nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit. I got a BA in art. Now I have a cat, live with my parents, and work in IT. Ace af.
49 posts
Print Making Fall Semester 2010
print making fall semester 2010
More Posts from Lauraells
printmaking fall semester 2010
intaglio, plexi glass
second state
things are progressing. I finally figured out what I was doing. now it is just a matter of getting together enough pieces to make a complete show. I have three so far. now that I have more confidence in what I am doing I should be able to work faster.
exciting news: I have my post card all designed and ready to be printed! here is the front.
I am really happy with the way it came out! the background is scrapbook paper that I scanned into my computer and then added an overlay of old paper for texture. I drew and painted the rocking chair and the title banner, cut them out, and scanned them into my computer as well. then I put it all together in Illustrator.
here's what the back will look like:
all the information! it's really happening!
I am feeling pretty good about everything today. the last few days have been really good. I've been motivating myself to go to my studio by watching season 4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer while I work. I'm keeping the season there in my studio so that I can't watch it when I'm not working. so far it's working.
on monday evenings I have an intaglio printmaking class that lasts five hours. normally for studio classes the five hours is split up between two days throughout the week, three hours on the first and two on the second. but for this class all five hours are on mondays from 5 to 10.
after monday at 10:00 I usually don't think about that class for the rest of the week. I am usually trying to work on my thesis. it would not be unfair to say that intaglio printmaking has taken a backseat to my thesis. but I still need to pass the class, so I try and dedicate sundays and mondays to printmaking homework. I tell myself that I cannot work on my thesis, because I need to do printmaking homework. but this doesn't always work. lately, it has just been making my sundays entirely unproductive and my mondays long, stressful, and painful.
but my biggest grievance is that this class is sucking away my enjoyment for printmaking. I can't help but see it as an obstacle, just something taking up valuable time that I could be directing elsewhere. and that's silly, because I'm only registered for 2 classes this semester, intaglio printmaking and senior thesis. I am also doing an internship off the record, but if it where official, I would still only be at 12 credits. maybe I'm just horrible at managing my time?
well, I think the fact that it is 8:00 on a sunday night and I still haven't done anything productive answers that question for me. Here's hoping I can change that.