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After The Call / Seo Johnny

After the call / Seo Johnny

After The Call / Seo Johnny

Genre: fluff, drabble, boyfriend!Johnny

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More Posts from Ladymashamiki

5 years ago

For You


pairing: jaehyun x female reader

words: 9,533

summary: a fake dating au in which you’re both tired of friends and family pitying you for being single on Valentine’s Day 


For Jaehyun, there were two days that he believed you shouldn’t be single on: Valentine’s Day and a birthday. 

For Jaehyun, it just so happened that those two celebrations fell on the same day. And he was miserably single.

He couldn’t let this year pass by as the last few had. Single and pitied by family and friends when they asked what his big plans were and his only answer was staying home with some ramen and a movie marathon of decidedly not-Valentine’s movies.

It’s not that he didn’t have friends to go celebrate his birthday with, he had plenty of friends. Johnny, Taeyong, Doyoung, Sicheng, and all of them were in happy relationships and Jaehyun wasn’t going to be the guy to piss their partners off just so he wasn’t alone.

Humiliatingly, the worst part this year was the call he received the morning of his birthday from his mother.

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5 years ago

In Bloom - Jaehyun Soulmate AU

word count: 1.9k

warnings: none :)

jaehyun x reader x soulmate au

summary: a flower would start to bloom as you and your soulmate fall in love. your friend inconveniently didn’t even notice; and that is why soulmates stress you out.

It seemed nothing more then a coin that hung loosely around your neck. Laying limp against your chest, you tucked it under your shirt out of sight. You found it crazy that something so simple was to help indicate you to your soulmate. 

The pendant was given to you the second you were born, just like it was for everyone else. Over time you’d grown enough for the chain to fit well enough for it to feel comfortable. You know the whole ritual by heart now: upon meeting your soulmate the coin would turn green, and as the two of you fall in love, a bud would grow until it became the flower destined to be.

 Roses were the most common flower, hence why they were such iconic symbols of love. But you knew of people without roses, such as your neighbours who found themselves with lavender, and since had planted their necklaces together, along with more lavender seeds, adorning their house with a purple sea. You passed it every day, and it bore a reminder for what you had yet to find.

When the call from Marina that her coin had turned green, you held in a sigh of sadness and headed straight over to her house, as she’d requested.

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5 years ago


Characters : Yukhei (Lucas)  x You

Genre : Romance, Soulmate!AU

Wordcount : 5451

Warnings : Curse words

Note: Title probably won’t make sense, but yeah. I said it before, I’m not good at making titles. If you have beautiful words to share, please do! If you have similar names with the ones mentioned in this fic, please understand that i do not mean to offend anyone and the names that i use for the background characters are totally random.  Please do NOT plagiarize. This is an original story, and if you found any similarities with other writings then it is pure coincidence. I hope you all can enjoy this!♡

Delitescent [adj] - concealed; hidden; latent.


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5 years ago

[11:55] Soulmate!Ten steps onto the subway going into the city. And just like every weekday, the train is filled to the brim with people at this time so he is standing with his hand gripping the pole between tightly packed travellers.

WAIT NO I’M GOING TO BE LATE FOR MY INTERVIEW NO his jacket sleeve crawls up his arm while he’s holding the pole and he glances at the words on his wrist. The first words he will ever hear from his soulmate.

He sniggers to himself at the thought of his soulmate being clumsy and forgetful. Or maybe she’ll be inconvenienced by something. Either way, she seems cute.

The train thrusts forward and begins to make its way to the next destination carrying the hundreds of passengers on board. And out of the hundreds of passengers on board, the young girl asleep on the seat across from him catches his eyes.

She has a young face, as if she just graduated from university. She’s wearing a black skirt, a delicate white blouse with long sleeves and a black ribbon around the frilled collar. He notices the suede black boots with kitten heels and she’s holding a black blazer with a sparkly brooch and a black shoulder bag. Her whole appearance gives him the impression of a cute and fashionable girl trying to be professional.

He can’t hold in the smile to himself as he watches her sleeping on a strangers shoulder. Her head is resting on an older woman holding an infant in her lap, the girls hair half pinned back and small bits at the front had fallen to cover her sleepy face.

She looks so out of place, in a peaceful and quiet state as there’s so much rushing and chatter surrounding her. I wonder what she’s dreaming about. Ten is embarrassed by his own thoughts and awkwardly looks down at his tan brown dress shoes.

The journey goes on with him stealing glances of her and blushing until the train slows down to a stop. The familiar screeching sound of the railway makes her stir in her sleep and the ding of the doors swishing open exacerbates the noise.

So many people are pushing by, they’re all eager to get off of the train and to their daily lives. Shoving, phones ringing, passengers shouting at others to hurry up. The woman next to the girl picks up her child and stands to follow the crowd out. And when she does so she awakens the sleepy lady.

Ten watches her in amusement. Her expressions change about five times within ten seconds. She’s shocked at first to be awoken so abruptly but then calms down when she feels there is no danger. Her face relaxes and rests her head on the back wall, her eyes closed and smiles a little grin to herself. And then she checks her watch, eyes wide, mouth agape and a trace of fear starts to grow as reality kicks in.


Hearing the phrase that is infamous in his mind, Ten continues to stare as she jumps from her seat and blasts out of the doors along with everyone else.

Hah, that’s my soul mate. He thinks to himself, a giant smile plasters on his lips.

“Wait, SHE’S MY SOULMATE.” he yells abruptly, eyes widened like a doe, the same shocked expression that appeared on hers moments before. He only gets odd looks in response from the remaining passengers who were clearly not interested.

The bell dings and doors begin to slide shut but Ten slips through them with a huge smile on his face. “WAIT!” he runs on the platform just in time and spins around searching for his soulmate.

He spots the back of her, hair pinned back, the same outfit and carrying the blazer and bag as she runs up the steps, almost tripping on one but she catches herself before any danger.

He starts chasing after her. “HEY!” he shouts but she is in too much of a frenzy to hear him. “STOP!”

He whacks into people as he chases the girl up the steps, almost falling backwards but he grabs the railing to stop.

He follows her after she turn left and continues to run in the street. She’s wearing heels and she’s still faster than me. He’s thinking to himself as his lungs start to ache, his breaths are sharp and quick. Trying his best to take in as much air as he can, he thunders down the street after her.

He forces all of his energy to push through the cold wind and tears start brimming in his eyes. Ten offers meaningless and breathless apologies to the several pedestrians he slams into. His body begins to tire, his feet stinging from the pressure of his feet stomping on the concrete. Dress shoes were not the best option for running. But he was not losing her today.

As if on qeue, the girl starts to slow down into a fast walking pace and then stops in front of a building. Ten watches her as he tries to reach her, she looks at the doors of the establishment, and then up along the length of the building. Taking in a deep breath, she strides towards the doors and enters.

Feeling a sense of relief, he too stops running and casually walks to the building she just entered. About twenty storeys and made from a beige stone, the building looked quite intricate with the decorations embedded in the stones. She is safe in his vicinity and he doesn’t need to worry about losing her now.

He walks through the same door she did. The foyer is vast and clean, it looks so professional. Marble floor and an established company name hanging proudly above the main reception. A twang of pride swells in his chest, his soulmate had an interview for a job here and he was more than impressed.

After quickly admiring the foyer, he spots her near the elevator talking to a middle aged man in very fetch suit. He seemed to be guiding the girl about where to go as she’s visibly out of breath and fanning herself from sweating so much. She thanks him and step into the elevator, pressing the button to right floor. Heart beating like mad, from the running and the nervousness. 

Good luck. He wishes.

He starts wandering around reception waiting for her to come back down. Time passes and he receives multiple glances from reception as he loiters around the front of the unfamiliar building.

Ten falls deep into his thoughts. Wondering about the first words he says to her are, worrying about how her interview is progressing, excited to nag at her for falling asleep on a train.

Ring. The overwhelming thoughts are interrupted by his phone. He pulled is out of his pocket, quite surprised that it didn’t fall out whist running so vigorously.

He answers the phone. “Hey, Johnny. What’s up?”

“What do you mean ‘what’s up’? You were supposed to meet me here twenty minutes ago. Where are you?” Johnny sounded a lot angrier than he intended, but Ten knows he’s only worried. He means best.

“Oh, uuh, I got caught up. I’m sorry,” he begins. “You go ahead to the guys, I’ll meet up with you guys later.”

“Uuhm, sure. Is.. is everything okay? You don’t sound so good.”

“Yeah!” He gets a little to excited. “Everything is fine. Better than fine actually.” He giggles.

“Well, I’ll see you later. But, Ten, you know you ca-” Johnny is cut off when he hears the elevator ding and the girl strides through the doors.

“OKAY BYE I’LL SEE YOU LATER!” he hangs up and places his phone back in his pocket.

Ten’s heart is racing like mad. The time has finally come and he feels nervous but so confident at the same time. He makes his way towards her.

He stops right in front of her tracks and she looks up to him. His heart falters when he sees her teary and disappointed eyes, but he grabs her wrist anyways.

“What..?” She begins, her sweet voice was confused and she tries pulling her arm back.

He holds up the inside of her wrist to show her as he pulls down her sleeve.

“I’m your soulmate. And you really shouldn’t fall asleep on trains.” Ten is smiling as he giggles his way through his words, there was no shadow of doubt that those were the same words on her wrist.

She stares at her wrist. And then at Ten.

He releases her arm and she pulls it back to run it through her hair awkwardly. She looks him in the eye and his grin grows even bigger. “Hi,” Nothing could explain the euphoria flowing through his veins.

“Uh.. Hi?” The girl let’s out a huff of air, Ten could definitely tell she wasn’t expecting to meet her soul mate like this. But her eyes were now glowing with a confused happiness.

“So,” he prompts. She follows him as he makes his way to the exit to walk with her. “How was your interview?”

5 years ago

nice to meet you, soulmate; lee donghyuck

summary: it was your forgetfulness that nearly cost you your grades - however, it was forgetfulness that led him to you.

pairing: haechan x reader

genre: soulmate! au, fluff


“(Y/N)!” You turned your head to see your best friend running up to you, backpack in hand, “Have you studied for the math quiz today?”

“We have a math quiz?” You furrowed your brows, confused.

“Yeah,” she replied, already in the process of taking her books out of her bag and showing you all the notes she made, “Well, what did I expect from you? You’re always so damn forgetful.”

“Sorry,” you sheepishly chuckled, sending a pleading look, “You can help me, right?”

“Damn right I can. You know Soori from class 3A, right? The girl that gets away with everything?” You nodded as your best friend pulled out her phone and scrolled through a LINE chat, clicking on a picture, “Well, they got the quiz yesterday. She took a picture when the teacher wasn’t looking.”

“You’re a lifesaver,” you grinned, already taking a black sharpie from your locker and dragging your best friend to the toilets, “Really.”

“I know I am,” she smiled, and you burst into the restroom together.

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