l-tumbling - caption

uhh hi! i like guilty gear and other stuff too.

41 posts

Ky Is Literally My Goat And Pfp So I Guess If I'm Gonna Procrastinate On My Homework Might As Well Spread

Ky is literally my goat and pfp so i guess if i'm gonna procrastinate on my homework might as well spread propaganda

Ky Kiske grew up as a child soldier in a 100 year war against an ontologically evil fantasy race (gears), who one day met the commander of the gears, Justice, and had the world's worst religious/moral/existential crisis when she went "maybe we were only an ontologically evil fantasy race because of US imperialism, huh? betcha didn't think of that".

When the gears stopping being ontologically evil after her death, he proceeded to resolve the world's other worst religious/moral/existential crisis of the daughter of Justice, Dizzy, after philosophizing about humanity's innate tendency to hurt each other and our worth in spite of it.

He then spends the next few years as a police officer wondering why all his superiors were so corrupt. This culminates with the Shadow Government coercing him into becoming a puppet king by threatening to reveal he wed and had a kid with Dizzy, whom the world still thought of as an ontologically evil fantasy race.

He had to hide both Dizzy and his child, Sin (Ky is notably a devout Catholic), while doing as the Shadow Government commanded. He is forced to reconcile with the sin of giving a child such a horrendous name (and also of not having the immediate courage to stand up to the Shadow Government, leaving his gear loved ones behind in the process), as both Ky, Sin, and Sol Badguy, Sin's caretaker / adopted father / grandpa (it's really complicated) have to fight a clone of Sol's dead wife, who was the aforementioned commander gear (the dead wife, not the clone.). Then when more clones of Sol's dead wife show up, and the shadow government tries to resurrect and subsequently pilot Justice, he has to wake up Dizzy from being frozen (due to copyright reasons) so she can use a Skeleton Divine Death Blast on her mom. This works perfectly and ends up with the majority of the Shadow Government dead and the world starting to see gears as more than an ontologically evil fantasy race. Then the totally-not-pope, who created the clones of Sol's dead wife tries to destroy humanity (due to thematic reasons), Ky teams up with Sol, Sin, those clones, and a catboy scientist wizard, to beat her up and revive Justice but without the PTSD of being used for US imperialism. This only works partially, because once she is revived, she gains DID, however this plot thread gets resolved in a way not immediately connected to his character, so we'll skip it for now.

Then, less than a year later, a time traveling rock and roll witch with depression (who sexually harasses and kills people as a coping mechanism) tries to become God and give humanity all that they wish for, but in like a bad way. Ky turns into a gear, which he can do now (probably because he had premarital sex with Dizzy), and beats her up, while the subtext philosophizes about how humans find fulfillment not solely in having our desires granted, but in striving to reach our dreams, and how our flaws make our existence worthwhile.

Also he helps a trans woman realize she's trans immediately after comparing her struggles to being a not-ontologically evil fantasy race, because this trans woman befriended Dizzy after attempting to murder her. PEAK FICTION. In the games he is a relatively basic shoto.

Ky Is Literally My Goat And Pfp So I Guess If I'm Gonna Procrastinate On My Homework Might As Well Spread

Dear guilty gear fandom

I am new, give me a reason to play your favorite character. Or don’t. Or do. I already said that but yeah. Sell me on the characters lore not the gameplay, I’ve never played a fighting game before besides smash and I don’t own the game yet.

Based on what I know the tags fit perfectly

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More Posts from L-tumbling

5 months ago

i like this for being cool and good !!!!! yeah

Asuka: So now that you're sapient, what should I do about Fredrick and Aria? They're working on transport to my current location. Sabotage is the most direct answer-

Asuka R#: Wait why?

Asuka: Well I can't let them up here? They'll destroy everything and I've spent so long making them a new life, destroying them would be a complete waste. I could go to the Backyard again...

Asuka R#: Did Fredrick say he still wanted to kill you? Or Aria?

Asuka: ...well no but going by previous interactions-

R#: Asuka. A hypothetical. Could they...just want to check on you? You left them, again, after taking the Flame of Corruption. And immediately absconded to Luna. Is there a possibility...that they are worried about you?

Asuka: I have ruined their life on multiple occasions, caused suffering on a scale only I can calculate, and have once again escaped any lasting consequences, due to their actions. It seems most likely they still harbor ill will. Now, what options would you suggest?

R#: Talk to them. Ask them. Your trauma and obsession with self-flagellation has ripped all logic from mind it seems. No wonder you created me. They were our friends. Our partners. Who knows how they feel now? You are simply willing data to exist to support your hypothesis.


Asuka: So Now That You're Sapient, What Should I Do About Fredrick And Aria? They're Working On Transport
5 months ago

see i agree with this but also think it's funny i'm voicing my opinion through a public social media blog. heh

There's something that I find equal parts hilarious and terrifying.

On one hand it is so funny watching the generation previous to mine (I was born in 84) absolutely say the most unhinged shit online, doxx themselves, and get fired, after spending my entire childhood teaching me online opsec because every stranger was a potential murderer. Social media done rotted their brains.

But on the other I'm seeing kids coming up, seeing them spew all their personals online, and using that to model their unsafe behavior and put themselves at incredible risk because the internet actually got way more dangerous than it was, ironically, when I was coming up being told I had to basically outsmart the fuckin CIA. Now the actual CIA and other bad actors (government, private, and individual) really are out there and these kids are watching fucking meemaw post a photo of the front of her house practically captioned with her fucking SSN and thinking, "yeah, sure, the adults know what's safe."

I gotta be a fuckin millennial about this and beg younger folx to listen to the VCR generation: hide yourself online. Nothing should go there you wouldn't want in the hands of the person who hates you the most.

Be safe, be smart, be a fucking ghost.

5 months ago

i wish i had a floating evil skull to follow me around and when we went to the grocery store she would say something like my liege we must purchase the strawberry cream cheese for the coming days and i would be like oh fuck youre so right and put it in my cart and then we would walk down the next aisle together our beautiful life

Tags :
5 months ago

this sounds pretty cool i should probably check it out some time before the end of the universe

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot saying that heaven and hell are a state of mind and nothing can obstruct you from salvation and the love of God except your own guilt. And despair being such a dooming force that even if Jesus were to appear in front of you himself and repeatedly remind you how much he loves you, hell, he'll try to hug you and wash your feet even, you can't be let free from the prison of suffering that you've confined yourself in. All because you're so disappointed in yourself that you're gripping the bars refusing to let go. How you cannot love God without first forgiving yourself. How the ultimate tragedy in this poignant dark comedy of a play is that Judas' damnation comes not from the fact that he betrayed Jesus, but from his self-disdain and perceived unworthiness that he basically condemned himself into an eternity of solitary anguish. I can go on about this play forever and ever. Do you get it.

The Last Days Of Judas Iscariot Saying That Heaven And Hell Are A State Of Mind And Nothing Can Obstruct
5 months ago

oh shit its peak

I’ve been curious about this for a while, but is there a reason that Asuka’s name is the way it is?

Because in Japanese it’s written 飛鳥=R=クロイツ.

I know 2/3rds of it is Christian R(osen)kreuz but why is his first name kanji? Is there any reason for this? Is it a reference? Even if it is a reference, he is not Japanese so wouldn’t it be アスカ=R=クロイツ ?

Is there some Asuka lore I don’t know about? Is it just an aesthetic choice/to make his name as wacky as possible? (I mean, a kanji, romaji, kana combo for a name isn’t something you don’t see every day).

This has been on my mind for weeks.

I don't have citations for any of this so take it all with a grain of salt because I'm largely speculating.

飛鳥 means "flying bird" and Asuka's got a lot of bird/flying imagery in GG, especially in Strive. It could be that Daisuke just liked the motifs, but his design decisions are generally much deeper than that. Asuka has a LOT of themes baked into his character for things like Japan post-WW2/atomic bomb, the effects of horrors of decisions made during wars on the people who make them, and "sacrifice for a greater good." This last one is evident in the decision he had to make in redirecting Justice's laser towards Japan, killing millions but saving the rest of the world from whatever destruction the Universal Will was going to bring.

Asuka being an American with a Japanese first name and German last name fits into that too, with those three countries all interacting closely in horrible ways during WW2. Again, him having to redirect Justice's laser mirrors America's actions with the atomic bomb. "They dropped the bombs to prevent further deaths during the war" is a common (grim) reasoning given for it.

It's possible the bird motifs suggest a freedom and want for a life unburdened by heavy decisions that Asuka is never going to have. The more abstract bird motifs, like his weird eyepatch thingy, could also tie in with angel symbology and the Rosenkreutz/Rosicrucian Order stuff, which then loop back to his connection with magic and Backyard esoterica.

On a lighter note, Daisuke was almost definitely inspired by Go Nagai's Devilman, despite me not having a citation for that lol. 飛鳥 is the same kanji Ryo Asuka from Devilman uses, and GG Asuka's relationship to Sol is almost 1:1 to Ryo's and Akira Fudo's in Devilman. Sol's Dragon Install designs borrow some inspirations from the Devilman's too, most notably in the weird head-wing thingies.

Asuka R. Kreutz is a character that has a ton of very deliberate and carefully chosen elements to his character. I have zero doubts that, when we do find out why Daisuke named him the way he did, it's going to open the floodgates for intense analysis.