre of his voice seeming to tickle something so deep within you that the very awareness of it is enough to cause you to squirm.

You hesitate to answer him, but not because you’re unsure of your response.

No, you need him to know that you’re very much aware.

Holding his gaze, your teeth capture your bottom lip as you nod slowly, intentionally.

“Good.” He grates out.

Within the next breath, the distance is bridged and his lips are capturing yours, the fingers around your wrist loosening as they trail down your forearm.

You don’t even have time to feel ashamed of the needy moan that gets lost in the depths of his mouth, because he’s too busy slipping his fingers up into your hair, kneading your scalp as his lips quiver against yours.

The show is forgotten as you both cling to one another, his free arm slipping around you to tug you closer.

Your fingers finally delve into the long, satin strands of hair that have been tempting you for weeks.

It’s a shock and yet not surprising at all when your hand slips over his back, across his shoulders and you feel the taut muscles bunching as he slowly pulls you ever closer to him.

You’re not even sure which noises are his and which are yours as you allow, no, you encourage him to tug you halfway onto his lap.  

Before you know it, you’re looking down at him, your fingers skimming his cheek as your lips part and meet, again and again with hot breathy sighs and groans.

“Yoongi-” You breathe out, and you can’t help but flush with shame at the desperation in your wavering voice.

He freezes suddenly at the sound of his name, unsure as he pulls back to check on you.  

The whine that escapes you as he withdraws causes his eyes to widen with concern, misunderstanding the meaning behind the embarrassing noise.  

“Too much-?” 

Unable to stop yourself, you straddle him properly, one thigh on either side of his, crushing your mouth to his as you cut off his sentence.

“No-” you manage as his hands immediately grasp your hips, a soft groan escaping him as you cup his face.  

It’s as if every touch of his is burning a trail along your body as his palms skim up your sides, sliding around your back, then down to cup your ass.  

Your head is swimming with the sensation overload as you roll your hips against him, finally realizing how very hard he is.  

Heat pools in your abdomen as his fingers knead your plush ass, his tongue dancing delicately over yours between his breathy groans.  

Your hand slips between you, a sudden need causing you to tug at the button of his jeans.  

Belatedly, you register how his body freezes, his hands gripping you to still you as he slows the kiss.

Drawing back, you swallow harshly, doing your best to not cry out at the loss of his lips on yours.  

His dark, anxious eyes study you as he brings a hand up to trace your cheek, and it takes you a moment to realize that those gorgeous lips are moving, that he’s speaking to you.

“Hey…woah…let’s slow down for a moment…” 

His voice sounds almost pained, gravelly and hoarse as he clears his throat.

“Yoongi?” You ask softly, concerned that you may have pushed him a bit too far, that maybe he doesn't want this.

He clears his throat again, eyes darting down to your lips before he looks away.

Yet he keeps you seated right there in his lap as he finally manages to get his words out.

“Let’s talk before…” His thumb caresses your cheek gently and you can feel his body shudder under yours as you blink at him.  

Nodding, you take a deep breath, pushing down the desperation and need within you in order to clear your mind.

“As much as I want you…want this…we should have a conversation.” He continues, finally meeting your eyes once more, “I don’t want to rush into anything either of us will regret.”

You process his words slowly, chest heaving as you do your best to calm yourself.  

The emotions that had gradually been building for him over this past month seem to evolve at his care for you, making your next words hold even more weight.

You slip your fingers into his hair, brushing it back as you admire the man you’d come to see as much more than a friend.  

“Yoongi…I like you, too.” You manage, your voice hoarse with the need you’ve pushed back for the moment.  

His eyebrows twitch upwards, lips parting with the tiniest little gasp as you smile softly at him.

“I want you…I want this. I want…more.” 

His eyelashes flutter at your words, eyes closing slowly as if he’s savoring the meaning behind them, the gravity of them.

“Are you sure? I don’t want something casual. We both deserve more than that.” He says before opening those deep chocolate eyes to observe you, gauging your reaction closely.

Without hesitation, you nod, running your thumb over his beautiful lashes.  

“I wouldn’t do that to you or myself, Yoongi.  I don’t want a pillow between us anymore.” You whisper, leaning down to brush your lips over his.  “I wouldn’t have removed it if I wasn’t ready for this. For us.” 

Your eyes are locked on his as you do so, curling your lips gently as his arm slips around your waist to hold you close.

“What about…Hoseok?” He whispers hesitantly, apprehension written all over his face.  

You knew this would come up, and it’s all that’s been on your mind over the weeks since he’d confessed.

Emotions are so complicated and slippery, especially when nothing is clear, when all you have is doubts and nothing is ever communicated.  

He watches patiently as you try to think of how to communicate the choice you’ve made properly to him, so he won’t think this is a rash decision on your part.

“I’ve had years to process those emotions, and nothing has ever come of it.  Perhaps it’s because I never communicated them properly, or maybe I just didn’t have the courage to face the rejection.” 

You smile fondly at him as he listens intently, your heart stuttering at the complete open trust and acceptance in his eyes.  

“Honestly, I’ve been blinded by my own wants and needs for so long with him, yet I never took the time to find out how he felt.  He’s my friend, and that will never change.  As much as it hurt to hear how he truly felt about me, I needed that. I can’t be even remotely mad or upset with him, as it’s me who was hurting myself all this time.”

“What I feel, or felt for Hoseok has nothing to do with you and I.  It’s a fleeting possibility that I spent far too long being preoccupied with.  I didn’t need the time I asked for just to solidify how I felt about you, Yoongi.” 

As you speak, you can feel the confidence and determination in your words as he holds you close, giving you the courage to continue.

“I wanted to make sure that when and if I was able to take this step with you, I would be giving you all of me.  Not just fragments warring with an unrequited crush for someone else.  I’m laying that part of me to rest, even if you decide that you want to stop right here.  That you want to just stay friends-”

The limbo you’ve both been suspended in seems to pop like a bubble as he suddenly flips you on your back, drawing out a small surprised cry from you.

“That’s all I need to hear.” He growls, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss.

The force behind it has your teeth digging into his lips, his tongue plunging into your mouth desperately as you meet his need with your own.  

Clinging to the soft fabric of his sweater, your legs slip around his thighs as he presses you into the couch with his hips.

His erection is even more prominent in this position as he presses wet kisses along your jaw, his hands slipping down to slip under your shirt to caress the bare skin of your waist.

Soft cries leave your parted lips as he rolls his hips, your already damp panties starting to soak through as he grinds against you.  

“I don’t want to be just friends.” The heat of his breath brushing over your neck causes you to shiver, your fingers grasping frantically at his sweater until your fingertips meet the hem, slipping your hands up his naked back.

“Give me all of you.” The rough timbre of his voice alone has you arching your back as he helps you yank his sweater over his head, tossing carelessly to the side.

The sight of him bare chested, hovering over you with that long hair hanging down almost undoes you right there and then.  

Placing your hands on his stomach, you run your palms slowly upwards, enjoying each and every twitch and spasm you extract.  

The way he bites his lip, the soft, throaty gasps.

How his eyes seem to darken to onyx in lust.

Pushing against him, you sit up as you slip your hands up his chest to his shoulders, then down his arms.  

Without uttering a word, you take his hand and tug him up, leading him to the darkened doorway of your room.  

As you reach the edge of your bed, he spins you around, tugging your shirt over your head before crushing his mouth against yours once more.

Your head spins from his familiar fragrance of warm spice and tobacco from his cologne, reveling in the fact that he’s covering you in his scent.

Rough calluses brush against your bare flesh, his hands eager yet gentle as he explores you as if they’re dying of thirst and your body is the only thing that can sustain him.  

He reacts to each soft whimper, every drawn out moan with his own, heightening the ache between your legs as he backs you towards the bed.

Your nails graze lightly down his back as his teeth nip the sensitive skin of your neck, his tongue laving at the tiny marks he’s leaving behind.  

“Harder.” he commands, his hands finally slipping down to grab handfuls of your ass to press you into him.  

Without even having to question what he means, you dig your nails into the skin of his back, raking them harshly down his skin to leave angry red lines behind.  

The room upends as he topples you onto the firm mattress, clinging to one another as you tug and pull, your hands finally making their way back to the button of his pants.

This time he doesn’t stop you, propping himself up to watch as you yank and unzip, pushing down the material keeping him from you.

His ragged panting fills the air around you as he helps you kick them off along with his boxers, your stomach tightening as you encircle his cock as it springs out.  

“Oh fuck-” He grunts, hips jerking forward as you stroke along the length.

Before you can respond, he’s returning the favor, yanking off your pants, leaving you only in your bra and panties beneath him.  

“You’re so fucking beautiful-” his voice is coarse as he rakes his gaze over you, dipping down to press his face between your breasts to inhale you.

“Yoongi…” You whimper, shivering as his hair tickles your sensitive skin as your hands slip around his back to stroke over the harsh marks you’ve left.  

He settles his weight on you, his hips dragging the underside of his dick along your panties as he palms your breasts through the fabric of your bra.  

“So soft..” He mumbles, tugging down the lace harshly and at this point, you don’t give a damn if he’s torn it.  

His words contrast with the feel of him against you, stiff, thick and throbbing as you soak through your panties with every motion he makes. 

“Yoongi, oh my god-you’re driving me-insane-” You manage to stutter as he wraps his lips around your taut nipple, suckling gently as he gazes up at your flushed face.

Your fingers find their way back into his hair, grasping desperately as he grins, his eyes shining with delight, your other hand clinging to his shoulder for dear life.

He releases your nipple with a wet pop, slowly kissing his way along the valley of your tits, making his way over to give the other fair treatment.

His warm breath tickles your skin, and you suck in a sharp breath as he laughs softly at how you’re reacting to him.

“Lose your mind then, love.  I’ve been losing mine over you for years.” 

He punctuates the words with a harsh suck as he claims your other nipple, causing your back to arch for him, digging your nails into his shoulder as you tug at his hair.  

Your eyes roll as he circles his tongue around the tightened bud, his eyes never leaving your face as the ache between your thighs throbs with need at his every touch.  


You’ve seen many sides of Min Yoongi but nothing compares to the sheer control he has right now, all while holding back the desperate need you can see in his stare.

Your cries grow louder as he reaches between you, his strong hand gripping the side of your panties and ripping the flimsy material, flinging them to the side. 

The moment your panties are gone, his fingers are slipping between your lower lips, parting them as he lets out a soft, deep whimper of his own.   

You barely register his hand slipping behind your back, unclasping the hooks of your bra to tug off the now damaged garment.

Your mind is consumed by how deftly his fingers tease at your core, his thumb honing in on your sensitive clit.

“You’re so gorgeous like this…” he rasps out, eyes hooded as he watches you arch your back as he gently circles his thumb, licking his lips as his breathing becomes even more ragged.

Choking back a moan, you writhe under his palm as he teases a fingertip into you before pulling back to rake his eyes over your naked form.  

The tightness in your stomach builds as you shudder beneath him, yanking harshly on the hair clenched in your fist.  

The moment he flashes that sexy lopsided smile, you can’t hold back anymore.  

The last thing you want to do is lie here losing your mind when he looks far too in control.  

“Min Yoongi, if you aren’t buried deep inside of me in the next ten seconds-”

Your words are punctuated by another tug of his hair, your legs slipping around his thighs, hips tilting to offer yourself up to him in desperation.

Before you can even finish your sentence, his mouth is on yours once more, his fingers parting from you to guide the head of his cock against your aching entrance.

He lets out a shuddering breath against your lips, a soft groan building in his throat as you feel him start to sink into your warmth.  

He brings his hand up to cup your face as he slowly fills you, the sound of your name on his lips swallowed up as you deepen the kiss.  

You gasp as you feel yourself clench around him, your body already shaking beneath him as he draws back just to thrust forward once more.  

“Fuck-!” he growls as his lips leave yours, looking down between you to watch his cock delve into you, “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?” 

All you can muster is a moan, then a sharp gasp as he pulls almost all the way out, then thrusts forward suddenly as he bottoms out within you.  

“Yoongi!” you cry out, wet noises filling the room as he starts snapping his hips into you, setting a hard but steady pace.

All you can do is watch his face as he fucks you, that gorgeous dark hair dangling above you as he bites his lip in concentration.  

“Look at me.” you demand between moans, drawing his attention back to you.  

His eyes flick up to your face, then rake down your body and back up as the force of his thrusts cause your body to shake beneath him.  

“I can’t take my fucking eyes off of you, fuck you feel so good-” He moans as he dips down to reclaim your lips.  

“Don’t fucking stop-” you whimper between kisses, and he only responds by grasping your wrist and pinning it over your head.  

His mouth leaves yours, hot breath skimming over your chin, then your neck as he kisses and licks his way over to your ear.  

“Do you like it when I fuck your pretty little pussy?” He growls, the deep tone of his voice sending a shock through your body alone.  

His pace quickens as you tighten around him, your moans and whimpers only encouraging him as you begin to feel the familiar need building in your abdomen.  

“Fuck, yes, Yoongi! Harder!” you scream, the heat of his breath, the sounds of his guttural moans vibrating in your eardrum pushing you closer and closer to tipping over that precipice.

Your back arches, angling your hips so that he’s hitting your sensitive clit with each thrust as his cries grow louder, melding with your own. 

The sound of your name in your ear almost undoes you, and you let out a choked scream as he draws back to look down at you.  

“So close-” you gasp as he releases your wrist, threading his fingers with yours above your head.  

“Yeah, baby? Gonna come for me?” he rasps out as he watches your face contort with every motion.

You nod your head frantically, feeling as if you’re balanced on a tightwire and all you want to do is fall off.  

You can feel his entire body quaking as he continues to speak, the sexiest filth dripping from his lips in that rich deep voice.  

“Let me feel you come around my cock, baby, that’s it.  You’re all mine, all fucking mine, and I’m all yours-fuck! God, your cunt is perfect, so tight and wet, I just want to fill you full-”

Each word is like a nudge, and finally the sensation that’s been bubbling up within you this entire time seems to erupt from every single cell in your body as you finally tip over the edge.

“Yoongi! Yoongi!” is all your brain can manage as your orgasm crashes into you, clenching tightly around him as your body lifts from the bed.

Your strangled cries are met with his own, ripped from his throat as his eyes widen, his lips parting in an “o” as he throws his head back and thrusts forward once more.

A warm burst fills you as his whole body tenses above you, trying your hardest to watch him fall apart along with you.  

The ringing in your ears starts to fade, and the only sounds in the room are your combined labored breathing as he slowly lowers himself down to nuzzle his face into your neck.  

You gasp as you involuntarily clench around him, a hoarse moan escaping him as he slowly gives you a few small thrusts as he finally empties himself deep inside of you.

Swallowing harshly, you do your best to catch your breath as you comb your fingers through his damp hair.

You’re both covered in sweat, you think, a small smile curling your lips as you close your eyes and bask in the after effects of your joining.

“Fuck.” Yoongi grumbles into your neck, his lips dancing over your sticky skin.  

“Mhm.” you agree, humming softly.  

Floating through the haze of bliss, you finally open your eyes as you feel him draw back, withdrawing from you to leave a wet mess seeping out.  

Your eyes meet his and he just gives you a sleepy smile as you continue to run your fingers through the strands of his hair.  

He rolls you both to the side, arms wrapped around you as he kisses you softly, no words spoken for what seems like eternity.

No words are really needed, just soft touches, kisses, little smiles and laughs as your eyes meet.

The sun starts to creep through the blinds before he finally whispers that he will return in a moment, leaving you only long enough to bring back a warm cloth to clean you up a bit.  

Blushing slightly, you help do the same for him, tossing the cloth into the laundry before you settle back into his arms.  

Pressing a kiss to your temple, he lets out a long breath.

“You’re not leaving yet, right? You’ll stay for a bit?” You ask him, finally breaking the silence as the birds sing outside the window.

He laughs softly, propping himself up to look down at you with an eyebrow raised.  

“Of course I’m not just leaving…unless you’re kicking me out?” He responds, biting his lip as he runs his finger along your shoulder.  

You snort, shaking your head, “Sorry, no.  You told me you’re all mine so I think I may just keep you.”  

You do your best to keep a straight face, failing horribly as he feigns shock, his brows drawing together adorably as he protests.

“You think?!” he teases, sliding his arm around you to pull you closer, rolling you both so you’re on top of him.  

“Hmm…” you straddle his hips, brushing back his dark strands as you admire the handsome man beneath you, “I can be convinced…”

He gives you that familiar gummy smile you love so much before he’s growling out your name, tugging your mouth to his as he laughs.  

“Oh, really? I’m actually quite good at pleading my case…” he hums as his hands slip down to take two handfuls of your ass.  

“By all means-”


It’s midday by the time you both manage to uncling to one another.

“I shouldn’t have let you shower with me…” you hum as you make coffee, shaking your head as you feel his arms wrap around you from behind.  

“Well, we were just conserving water…” he answers, and you can’t help but giggle as you contemplate what to make for an early dinner.

By the time you get around you checking your phone, you sigh at the many missed messages and calls.

“I think Hoseok is going to send the police to my house.” you tell Yoongi as you both sit down to finally eat something.  

He just rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he gestures to your phone.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up yet, honestly.” He grumbles, taking a bite as you read through your messages.

“Well that would be a fun conversation…” you hum, biting your lip as you contemplate how that is going to go over with everyone.

“Speaking of…” Yoongi says, placing his utensils down as he leans back to look at you.

You glance at him, knowing what he’s thinking. 

“Should probably leave that to me.” You tell him before he can continue.

Feeling suddenly shy, you clear your throat as you look over at him.

He’s only wearing a pair of your sweats, his naked shoulders and chest distracting you as you try to think of your next words.  

“We are…together ... .like…” you gesture with your hands, embarrassed at asking. 

He only blinks at you, shock on his face before he is leaning forward and taking your hand.  

“Are you asking if I’m your boyfriend now?” He asks, an amused lopsided smile growing on his face at how flustered you are.

You just slap his hand, but then slip your fingers through his, nodding shyly.  

“Yes, baby.  I told you last night…I want you.  All of you.”  he whispers.

Your eyes meet his and you can only blush, your cheeks heating at his words.  

“You have me, then.  All of me.” you tell him.  


“Where the fuck is she?” Hoseok mutters, doing his best to contain the rising panic as he makes his way to your apartment building.  

Checking his phone for the hundredth time since last night, he sighs.  

Over the last month, it feels as if you’ve been withdrawing more and more, but you still respond to his messages.

If he’s being honest, it didn’t feel very good.

All he can think of is the comments everyone has been making.  

What if she does end up dating?

What if she has someone she likes?

Hoseok can only frown as he finally gets in the elevator to take him up to see you.

Of course, that would eventually happen.

Someone she’s interested in, other than me, he thinks.

The idea is so completely foreign, he has a hard time wrapping his mind around it.  

More important than me?

Shaking off the thought and this feeling of discontent it brings, he pushes himself off the side of the elevator wall as the doors open.

Making his way down your hallway, he glances up as your door opens, a sense of relief filling him as he hears your familiar laugh.

That relief is short-lived as he hears a man’s voice responding to your voice.

Not just any man’s voice-

He stops in shock as he watches you emerge from your apartment, hand in hand with another man.

He can’t make out the words, but his heart seems to drop into his stomach as he recognizes the owner of the hand in yours.

Min Yoongi.

Fucking Min Yoongi…holding your hand.

The hand holding his phone clenches tightly as he watches his friend lean in and brush your hair back, your eyes seeming to dance with happiness as you gaze at him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he hears faintly as he watches you nod to him.

“Tomorrow.” he hears your voice respond.

The world seems to stop as he watches two of his closest friends lean towards each other and kiss.

“No way…” he whispers, but it’s not amusement or happiness at watching two obvious lovers leaving one another.

No…against everything that is logical, he feels a burning rage and betrayal building deep in his stomach.

Before he can even process it, he’s turning on his heel, making his way to the emergency stairs and rushing down and out of the building before either of you notice him.

His phone starts to buzz as he makes his way home, and he sends it to voicemail immediately.

He can’t even form the words to say to you right now.

Not while he’s feeling like this.  

Whatever this was.

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More Posts from Ktownshizzle

9 months ago

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

[Main Masterlist]

Pair: Idol!Yoongi x Playmate!Reader ; Idol!Hoseok x Playmate!Reader (platonic? but they fuck? it’s complicated)

Summary: Being Jung Hoseok’s playmate comes with many perks. You get to travel the world, attend Bangtan dinners and… Fuck his brains out. Besides ‘client’, ‘best friend’ was also a title you had for him. And when nothing romantic could ever happen between the two of you, Hoseok decides to play matchmaker to set you up with another one of his members. 

Genre: One shot, fluff, tiny angst, smut, idol au, christmas au, playmate au. 

Warnings: MERRY CHRISTMAS (if you celebrate it), BABIES! A cute little steamy, christmassy one shot to celebrate the holidays! This is very much porn with sweet plot. SO. This is a PLAYMATE AU, and I’m using the same rules/agency/trope as you’ll know from LDYK! But this is not set in the same universe and this character is not Baby! Please read this: In this story, Hoseok identifies as aromantic (what it means to him and for this character is explained in the story). But I thought I should add a disclaimer here because I am not part of the ACE community, so I only know what friends (and google) tell me. I did a lot of research for this and my intent is just to be a little more inclusive and broaden my horizons as a writer and add more color to my characters. Having that said, I tried my best to add this trait gently and kindly, but if you are part of this spectrum, feel free to pop in and let me know if any information I mentioned is wrong! Although it’s not the main story line (Yoongi x Reader), it is part of the plot.

WC: 15k


LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

DECEMBER 9TH | 16:48

Your relationship with Hoseok was... Complicated. While being one of the simplest things in the world. 

It was confusing to outsiders, raised eyebrows from the staff and some higher ups at his company, brought you more bad looks and whispers behind your back than you cared to concern yourself with. 

But his brothers, his members, understood it. Understood Hoseok and how he was, deep down, better than anyone. Better than the media, the public, even better than ARMY. And that was enough for you.

You've been his playmate for the best part of three years now and while you saw the other boys rotating playmates, some giving up on the service completely, you defied all odds and stayed on the job.

The type of service you provided for the dancer was the usual. As his live-in playmate, you were a solid base for him to come home to after a draining day of practice, you were his constant on more world tours than you could count. You were his best friend, his confidant, his partner in crime, his fuck buddy. 

News outlets were constantly placing the two of you in front pages of gossip magazines and  numerous clickbait articles that wondered when the two of you would own up to a secret romantic relationship.

You knew that day would never come, which, instead of offending you or complicating things, made doing your job a lot easier. With any possibilities of falling in love with your client flying out the window after your second day on the job, it meant that you could not only be professional, but it also meant that you could be a real friend to him; something hard to come by in his industry.

“So, hear me out.” 

You were laying on Hoseok’s bed, the only thing covering your body was the light layer of sweat that always stuck to your skin whenever he was in a mood. The man himself had already put on his previously discarded boxers when he walked out to grab you your post-sex cold water bottle, walking into his room with a sheepish tilt of an eyebrow. 

Knowing him way too well, you raised your upper body on your elbows, rolling your eyes and chiding, “Oh, God, what now, Jung?”

“Jung– Is that what it takes to go from ‘sir’ to my last name?” he feigned offense, not able to bite back a laugh as he climbed on the bed, throwing himself next to you on top of the waterproof sheets. “Starting a harmless conversation?”

“Don’t play coy with me, I know you better than that.” your eyes squinted, but your sore throat was grateful when he unclasped the bottle and let you drink from it, the cold reaching all the way down your stomach, filling you with relief. Wiping your lips with the back of your hand when droplets threatened to spill from the corners, you continued: “There’s nothing harmless about what you were going to say.”

“I was just going to comment on how well you did tonight.” Hoseok shrugged. 

The man was laying on his side, propped up by an elbow, looking like a perfect mix of a devil and an angel. Hoseok was beautiful inside and out, with a perfectly angled face full of sharp edges and defined features. His dark hair was a little on the longer side lately, which you quite liked; especially when it looked as messy and sweaty as it did right now. 

His bottom lip was still slightly swollen, neck and chest flushed and covered in teeny tiny droplets of sweat. You couldn’t help but giggle softly at the fact that seeing Jung Hoseok like this was a recurring part of your job. 

“And you started that with ‘so, hear me out’?” you challenged, watching his heart shaped lips split into a grin. As you leaned over to bump your nose against his, you murmured: “You did great tonight, too, sir.”

His reply was a deep sigh before capturing your lips in a short lived kiss that lit your insides on fire. “Don’t start, or I’m gonna want to go for round three.”

“I’d be okay with that…” your body was reacting all on its own, trying to lay on your side to match Hoseok’s position, one of your hands still holding the bottle while the other rested on your client’s lithe chest. 

“We have to be at Namjoon’s place in three hours.” Hoseok countered, but the touch on your bare thigh, followed by a harsh squeeze, was contradictory. 

“That’s plenty of time.” you insisted, tongue slipping out to lick the seams of his lips, chasing after them as Hoseok pulled back an inch. 

“You also need to be able to walk on your own.”

“One time that happened!” you groaned, half lidded eyes widening to find Hoseok’s smug tug of lips. “And don’t pretend you’re not proud of yourself.”

“It was one of my best performances.” he cackled, shoulders raising as he moved to a proper sitting position. With a roll of his neck and shoulders, he called: “Come on, let’s go shower.”

Any other day you might act lazy to get a rise out of Hoseok, ask him to carry you all the way into his ensuite bathroom. Be a little bratty just to secure the aforementioned third round. But he did have a point and you’ve had one too many dinners with Bangtan where you had a limp and you still had to hear about it from Taehyung. 

Hoseok walked ahead of you as you took smaller sips of your cold water, somewhat sore legs and very sticky thighs making your climb down the bed a little trickier. You watched as the man disappeared inside the bathroom and as the warm light was turned on. 

“You know, I still don’t understand why Namjoon of all people decided to throw this Christmas thing.” your comment was harmless, you held Namjoon dearly to your heart and if you ever needed life or career advice, he was the one you’d turn to. But, “I love the guy, but, man, he can’t plan a dinner to save his life.”

“Two words,”

When you met Hoseok inside the bathroom, he was halfway into the shower, nimble fingers turning knobs and pressing buttons to activate the rain shower above at a temperature hot enough to relax your bodies and melt any knots under your muscles. 

“Hwang Soyoon.” he continued once the glass door of the shower was closed behind him. Pointing behind you with his head, the same agile fingers hooked on the elastic of his boxers and he pushed it down his narrow hips. “Want to pick a scent?” 

“Oh, damn, he’s still on that?” you were surprised that Namjoon was still persuing the girl. As far as you knew, Joon and Soyoon had hooked up a few times here and there, but if he was trying hard enough to pull off a Christmas dinner, he might be looking for something more. You turned around after watching Hoseok’s underpants slip to the floor, opening a cabinet to find the small acrylic box where he kept a small pile of shower streamers. “Good for him. I can’t see how a burnt dinner will impress someone like her, but–”

“Have a little faith in the guy, okay?”

“Hobi.” you deadpanned, bringing a melt bar to your nose to sniff before handing it over to the man. “I saw him try to peel a carrot with a knife.”

“Darling, I’ve seen you do the same.” Hoseok got the chosen shower streamer and chuckled before walking first into the shower stall, dropping the bar in a corner. 

“Hence why I don’t throw Christmas dinners!” you justified, ignoring the heat creeping up behind your cheeks. “Besides, I never needed to cook to impress you.”

You followed after Hoseok, finding him holding the glass door so you could walk into the stall and join him, his free arm sneaking around your waist to pull your body flush against his, hand dropping to the curve of your ass as he stated: 

“No, you had other talents.” 

Your small grin was met by a pair of soft lips when Hoseok kissed you casually, as if it was second nature. It still made your tummy flip every time he did that, but not in the way an outsider might perceive it as. The intimacy you shared with Hoseok was more than romantic, and more than platonic. He was your best friend and you were his. Kisses and small touches like that didn’t feel like part of your job. 

It felt like a secret that only the two of you understood. 

Hoseok was still hugging you as he took two steps back, enough so the water stream would fall on you both head on. You groaned and trembled, arms wrapping around his slim waist as you pressed your lips against his shoulder. He knew the water was a little hotter than you usually liked, which is why he soothed you with a gentle hand on your back, whispering a tiny ‘relax’ that made you do just that. 

The shower was big enough to easily fit three grown adults –a fact you found out about when you dragged three drunk maknaes in there to sober them up after one game night–, the tiles covering the walls and floor were dark and speckled, smooth to the touch and heated during the winter months. 

The tangerine scented shower bar was already melting away, its citrusy notes hitting your nostrils and making you melt against Hoseok; the too-warm temperature barely bothering you anymore. 

“So.” the man broke the silence, arching his back so he could look at you. 

“There he goes, trying again–” you sighed, knowing whatever Hoseok wanted to talk about before would be discussed still, one way or another. 

“You know Yoongi hyung, right?”

Your right eyebrow lifted so high it might as well join your scalp. Firstly because it was a very stupid question; how could you not know Yoongi? And, secondly, because you had a hint of where this was going. 

It wasn’t the fourth or fifth time that Hoseok brought Yoongi up in a falsely-casual conversation, not after you made the innocent mistake of admitting –during that same fateful game night– that if you had to pick one of the Bangtan members to go on a date with, you’d pick Yoongi. 

It was Jimin’s question to you during Truth or Dare and you only answered honestly because Yoongi wasn’t in the room; having excused himself to use the bathroom after way too many dares to finish his drink at once. 

Unfortunately for you, your client, roommate, and best friend was too relentless to let that go. It took him three days, but Hoseok was able to make you admit that, yes, you did have a somewhat secret crush on the soft spoken rapper. 

“What I’m trying to say is, if you want to give hyung some attention tonight, you can.” he trailed off, letting you pull away from his arms to turn around to reach a shampoo bottle from the built-in shelf. “Be his playmate for a night, I'll pay your extra fee.”

You snorted, throwing him a look over your shoulder. “I'd do it because I want to, not because you're paying me to. Besides, that would be soliciting, and also illegal.”

“I'm not trying to be your pimp. Just... Look at this as me setting up two friends.” 

“How can you think about setting me up with someone while I still have your cum between my legs?” you chided, feeling Hoseok’s fresh release drip down a little more with each step you took. 

“Pretty easy, actually.” his chuckle was a little high pitched and even if the only thing you hated was how much you couldn’t be mad at Hoseok, you said:

“I hate you.”

“Yet you have my cum dripping out of you.” 

The man’s smile was victorious as you rolled your eyes and focused on washing your hair. Hoseok, as the gentleman that he was, took care of the mess he made, bringing the detachable shower head between your legs to rinse off the thick globs of his cum that kept dripping. And, as the menace that he was, he held the water stream a little too long over your sensitive clit to make you curse at him. 

When you took the weapon out of his hand and brought it back to its rightful place on the hook on the wall, he reached for his own hair products to clean himself. The idol’s shower routine had a lot more steps than yours, the fancy bottles were picked for him by professionals to make sure he’d always look his best. 

Hoseok hadn’t dyed his hair in quite some time now, but you knew he still kept the heavy duty products around for a rainy day. You mostly chose what smelled good, going for floral or vanilla scents more often than not. 

“You do like hyung, don't you?” he asked quietly, words almost drowned by the water stream, making you take a step closer to him so you wouldn’t have to yell. 

“He's handsome. Funny. Talented. Nice.” you agreed easily, placing your hands on Hoseok’s chest as your lips found home in the column of his throat. “You're all of those things, too.”

“Yeah, but he can give you more than I can.” Hoseok’s hands were on your hips, tiny squeezes showing you more than his words did. 

What bothered you about that sentence wasn’t the fact that Hobi was admitting to not wanting to pursue a relationship with you, or that he didn’t want to give you more. The part that stung was the hurt you felt in his voice. 

It cut him deeper than you. 

Hoseok was inside the aromantic spectrum, a subject you weren’t proud to say you weren’t exactly educated about before meeting him. That conversation was brought up very early in your playmate-client relationship, on your second meeting, before the contracts were even signed. 

What this meant to him in particular was simple, in a way. He had never been interested in a romantic relationship. Hoseok tried dating before, during his pre-debut years, but it just wasn’t something that he felt he needed. Once he joined BigHit and his career and BTS became his focus, that’s what he dedicated himself to. Only when his members started missing the dating life, sneaking around and hiding girlfriends and boyfriends from managers, he realized that maybe there was something more going on.

Many months after your friendship solidified, he finally confided in you enough to tell you how bad he felt that he didn’t miss that part of his life. That he didn’t feel the need to grow or keep a romantic relationship, even if he felt various kinds of attraction towards different kinds of people over the years. For a long time he felt like there was something wrong with him for it. 

Until he opened up to Namjoon, who mentioned the company psychologist and encouraged him to look for help; whatever that meant for him. That’s when he learned about the ace spectrum, and realized that there were more people out there just like him. And others so different, but that understood what he was going through. 

Being in his own position as someone so well known made things a little more complicated for him, of course. There was still a lot of stigma regarding the ACE community, so he was trained to keep it within himself, letting only a handful of people know the real Hobi. 

That new knowledge also made him retreat from seeking out any other forms of relationships, the guilt of knowing he’d never be able to offer anyone else what they might need and crave. 

It was the emergence of Playmate Agencies that finally did something for his own needs and cravings. 

While he might not be interested in a romantic relationship, Hoseok was still very much sexually active. One of his love languages was physical touch and while he got some of it from his members, especially Jungkook and Jimin, it was by hiring a playmate that he felt most at ease. 

Someone who wouldn’t judge him, someone who wouldn’t expect more from him than what he could give. Someone like you; able to fuck his brains out, to cuddle him to sleep and take care of him in whatever manner he might need, and still be just that… His playmate. His friend. 

“I know.” you offered him a gentle smile, hoping he knew you still understood it and that you hadn’t changed your mind. But… “You do know that if Yoongi and I work out like you seem to want us to, this,” you trailed off, leaving a small kiss under his jaw. “It can't happen anymore, right?”

With one wide step and a devilish glint in his eyes, Hoseok had you pinned between the wall and his wet body, adding: “Then I better enjoy it while I can.”

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

DECEMBER 9TH | 20:16

Hoseok made you so nervous about tonight and his obvious intentions of making sure you and Yoongi at least interacted that you were a pile of jitters when you made it inside Namjoon’s museum-like apartment. You were holding onto the boxes of Christmas themed donuts that you had half a mind to pick up on the way there, trying to keep your hands from shaking, kicking off your boots by the entrance and letting Hoseok take your winter coat and purse from you. 

“This is a disaster–” was the first thing you heard, voice deep and desperate coming from the owner of the house and host himself. “Hyung, stop laughing and help me out here?!” 

There were only two men that Namjoon would call hyung, when Hoseok was standing next to you, but it was Seokjin’s high pitched cackles that you heard first. You and Hoseok looked at each other with clear amusement and the twitch in your eyebrows was telling. 

Yes, you were sixteen minutes late, but it was still too early for things to already be going so wrong that you could hear a commotion deeper inside the home. 

You followed Hoseok through the long corridor that ended in the wide living room, with an opening that led to the dining and kitchen area. 

“So now you want hyung’s help, huh?” Jin teased, referring to himself in the third person was something that always made you laugh. “Five minutes ago you were telling me to get out of your kitchen!” 

“Five minutes ago, the curry wasn’t lumpy–” Namjoon cried out, folding the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows. 

You were satisfied with the fact that Hoseok didn’t lie to you about the theme of the dinner; tacky Christmas sweaters, even if the seven men looked nothing but fashionable with their own picks. The man next to you had a button down, dark green cardigan with reindeer knitting and red hem linings and white dress pants, and you ended up accidentally matching with your red and dark green, short plaid skirt and white sweater with blue reindeers all over it. 

“Hyung! Noona!” Jungkook was the first one to notice the two of you, nothing got past his big eyes. 

Or maybe the others were just too entertained about Namjin’s bickering. The young man’s sweater was gray and blue, with snowflake-like patterns, but the real tacky add-on had to be the bunny ears on top of his head; much like the ones atop Taehyung’s mop of dark hair. 

“We’ll take this from you.” Taehyung took the boxes from your hands while smacking a kiss on your cheek, before doing the same to Hoseok’s. His very red sweater with white details was the most vibrant of all. 

“How much did you have to drink–” Hoseok frowned with a laugh, but went with it every time. 

“That’s for dessert, don’t eat it yet–” you warned, but Taehyung was happily skipping away towards the dining table. 

“It might as well be our dinner, with the way things are going.” Jungkook half whispered, throwing a look over his shoulder. 

“I heard that!” Namjoon complained from the kitchen, groans following the silent threat. 

Hoseok laughed quietly and placed a hand on your back before parting ways. 

From the corner of your eye you watched him move around you and towards the home bar, where a certain red haired man was quietly looking over everything. You avoided looking at Yoongi for now, not sure how your own body would react once you saw him in person with the new hairstyle you’ve only caught glances of from pictures and videos. 

Knowing your client would be brave enough to drag Yoongi to make the first move, you walked past Jungkook and Taehyung as they looked over the selection of donuts you picked and went into the kitchen to access the damage. After quickly walking around to greet the three men who were apparently doing all the cooking, you stood with your ass resting against the kitchen counter where Jimin was sitting on. 

You could tell more of them had gone through hair changes, as Jimin had white streaks put into his long, dark hair, and Namjoon’s short locks were on the ashy blonde side. Jimin also picked a red sweater to match Taehyung’s and Namjoon’s was more of solid colors like navy blue and beige. 

Given that the lady he was trying to impress might as well show up in a full black attire, your host for the night didn’t get all that adventurous. You couldn’t tell what the pattern on Seokjin’s Christmas sweater was, just glad that he didn’t just show up in an RJ onesie. Although he’d still look like a model even if he had. 

“Nothing looks too bad.” you decided, checking the pan of slightly crisp bulgogi on top of the stove and the bowl of fresh kimchi that might be too spicy for Taehyung to eat. “I can already smell the rice!” 

“Jimin made the rice.” Namjoon mumbled while allowing Seokjin to take his spot and try to save his curry. 

“I just put it in the rice cooker.” Jimin played it humble, shrugging slightly. 

Given that your attempts to make Namjoon feel better would be futile, with the way he and Seokjin stood side by side, blocking your view of the food with their broad shoulders, you turned sideways. 

“I like your hair.” you beamed at Jimin, one elbow resting on top of the counter as you looked at his hair a little more closely. 

“Thanks, I wasn’t sure about it at first.” his small eyes almost disappeared as he smiled, cheeks puffing up. “We tried different lengths–”

“I know, Hobi showed me the picture of you with the weird wig.” you teased and his smile instantly dropped, leaving space to a frown. 

“Hyungggg!” Jimin whined with a plush pout, but Hoseok was too far away to listen.

“I thought you looked cute! You’re always cute.” you reasoned with a tiny giggle. 

It was a little astonishing how your body reacted to Yoongi’s presence before your brain could even compute that the newly ginger man was walking into the kitchen. He was quiet, hands in the pockets of perfectly smooth khaki pants and green and red knitted sweater that made him look cozy as hell. 

You couldn’t help but look at him and how his hair still looked smooth despite the amount of bleach that took to reach that kind of red, eyes meeting his as his back rested against the opposite wall. Yoongi was just raising his lowball glass to his sakura colored lips, holding your gaze, but your knees were already trembling. 

“Namjoon-ah, did you put salt or sugar when I told you to put in the salt?” Seokjin had a spoon in the air, halfway from his scrunched-in-disgust face, capturing your attention back to them. 

“When you told me to add the salt, I added the salt.” Namjoon bickered as if offended, looking at the cooking top where the recently bought seasoning bottles were spread.

“Why does it taste so sweet, then–” Seokjin reached for the spoon resting between the salt and sugar dispensers, licking it to taste whatever was left on the silver. “Yeah, this is not salt.”

“What?! Fuck.” Namjoon ran a hand against his ashy hair, making it point in odd directions. “Great. Just great. Christmas is ruined.”

“Christmas is still two weeks away–” you mumbled, not sure how that was helpful.

“Nothing is ruined, just… Wait.” Seokjin sighed and turned around. “Jimin-ah?” 

“We’ll be right back.” Jimin announced to the room, jumping out of his perch and landing gracefully on the wooden floor before following the eldest out of the kitchen. 

“I’m sorry, Joon.” you offered the big man, fixing your posture and reaching to pat his back in comfort. “Maybe we still have time to order some food before Soyoon gets here?”

“She’s probably already on her way–” his thought was interrupted with the ringing of his phone, which was quickly pulled out of his pocket in a speak-of-the-devil manner. “Shit, hold that thought.”

And just like that, Namjoon was walking out of the kitchen, leaving you and Yoongi alone with your pet-butterflies. 

Yoongi might not be the member you were closest to –Jimin was definitely second after Hoseok–, but you weren’t usually this awkward around him. Being a playmate for a career you were used to meeting all kinds of idols and celebrities, you were trained to be outgoing, and your sociable nature generally kept you at ease. 

So you definitely blamed Hoseok for putting ideas into your head. And, to make matters worse, you didn’t know what he might have told Yoongi already; if he outed your crush or had any plans of setting you up with his hyung in an unorthodox way. 

Biting the bullet, you started with what you could only describe as a poor attempt at smalltalk:

“Gotta miss this chaos, huh?”

“It gets old after some time.” Yoongi shrugged and, damn, how could you forget his voice went that low?

“I bet you miss them.” the corners of your lips raised as you finally looked at him again. 

“Eh, I’m okay with not finding Jungkook in my bed after a night out.” his chuckle was raspy and more than a little scratchy, shoulders shaking just once as he hid his amusement behind his glass again. 

“I know you love that boy, you can’t fool me.” you scoffed, having been witness to Yoongi’s fondness of the maknae more times than you could count. “I can see how soft you are for him.”

In an obvious pursuit of a change of subject, Yoongi peeled himself off the wall to take a couple steps closer to you and the fridge. Noticing you were yet to be given a drink, he offered: “What are you drinking?”

“What’s that you’re having?” you eyed the glass in his hand that was still half full. The golden liquid looked smooth enough. 

“Nothing you’d like.” his head cocked, but he placed the glass on top of the counter and slid it in your direction. “Have a sip.”

The lowball felt warm when you took it with careful fingers, glass too thin for your own liking, but fancy enough for someone like Namjoon to own and Yoongi to use. It felt even more delicate when it touched your bottom lip, the smallest bit of liquid reaching your tongue as you tipped it enough. 

Your nose scrunched as bitterness took over your taste buds, the strong smell of alcohol burning your nostrils as you swallowed and tried not to cough. The whiskey was smooth, you’d give him that. But way too strong when you were mostly used to flavored Soju and wine. 

"I think there's still some of your pink wine left." Yoongi was holding back his laugh as he opened the refrigerator door and spied inside. "You know where the glasses are?"


You gave him one veement nod as you returned his glass to the counter, using your stockings-clad feet to slide across the floor and reach for the high cabinet where Namjoon kept his cups. 

The man mostly used mugs, which were on the lowest level, leaving the crystal wine glasses higher up. You had to raise yourself on your tiptoes to reach it, finding Yoongi already waiting for you, pink bottle in hand and eyes on your legs. 

You didn't dare read much into it, Yoongi was still a man, and you could bet he'd look at anyone like that if there weren't many other distractions around. Even so, you did pick up on the shy way he rubbed the tip of his nose with the back of his finger and the shaking of his eyes as you held the wine glass out for him to serve your drink. 

"Thanks, Yoongi."

The only reply you got back was a hum that sounded like a purr and the squeak of the cork screwing the bottle shut. As Yoongi returned your wine –as far as you knew, you were the only one to ever drink it– to the fridge, you took a sip long enough to cover the bitter whisky after-taste, followed by another one to relax your tense shoulders. 

You could hear Jungkook and Taehyung making Hoseok laugh somewhere in the living room, heavy steps up and down the hallway adjacent to the kitchen that could only belong to Namjoon, no sign or sound of Seokjin and Jimin. 

The air inside the kitchen was heavy and charged, especially as Yoongi closed the door of the fridge and had to press it shut with a tiny bit more force. 

Namjoon’s kitchen might remain unused most of the time, but everything was always stocked full of ready to eat snacks and take-out leftover boxes from whatever he ordered and couldn’t finish. 

Your focus, however, wasn’t on the surprisingly organized fridge contents, but on the pale, long fingers that flexed hard enough to make veins more prominent, the thin bits of hair on Yoongi’s knuckles, the short and clean nails and the gentle tapping of the tips of his fingers as he caught you staring–

“I love those pictures.” you motioned to the polaroids stuck to the fridge door, right by where his hand was resting. Yoongi brought it to his side and you instantly missed the visuals, lips too loose as you added: “You looked handsome with that hair.”

The picture in question was of Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok together, backstage at the Map Of The Soul ON:E concert, just after performing UGH. All three looked sweaty and were too hyped up to stand still, but you still managed to take that very picture with one of Hobi’s many cameras. You had no idea Namjoon was the one to keep it, but it made you happy to find out. 

“Not a fan of the red?” Yoongi wanted to know and you let go of a sharp breath that might be too telling. 

“No, I… quite like the red.” you admitted. “I just liked the undercut, too.”

Slowly but surely, you felt yourself relaxing more, body still very much reacting to Yoongi’s presence, but your nerves weren’t made out of anxiety. Yoongi made it easy to be around him, his presence was gentle, unpretentious, what you saw is what you got. A man that held himself with confidence, who knew what he stood for, but who was soft around the edges. 

You knew he kept a lot behind those attentive eyes; the stresses that came with his job, the self doubts that must plague him from time to time. It made you wonder why, out of all the boys, he was the only one that hadn’t hired a playmate for all the years you knew him. 

Before your brain could convince you that maybe he wasn’t so fond of what you did for a living, a commotion coming from the entrance of the apartment broke you out of your staring match. 

“Don’t drop that, one ruined dinner is enough!” came Seokjin’s warning, making Yoongi look over his shoulder and you did the same. 

“Maybe I wouldn’t drop things if you helped me carry all this!” Jimin sounded breathless, his next complaints being muffled by the sound of heavy objects coming in contact with the dining table. 

Curiosity got the best of you as you walked past Yoongi, but he wasn’t far behind as the two of you stood side by side under the arch that separated the kitchen from the dining room. 

The table was covered in little bowls with a variety of banchans and bigger plates with an actual meal that didn’t look burnt, salty or too sweet. As Jimin started to uncover each thing by tearing through the plastic film keeping it fresh and warm, various smells and spices filled the air, waking up a hunger you didn’t know you had. 

“What’s going on?” Namjoon was the last to join everyone, flip phone closing with a little more force than necessary. “Wow, where did you get all this?”

“It’s plan B. We had it up at my place, hyung brought it over earlier, just in case.” Jimin explained, making an ever growing ball of plastic wrapper and revealing more delicious looking dishes.

“You knew I was going to fuck it up?” the dejected look on Namjoon’s face broke your heart a little. 

“Nobody thought you were going to fuck it up, Joon-ah.” Yoongi assured the man.

“We still don’t think that.” you added, looking around the room to get the others to agree. 

The five others started talking over themselves in all kinds of passionate agreements, enough to make Namjoon’s shoulders sag a little and a lone dimple poke his cheek as he sighed. You looked for Hoseok out of instinct, finding his arms crossed as he looked from you, to Yoongi, then back to you, one eyebrow raised as if to comment on the fact that the two of you were obviously alone in the kitchen for a while. 

You sent him a glare and pursed your lips, choosing to ignore him for the time being. 

“Yeah, this was just in case, so you could still impress your girl!” Jimin justified it as Seokjin started to bring each dish to the center of the table, buffet style. Jungkook’s bunny ear headband flopped this way and that as he took care of the empty plates to open up more space. 

“Doesn’t matter anyway, she’s not coming.” 

You could hear a pin drop after Namjoon’s words, every single one of you pausing everything to look at him with all different levels of confusion. A second later, chaos ensued again. 



“That beach–”

“It’s bitch–”

“Hey, be nice.” you hushed Taehyung and Jimin’s cursing, effectively quieting the room. “I’m sure she had a reasonable explanation–”

“Uhm. Actually, yeah.” Namjoon looked sheepish for once, scratching the back of his neck as he stared at the table instead of any of you. “Are you guys up for a sleepover?”

The room got quiet again for a second less than last time, more questions, denials and agreements being thrown Namjoon’s way. The host, instead of explaining what he meant, walked out of the dining room and through his living room, making all of you follow after him. 

You almost bumped into the newest pile of books, needing Yoongi to help steady you with a firm hand on your lower back. For someone with so many expensive art pieces around his bachelor’s pad, Namjoon really did like to make walking around difficult. 

“Well, you have no choice.” Joon announced, clicking a button on the wall that activated the floor to ceiling heavy curtains that were usually kept closed shut for privacy and safety reasons. “All of the roads in and out of Hannam are closed. We’re snowed in.”

The glass wall was large enough so the eight of you could stand side by side while looking out at the literal winter storm falling and covering the streets of the expensive neighborhood in inches of thick snow. Your small gasp made warm condensation blurr the glass in front of you, Jungkook’s nose pressing against the surface as he stood to your right. 

“Fuck, that’s… Kinda beautiful, but slightly concerning.” Taehyung had his hands against the glass and over his eyes, as if that would help him see better. 

“It’s okay, we have enough food now that Jin hyung saved the day!” Jungkook celebrated, turning to you and Yoongi, the latter who was still to your left. “If the power goes out, we can all sleep together for body heat.”

With pressed lips, Yoongi scoffed: “Why did you look at me when you said that–”

“You were just telling me you miss having him around after a night out.” you turned to Yoongi with innocent eyes, feeling in your bones the excitement oozing out of Jungkook just then. 

“Oh, you are–” Yoongi’s nose twitched as his eyes lowered and you knew you were in trouble, letting out a tiny giggle that you tried to cover with your wine glass.

“Can we just have a nice dinner while my hard work is still warm, and then decide on who gets to sleep with who?” Seokjin’s request was an easy one to comply with. 

At this point in the night everyone was starting to get really hungry and Soyoon wasn’t coming around anymore so there was no reason to wait any longer. You weren’t so concerned about the sleeping arrangements as, between Jimin’s apartment just one floor above and Namjoon’s extra bedrooms, everyone would get a bed tonight. 


As the men started filtering out and back to the dining room, you stood back and grabbed Hoseok by the back of his cardigan so he’d stay behind, too.

“Did you do this?” you hushed with suspicion and a squint. 

“What? The weather?” Hoseok laughed a little too loud when you were trying to be inconspicuous. “Darling, I wish I had as much plotting power as you seem to think I do.” 

“So this isn’t a ploy for you-know-who and I to end up sharing a room?” you whispered as if the private meeting you were having didn’t turn heads already. “The ‘there was only one bed’ trope?”

“Nope, I swear.” Hoseok smiled and placed a hand at the back of your head, pressing his lips to your creased temple. “You can sleep in bed with me if it will make you feel better about this.”

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

DECEMBER 10TH | 02:07

Yoongi couldn’t sleep. 

It wasn’t the too-big bed in one of Namjoon’s guest bedrooms, it wasn’t the too-large clothes he had to borrow to sleep in, it wasn’t even the fact he didn’t know if he’d make it in time for his late morning meeting with Pdogg the next day. 

It wasn’t the pre-christmas dinner, but it was the way you rushed to sit next to Jungkook when there was an empty chair available next to Yoongi. It wasn’t the way you laughed so hard at Jin’s jokes, but the way you toppled over Taehyung’s legs after a third glass of wine. 

It wasn’t even the fact that you were paired with Hoseok to share a room tonight, but your squeals and giggles Yoongi could hear coming from behind the closed door as he walked down the hall to his own assigned bedroom. 

It made sense they all agreed that the two of you should stick together, when you already did it on a daily basis because of the nature of your… Relationship. No one asked to be snowed in, no one asked for this impromptu sleepover. The seven of them lived together for over ten years at this point, but you shouldn’t need to be subjected to that. 

The annoying part was that Yoongi lost on all counts of ‘rock paper scissors’, missing the last spot on Jimin’s couch to Taehyung’s lucky ass. So now Yoongi was being forced to stay just across the hall from the girl he had a crush on and his own best friend sharing a bed. 

On all counts, Yoongi didn’t drink a lot tonight, and maybe that was the problem. Maybe one last shot of Namjoon’s imported whisky would knock him out for a few hours until the roads had been cleared and he could sneak out before anyone even woke up. 

The bed didn’t creak as Yoongi stood up and he didn’t bother enough to put his socks back on, the heated floor was comfortable enough to step on. The hallway was quiet enough once he got out of his room and no light could be seen from under any of the doors lining the walls, but the idol still walked just a little faster in case he heard anything that would ruin more than tonight for him. 

Namjoon’s apartment was a maze of hallways, art pieces, expensive furniture and books piled up, but the warm light coming from the kitchen served as a beacon to show Yoongi where he needed to go. 

Yoongi was inclined to expect to find Seokjin hyung or Jungkook leaning over the leftover donuts you brought for dessert –the berry-jam, Santa shaped one was his favorite–, but the boxes had nothing but crumbs left in them and none of his brothers could be seen in the dining area. 

The light that was on wasn’t the main one from the kitchen, but the one in the pantry, right at the back; soft enough so that the figure hunched over the counter could see and not bright enough to call out unwanted attention. 

If Yoongi’s memory didn’t fail him, every single person staying at Namjoon’s for the night had been given a pair of sweats and a shirt to change from their dinner attire, but it was your bare legs that he stared at. Granted, the leader’s shirt was long enough to swallow you like a dress, but Yoongi didn’t want to think about someone else taking them off of you. 

“What are–”

“Jesus, Yoongi!” your whole body jumped as if being shocked upon hearing his voice, chest heaving with your long breaths as you brought your hands to your heart. “Is that why they call you a cat? Because you’re light on your feet?!”

Your voice was hushed as you turned to face him properly, the light behind you casting an ethereal glow all around you. As if you needed to look any more out of this world. Yoongi’s lips were pulled up on a corner that showed his teeth, amused about spooking you and how you tried to stand in front of whatever you had on the counter. 

“No, it’s my ey–” he stopped himself, not needing to tell you so much. Instead, Yoongi stepped into the kitchen, hands inside his sweatpant pockets. “What are you doing in here?”


Your answer came short and suspicious, so Yoongi cocked his head to the side, eyes moving from your makeup-free face to the blue box behind you. Yoongi could only see a corner of it, but it was still enough for him to recognize it. With a chuckle, he asked: 

“Is that Namjoon’s secret hot chocolate stash?”

“Maybe.” again, you gave him a short answer and tried to walk closer to the counter to block his view, but as you winced when your hip hit the marble, you took your losses and sighed in defeat. “Yeah, it is.”

“How did you find it?” 

“It wasn’t that hard, really. It was behind the condom box in the pantry.” you shrugged, moving to give Yoongi space next to you. 

You smelled of ginger and sugar, no doubt having taken a shower in the guest bathroom; Yoongi used it at some point after you, but hated all of the spare Holiday themed body washes available there. Clearly the sickly sweet gingerbread products mixed well with your usually floral scent. 

Yoongi was so distracted by how soft and sweet you looked that he almost missed what you just said. 

“He keeps his condoms in the pantry?” Yoongi scoffed, watching your pouty lips turn into a smile. 

“Hey, you never know where you might need one.” your shoulders raised and dropped as you picked up the blue box and turned it over. “But I think he put them there in case the kids went looking for it. The chocolate powder, not the condoms–”

Yoongi’s laugh was a little loud as he pictured Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook hunting for this box of chocolate powder and being deterred by the sight of the condoms. Not that they weren’t mature enough to deal with it, but the teasing and laughs might have been distracting enough. 

“If you're trying to be sneaky, you shouldn’t be taking so long to make it.” the man looked over his shoulder to make sure the rest of the apartment was still quiet. 

“I’d be done already if I could read these damn instructions!” you groaned cutely, offering Yoongi the box. “It’s all in german… or french.” 

“It’s hot chocolate.” his eyebrows furrowed as if you were speaking german or french. “You don’t need instructions.”

“Then how will I know how much milk to use?” you folded your arms to your chest, too offended to realize that maybe you shouldn’t do that when your shirt was that light and you weren’t wearing anything underneath. 

If you noticed the way his eyes lingered on the soft mounds of your chest that looked round and plump, you didn’t show. “Just use enough.” 

“Enough? What kind of measuring method is that?” 

“One that works.”

“Maybe if Joon had used enough salt instead of enough sugar we would have been able to eat his curry.” you teased under your breath, choosing to trust Yoongi’s process for the time being. 

Satisfied, the man walked behind you to open the high cabinet and grab two mugs of slightly different capacities, turning around slowly enough to catch you staring at his back. 

“How much milk do you want to drink?” he offered, but you looked confused, so he simplified: “Which mug do you want?”

“The Monet one.” was your confident reply, but Yoongi had to turn both mugs so he could study them properly. “I can’t believe you had to look– That one is obviously a Pollock!” 

“Do you want me to make this for you or teach me about art?” 

Yoongi was cute when he was flustered, you decided. 

Or when he looked at your tits and thought you didn’t notice. 

The kitchen might be darker than usual, but not dark enough to make you miss the way his cheeks flushed or how his lips twitched just a tiny bit when you were staring at his broad shoulders in such a revealing sleep shirt. 

“No reason we can’t do both. I’m a great multitasker.” you nudged his arm with your elbow, a lot more at ease now than you had been the rest of the night. 

You might not know as much about art as the owner of the mugs, but Hoseok had taken you to enough museums for you to acquire a few interesting facts you wouldn’t mind sharing with Yoongi. 

If only he wasn’t so distracting. 

Yoongi’s red hair was soft and messy as he moved around the kitchen with the stealth of a cat, grabbing the milk from the fridge and pouring it into your chosen mug. The long locks weren’t styled anymore, falling in tiny waves as if he’d laid on top of them after a shower. One particular strand was sticking up when he ran a hand through as he waited for the microwave to heat up the milk. 

Before the machine could beep, he stopped the timer and took the mug out, using a spoon you had already put aside to even out the heat. 

“Give me your hand.” his words took a little longer to compute into your brain, but you offered him your right hand with your palm facing up. Yoongi’s touch was warm and careful as he turned it over to spill a drop of milk onto the back of it. “Is this okay?”

You knew he was asking about the temperature of the drink, but it felt like something more when his hand was still holding yours and his thumb rubbed gentle circles on your skin. 


“Now we add the cocoa.” Yoongi reluctantly let go of your hand, pink tongue poking between his lips in concentration as he went for the hot chocolate box to take out a packet, tear the edge and pour the powder into your milk. “See? Enough.”

“Thanks, Yoongi.” you held the mug on both hands, bringing it up to your lips and taking a careful sip. The temperature was perfect to warm your insides, but not enough to burn, and the chocolate was sweet but not overwhelmingly so. "This is so good." 

"No problem." he was clearly satisfied after doing something for you, a soft and perfectly kissable smile molding his lips. "Are you going back?"

"Where?" you asked after swallowing the newest sip.

"Just thought Hoseok might be waiting for you." Yoongi avoided your eyes as he said it and it made something inside you sit uncomfortably against your stomach. 

"He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow." you told the man, reality turning a little bitter as you knew what Yoongi was likely thinking about. "Probably snoring right now, so I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway." 

"Ah, yeah, he can get pretty loud, especially after drinking." Yoongi offered you a laugh, but it felt heavy. His back rested against the wall opposite to you and his cat-like eyes stared at a spot on the floor. "I’m sorry you have to deal with that."

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean… You live with him." his reply sounded more like a question, like he was fishing for something else. 

And then it clicked. 

"Yeah, but we don’t sleep in the same bed." you told him honestly, resting your back against the counter, both hands holding the mug like a lifeline. "I have my own room."

"Oh." Yoongi was nibbling on the inside of his bottom lip and you let him form his next thoughts. “Is that a Hoseok thing?”

“It’s a me thing.” you clarified. “I only sleep with people I’m dating.”

Yoongi’s mouth formed an ‘ahh’, but no sound came out. Slowly his posture started to relax again, whatever right thing you said enough to quiet his mind, at least a little. Your insides felt a little fuzzy, butterflies starting to shake their wings in your stomach again. 

“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” you took a leap of faith, eyes meeting his over the rim of your mug. 

Yoongi’s face scrunched as if he was offended, throwing back: “When was I jealous?”

“At dinner, when I chose to sit next to Jimin.” you tutted, knowing he couldn’t deny that. “Just now when you thought I sleep in Hobi’s bed every night.” 

“I wasn’t jealous.”

“No?” maybe hot cocoa had the power to make you braver than wine did. “That’s too bad, then. I was hoping you were.” 

“Why?” Yoongi asked with the slow lowering of his eyes. 

And you knew you wouldn’t get another chance like this so soon again. With the holidays coming up, all of the boys would be busy with their families, Yoongi might go back to Daegu and who knows what part of the world Hoseok might drag you to. You saw an opportunity and you could run away and regret it later or you could take it. 

You could get over the embarrassment of a rejection.

“Because then I wouldn’t be the only one interested.” the surprise you read in Yoongi’s face was surprising to you too, making you frown: “Don’t tell me Hoseok didn’t tell you.”

“He might have said something harmless.” it was your turn to frown, so he carried on, “He just said that we’d get along well, but I knew that already.”

“Oh. Then did I just out myself?” your laugh was small and a little shy, your mug of hot choco suddenly looking very interesting. 

“Not quite. I heard you… Game night, six months ago.” Yoongi’s hands slipped into his pockets, arms bulging slightly against his white shirt sleeves. “When you said you’d pick me as a date.”

“That’s embarrassing.” your laugh was self deprecating as your stomach dropped. “You’ve known about my crush for at least six months now and if you didn’t do anything, so–”

“It’s not that I didn’t want to do something about it, but you only had six other choices.” Yoongi countered, standing a little straighter as if thinking about coming closer to you. “Some of those options aren’t that great, so it’s not like you picked me from all of South Korea–”

“And if I told you I still would?” you let your mug clink gently against the marble, the action providing a distraction from facing the man head on. 

“Then I might do something.” 

Both of your palms rested on the counter behind you while you looked at Yoongi. As always, he held your gaze. As always, it made your knees threaten to give out. You could cut the tension with a blade, the air between the two of you charged and hefty. It felt like you just crossed an imaginary line that neither of you could come back from; not without making a big change. 

Yoongi was the one to break the silence, but you almost wished it had stayed. 

“You’re with Hoseok.” 

“I’m not, though. Not really.” you tried, but having to justify your workfield was tiresome. Still, you said: “I can separate my job from my personal life.”

“I’m not sure if I can.” 

Your smile was pained, but understanding. There was a reason you’ve never been on a real, propper date after you became a playmate. It was difficult for people to accept it, to understand you had no deeper feelings for your clients, that you could separate the intimacy you had with Hoseok from the one you’d share with Yoongi –or anyone else for that matter–. 

But you guessed that, Hoseok and Yoongi being as close as they were, it would make things a little more complicated. 

“I can respect that.” you tried to show him you weren’t upset, swallowing your own disappointment. “Sorry if I made it weird between us.”

“You didn’t.” he assured you, taking a step and looking at the kitchen entryway. “You couldn’t.”

If Yoongi was looking at an easy way out, you wouldn’t stop him. But–

“Hey, Yoongi?”


“I would still pick you.” 

It took a lot from you to not dodge Yoongi’s eyes, when you knew you’d be able to read them like a book. The windows of the soul, is that not what they say? And you weren't sure what you might find. 

Annoyance for your insistence?

Disgust for what you were still offering despite Hoseok’s marks still fresh on your body?

Pity for thinking that someone like you could have someone like him? 


What you saw was a dark shadow threatening to swallow you whole. You saw desire and you saw whatever was holding him back leave him as Yoongi said:

“Fuck it.” 

Yoongi’s steps were faster than your brain synapses could communicate to yourself what was going on, his wide and surprisingly muscular frame towering over you. His chest hit yours and you might have lost balance if it wasn’t for the kitchen counter behind you and a hand slipping to the back of your neck to hold you in place. 

Your gasp was smothered by Yoongi’s lips as they captured yours, so much emotion and want pouring from his mouth and into yours in the form of his tongue pushing its way in. It was too much. It wasn’t enough. 

Your hands grabbed onto the front of Yoongi’s shirt, keeping him there as you kissed him back with just as much desperation. The intense flicks of his tongue gave way to heavy breaths as the two of you were driven into madness way too fast. 

His lips left yours first and you could feel his body vibrating with adrenaline, or maybe it was yours, you couldn’t be sure. Your eyes opened up slowly as you felt his thumb trace your bottom lip.

“Always wanted to do that.” the admittance came easily as you giggled, staring at his lips that started to swell. “Was it too much?”

“It was one hell of a first kiss.” you were still breathless, fingers untangling from his shirt as you smoothed out the fabric. 

Yoongi’s pecs flexed under your touches, making you bite your bottom lip and sigh quietly. He smelled so much of grapefruit and musk, something masculine and incredibly attractive that was making you crave something sweeter than hot cocoa. 

“Can I have a second one?” Yoongi’s fingers lifted your chin so you’d look at him, noses bumping as you nodded. 

Both of his hands found their way to your hips, lifting you up just enough so your ass could rest on top of the counter. In your surprise, you knocked your mug sideways, gasping as you both watched it twirl and merely topple over. 

“Oh, shit–” you covered your mouth as both you and Yoongi looked at the entrance, expecting anyone to come rushing in after the noise. 

“Careful, baby.” Yoongi warned as his lips found your cheek. 

Shivers covered you all over, eyes fluttering as you melted under his kisses and raspy words. “One kiss and I’m already baby?” 

“Do you not like that?” Yoongi’s rough laugh scratched your skin just right as his lips covered your jaw in tiny pecs. 

If only he knew how much you liked it. How much his voice alone could drive you down the road to insanity, how his wandering hands could take you out of this world if he wanted them to. 

But that was enough talking for now. 

You meekly parted your knees to open space for Yoongi’s hips to slot between yours, thighs pressing against his sides as his face pulled back just shy of kissing your neck. Both of your hands went to his neck while his were on your thighs and you pulled him closer for the promised second kiss. 

Unlike the first kiss, this one wasn’t rushed. Yoongi’s lips pressed against yours at first, moving slowly to coax you to do the same. Slightly rough and calloused fingers traced patterns on your thighs, rubbing your skin in circles that were almost too distracting. When you couldn’t take it anymore, you were the one to gently swipe your tongue between his lips, earning you a smirk that you couldn’t see, but could feel. 

Yoongi’s hum was purr like again, sending tingles all over your body until it settled between your legs. His head tilted to the left as his mouth opened to give you space to deepen the kiss, but the control of the speed was entirely his. One of his arms circled your waist to pull your body closer to his, keeping you entirely on the edge and forcing you to cling to him. 

“Jungkook, you better not be drinking my– Oh, shit.” at the new voice, both you and Yoongi parted from each other, your feet touching the ground as you jumped from the counter and Yoongi wiped his lips. Namjoon was absolutely mortified at interrupting you, eyes wide. “Fuck. Sorry, hyung. I just came to– Y’kNow what, neverming, I’ll just–”

Namjoon was trying to leave, pointing to a random spot behind himself, but then he froze. You knew he noticed his special box of hot cocoa that he brought all the way from Switzerland and the little mess you made on the counter. His jaw dropped lower than when he caught you and Yoongi making out and you didn’t want to be there when it closed and locked. 

“Excuse me–” 

You grabbed Yoongi by the wrist, who was just as deer-caught-in-headlights as Namjoon was, dragging him out of the kitchen with you. You had to squeeze past the owner of the stolen cocoa powder, wishing a tiny ‘goodnight’ as you disappeared down the hall. 

The two of you were laughing as you ran away from the crime scene, both leaning back against opposite walls. The whole thing might not be that funny, but you were still very much drunk on Yoongi’s kiss to really care. 

“Great timing.” you shook your head as your laughs dwindled, pushing a hand through your hair.

“Fuck, I know.” Yoongi wheezed, hands in his pocket as he tried and failed to adjust himself without you noticing. 

“I guess this is goodnight, then?” you licked your bottom lip, heart heavy from the thought of ending things right now, not really making a move to open the bedroom door separating you from a snoring Hoseok. 

“Mm.” Yoongi looked conflicted, so you waited until his words elicited a reaction of your body that had you melting. “I don’t want to let you go back in there tonight.” 

“Then don’t.” 

Yoongi looked at his own bedroom door, twisting the handle and pushing it open. He wouldn’t make you go in if you weren’t interested, you knew him enough to be sure he wouldn’t even make a big deal out of it. But the silent invitation was still there, one you took regardless of the consequences. 

You walked into the room first, flicking the light switch and blinking slowly as your eyes got used to the new, sudden brightness. You could feel Yoongi watching you and following you, clicking the door closed and locking you in a way that you couldn’t be interrupted again. 

Not one bedroom inside Joon’s apartment was the same as the others. While the one Hoseok currently occupied was filled with small sculptures and an expensive moon jar, this one held a very impressive book collection. It was easy to get distracted by all of the titles as you asked:

“Do you think Namjoon read all of these?” 

“He did.” Yoongi was a lot closer than you expected, hands meeting your hips as lips found your shoulder. “These are all books he has already read. The unread ones are in the piles around the house.” 

“I don’t know how he finds the time, with how busy you guys are.” it was easy to melt into Yoongi’s chest, head tipping when his lips found your throat. 

“We find time for the things that are important to us.” 

“And what’s important to you?” you turned around to face Yoongi, smiling as his arms circled around your middle. 

You didn’t think of Yoongi as a person who needed or really cared for physical contact, not like Hoseok. He was always running away when Taehyung tried to cuddle him, and groaned and pulled faces when Jungkook tried to get away with it. But ever since your first kiss, he seemed to find a way to be touching you. 

And you were more than okay with that. 

“My work.” came his reply and your smile only grew. 

“Why did I think you'd say that?” 

“Maybe I'm predictable.” he shrugged nonchalantly. 

“Hardly.” you might be living your dream as you felt brave enough to circle Yoongi’s neck, bringing your fingers into his red hair, hearing the rumble from his chest as you dragged your nails through his scalp. “Is that why you haven't gotten a playmate? Because you already get everything you need out of your work?” 

“Not exactly.”

“You can tell me if you don't like what I do. I know it's not for everybody.” you assured him, even if you knew it would sting to find out he thought little of you for what you did for money. 

“That's not it either.” he shook his head with a tiny squeeze to your waist. “Do you really want to know?”

“All this suspense is killing me, babe.”

“It's not a big deal.” his nervous laugh told you otherwise. 

Yoongi loosened his hold on you to walk to the edge of his bed, patting the spot next to him so you’d join him there. Now that the light in the room let you see better than when you were in the kitchen or hallway, you noticed how Yoongi’s neck was a little red, how his bottom lip was a little puffy and how his sweatpants didn’t really hide the outline of his–

“Seok and I decided we wanted to hire playmates at the same time.” he started, making your attention shift. 

“I know, I had meetings with each of you.”

Meeting possible clients was part of the hiring process, after forms had been written and files had been read, to make sure that the playmates and idols really clicked in real life as well as on paper. And you’d never forget the first day you met Hoseok; the same day you met Yoongi, too. 

“We both picked you.” he professed, avoiding your curious looks as his cheeks matched his hair. “We didn't know until we brought your name to our manager and he told us we either had to share you or talk it out and decide who got you. 

“You let Hoseok have me, didn't you?”

“I'm not good with sharing.” 

Despite the surprise that Yoongi had chosen you that day, too, and just decided not to pick one of your other colleagues if he couldn’t have you, you understood why he backed down and let Hoseok be the one to hire you. 

Because that was the type of person that Yoongi was. The kind of man that puts his friends' needs before his wants. He was selfless enough to realize that Hoseok needed you more than he did. 

“Are you upset?” your silence was misinterpreted as Yoongi reached to push your hair behind your ear. 

“Just wondering what would’ve happened if I worked for you and not for him.”

As much as it excited you to think about scenarios where you lived with Yoongi and saw the world through his eyes, helping him decompress after long hours in the studio, being the first to hear his songs… You wouldn’t change anything. Because by working for Hoseok, you got to know Hoseok. 

You became his friend, his confidant, someone he could trust. And he meant all the same to you. 

“I don’t think we would’ve worked well together.” 

It was your turn to worry when Yoongi frowned. “How come?”

“I just think it would be a little hard for me to not blur the lines with you.” your hands were resting on your lap and despite the soothing hot cocoa you had not that long ago, you felt more awake than ever. “I know myself. Feelings would get involved if I worked for someone like you.”

“There are no lines to blur now.” 

You watched as Yoongi’s long fingers danced across your thighs. Despite the suggestive nature of those touches and the tingles that covered your skin resulting from them, his goal was to link his pinky finger with yours. 

And you never wanted to fuck a man more. 

“Fuck it.” 

You were the one throwing caution to the wind this time, sending a leg over Yoongi’s and straddling his hips. His reaction time was a lot shorter than yours as he held your waist to help you settle on his lap. His smile was knowing and his gums were pink and you just–

“Although, if I was working for you, we could be doing this for a lot longer now.” you reasoned, hand finding the hairs on his nape. 

“Guess we better make it up for lost time, then.” 

With his palm flat on your back and an arm sneaking under your ass, Yoongi flipped the two of you around fast enough to make you gasp, but still careful to not make you dizzy. You were giggling as he laid you on your back, head on the pillows and body between your legs. 

You had never seen him look so beautiful, hair all over the place, framing his gorgeous face, sharp eyes and soft everything else. Well, almost everything. You could feel a poke on the inside of your thigh, surprised that Yoongi held the beginning of his erection even through your conversation. 

Your upper body lifted from the mattress with the aid of your elbow, lips meeting Yoongi’s bottom one and sucking it into your mouth. Your free arm reached for his surprisingly small waist, fingertips finding the smooth skin under his shirt to pull him closer. 

As Yoongi’s body laid over yours and your back returned to the mattress, Yoongi’s stiffening cock pressed against your middle, making you gasp softly and his groan made you clench. You wanted to know what other noises he could make. 

The man above you searched for your lips, looking for a kiss, but you had other plans as you let go of his plump bottom lip to nip and kiss his jaw, mouth working over his soft skin, feeling his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard. 

Your hand was still under his shirt, discovering new planes of hard muscle and smooth skin. 

"Off." you whined, ever so eloquently. 

"Impatient?" Yoongi chuckled as his forehead fell against your shoulder and his hips rolled just once, making your whine more high pitched. 

"You have no idea." you giggled, looking up at Yoongi to see him separate his body from yours. 

The man was on his knees in a second, hooking fingers on the collar of his shirt and pulling it up and off his torso and arms, letting the fabric drop to the floor. 

Your hungry eyes followed every vein in his arms, strong biceps, large shoulders. The pretty flush that started on his wide neck and ended on sharp collarbones. His chest was bulging and defined, a perky pair of nipples, a lean stomach and faint happy trail centered under his cute bellybutton. 

You reached for him, nails dragging pretty patterns between his pecs, down his navel, as you watched the man tremble and bite his lips. 

Yoongi’s rough hands found your thighs, moving up and bringing the fabric of your shirt along with them. The more your skin was revealed, the lower his lids got. His hands were at the curve of your ass as you reached for his wrist.


Yoongi’s movements halted immediately, but your hold on his wrist didn't let him pull away completely. It warmed your heart as much as your pussy to hear him say: "We don't have to go any further tonight." 

"It's not that," you assured him, melting under his atent gaze and the small circles he was rubbing on your skin. "I have to warn you." 

Yoongi’s brows furrowed as he looked at your legs and then your face again, you could tell he was thinking really hard about this, so before he started picturing you having tentacles between your legs, or the tattoo of a mistletoe under your bellybutton, you let go of your hold on him to raise your oversized shirt above your hips. 

With how inexistent your personal sex life was, you never had to worry about this before, but you didn’t know how Yoongi would react to the marks Hoseok always left on your body. The fading bruises of his fingers on your hips, the purple love bite on the inside of your thigh. 

You knew he understood right away what you wanted to warn him about, and even faster how all of those little souvenirs were left behind by his best friend of all people. The lines between his brows worried you, but wouldn't hold it against him if he asked you to leave. 

"If this is weird–" 

"Hm." Yoongi’s hum interrupted you.

Maybe not the hum itself, not even the low register tone it came out on, but the two fingers that pressed against your middle, over your dark green underwear. 

"Sensitive?" he teased, pressing further, bringing the pads of his digits right above your clit. 

"Fuck–" your back arched as your hands grabbed the sheets underneath you and you spread your legs wider. "D-doesn't it bother you?" 

"I've seen Seok's aftermath before, baby." he told you with an arched eyebrow and ever moving fingers. You felt so damp, pussy clenching with every teasing circle that you almost missed his next promise: "Just gotta cover them with mine." 

"Oh, please–" 

"Yeah?" his smirk was as teasing as it was infuriating. “Now I want this off.” 

As his hand retreated you realized that he was talking about your panties. And you didn't think you'd ever deny him a request like that. 

You pulled your legs from around his body so you could hook your fingers on the elastic if your underwear to pull it down. And then you froze as you heard his words–

“Seok has told me about you, you know?” Yoongi’s fingers were dancing on the back of your thigh, encouraging you to keep going. 

“That's disgusting.” you reprimanded, hearing his chuckle in response. 

“Only good things, I promise.” he insisted, sticking his finger under the elastic of your underwear to pull and make it snap against your skin. As you continued to pull off the piece, finally kicking it off, he said: “Been told you're the sweetest he ever had. Is that true, baby?”

“I don't know.” you shrugged, dropping your legs back down and parting them. Even if you heard Hoseok say that before, you still played it coy. “You should try it for yourself.”

“Oh, yeah?” Yoongi laughed, knowing where you were getting at. 

“Unless you need to go ask Hoseok for permission–”

If you had teased Hoseok like this, you'd get a spank in response. Either a slap to your pussy, or he'd flip you over and make your ass red. 

But Yoongi… He didn't act on his instincts, despite the twitch of his fingers. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as one of his brows lifted as if daring you to continue.

And there was danger in such a man under control. Instead of wanting to rebel and act out, like it usually happened with Hobi, Yoongi made you want to be good, with just one look. 

“Do I need to?” his head was tilted as he watched you squirm and shake your head, hoping to distract him further by the raising of your shirt a little higher on your stomach. “Didn’t think so.” 

“Yoongi, please.” you whined as the man lowered himself between your legs. “I’ve heard things about you, too.” 

“Oh?” his chuckle was low and delivered against the inside of your thigh as he started to kiss it oh so gently. 

“No one had to tell me anything–” you sighed out as you felt his teeth pinching your soft skin. “But I listen to your songs.” 

Yoongi only hummed in response, but as you looked between your legs, you saw his cheeky little smile as he knew what you meant. The damn tongue technology he rapped about so much. And you were about to get a taste of it for yourself as Yoongi’s pretty lips came in touch with your pussy. 

You felt the warmth of his tongue slipping between your sticky folds as Yoongi moved it in long and slow strokes up and down, tasting you. He didn’t go straight for your clit, which was the case with many lovers before him, but the man took his time exploring you with his tongue. 

His hands slipped under your thighs to keep you close to his face as he kissed your pussy as if he wanted to make out with it. The licks were lazy but determined, making you a mess both literally and figuratively. As the tip of Yoongi’s tongue traced circles around your hole, your back arched off the bed and you let a strangled moan be released into the room. That same wicked tongue drew random patterns all over your cunt, finally reaching your clit to give it tiny flicks. 

Getting some relief where you wanted it most after what felt like ages of Yoongi licking you all over, every lick delivered to your clit felt like heaven. Pulling you even closer to his face, Yoongi’s lips wrapped around your clit and gave it slow and long sucks, making the prettiest satisfied sounds as you started to roll your hips upwards towards his face. 

He let you use his face as you chased your high, hand slipping into his hair to lead him to where you wanted him. Not that you had any pointers for him in the first place, especially not when his tongue started to work harder on your clit, with little swirls that you had never felt before. 

Yoongi kept a steady pace, head buried between your legs as he switched between pushing his tongue into your hole and playing with it on your clit. You knew you were getting too loud, biting your bottom lip to try and keep an inch of dignity, but as you felt the coil in your lower stomach tighten and burst after a harsher flick of Yoongi’s tongue, you regretted nothing. 

He stayed between your legs as you trembled with every wave of your orgasm, licking you slowly to help you ride it for as long as you needed to. Only when the pleasure started to web into sensitivity, you used the hand tangled in his hair to pull him up. 

“Seok was right–” 

“Do not talk about him right now.” you whined, meeting Yoongi half way to capture his lips with yours. 

The man let you lick his lips and push your tongue into his mouth, moaning in tandem as you tasted yourself so strongly in his smooth lips. Yoongi’s hands were on your waist a second, interrupting the kiss as he pulled your shirt up and out of you. His lips went to your neck a second later and as much as you would love to let him lay you back down as he was trying to do, but you had something else in mind. 

“Wanna ride you.” you whined, stopping him by holding his shoulders. 

“You can’t say shit like that–” Yoongi groaned, halting his movements as his forehead dropped to your shoulder. 

“You’re cute.” you giggled, kissing his face. 

Yoongi pulled back and away from you, lips pressed on a thin line as if he was trying to scold you. You licked between your lips and sneaked your hand between his legs, getting rid of his annoyance as you palmed his erection. Yoongi felt so hard and heavy, it was probably starting to hurt. 

Once his hips bucked into your hand, he moaned and shook his head. 

“Okay– I need to run to the pantry.” he laughed at how weird that sounded. 

“You don't have to. I'm clean and on birth control.” you told him as your hand kept working on his cock, tracing the outline, gently squeezing his shaft. “Unless it bothers you that Hobi and I…”

You trailed off. Yoongi was a smart man, and you had already settled that Hoseok did talk about having sex with you; even if you weren’t sure about what sorts of details he decided to keep to himself. You also knew that Yoongi understood the nature of your job, knew you had to be tested constantly –same goes to Hoseok and himself– and you wouldn’t be able to work if you weren’t completely clean and healthy. 

But he didn’t have to be okay with skipping protection just because you offered, and he had the right to know that you didn’t use one with his best friend. 

Upon realizing that you weren’t really helping him think clearly with your hand on his crotch like that, you pulled it away and watched his face go through a couple emotions. His eyebrows furrowed in though and his bottom lip was pushed out in a pout at the loss of your touch. You were patient with him, letting him think things through. But not a second later–

“Okay, I want to feel you.” Yoongi stammered as he moved to the headboard, making you laugh at his desperation. 

“You’re really cute, Min Yoongi.” 


The man was scoffing as he pulled his pants off his legs, throwing it to the side of the bed so it’d thump to the floor. And, well, Yoongi was a lot more than cute. His body proportion was incredible: muscular thighs despite having lean legs, a small waist that opened into a wide chest and strong shoulders. His cock was long and thick, the smooth tip covered in pearly beads of pre-cum. 

He looked painfully hard and you wanted it in your mouth. 

“Come sit on it, baby.” an invitation you couldn’t deny, so your desires would have to wait. 

“God, you’re big.” you chuckled as you sat on one of his thighs, a few inches away from his cock so that you could spit on your palm and bring your hand to him. “I can’t believe you’re not the biggest.” 


You moved your hand up and down on Yoongi’s shaft, covering him in your spit, pumping him a couple of times to get him ready for you. His head fell backwards against the headboard as his eyes fluttered closed. As your flist closed around his tip and you twisted your wrist to make him feel good, your lips met his neck. 

Yoongi’s skin was already flushed and red, getting bruised in a couple spots you sucked on harder. To explain what you meant, you said:

“You think Hoseok only tells you things?” you smiled against the base of his throat, stroking his cock a little faster just to hear his pretty moans. “I know all about you Bangtan boys.” 

“Fuck, then maybe I should tell you that if you keep doing that–” Yoongi groaned, moving his hips to fuck himself into your hand and groaning in response. 

“I know, Yoon, I got you.” 

With one last kiss to his throat, you threw your leg on the other side of him, effectively straddling him and bringing his cock to your folds. Yoongi held you by the hips as his face hid in your chest. The kisses he left on the mounds of your breasts made it harder to focus on lining yourself up with him, both of you so wet that he kept slipping and sliding up and down your dripping lips. 

“You already feel so good.” Yoongi’s moan was raspy as his fingers pressed harder against your sides. “Can’t wait to be buried inside you.” 

“I just–” your sigh turned into a high pitched moan as Yoongi fucked up into you, just once, just enough to slip the tip of his cock into your clenching hole as you were obviously having a bit of a hard time doing so. “Jesus fuck–!”

“Shhh, breathe for me, baby.” he soothed with lips kissing your skin to find your nipple so he could suck it into his mouth. 

Your thighs were trembling as you started to sink down on his lap, inch by inch, taking your time. Yoongi’s tongue was playing with your hard nipple, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to find your clit. His thumb found it with ease, drawing lazy, slow circles to make you relax further and forget about the ache of the stretch of your walls around his cock. 

“There we go, almost there.” he coaxed you gently and his cock went so deep already that you were a little dizzy at how you still had a few inches to go. 

“Yoongiiiii.” you whined once you were seated on his lap, cock hard and shoved deep inside you. 

Your head fell against his shoulder as your chests pressed together, both of you breathing sharply and trying to gather your bearings. The man under you kept rolling circles on your clit as his free hand soothed you by running up and down your back and his lips didn’t seem to leave your skin. 

“Doing so well for me.” his voice was rough, delivered in a mumble next to your ear and making you clench around him. “So tight, shit, baby.” 

Your arms circled his neck as you settled on his lap, knees pressed against the mattress as you started to move your hips. Side to side, back and forth, trying out whatever felt good. Soon enough the ache of stretch was completely gone as your walls got used to the new girth. Your thighs might kill you tomorrow, but tonight you’d make Yoongi feel good. 

The man held you by the waist, helping you with some of the work as he positioned himself with his feet on the mattress to fuck into you as you rode him into oblivion. There was no way you wouldn’t be heard if someone walked down the hall, your moans mixing with Yoongi’s groans. 

Soon enough you couldn’t hold your body up anymore, legs too weak compared to the idol’s stamina –a problem made even worse when it came to keeping up with dance King Jung Hoseok–. But just like Hobi, Yoongi was a generous lover. 

The tap on your ass let you know that Yoongi was okay with doing most of the work, which was proven to be true as he started a ruthless pace of fucking into you hard and fast, just how you needed him to. 

You didn’t know if he’d gotten tips from his best friend, or if he was just that good when it came to reading your body and listening to your sounds, but, goddammit, he was fucking you good. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck–” you were holding on by a thread, nails drawing crescent moons on his shoulders as you took everything Yoongi was giving you. 

“Yeah?” the man was cocky as he uttered the single word against your chest, tits bouncing on his face. 

“Right there, oh my god!” 

Yoongi found the spot inside you that was making you see stars, following your request and hitting it over and over and over and over again. You didn’t realize you weren’t even breathing until your lungs started to burn, making you gasp as blood rushed through your brain so fast that you grew a little dizzy. 

Your orgasm caught you by surprise, making you melt against Yoongi’s body, limbs locking and muscles twitching. Your ears were buzzing as your walls clamped down around Yoongi, sucking him in so hard that he could barely continue fucking into you as he chased his own high. 

“Baby–fuck! W-where do you want it, hm?” his arms wrapped around you to hold you steady. 

“Inside, please, I want you–” 

Your mouth was spilling obscenities of how you wanted Yoongi to stuff you full of his cum, how you wanted it dripping down your legs, words and the squeezing of your pussy around him making him lose his shit and fuck you with two long strokes before doing just that. His warmth spilled inside you, filling you up in more ways than one. 

You felt hot to the touch, bothered in the best way at the way you felt so full. Yoongi held you against him through his orgasm, hips dropping onto the mattress as you rested on top of him, fighting for breath. 

“That was–” 

Before you could complete the phrase, Yoongi held your face carefully, pressing his lips against yours. It was much too sweet for how hard he just fucked you and it made you impossibly shy. You had a dopey grin that matched his as he pulled away from your lips. 

Yoongi’s red hair was messy and sticking to his forehead and neck, bottom lip bitten red, eyes lowered and pupils blown. 

“This might not be the best time to ask,” he started, making you frown. “But will you go out with me?” 

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

DECEMBER 24TH | 09:13

“Oh, we’re having hotteok?” a very sleepy Hobi was walking out of his bedroom, dragging his feet one after the other as he rubbed one eye with the back of his fingers. 

“Hotteok for my Hoseok.” you were giggling as his arms wrapped around you and his face hid in the crook of your neck. 

A fake cough and clearing of a throat made Hoseok laugh against your shoulder. You bit back a giggle as you heard Yoongi complain: “I’m right here, you know?” 

Not that you could forget the presence of the man making your days a little happier and parts of you a little fuller. Hoseok, on the other hand, was a little surprised to find his best friend in his apartment that early in the morning. 

Your client peeled himself off of your back before wishing a “Merry Christmas, darling.” turning around to greet his friend: “Merry christmas, hyung. Don’t look so offended, at least I don’t kiss her in front of you anymore.” 

Ever since that fateful night in Namjoon’s apartment where you bonded over a cup of hot cocoa and Yoongi fucked your brains out, the two of you started seeing each other. In the biblical sense as much as any other. Not only did you find out how much you had in common, the two of you seemed to click effortlessly. 

Just because you were getting to know each other in more intimate ways, going on dates and whatnot, didn’t mean you were going to quit your job. Neither did Yoongi want you to do that, he assured you as much. But the three of you were still learning how to navigate the fact that you still had a service to provide for your client and was getting into your first relationship in years. 

Yoongi knew there were days he couldn’t come over because his best friend needed some alone time with you, but he really didn’t like it when Hobi would kiss you on the mouth when he was around. 

Hoseok had gotten annoyed once or twice when Yoongi would invite himself into his studio just because you were there, being in the way of things he needed to get done, but you always pointed out that this was exactly what he asked for when he decided to set you up. 

You were still learning how to handle both men at the same time, afraid you might be giving one more attention than the other, scared of upsetting either of them, but you kept reminding yourself that they weren’t sharing you. The part of you that belonged to Yoongi was not the same that provided comfort to Hoseok. 

“What are you even doing here anyway?” Hoseok asked with no real bite, accepting the plate of hotteok you put together for him. “Thought you were having brunch with your brother and his fiancé?” 

“I am, but I had to drop off some things.” Yoongi told the man while Hoseok sat on the tall bench of his kitchen island to eat. 

“Is that code for getting his dick wet?” Hoseok asked you, making you snort as you leaned over the island and threw an arm over Hoseok’s shoulder. 

“It’s code for bringing you a christmas gift.” you told him with a soft smile, watching Hobi’s face contort in happiness as he chewed faster. 

“You promised you’d only tell him after I left.” Yoongi complained from the couch, sending you a harmless glare. 

“And let you miss this face?” you were still smiling as you watched Hobi’s happiness, arm dropping from his shoulder so you could go and meet Yoongi a few meters ahead. “Never.”

“I almost regret getting you a gift, too.” Yoongi grumbled, making you walk a little faster. 

“You did?!” you gasped, as you hadn’t expected Yoongi to get you anything when you weren’t going out for that long in the first place. “Let me open it!”

Yoongi looked reluctant as he thought about whether or not he should let you open his gift in front of him. But as you sat beside him and sent him your best pout and puppy-eyes, had no choice. 

The man was good at many things, but saying no to you wasn’t one of them. 

You watched with giddiness as he opened his backpack and pulled out a gift; white wrapping paper with tiny mugs printed all over it. As soon as the package was in your hands, you tore through it, revealing the book– 

“‘101 ways to make hot chocolate’?” you giggled, looking at him in time to see his pink cheeks. “I bet nowhere in this book I’ll find ‘enough’ in the 101 recipes.” 

“You never know.” Yoongi grinned and you wouldn’t put it past him if he crossed every single measuring unit and wrote ‘enough’ with a pen. 

A new presence made itself known as Hoseok sat on the arm of the couch behind you, after finishing his breakfast. He sounded happy as he said: 

“Look at you two, having your own inside jokes.” 

“Don’t be jealous, you know you’ll always be Yoongi’s favorite.” you teased over your shoulder, looking through your new recipe book. 

“I don’t agree with that.” Yoongi scoffed, taking the discarded wrapping paper and scrunching it up into a ball. 

Hoseok was laughing and playing offended as you excused yourself to rush into your room to get Yoongi’s Christmas present. When you came back into the living room, the two men were talking about schedules and how Hobi would make sure to have his room next to Yoongi’s to make sure you could spend time with both of them when you left for the PTD concerts in America. 

“This is yours.” you chirped, handing Yoongi an envelope. 

“Oh?” the fact that it was an envelope and not a box, made him visibly relax. At least until he opened it, beautiful face splitting into a gummy grin. “Monet's Immersive Experience?”

You shrugged, explaining: “Since I need to teach you everything about art.” 

LY: Love You Right | MYG | One Shot

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Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?
Who Would You Go On A Trip With?

who would you go on a trip with? ✈️🌎

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9 months ago
BTS Summer Package 2017 ScansMusy Credit If You Repost Anywhere
BTS Summer Package 2017 ScansMusy Credit If You Repost Anywhere
BTS Summer Package 2017 ScansMusy Credit If You Repost Anywhere
BTS Summer Package 2017 ScansMusy Credit If You Repost Anywhere
BTS Summer Package 2017 ScansMusy Credit If You Repost Anywhere

BTS Summer Package 2017 Scans Musy credit if you repost anywhere


Its party time!

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8 months ago

Ate and left no crumbs. All of of them.

When Will He Start Paying Rent?
When Will He Start Paying Rent?
When Will He Start Paying Rent?
When Will He Start Paying Rent?
When Will He Start Paying Rent?

when will he start paying rent? 😔

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