kuki-land - Kitkat's Wonder
Kitkat's Wonder

Gender: YES , A Wild card?: YES , Still vibing?: YES? (A very questionable crackheaded fox who saids that sleep & happiness is for the mentally rich) ⚰️🕯🛌🌟

28 posts

You Know, After Watching A Video On How Maybe Mercy Should Have Some Sort Of Burst Energy On Healing

You know, after watching a video on how maybe mercy should have some sort of burst energy on healing for overwatch 2 I realize how her Rez could charge or give a burst of healing while rezing someone with it increasing the healing for a short while if that makes sense🧐

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    wandaearp liked this · 2 years ago
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    burgledurgle liked this · 2 years ago
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    s27hey-its-renee liked this · 2 years ago
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    fiesty-fishbiscuit liked this · 2 years ago
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    dadtrap-the-nonbinary-pirate liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Kuki-land

4 years ago

Welp time to reblog this beautiful post ;)

Reblog If Your Blog Is Safe For

Transgender people

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Bisexual people

Genderfluid people

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Straight allies of the lgbtqpiad community


2 years ago

Bro just imagine being so fuck with communications that one innocent question or conversation can make you feel sweaty more faster than being in the desert and ur brain slamming the run button like ur sanity depends on it like…

fUCK Me I’m TRyIng To LIVE😭😭😭😭😭

4 years ago

Um hello! I'm Kuki-Land! I also go by Kitkat's Wonder on Instagram. :)

I have no idea how tumblr function here but I'll try my best to learn! Also I hope to anyone who reads this is having a fantastic Sunday, if not then I'll curse you to have a fabulous Sunday >:3

2 years ago

Bro like I’m laughing at peoples reaction on Chris’s performance on Mario’s voice but wait until they hear French Mario VA then that’s when all hell breaks lose but not in the way that you think 😂😂😂😂😂

😌🍵 ah I can’t wait. I can almost hear it perfectly…

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3 years ago

Why do I feel like that would be something that would happen to one of my friends? XD

DJSS: My death will probably be caused by me being sarcastic at the wrong time.