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After The Call / Seo Johnny

After the call / Seo Johnny

After The Call / Seo Johnny

Genre: fluff, drabble, boyfriend!Johnny

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More Posts from Ladymashamiki

5 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️

For @neoneversleeps ! Hi love, it’s me ur secret cupid/valentine!!!!!🌸💞✨💘❤️ I hope you like your gift of a Donghyuck x you valentines au!!! (Also the gif wasn’t showing up properly when I tried to submit it so here it is for you!) BuT! I still hope you love it because this just became my new favourite writing I’ve ever done, like I fell in love with Hyuck while writing this (but that doesn’t mean he’s become my bias because he’s still like my son haha) so thank you! Also sorry that this is so late I literally just finished half of it today after studying but still I made it!

Genre: Fluff, some angst, high-school!au Word Count: 6.5K Type: Donghyuck x reader


How does one even begin to express feelings of love? It is possible but it can also be so personalized and specifically special for every single person.

Like for some people, love is waking up to see their significant other’s sleeping faces, in their most natural and peaceful state. It evokes a certain body tingling sensation, a warm feeling throughout their chest as they admire their partner. For others, it can be small and simple things, like the sun peeping from behind the clouds on a cold mid-winter day. Or even the first snowfall, a light dust of white glittering over the city and providing some light for a walk.

Love can come in many different ways, shapes, forms and meanings. For you, love had changed many times over the years. First it had been reading, a world full of wonders and imagination. Letting you dream what you’d like and express many different emotions. Then it had been music, the vibrant music and head swaying that made you happy.

But now love came in one main form. In one person. That person being your best-friend Donghyuck.

Lee Donghyuck who also went by the name of Haechan or Full-Sun. He was someone you had met in elementary school, being an international student from Korea who nervously looked at the sea of students ahead of him, you had first thought of him as shy and someone to become friends with to protect.

Boy had you been wrong.

But back then it was understandable as most new students were like that, shy and stuttering. Especially with the case being that he couldn’t speak English as well either. So you had put it upon yourself as to be his guide and make him feel comfortable in school. After all, you had once been there. Having to introduce yourself and try to fit in; it was probably harder for him being stuck with pre-teens who had all these slang words and jokes. Things he had missed out on and would find hard to catch up on since his vocabulary was limited and more formal.

That was why when your teacher had asked the class who would be willing to show him around the school and get him accustomed to things, your hand shot up first. Everyone around you looked surprised, that you were so eager to help him out, even the teacher, because you had done it so quickly that it seemed as if there had been no decision-making, no thinking process, you had just agreed. But they didn’t know what you thought about the slightly chubby-faced, curly brown-haired boy who was confused as to what was happening and why your hand was up.

From then on, you had become quite close after showing him around and helping him with his English. You really wanted to prepare him for a couple years later (if he stayed that long) and went to high school. Since that was a whole new different ground and surely he wouldn’t make it if he didn’t get accustomed now.

And after beginning to slowly know him, his interests and his at-first hidden sarcastic behaviour, you had begun to succeed. Donghyuck had become quicker at understanding people’s words and replying back. He was quicker with the jokes as well as more comfortable to show his honest feelings that some people may not have agreed with but you still liked, because that just meant he could express himself better in another language. 

You still remembered the day, a spring day that was warmer than the rest as summer was approaching and the school year was coming to an end. You had been trying to test his skills with his knowledge of grammar then afterwards, had ended up at a park to sit on the swings and watch the sunset before you both went home. Donghyuck had been talking about his love for music like how he had been exposed to Michael Jackson’s songs since he was a small kid and loved the way the man danced with passion, had self-learned talent and sang his heart out. He had also for a while now, been teaching you some Korean words, almost in a way as to be like how you taught him English. And you found it cool because that just meant he was more confident with his English to be able to translate it back into his own language.

So you listened to his soft, smooth as honey, prepubescent voice talk in such a way about Michael Jackson that you were envious of who received the honour of his love. It was at that moment, you had realized you liked him. You liked Lee Donghyuck because he was not only fun to be around but also had visions and dreams that inspired you. But you‘d only known him for a year or so and didn’t want to ruin the close friendship you two had. So you brushed off those feelings and blamed it on the setting sun that casted an ethereal glow on his slightly chubby face and his gleaming brown eyes that were filled with passion. Yeah that was it.

And to distract yourself from your thoughts, you’d cut off his words, something you rarely did which made him look at you in surprise as you asked, “You know, I’ve never asked you this before but I just realized this now. Do you have any nicknames?”

His brows shot up and he repeated with his adorable accent, “Nicknames? What is that?”

You smiled replying with, “Nicknames are like shorter names for a person. They can be funny or easier to remember. Like for example, You can shorten your name from Donghyuck to hmmm…… Hyuck or Dongie.”

Donghyuck laughed, the sound so pleasing to your ears especially in this setting, his warm tanned skin radiating and his curly, dark hair shaking as he swung a bit on the swings.

“Hyuck is okay but Dongie is no. No Dongie please.” He laughed some more before saying, “Ah but I think I know now. I did not have a very special name in Korea I think…… But people did call me Hyuck and oh! They also called me Haechan.”

“Haechan? Is that a part of your full name?”

Donghyuck shook his head with a smile saying, “No not part of my name but in Korean it means Full Sun.”

“Oh, why did they call you Full Sun? That sounds a bit weird.”

“Full Sun because I’m very happy and always laughing with friends. They say that I’m like Sun, smiling and shine a lot. Full is to complete name because word for Sun is Hae which is too short.”

You nodded, starting to swing back and forth. “The name is made-“ “was made” You corrected him out of habit. He rolled his eyes making you smile but continued,

“The name was made when I was maybe in 2nd year of school. It was also because of the school performance that we had to make names for all people. So people give me that name.”

You smiled as he spoke, trying not to think about how his sweet voice was playing over and over in your head. And how he was staring back at the sunset again with curiousity but also with peace. You couldn’t have agreed more with the people that had given him that nickname with his caramel skin, bright brown eyes and just as shining personality, he was just like the sun if not brighter. And as years passed, Donghyuck became the sun of your life, providing you warmth with his company, never failing to make you smile. And though sometimes you’d get in a small fight and wish he would change and stop with some of his over the top jokes or words, at the end of the day you‘d still miss him and loved him.

Years had passed now and you’d both grown, voices had changed, body shapes had morphed into becoming more adult-like, interests had been added or removed as well as friends. But you and Donghyuck had stayed as best-friends, the bickering and laughing never changing between you two. Except Hyuck had improved a whole lot on his English and had made more friends with the other guys of the class, often texting them or sharing stories about them with you.

Personally, you didn’t mind as much because that just meant he was enjoying and living his life, it was making him happy which in return made you just as joyed. So throughout the years you’d hang out and eventually, you had ended up hanging out with his group of other friends as well. People you wouldn’t have come across at all like Jaemin, the school flirt who was very popular amongst not only the grade but the whole school. Or Jeno, a fairly quiet and reserved guy but had opened up to you a bit and was popular for being the best point-guard on the school basketball team. There was also guys like Mark and Renjun but they were more approachable with their kind and open personalities.

And all of them were very accepting of you, always welcoming you and sometimes joking around with Hyuck that the only reason they’d stayed friends with him for so long was because of you. The only difficult thing was that they all spoke Korean and you’d sometimes feel a bit left out as they’d used some words you hadn’t learned from Hyuck, who’d then explain what they meant right afterwards. But still, life was good.

“Psssst!!!” You heard Donghyuck whisper from behind you as you doodled in your notebook. It was already February meaning the month of love and of course now that brought upon the poetry section for your English class. You didn’t hate love, nor the red and pink hearts adorned everywhere or the romantic sayings and songs gently drifting past your ears. But it was hard when you saw all of the joyful and lovey couples everywhere. It was almost like all couples had this secret signal sent from Cupid or something to say, “Hey y’all it’s your month to go and gloat about how great your relationships are, now ATTACK!”

“Psssssttttt!!!!!” Donghyuck whispered again annoying you. You looked up at your teacher to see that they were focused on explaining a poem and quietly turned around to see Hyuck’s face. As much as you liked him and as close as you were with him, you couldn’t say it was always nice sitting in front of him because he’d always try to bother you one way or another so that he could have “some fun” during a boring class.

“What?!” You angrily whispered, looking at his now light brown hair that gleamed after being freshly dyed. You‘d been pretty upset when he’d texted you a couple days ago that he wanted to change his look up a bit and asked you to come with him somewhere. Not knowing what was happening and being a bit concerned, you showed up at the address he’d sent you and saw that it was a hair salon. And upon entering, you came face to face with Donghyuck seated on a chair and a black cape draped over him. But what shocked you was the borderline white, brown wet dye all over his once beautiful chocolate brown hair. You remembered how upset you’d gotten and had almost started a scene right then and there for him doing something on an impulse. Since usually Hyuck never did anything without asking you if it was a good idea or not. But now you knew you had to accept it because it was his choice not yours.

Besides, as angry as you wanted to get, the caramel brown really looked good against his tanned skin. Hell, Donghyuck could suit any hair colour even if it was red or blue.

The sunny boy scribbled something on his paper and then proceeded to shove it to you, the messy writing reading, “What are we gonna do next Thursday?” Your brows shot up and you looked at him, his brown eyes peering into yours as well as nonchalantly travelling to behind you to make sure the teacher didn’t notice the both of you.

But you were surprised that he was asking because he never questioned on what you guys did for the 14th. The 14th of February was always special for you and Hyuck because you always planned something fun for the both of you to do. While everyone else would be in love and show affection, you both had come to the idea of having a friend’s Valentine Day. Purely platonic and though it did hurt your heart a bit that it was just platonic, you still appreciated and were grateful that you could spend every Valentines with him.

You remembered his first Valentine’s Day in elementary school and how he had been a bit confused that both significant other’s gave presents to each other on February 14th. And he explained that in his country, they had many special days for love like White Day, where men would give women presents. So you‘d explained the Western way of Valentine’s Day and from then on had come up with the idea of showing him what it was like.

That was where you had first started the tradition of spending Valentine’s Day together. And every year after that, you had always managed to find something to do, like mini golfing, where the employees thought you were some cute but crazy couple, as you’d argued and Hyuck had put you in a head-lock to admit your defeat. Or in grade 8, when you’d booked a reservation at his favourite Korean restaurant then afterwards went to karaoke and sang and danced past 12am. You could never forget how precious that memory was for you as his sweet, melodic and talented voice had left you in a daze and made you think, what couldn’t Lee Donghyuck do?

But you focused on the present now and wondered why he was asking. To be fairly honest, you had put so much effort over the past couple of years, for this year you’d thought of just keeping it simple and renting some rom-com movies as well as making nachos and ordering take-out or pizza. You didn’t feel like going all out because it was still a school night and it had been fairly cold over these past few weeks too.

So you wrote down your idea on the piece of scrap paper and slid it back to him, checking over your shoulder to see if the teacher was looking. But he was very caught up in his own words so you were in the clear. Donghyuck made an “okay” face, as in his lips poured and he nodded to himself before frantically scribbling again.

This time it read, “Is it cool if I bring the guys too? None of them are in relationships right now plus I told them about our usual tradition and they wanted to join.”

Your heart dropped after reading this and you tried to mask your feelings on your face as you thought about it. The reason why Valentine’s Day was so special every year for you was because you got to spend it with your real time crush and best-friend. You’d never invited anyone else nor thought about it because it was a special day for you two and it was like your tradition only. But now he wanted to invite his other friends? And not just one but possibly 4? Then again, you didn’t want to be rude and decline because you had no other excuse to reason with why they couldn’t come. Since the reason itself was selfish and didn’t make sense.

So you wrote down a “sure :)” and slid it back to his golden skinned fingers. He read it and then looked up at you, shooting you one of his genuine thankful smiles and you gave a small smile back before turning around and looking down at your book.

You couldn’t be too upset or it would ruin the whole tradition and day so you tried to think about how fun it could be with his friends. Jaemin was always a blast to be with and you were comfortable chilling with Jeno and Renjun. Plus Mark was like fun authority figure but really looked like a baby that everyone else made sure to make fun of. Besides, it wasn’t like they had ever been mean to you nor excluded you so it was fine. Right?

The days had been passing by fairly slowly and the weekend was okay as you‘d been finishing up some projects and focusing on school work. So your time with Hyuck had been pretty limited. All you’d been messaging each other about after that day was just about school work and then also about what extra food you had to order or make now that there were more people coming. But that all changed around Monday night.

The weather forecast had suggested that there was a chance of snow throughout the week but most people had brushed it off because rarely did it ever happen and if it did it was just a small bit. So when you were working on homework in your room and just listening to some music, you were definitely not prepared for your phone to start buzzing crazily and to see that it was Donghyuck calling and sending you texts. You answered it and just before you could say a “What’s up?” you heard numerous voices yelling in the background, Hyuck’s being the loudest as he shouted into the phone, “(y/n) COME OUTSIDE ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!”

You winced and put your phone away from your ear but processed his words in your head. It was snowing? Like actually snowing? You didn’t believe Hyuck yet because he had a tendency to pull pranks and “joke” with you a lot so you looked outside your room window to see that it really was. It was snowing. There were tiny little snowflakes falling everywhere in random patterns from the sky and though it was light, it was still snow. Absolutely excited and feeling the adrenaline from the sight, you ran out of your room and shoved on a jacket and boots before running outside to see Hyuck and the guys all hollering and hooting. There was also some other little kids from the block playing and shouting in the barely there snow. Everyone was overjoyed about it and you ran up to Hyuck who was glowing even in the night. The other guys were pushing and laughing with each other while Hyuck looked up at the sky.

“Isn’t it beautiful (y/n)?” He murmured without looking at you. You looked over at him, wondering how he knew that it was you who came up to him when he hadn’t even spared you a glance but brushed it off and followed his gaze before saying a “yeah.”

You both stood there for a while, staring and appreciating the beautiful moment. It really was like a February miracle and in a way it felt magical to be able to experience it with Hyuck by your side. You looked at him again, encaptivated with how he was mesmerized by  seeing the small icy flakes falling from the sky. And it was in those moments that you really felt your heart kind of just do a sigh. Like how could one look so perfect? To others he may have looked normal, just like anyone else who loved snow but to you, he looked like the most beautiful person in the world.His jawline being more defined now after losing the baby fat, those pink heart-like lips opened in awe and his brown eyes. Those brown eyes that managed to capture everything in them. It was like he had all of the stars in his eyes with the way they twinkled and gleamed.

And you had to shake yourself out of it as he turned to his side to look at you, a big smile breaking on his face. Because you couldn’t ever show that you liked him. You knew that he treated you as his best-friend, he had ever since elementary and that wouldn’t change. Not unless you did a mega makeover like in the movies or maybe were separated for a long time. He’d always treat you as his loyal and honest friend, the one that helped him get accustomed to another country. And it didn’t hurt that much now, after time had passed and you had begun to realize that your feelings were probably one-sided. But you still felt a tingle every now and then your mind would just go, “he’s only looking at you in a platonic way, stop giving yourself false hope.”

And so, you smiled just as widely back at him as his eyes turned into joyful crescents, melting your heart. This was the closest you could get to him, to get those shining eyes direct their happiness to you. And you were grateful for it. After spending some more time in the snow, you had told all of them to stay at your house to warm up for a bit before Mark’s parents came to pick them all up since it was too cold to walk back home now. So you all had watched cartoons, just chilling and warming up with the heater on full blast. It really was fun and eased your mind a bit on how Valentine’s Day was going to be like. You felt that it would be more comfortable and fun to have more people over and celebrate being single.

But when everyone had gone home, you had gone back up to your room and checked the weather forecast. Finding out that it was expected to snow for the whole week and that it was going to be a lot made you worry about Valentine’s. Was it still going to happen? You had tried to brush it off aside after thinking that surely, it couldn’t get any worse than maybe a couple of centimetres. Boy, were you wrong.

The next morning you had woken up to everything covered in white. All of the rooftops of the neighbouring houses, trees, cars, all of it was white. It wasn’t just a small amount, it was a whole lot, enough to stop people from walking and driving to places. And when you had run back to bed to check your phone to see if school was still going to be open or closed, the first thing you saw in your emails was a “School closed” email making you shout with joy. That meant you didn’t have to worry about submitting homework late or having to rush to finish it because you had an extra day to complete it.  

It was fairly early in the morning too so you messaged Hyuck, in order to let him see the message and hopefully fall back asleep. You didn’t want him to wake up unnecessarily early  and have his sleep ruined. Then afterwards, you jumped back into bed yourself, all snuggled up under the covers and ready to rest with all the snow falling gently outside.

But what you hadn’t expected was for the next day to be cancelled as well and the next after that meaning that you were snowed in and had nothing to do besides chill at home. School was still closed and it looked like it would be closed on Valentine’s Day as well. And after messaging Hyuck and the other guys, it seemed like they weren’t going to be able to come over either. The roads were clear so people were still able to go to work but you had to stay home because of no school and the snow being so high up everywhere. To say you were sad was an understatement. You’d already prepared for the day with renting some movies, buying nachos, salsa, loads of chip bags and small heart-shaped chocolates. Not to mention that you were going to make personalized heart cookies for all the guys with their initials on them. But now it seemed you’d have to do that alone or just make regular cookies for your family.

And when it was Valentine’s Day, you were greeted with messages from your extended family and some friends, wishing you a good day and that you enjoyed it well. You replied back happily even though you were far from it and wondered how to spend the day. You’d never not once spent the day without Hyuck so it was different. But you knew he was just a FaceTime away so it could still work out. You hoped.

“Hyuck how many times do I have to-“ “(Y/n) seriously let me choose first then you can choose whatever after I don’t care.” Nightfall had come around and now you two were bickering over FaceTime on what movie to watch. You’d stuck with your idea from earlier to FaceTime him as it seemed better than nothing plus it wasn’t too bad besides the fact that you missed his physical presence and soft guy smell near you. But right now it was almost like Donghyuck was with you as he was laying in bed in sweats and a lilac hoodie that you’d bought him for his birthday. Meanwhile you were in your living room and showing him all of the movies that you’d rented.

“Why can’t we just watch The Notebook again?!?”

You groaned at his whining because you’d watched that movie atleast a good ten times and though it was still romantic and beautiful, you were sick of watching it over and over. Like you knew what was going to happen and the saddest parts weren’t even sad anymore, it was just plain boring.

“Hyuck we’ve watched that way too many times, why can’t we just watch The Ugly Truth or The Proposal?” This time he rolled his eyes saying, “The Notebook is one of the best classics and you need to stop hating on it.”

You scoffed wanting to pinch him through the screen. Sometimes you really hated the fact that he loved romantic movies just like you. Like why couldn’t he argue with you over watching an action movie or a thriller? That would’ve been easier than now. This just made everything super difficult because his taste in romantic movies was slightly different than yours since he liked classics and you loved rom-coms. So every movie night with Hyuck was a challenge. He picked up his phone and put it real close to his face saying, “This is not fun at all (y/n). We could be arguing in real life but because of the snow we gotta do it over the phone.” You made a face saying that you agreed as you shuffled through to find a movie he might like.

“If only,” he sighed dramatically looking over to the side, “If only, I could magically teleport to your house. Then everything would be fine.” You hummed in response and everything was quiet until he suddenly spoke up, “Wait. I needa end the call right now, my moms asking me something.” You looked at your phone screen to see him walking out of his room into his dark hall and wondered why he couldn’t just pause the call instead of ending it. But to each their own you guessed so you said a bye right before he ended it.

You looked at all the movies once more laid out on the ground and let out a big sigh. To hell with modern and classic romance. You shoved all of the rented movies aside and picked up the Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Valentine Collection DVD from your shelf and decided to just stick with that. Cartoons were always reliable and you could always compromise with Hyuck since he didn’t have much of a problem with them.

You put the CD in your DVD player and brought a bag of chips and a bowl of candies, putting them on the table in front of the couch. Even though you were spending the night by yourself you didn’t want to break the tradition of doing something special. Besides, people could enjoy Valentine’s by themselves too right? You’d also made nachos and since you wouldn’t be able to order take-out, you’d just stuck with making some noodles. You’d actually been making it as you were FaceTiming Donghyuck so you went over to the kitchen to take it off of the stove and put it in a bowl. And as you were bringing the hot, steaming bowl of noodles over to the table, several loud knocks sounded on your front door.

You frowned because no one was coming home from work yet, it was only around 7pm. So who could it be? Was it a robber or a murderer? Possibly someone who knew you were home alone and wanted to take advantage of that?

Your heart was beating a bit faster but you tried not to overthink because it could’ve just been one of your neighbours needing some help. So you tip-toed to the door and looked into the peephole to see Donghyuck in his lilac hoodie and sweats….. with no jacket or any other outerwear….. Was he crazy?

You flung open the door and grabbed his arm, jerking him inside your house and shouted, “Are you crazy?! What are you doing out in the freezing cold with no jacket? Nor no proper pants or shoes?!?!” You pointed towards his now soaked Vans. Donghyuck didn’t respond and you looked at his face to see his teeth chattering.

“Absolute idiot.” You mumbled to yourself as you removed his shoes and moved him over to your living room. Luckily, it wasn’t snowing that hard outside so his clothes weren’t really soaked but it was a long walk to get to your house from his. So you rushed to grab some towels, a bigger blanket and a change of clothes.

“You’re lucky I still have some of your hoodies over here so you don’t have to wear anything of mine and get it wet.” You said to him, offering the clothes. Though he was freezing, Donghyuck still managed to glare at you, teeth still chattering and all but accepted the clothes from your hands. He then stood up and took off his hoodie quickly, flashing some of his golden-skinned tummy underneath the white t-shirt he had on and put then put the other hoodie on. He almost stripped out of his pants right in front of you too if you hadn’t smacked him and pointed towards your washroom. He made his signature displeased face at you before going to the washroom and changing into a pair of oversized sweats you’d found.

Once he walked out, you sat him down on the couch and wiped his hair with the towel since his hood hadn’t covered much of his big head so it was wet. In moments like this, you really wondered why you liked an idiot like Donghyuck. Who constantly made you worry and annoyed you to the ends of the earth. But as you looked at him, grabbing the blanket and putting it on himself with shaky hands as well as around your legs, you were reminded why.

You got up out of the blanket and moved to stand in front of him and rubbed your hands vigorously to generate heat and put them against his cheeks. It was something that you hadn’t thought through as you did it and boy you really wished you had. Because now you were close to his golden face and touching his soft, cold skin. It seemed that he was startled by your actions too as his lips were parted and his eyes were looking right into yours. You felt a bit embarrassed and shy but mumbled, “I’m only helping you warm up faster so you don’t get sick then get me sick.”

So you continued warming up his cheeks by rubbing your hands. All the while he sat there quietly which was unlike his usual loud and chattery self and uncomfortable for you because he was just staring at you. Normally, you weren’t bothered if he looked at you because it wasn’t a big deal. But now? He was looking over every inch of your face almost analyzing it like you’d changed even though you’d looked the same since middle school. Your cheeks were warming up a bit at this and your heart was beating faster because he’d never been like this around you. And as his pale cheeks got some colour back in them, you moved away to sit back down beside him except he grabbed your arm, stopping you.

“Can you hug me?” He whispered, his melodic voice like a beautiful tune to your ears. You froze in your spot at his words.

“W-what?” You stuttered, had you heard him correctly? You looked at him to see that his neck was getting red as he repeated himself in a normal voice, “Can you hug me? I’m still cold.”

You stood there not knowing what to do and just staring at him. Meanwhile he averted his eyes to your bowl of noodles, his body half wrapped in the blanket making him look like a mess but also so vulnerable. As cheesy and sweet Donghyuck could get, he rarely did skinship with you. It was only when you both had to part for a long time then he would give you a hug or sometimes he’d sling his arm over your shoulder casually. But other than that he didn’t touch your hand nor grab your arm nor ask for a hug willingly.

But you knew he still must’ve been cold so you obliged by leaning down and hugging him. Only, it was too awkward, so Hyuck did the unthinkable and pulled you down, forcing you to sit on his lap as you hugged him and now he was hugging you too. Your heart was going a mile a minute and you tried to not touch your chest with his in case he felt it too. There was something different in the air and it was much warmer now as your arms were wrapped around his back, your head nestled right beside his own slightly damp head. And it was quiet as you both sat there, arms around each other and trying to breath normally. You were overjoyed but also shy at the fact that you were sitting on his lap and hugging him.

“Thank you.” He mumbled against your head. You sucked in a breath before whispering, “For what?”

His hold got tighter as he spoke again, “Thank you for always taking care of me and for being my first friend. And I’m sorry that I can never do the same for you. I always try to make you smile or laugh or happy just to give back to you for how you make me feel but I feel that I can never pay you back. And I’m sorry. Especially for today, since you rented the movies and brought all of the food for it to all go to waste. I’ve always wanted to thank you properly but never found the right time to do it and so I hope right now is right. Sometimes, I wonder how life would‘ve been like if you hadn’t raised your hand and offered to help me around. You don’t know how much you mean to me (y/n).”

You pulled back, overcome with emotions at his sincere words and his pure and sweet voice and looked at his face. Those eyes that held the sun in them, that one small dot underneath his eye that you used to love poking, his heart shaped pink lips, Donghyuck was the definition of beauty. And so you felt brave as you did so, not thinking about any consequences as you leaned in to kiss him on his cheek.

It wasn’t that bold but for you, it was as thrilling as swimming beside a bomb in the sea. His skin was so soft and you wished you could’ve just stayed like that for the whole night but you still pulled back, cheeks all warm and looked into his brown orbs that held such purity.

What he did next, you’d never have thought would’ve happened in millions of years. Donghyuck leaned in slowly and softly kissed you on the lips. It was so tender and full of love but also shocking for you that you stayed still. Until his lips started to slowly move against yours, making you react and rest your hands against his warm jaw. After a couple of minutes, the sweet kiss ended as he pulled back to suck in a breath of air.

And you both looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do now that so much had changed and escalated over the past couple of minutes. You had gone from best-friends to whatever this was now and you didn’t know what to ask or say. So you stayed seated on his lap and moved your hands from his jaw to his shoulders.

Donghyuck was the first to break the silence, his cheeks gone red now as he said, “I-I don’t know when these feelings for you started but I just know that I’ve liked you for a long time. And this is random I know but just, the kiss wasn’t a mistake nor was it from being caught up in the moment. I just want you to know that (y/n) that I’ve wanted to do this for a long time now.”

You couldn’t help it as your lips tugged upwards into a smile and your heart filled with ecstasy as you looked at the shy boy, reminding you of when you had first met him. And you replied with something you had been wanting to say for a very long time.

“I like you too FullSun. I’ve liked you since you came here from Korea and I’ll forever like you until the end of time.”

His lips twitched and he let out a small laugh which surprised you as he said, “A little cheesy but thanks.”

Of course the idiot would find such a sweet moment like this as “cheesy”. You rolled your eyes but smiled and looked at his golden face again. How had you been so blessed to fall in love and to know someone like him? You leaned forward and gave him another tight hug murmuring, “I think you’re still cold and need another hug.”

You could practically see the smile on his face as you felt his arms around you and you both gently swayed back and forth like that.

Later on that night, you’d both just laid on the couch together and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks, after reheating your noodles for Donghyuck to eat and you simply just munched on the nachos that you’d put on his stomach to rest on. And for the first time ever, you got to spend Valentine’s Day with the boy you’d loved and wanted as your Valentine for so long, Mr. Loser Lee Donghyuck aka FullSun aka your Sun.

5 years ago

In Bloom - Jaehyun Soulmate AU

word count: 1.9k

warnings: none :)

jaehyun x reader x soulmate au

summary: a flower would start to bloom as you and your soulmate fall in love. your friend inconveniently didn’t even notice; and that is why soulmates stress you out.

It seemed nothing more then a coin that hung loosely around your neck. Laying limp against your chest, you tucked it under your shirt out of sight. You found it crazy that something so simple was to help indicate you to your soulmate. 

The pendant was given to you the second you were born, just like it was for everyone else. Over time you’d grown enough for the chain to fit well enough for it to feel comfortable. You know the whole ritual by heart now: upon meeting your soulmate the coin would turn green, and as the two of you fall in love, a bud would grow until it became the flower destined to be.

 Roses were the most common flower, hence why they were such iconic symbols of love. But you knew of people without roses, such as your neighbours who found themselves with lavender, and since had planted their necklaces together, along with more lavender seeds, adorning their house with a purple sea. You passed it every day, and it bore a reminder for what you had yet to find.

When the call from Marina that her coin had turned green, you held in a sigh of sadness and headed straight over to her house, as she’d requested.

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5 years ago


Characters : Yukhei (Lucas)  x You

Genre : Romance, Soulmate!AU

Wordcount : 5451

Warnings : Curse words

Note: Title probably won’t make sense, but yeah. I said it before, I’m not good at making titles. If you have beautiful words to share, please do! If you have similar names with the ones mentioned in this fic, please understand that i do not mean to offend anyone and the names that i use for the background characters are totally random.  Please do NOT plagiarize. This is an original story, and if you found any similarities with other writings then it is pure coincidence. I hope you all can enjoy this!♡

Delitescent [adj] - concealed; hidden; latent.


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5 years ago

[11:55] Soulmate!Ten steps onto the subway going into the city. And just like every weekday, the train is filled to the brim with people at this time so he is standing with his hand gripping the pole between tightly packed travellers.

WAIT NO I’M GOING TO BE LATE FOR MY INTERVIEW NO his jacket sleeve crawls up his arm while he’s holding the pole and he glances at the words on his wrist. The first words he will ever hear from his soulmate.

He sniggers to himself at the thought of his soulmate being clumsy and forgetful. Or maybe she’ll be inconvenienced by something. Either way, she seems cute.

The train thrusts forward and begins to make its way to the next destination carrying the hundreds of passengers on board. And out of the hundreds of passengers on board, the young girl asleep on the seat across from him catches his eyes.

She has a young face, as if she just graduated from university. She’s wearing a black skirt, a delicate white blouse with long sleeves and a black ribbon around the frilled collar. He notices the suede black boots with kitten heels and she’s holding a black blazer with a sparkly brooch and a black shoulder bag. Her whole appearance gives him the impression of a cute and fashionable girl trying to be professional.

He can’t hold in the smile to himself as he watches her sleeping on a strangers shoulder. Her head is resting on an older woman holding an infant in her lap, the girls hair half pinned back and small bits at the front had fallen to cover her sleepy face.

She looks so out of place, in a peaceful and quiet state as there’s so much rushing and chatter surrounding her. I wonder what she’s dreaming about. Ten is embarrassed by his own thoughts and awkwardly looks down at his tan brown dress shoes.

The journey goes on with him stealing glances of her and blushing until the train slows down to a stop. The familiar screeching sound of the railway makes her stir in her sleep and the ding of the doors swishing open exacerbates the noise.

So many people are pushing by, they’re all eager to get off of the train and to their daily lives. Shoving, phones ringing, passengers shouting at others to hurry up. The woman next to the girl picks up her child and stands to follow the crowd out. And when she does so she awakens the sleepy lady.

Ten watches her in amusement. Her expressions change about five times within ten seconds. She’s shocked at first to be awoken so abruptly but then calms down when she feels there is no danger. Her face relaxes and rests her head on the back wall, her eyes closed and smiles a little grin to herself. And then she checks her watch, eyes wide, mouth agape and a trace of fear starts to grow as reality kicks in.


Hearing the phrase that is infamous in his mind, Ten continues to stare as she jumps from her seat and blasts out of the doors along with everyone else.

Hah, that’s my soul mate. He thinks to himself, a giant smile plasters on his lips.

“Wait, SHE’S MY SOULMATE.” he yells abruptly, eyes widened like a doe, the same shocked expression that appeared on hers moments before. He only gets odd looks in response from the remaining passengers who were clearly not interested.

The bell dings and doors begin to slide shut but Ten slips through them with a huge smile on his face. “WAIT!” he runs on the platform just in time and spins around searching for his soulmate.

He spots the back of her, hair pinned back, the same outfit and carrying the blazer and bag as she runs up the steps, almost tripping on one but she catches herself before any danger.

He starts chasing after her. “HEY!” he shouts but she is in too much of a frenzy to hear him. “STOP!”

He whacks into people as he chases the girl up the steps, almost falling backwards but he grabs the railing to stop.

He follows her after she turn left and continues to run in the street. She’s wearing heels and she’s still faster than me. He’s thinking to himself as his lungs start to ache, his breaths are sharp and quick. Trying his best to take in as much air as he can, he thunders down the street after her.

He forces all of his energy to push through the cold wind and tears start brimming in his eyes. Ten offers meaningless and breathless apologies to the several pedestrians he slams into. His body begins to tire, his feet stinging from the pressure of his feet stomping on the concrete. Dress shoes were not the best option for running. But he was not losing her today.

As if on qeue, the girl starts to slow down into a fast walking pace and then stops in front of a building. Ten watches her as he tries to reach her, she looks at the doors of the establishment, and then up along the length of the building. Taking in a deep breath, she strides towards the doors and enters.

Feeling a sense of relief, he too stops running and casually walks to the building she just entered. About twenty storeys and made from a beige stone, the building looked quite intricate with the decorations embedded in the stones. She is safe in his vicinity and he doesn’t need to worry about losing her now.

He walks through the same door she did. The foyer is vast and clean, it looks so professional. Marble floor and an established company name hanging proudly above the main reception. A twang of pride swells in his chest, his soulmate had an interview for a job here and he was more than impressed.

After quickly admiring the foyer, he spots her near the elevator talking to a middle aged man in very fetch suit. He seemed to be guiding the girl about where to go as she’s visibly out of breath and fanning herself from sweating so much. She thanks him and step into the elevator, pressing the button to right floor. Heart beating like mad, from the running and the nervousness. 

Good luck. He wishes.

He starts wandering around reception waiting for her to come back down. Time passes and he receives multiple glances from reception as he loiters around the front of the unfamiliar building.

Ten falls deep into his thoughts. Wondering about the first words he says to her are, worrying about how her interview is progressing, excited to nag at her for falling asleep on a train.

Ring. The overwhelming thoughts are interrupted by his phone. He pulled is out of his pocket, quite surprised that it didn’t fall out whist running so vigorously.

He answers the phone. “Hey, Johnny. What’s up?”

“What do you mean ‘what’s up’? You were supposed to meet me here twenty minutes ago. Where are you?” Johnny sounded a lot angrier than he intended, but Ten knows he’s only worried. He means best.

“Oh, uuh, I got caught up. I’m sorry,” he begins. “You go ahead to the guys, I’ll meet up with you guys later.”

“Uuhm, sure. Is.. is everything okay? You don’t sound so good.”

“Yeah!” He gets a little to excited. “Everything is fine. Better than fine actually.” He giggles.

“Well, I’ll see you later. But, Ten, you know you ca-” Johnny is cut off when he hears the elevator ding and the girl strides through the doors.

“OKAY BYE I’LL SEE YOU LATER!” he hangs up and places his phone back in his pocket.

Ten’s heart is racing like mad. The time has finally come and he feels nervous but so confident at the same time. He makes his way towards her.

He stops right in front of her tracks and she looks up to him. His heart falters when he sees her teary and disappointed eyes, but he grabs her wrist anyways.

“What..?” She begins, her sweet voice was confused and she tries pulling her arm back.

He holds up the inside of her wrist to show her as he pulls down her sleeve.

“I’m your soulmate. And you really shouldn’t fall asleep on trains.” Ten is smiling as he giggles his way through his words, there was no shadow of doubt that those were the same words on her wrist.

She stares at her wrist. And then at Ten.

He releases her arm and she pulls it back to run it through her hair awkwardly. She looks him in the eye and his grin grows even bigger. “Hi,” Nothing could explain the euphoria flowing through his veins.

“Uh.. Hi?” The girl let’s out a huff of air, Ten could definitely tell she wasn’t expecting to meet her soul mate like this. But her eyes were now glowing with a confused happiness.

“So,” he prompts. She follows him as he makes his way to the exit to walk with her. “How was your interview?”

5 years ago

Windows at Night [Johnny]

Genre: fluff (for Vday💗), humour (bc Johnny obviously that man is funny af)

Warnings: a few rude bits on johnnys part 🤫, a few swearsies🔞

Note: sorry I’m uploading this so late. It is Valentine’s Day and I wanted to get something out for you to enjoy whether you’re solo or not, Johnny (and the rest of nct) got you covered 🤝 and what perfect man to spend the next 10 minutes with than this lovely romantic human being, come on???

Windows At Night [Johnny]

You shoved your curtains aside, upon receiving Johnny’s text to meet at your usual place, immediately catching sight of him standing at his apartment window across the bustling street of New York. It was relatively narrow, allowing your apartment buildings, though across the street from each other, to be close enough to see the other when you needed a quick hang out. Which happened quite frequently, especially when one of you may or may not have gotten laid.

Johnny waved his hands enthusiastically upon catching your attention, immediately beginning an impromptu game of charades. He pointed his index fingers towards you, before proceeding to repeatedly push his pointer finger into his clenched fist in a lewd fashion. You decided to play with him a little, shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders in confusion.

He shook his head in disapproval, immediately sensing your bullshit, but decided to humour you regardless. He began thrusting the air, biting his lower lip and closing his eyes in pleasure. You could almost hear his fake, high pitched moans, ones you’d heard countless times before upon mentioning your love life. You hid your face in embarrassment, feeling your cheeks flush when you caught sight of an elderly woman from below looking up to see Johnny humping the air. It wouldn’t have been so bad had it not been night time, the light from his apartment essentially casting a spotlight on him for all of New York to see.

You reached for your phone, quickly dialling his number, wasting no time in shouting down the line, “dear god, for the sake of the city, please stop that.”

You saw Johnny laugh, and heard him on the other end of the line, “do you understand now?”

You shook your head in disbelief, he always found ways to surprise you, which was sometimes a bad thing, but right now his comedic charms were welcome. “I didn’t have sex, if that’s what you’re wondering. He actually dumped me,” you bit back a frown, wanting to keep the mood light but unintentionally dampening it.

“Y/n,” Johnny started slowly, his eyes softening, but you cut him off.

“Can we not talk about this? It’s no big deal.” You avoided eye contact with him.

He sighed deeply, “you know, if you ever need sex, I’m your guy. No strings attached.” If there was one thing about Johnny you appreciated, it was his honesty, sometimes brutal, but he always delivered it in a humorous way where you could never hate him. You knew he was serious though in this confession, though his tone seemed joking. You had to know him well enough to notice and understand his use of subtle sincerity.

You chuckled, turning to look at him and blinking back the tears that threatened to spill, “thanks for the offer, but you know I don’t think of you like that.”

Johnny and you had been childhood friends, meeting each other at the same daycare and attending the same schools, even moving to New York together from your small town to attend the same university. You always had each other’s backs, like the sibling you always wanted but never had, but better. There were some things you couldn’t tell your sibling that you could tell your friend, and vice versa, but with Johnny, you could tell him anything. You had your fights, but they never lasted long because the beauty of your friendship outweighed the petty disagreements.

“Are you calling me ugly?” he raised his eyebrows, placing his hand on his hip and sassily popping it to the side.

Your eyes widened, giggles littering your sentence, “no, that’s not what I meant at all I just mean-”

“You mean I’m out of your league. Okay, that makes more sense,” he smirked, smoothing his hair back, prompting another fit of laughter from you.

“You asshole that’s not what I meant,” you grinned.

“This is your operator Johnny speaking. For a good time dial 1, for coitus dial 2, for a hit-it-from-the-back and run dial 3-”

“Hmm, so many options, what to choose,” you rolled your eyes, still grinning with amusement, pacing back and forth in front of the window.

“For a rendezvous courtesy of the genitals dial-”

“Johnny! Okay I get it,” you practically yelled, waving your arm at him to stop.

“You will be getting it if you want it,” Johnny eyed you from his window, all traces of humour had left his voice, “but I charge extra for spanking,” he grinned, eyes narrowing as he bit his lower lip seductively.

You felt your entire body cringe, yet a tiny part of you, deep down, wanted him to keep talking. But more sensual and less like an awkward virginal, yet horny, preteen. Johnny could be alluring if he wanted to, you’d seen the way he flirted with girls, hell, even with the girls he was already dating. But with you it was never this…blatant. He knew where to draw the line, what you were and weren’t comfortable with, but right now you were starting to question the line.

“My penis is yours, first and foremost,” he placed his hand over his heart, staring at you with such sincerity, you would’ve thought he was confessing his love. You wished, anyway.

“I’ll leave it in my will. Everything else can go to science, but this pepper is yours. My brain; who needs it?” he shrugged his shoulders, looking to the side dramatically, “my heart; who is she even?” he said with furrowed brows, raising his hands questioningly, using such exaggerated gestures, you understood why he always got the lead roles in school plays.

“Where would I be without my penis? Where would I be without Penis? I wouldn’t exist without Penis-” he continued his soliloquy, gazing off into the distance.

“This is going down a weird path,” you mumbled, clearing your throat.

“Yeah let’s change the subject,” he said, face splitting into a grin once he met your unimpressed expression.

“I’m really okay, though. Thanks for the support,” you smiled, clutching the phone to your face, “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Anything for you, kid,” he winked, “which reminds me,” he patted his jean pockets, “shit, I must have left it in my other pair of blue jeggings,” he laughed, disappearing from view.

You stepped closer to the window, watching the cars whiz by and pedestrians narrowly avoid getting hit as they ventured across the street. Your chest ached when you caught sight of a man with his hand around his partners waist, holding them close to his chest as a cool breeze whistled through the streets.

You jumped in your skin when your apartment doorbell rang, immediately jerking your head to side, flinching when your bones cracked loudly.

You looked down at your pjs, sighing, but fully prepared to greet the delivery boy wearing an oversized band T-shirt and stained sweatpants. Boy, were you mistaken when you opened the door to see Johnny, all 6 feet of him in the living flesh towering over you like the Empire State Building itself.

“Okay, I’m back,” Johnny announced, slightly out of breath. “As I was saying before, I would do anything for you,” he had something cradled in his hands, though his long fingers kept turning it over, playing with it and obscuring it from your view.

“I know this may be sudden, a little unexpected,” he swallowed, “but- holy shit what’s that?”

You spun around on you heel upon seeing his terrified expression, pupils dilating and heart pounding in your chest like you had just run a marathon. You looked back at him confused upon seeing nothing wrong, “what?” urgency evident in your voice.

“Sorry, it was nothing,” he admitted.

“You scared me to death,” you frowned, hitting his chest and running your hands nervously through your hair, the last traces of adrenaline still running through your body and causing you to look over your shoulder one last time.

“Sorry,” he said, unable to hide his amused smile, “I just got a bit nervous.”

“You? Nervous?” You couldn’t remember a single moment in your life where you witnessed Johnny nervous. He never got stage fright, never got scared of being evaluated for presentations or shied away from being the centre of attention at parties. He oozed confidence, he always seemed so sure of himself, something you admired and envied him for.

“About what?” you said, immediately noticing his fidgeting feet, the nervousness showing through his restless hands winding and knotting together.

“About this,” he said before cupping your neck with one hand, dragging your lips to meet his. He was gentle, but firm, stabilizing the erratic thoughts running through your mind, and the nerves building up in your stomach that caused your knees to wobble. You were shocked, but elated, you felt comfortable, but unsure.

You lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and deepening the kiss, savouring the first taste of Johnny. You had smelled him thousands of times before; his clothes, his flat, but this was different. He was so close, his hair was so soft between your fingers. His lips were impossibly soft, nose brushing against yours, him breaking away to kiss the tip of yours between kisses, him sighing against your lips, voice reverberating in your bones. His whole presence was intoxicating, surrounding and all consuming and the fact that it was Johnny, someone you had a rich history with, made the moment that much more meaningful.

“Johnny,” you sighed, the taste of his name now different in your mouth.

“This is for you,” he said, pulling away but keeping his hand on your waist, handing you the object he had been holding.

It was a little black box. A ring box.

“Are you-?” you started to panic a bit.

“Open it,” he said, watching your hesitant hands.

“Johnny, what is this?” A simple gold band was in the box, with the message When one door closes a window opens engraved on the inside in his handwriting.

“It’s whatever you want it to be-,” he said, eyes crinkling at the corners when he smiled, “a proposal,” he tucked your hair behind your ears, watching fondly as you shyly turned over the little ring in your hands, “a ball and chain,” he laughed. He used his index finger to raise your chin to meet his eyes, “I’ll never make you feel suffocated or trapped. When you’re with me, you’re free,” he said in a hushed voice.

Your eyes darted between his, trying to gage his reaction.

“The door is literally right there, you could run away from all of this if you wanted,” he said, “if this isn’t what you want,” he said a little more quietly.

“A promise,” you blurted out, grasping his hands in yours, “it’s a promise.”

He smiled, pulling you to his broad chest and wrapping his warm arms around your shoulders, “it’s a deal.” You felt safe, reassured, like he could be your home, somewhere you’d run if you’d ever needed a place to go when you were lost or confused, or when you simply didn’t know where to go. He could be that person.

“It’s a promise,” you mumbled stubbornly against his chest, “not a deal. This isn’t some business exchange.”

“Same deal,” he grinned, kissing the crown of your head.

And you realized how the line between love and friendship with Johnny was blurred. How it was blurred in everything. Some friends you kissed, some you had sex with, some you had romantic feelings for, and some you did all and more, or less. That all this playful banter and bickering was just a euphemism for how you two truly felt about each other. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked out before, had you decided to start dating when you two were hormonal, angst-ridden teenagers. Maybe all those failed relationships were practise for the real deal, and it was some cruel cosmic plan to have you run around blindly guessing and knocking on bolted doors, only to come full circle and end up with the person who had been there from the beginning.

But all of that speculation didn’t even matter, because if there was one thing you were certain about, it was Johnny.