Fan 1D ot5, YUNGBLUD y Billie. Argentina- 21 años.
234 posts
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Harry for Fine Line X Saint Lucy by Francesco del Cossa:

While this, like many mysteries surrounding the painting, still isn’t confirmed, it’s clear that this Saint Lucy exudes a hot-blooded humanity absent in creepier, surrealistic depictions of detached eyes, where female bodies are disassociated and dismembered. Here, she is in control of her form—presenting her eyes (along with her vision, and maybe even viewpoint) as elements to be revered and honored, rather than picked apart. x

One Direction as The Avengers
HARRY WON A GRAMMY YALL😁😭❤️❤️(also this is why they bleeped him out😂)
Full HQ scanned White Vinyl Artwork

Louis singing Kill My Mind in Madrid - 11.03

yungblud lockscreen feat poppy
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I’ve just realised the two people I listen to from Donny are legit my two moods
Type 1 - seen as soft, bouncy and cute

Type 2 - seen as weird, just woke up and well

Louis talks The Rogue on BBC The One Show - 22.01

Louis Tomlinson Birthday 🎉
–> MoodBoard

I'm so in love with these two legends🖤

Why You Should Be Listening To Yungblud

I’ve def seen a lot of posts like this going around already which warms my heart, so I figured I’d hop in with my own recommendation for Yungblud, AKA Dominic Harrison, AKA The LOML
It’s music with a message. I know that has been getting more popular these days- which is fantastic- but Dominic has such a uniquely blunt, bold way of stating what he thinks in his songs, reminiscent of the spirit of older punk acts. It’s something that’s really hard to find and really inspiring.
If you want really good examples of that, check out his songs Tin Pan Boy (Calling out gentrification), King Charles (A criticism of capitalist culture), Polygraph Eyes (About r*pe culture), and Machine Gun (F*ck The NRA) (self-explanatory)
“…And for me, to not represent anything, you’re not an artist. To not represent something, or talk about something in your music… You’re not an artist, you’re a singer. And I don’t wanna be a fucking singer, I wanna be an artist.”

He’s only 20, and already has such a clear image of his goals and messages and is making such a big impact like!!! Fuck!!
His style is so unique? Dominic has stated before that he’s inspired heavily by both rock music and rap, and that really shows in his style. If you haven’t heard him before, it’s a sort of mix between hip-hop and punk rock, which sounds weird as fuck but works so well, trust me
“I fell in love simultaneously with hip-hop and rock and roll music because I believe they come from the same soul.They represent something that’s more than the music, there’s an attitude, and they say things.”
He’s just,,, such a genuinely nice and open guy. He’s always so genuine and kind with his fans, in a way that goes above and beyond a lot of artists today.
For example, he refuses to do meet and greets, because, quote, “I will never make someone pay to meet me”. Instead, he makes a point of going out before every show and meeting everyone in line.
“I don’t want to tell anybody what to think, because who the fuck am I to tell people what to think? But I just want to encourage people, tell them they’re empowered and they can think and express themselves in a way they think it’s right. All you can ever be is yourself.”

He is completely open about his own mental health- he mentions his severe ADHD often, and his song Kill Somebody is an extremely intimate self-referential piece exploring his self-loathing and anxiety.
He has so much fucking stage energy. It’s insane.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Jumping around like a maniac for like an hour and a half straight
That one time he completely snapped his ankle in the middle of a show, and then proceeded to finish the show with the broken ankle, and continue with the rest of his tour, half in a wheelchair and half on crutches
Regularly making out with his guitarist (Adam Warrington) in the middle of songs?

He’s just, so unafraid to be himself and say what he thinks, and it’s really such an infectiously positive and great energy
The Sweetest Boy
He has such cool/fun/interesting music videos???
LOVES hugs, so much,
Bright pink socks are a part of his brand
He has the thickest northern accent ever and it’s so great
CONSTANTLY smashing gender norms in the most fun ways possible

Just,,,, Please Listen To Yungblud
He’s doing his best to spread a positive message and do good in the world and deserves so much more attention than he gets

yungblud lockscreen feat poppy
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yungblud lockscreen
reblog this post and I’ll send it to you🖤
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Tiempos difíciles.
He pasado por muchas cosas estos últimos 3 años de mi vida. Enfermo con madre enferma (y fallecida recientemente), los difíciles y brutales problemas de mi país Venezuela, y un suceso de hace casi año y medio que me devastó por completo. Vendí todo lo de valor que poseía para poder partir a México en busca de una vida mejor y al llegar a Ciudad de México nunca me dejaron entrar al país, me retuvieron en migración sin darme excusa alguna, tenía todos mis papeles en regla y sin embargo ni una llamada me dieron, me trataron como un criminal y me regresaron dos días después de tenerme encerrado en una habitación con otros venezolanos más, a mi país. Habiendo vendido todo lo que tenía para poder irme, regrese de allá roto y sin nada. Todo después de ahí empeoró más, el cáncer de mi madre en un país donde no se consigue nada, mi salud y otras cosas más.
Hoy intento de nuevo compartir un poco por acá, intentaré subir notas apenas pueda (actualmente no poseo ninguna manera de grabarlas), escribir, enamorar, responder mensajes y bromear un rato siempre y cuando la salud y la internet me lo permitan.
Esta vez sin pena alguna y por primera vez personalmente vengo YO a pedirles una humilde ayuda, con el corazón en las manos les pido ayuda para poder ponerme mejor y así poder intentar (de nuevo) salir de mi país, de la cárcel en donde vivo que cada día me acaba más la vida y no me deja salir adelante. Aquellas personas que de verdad deseen ayudar pueden escribirme por mensaje directo yo intentaré responder lo antes posible, no importa dónde estés en el mundo, la ayuda siempre es bien recibida.
Un abrazo muy grande a todo él que haya leído esto, ayudes o no gracias por estar ahí pendiente y seguirme.
Mariposa de la suerte,cierra los ojos, pide un deseo y rebloguea

Harry via guccibeauty
“Y bien, pudimos tomarnos más tiempo o quizá pudimos tomarnos las manos ¿Quién sabe? El tiempo es medido y muchas veces muy corto, mis manos estuvieron para ti por siempre y no bastó.”

Tal cual jajajaja -Una chica invisible.

Harry Styles at Met Gala 2019.
“It’s me!” - Harry Styles inside the MET Gala: Notes on Camp - May 6 (via Tracee Ellis Rose’s IG Live)