kumaminz - Hit the Books
Hit the Books

Cherry🍒! |•| side blog for fic recs |•| this blog supports writer's rights |•| soft for 7 men only & occasionally for the one that has spider powers

722 posts

Demigod!jungkook (son Of Zeus!au) With Daughter Of Hades!reader

Demigod!jungkook (son Of Zeus!au) With Daughter Of Hades!reader

demigod!jungkook (son of zeus!au) with daughter of hades!reader 

part 1 | part 2

warning: death of character, some gross fluff, and lots of percy jackson references

note: thank you to whoever requested this! hope you like it 

Demigod!jungkook (son Of Zeus!au) With Daughter Of Hades!reader

“Oh my god, Jungkook! Jungkook!” You cry, angry tears streaming out of your face as the clouds darken and thunder rolls loudly, as if they’re mourning their demigod with you. 

You scream as you stand protectively over Jungkook’s fallen figure and raise your hands towards the sky of the Underworld, tears streaming down your face and rain soaking the both of you as the monster in front of you roars and begins to charge towards your direction. 

Fire begins to flicker at your fingertips and the ground begins to rumble as you focus your energy, the anger, the injustice, and the vengeance over Jungkook’s death into your hands. Slowly, a dark hole begins to open up from the ground, emitting horrid groans and wails from the creatures that were cursed to Tartarus forever. You’d only heard about the children of Hades being able to open portals to Tartarus, but you now realize that the focused energy from your hands, along with the thunder and lightning that Jungkook had summoned was helping you channel the power enough to do so. 

The monster trips into the hole and roars, wrenching his foot to try and get out, but there is no use. You watch in horror as immediately, ghostly hands of souls lost forever in Tartarus begin to grip at his horns, his skin, skeletal figures climbing onto him and dragging him down, down, until his roars and the cries of the lost souls seem to have disappeared forever. 

You collapse on the ground as the hole closes up, and the darkness fades. One of the hellhounds bound up to you, no longer afraid of the hole you’d opened up, and licks your face and whines as he butts your hand with his head. 

You open your eyes, breathing heavily, tears streaming down as you turn, your whole body burning with overuse and exhaustion as you pull yourself up and kneel next to Jungkook’s body. 

His handsome face is matted with blood and dirt, and the rain cakes his dark hair to his face that looks much paler and more gaunt than it did when the both of you left Camp Halfblood a few days ago. He’d jumped in front of the monster when you were distracted with fighting the other smaller minions, and the monster had completely pierced Jungkook’s torso with his horn. 

“Jungkook! Please,” You cry, rocking back and forth. “Please, no, you were my only good friend, the only person I could trust. Please, no, not again. I can’t lose you, too. Everyone that comes near me gets hurt, this is all my fault.” 

You cry, wailing in anger as you hold his corpse close, cradling his head against your chest as you watch the rain slowly wash the blood and dirt away. The hellhounds whine and lower their heads as they watch the both of you, and the fires of the Underworld around you seem to dim in honor of the demigod who’d given his life for the daughter of their King. 

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More Posts from Kumaminz

4 years ago

I’m so in love with this series! I particularly like that you’re not afraid to take your time with developing the relationships and that the boys are now seeing how selfless but self destructive the MC is. The way I weeped when I read: “Yet perhaps you had gotten lost in the moment, a little girl who overwatered the flowers because she didn’t know when to stop giving.” OOF that’s such a good line to summarize the MC’s characterization. fjdhfhadhkf so good. Well done!  

Rose & Thorns: 06


— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.

— pairing: dragon!namjoon x reader / future!bts x reader

— genre: angst / fluff / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au

— word count: 5.2k

— warnings: orphan reader, injuries, hurt and comfort

â•° part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6


“Save her. You have to save her. Forget about me, just save Y/N.”

Words that brought him back to that first moment Yoongi saw you for the first time in Jungkook’s arms, held protectively as his little maknae cried helplessly at your unconscious self.

Now, there was Namjoon, doing the exact same thing, something he knew the both of them had never known would ever come to be. Whatever had happened during those past few days with you and Namjoon lost and gone from the clan, Yoongi was sure you were responsible for his mate’s tears.

The dragon had fallen unconsious and the moment he brought back news of yours and Namjoon’s arrivial, the whole clan rejoiced.

At least, for Namjoon.

“Don’t crowd us. Take Namjoon to Seokjin’s nest,” Yoongi ordered. The healer had been staying up all night, anxiety weighing down on him because he felt responsible for yours and Namjoon’s disappearance. Yoongi and the others did tried to assure him otherwise but the healer had been too stubborn to listen to anyone else except for his mind. Yoongi only worried the sight of Namjoon would make him worse but at least their last mate came back home.

He watched as the little prince eyed the warrior that took Namjoon off for Seokjin’s medicine nest, saw the confliction in his eyes before the dragon was quick to turn back to Yoongi. “Y/N?” Jungkook asked, eyes glowing of a waterfall waiting to stream down at any moment and the older dragon’s heart fell. “You saw her too, right? She’s not alone out there, right?”

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4 years ago

• You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.

{Moodboard} {Character Profiles} {Playlist}

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8.1 | Chapter 8.2 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 coming soon…


[full masterlist]

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4 years ago

This was pleasant!! I love reading unrequited love that isnt actually unrequited, so much this was such a treat. The warnings are correct we love a trio of lovesick idiots! Also the road trip aspect was such a nice touch. Nothing brings out people's true colours like being stuck in a van/car for hours on end :)) great job and awesome commission!

potion 609 | pjm & ksj



✩ — pairing: seokjinx reader x jimin ✩ — genre: poly, magic au, roadtrip au, mutual pining, borderline crack, fluff, slight angst ✩ — words: 10.8k ✩ — rating: sfw ✩ — warnings: *sobbing* they’re so stupid man, they’re so stupid ✩ — notes: this took a bit longer than expected, if only because like everyone else in the world rn I’ve had a few unprecedented issues in my life pop up to deal with. I hope u all are well and if you’re not, that you get better soon. please enjoy this mess! <3

A four day roadtrip into the depths of the mountains with the two best friends you’ve recently realised you have feelings for is probably the last thing you need. It becomes a reality, though, when Seokjin and Jimin bring home a cursed doll that reacts with the potion you were making and lands you all cursed yourselves; both forced to say whatever comes to mind and bound to each other. Now stuck in close quarters with your two idiot best friends who for the life of them can not shut up for the foreseeable future while you venture to fix this, you’re beginning to doubt whether you or your heart can survive this trip in one piece.

masterlist | — posted; 24.03.2020

Potion 609 | Pjm & Ksj

“Oh my god… y/n. What have you done?”

You glare, hard, at the male standing dead in the middle of the room, currently in the midst of being accosted by two idiots you happen to call your best friends. If you hadn’t thought quick and chugged a silencing potion before frantically texting Namjoon, you have no doubt you’d be stuck in the same situation as them right now.

“Please, please, please help us!” Jimin is clutching your professor by the arms, shaking him like a madman. Some of the goo coating his soiled silken grey shirt flings onto your professor’s, and you watch him physically recoil. “I can’t live like this! Jin might be hot but he’s so incredibly stupid and if I have to listen to his unfiltered thoughts all day every day I’m going to lose my [quack]ing mind!”

As much as it pains you, you’re so stressed and exasperated right now that you can’t even laugh at the fact that your professor has spent all of two minutes in the room and already has cast one of his stupid censoring spells on the two of them.

“Excuse me?” Seokjin sounds, smacking Jimin on the arm. “You think I’m hot? Why don’t you tell me more often!! You know I like hearing it! You’re so stingy, honestly. No wonder y/n likes me more.”

At Seokjin’s unwitting confirmation of Jimin’s words, the shorter male turns a look of absolute plea to your professor, grip tightening. The man in his hold then turns to you, looking an odd cross between bewildered and annoyed. Before he says anything more, the two idiots continuing to bicker beyond him, a voice sounds from behind you.

“She can’t talk,” Namjoon supplies smoothly, stepping to your side and slinging his arm around your shoulder with a dimpled grin. “The potion seems to have had the opposite effect on her, oddly enough.”

You resist the urge to spin and pin the male with an impressed look at how smoothly he just pulled that out of his ass, especially after performing a strong silencing spell on you barely a minute ago.

“Well, these two can definitely talk,” your professor says, and the deadpan tone and expression coming from him, someone who is usually so mild mannered and sweet, almost makes you choke on your own spit. Even if you wanted to laugh, Namjoon’s silencing spells are no joke and you can’t let out even the slightest of chuckles.  “It seems that not only has the potion bound all those covered in its contents—the three of them—but these two in particular… It seems as though their filters are completely gone, and they’re just saying everything that comes to the top of their head. And I mean— everything.”

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4 years ago

Rose & Thorns: 05


— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.

— pairing: dragon!namjoon x reader / future!bts x reader

— genre: angst / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au

— word count: 7.3k

— warnings: orphan reader, injuries, reader keeps blaming herslef, hurt and comfort

â•° part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5


The two of you fell a long way but luckily (or unluckily) Namjoon dropped into the river of a waterfall that carried you both further away from where you had landed.

You stayed awake, crying aloud as the water surrounded the two of you, hurting your injured shoulder even more. But you knew that you couldn’t give up, not when Namjoon was unconscious and couldn’t do anything. So with great might and struggles here and there, you grabbed onto a rock from the rushing waters. Namjoon, who transformed into a human again since falling into the river, in one of your hand while the arm with your injured shoulder held onto the rock very tightly.

You pulled yourself up with great difficulty as cries escaped your lips from how hard it was and how much it was hurting your shoulder even more.

But you did it for Namjoon’s sake. He saved you from getting hurt even further, saved you from falling down alone, and held onto you tightly so that you’d be less injured than he was. Once you finally dragged him out of the waters and onto land, your energy ran out completely and you found yourself sprawled beside where he laid. 

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4 years ago

Rose & Thorns: 02


— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.

— pairing: dragon!jungkook x reader / future!bts x reader

— genre: angst / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au

— word count: 4.3k

— warnings: orphan reader, insecurities high, other members are jerks in here

â•° part 1 / part 2


It was a journey he never knew would be so long and hard. Had he really traveled that far from his clan? Jungkook couldn’t remember.

But by the time the clan came in sight from just over the fog that hid almost every part of the mountain, he let out a loud roar to alert the other dragons that were probably sleeping in the middle of the night, or in case a night patrol had been blinded by the darkness to see Jungkook approaching.

Lights were immediate to light up from every corner of the clan at the familiar sound of the seventh prince’s cry for help and dragons were quick to fly into the sky where they heard him.

“Jungkook!” The young dragon heard the familiar voice of Hoseok’s.

But his vision hazed and his wings began to fail him from the long journey he had taken, weak and hurt, and he fell down onto the ground, sliding for a short moment and the others were fast to surround the youngest of the seven princes.

“Jungkook, where have you—who is that?” Namjoon’s voice grew in anger at the sight of a human but Jungkook was quick to hide you away when the leader had hoped to grab you. He hid you behind his wings, pulling you close to his chest in fear of anyone harming you.

“You can’t hurt her, don’t hurt her,” he begged with a voice so weak the clan almost couldn’t recognize him. 

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