l8erg8er - Untitled

428 posts

L8erg8er - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago
Making Brett Kavanaugh Cry Is Very Presidential.

Making Brett Kavanaugh cry is very presidential.

8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
The Warriors, 1979

The Warriors, 1979

8 months ago
Ann Turkel In "The Ravagers" (1979)

Ann Turkel in "The Ravagers" (1979)

8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
Fashion Clothing For Men | Suits | Street Style | Shirts | Shoes | Accessories For More Style Follow

Fashion clothing for men | Suits | Street Style | Shirts | Shoes | Accessories … For more style follow me!

8 months ago
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"
Karen Gillan As AMY PONDDoctor Who (2005) | 7.04 "The Power Of Three"

Karen Gillan as AMY POND Doctor Who (2005—) | 7.04 "The Power of Three"

8 months ago
Faye Dunaway And Warren Beatty In "Bonnie And Clyde" (1967)

Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty in "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967)

8 months ago
Steve McQueen And Jacqueline Bisset In "Bullitt" (1968)

Steve McQueen and Jacqueline Bisset in "Bullitt" (1968)

8 months ago
Paul Newman In "Cool Hand Luke" (1967)

Paul Newman in "Cool Hand Luke" (1967)

8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
8 months ago
Blake Lively In The Shallows (2016)

Blake Lively in The Shallows (2016)

8 months ago

oh so the military propaganda in the beginning of the super bowl about the player who joined up after 9/11 and was killed “in the line of duty” is actually so much worse than I thought because he was killed by FRIENDLY fire after he criticized the war/called invading iraq “fucking illegal” and the army tried covering up his death

Oh So The Military Propaganda In The Beginning Of The Super Bowl About The Player Who Joined Up After
8 months ago
Philip K. Dick - We Can Build You, 1972 (John Schoenherr)

Philip K. Dick - We Can Build You, 1972 (John Schoenherr)

8 months ago
Ernest Borgnine And Bruce Willis In RED (2010), Directed By Robert Schwentke
Ernest Borgnine And Bruce Willis In RED (2010), Directed By Robert Schwentke
Ernest Borgnine And Bruce Willis In RED (2010), Directed By Robert Schwentke
Ernest Borgnine And Bruce Willis In RED (2010), Directed By Robert Schwentke

Ernest Borgnine and Bruce Willis in RED (2010), directed by Robert Schwentke

8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
The Destruction of Palestine Is the Destruction of the Earth
This essay is a lightly edited version of a lecture given at the American University of Beirut, The Center for Arts and Humanities and Criti

If Plan Dalet was a settler-colonial script for the destruction of Palestine from 1948 onwards, it was preceded by – and had its conditions of existence in – the imperialist vision of an entity imposed on the land of Palestine for the protection of the interests of the core: access to raw materials and markets, prevention of subversive projects, buffer zones and counterweights against more distant rivals. In 1840, it was cotton, Muhammed Ali and Tsarist Russia. 127 years later, when the occupation was completed, it was petroleum, third world liberation and the Soviet Union. We are dealing here with an exceedingly deep structure, not an event or two; a ratcheting up and escalation across two centuries, a worsening and intensification of patterns first developed in the early nineteenth – also, not coincidentally, the temporal form of global warming itself. I have pointed very quickly and superficially to three further pivotal moments of articulation. In 1917 and after, the British occupation of Palestine was part of the transformation of the Middle East into a foundation for fossil capital, by dint of its oil resources. In 1947 and after, Western support for the new Zionist state was informed by the consummation of that order; in 1967 and after, by its defence. The steps along the way to the destruction of Palestine were simultaneously steps along the way to that of the Earth.


The destruction of Gaza is executed by tanks and fighter jets pouring out their projectiles over the land: the Merkavas and the F-16s sending their hellfire over the Palestinians, the rockets and bombs that turn everything into rubble – but only after the explosive force of fossil fuel combustion has put them on the right trajectory. All these military vehicles run on petroleum. So do the supply flights from the US, the Boeings that ferry the missiles over the permanent airbridge. An early, provisional, conservative analysis found that emissions caused during the first 60 days of the war equalled annual emissions of between 20 and 33 low-emitting countries: a sudden spike, a plume of CO2 rising over the debris of Gaza. If I repeat the point here, it is because the cycle is self-repeating, only growing in scale and size: Western forces pulverise the living quarters of Palestine by mobilising the boundless capacity for destruction only fossil fuels can give.

8 months ago
Natalie Wood As Gretchen
Natalie Wood As Gretchen
Natalie Wood As Gretchen
Natalie Wood As Gretchen
Natalie Wood As Gretchen
Natalie Wood As Gretchen

Natalie Wood as Gretchen

THE STAR (1952) — dir. Stuart Heisler

8 months ago
l8erg8er - Untitled
8 months ago
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)
State And Main (David Mamet, 2000)

State and Main (David Mamet, 2000)

Cast: William H. Macy, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Alec Baldwin, Rebecca Pidgeon, Sarah Jessica Parker, David Paymer, Clark Gregg, Julia Stiles, Charles Durning, Patti LuPone. Screenplay: David Mamet. Cinematography: Oliver Stapleton. Production design: Gemma Jackson. Film editing: Barbara Tulliver. Music: Theodore Shapiro.