lauraells - laura ells
laura ells

nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit. I got a BA in art. Now I have a cat, live with my parents, and work in IT. Ace af.

49 posts

Keyboard Malfunctions

keyboard malfunctions

Recently the keyboard of my macbook has been giving me great difficulty. Specifically, some of the keys have stopped working. The keys in question, chronologically as best as I can remember, are the "esc", "p", ";", ":", "/", "?", "-", "_", "\" , "|",  and "return".

All but "return" are refusing to work at all while "return" is still at the stage where it chooses when to work and malfunctions at its leisure. I've had to resort to copying and pasting whenever I've needed to use one of the keys in question. "esc", or course, has simply fallen into extinction in terms of its usefulness. I wonder which keys will become defunct next?

Has anyone else been afflicted with similar frustrations? If so, how did you fix it? I haven't found anything useful in my searches through the interwebs and I'm not really jumping at the chance to take my dilemma to the Apple Store as my warranty ran out. 

More Posts from Lauraells

13 years ago

christmas music

the store where I work has been playing christmas music since november 1st. at first it was just one song every 5 or so non-christmas songs. but now that is over. for a whole week it has been the opposite, only instead of catching a break every 5 or so songs, I swear it is probably 10. and this is tough. to make it even worse, there is no variety. every day I hear "sleigh ride," "let it snow," "santa clause is coming to town," "the man with the bag," "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer," "have yourself a merry little christmas," white christmas," "all I want for christmas is my two front teeth," "so this is christmas," and "santa baby" at least 5 times a day. and a number of those have different versions that play. sometimes one after another. and during my break if I choose to leave the store, which I usually do, there is christmas music playing on the loud speaker of the outdoor plaza. saturday night I felt like screaming because I thought my head was going to explode. but there were a lot of people walking by. I don't think I can last another month. I will go crazy.

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13 years ago

today was the opening for my show! it went wonderfully! now I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.

13 years ago
The Third Pattern I've Been Working On. Unlike The First And Second, I Did Use A Straight Edge While

The third pattern I've been working on. Unlike the first and second, I did use a straight edge while working on this one because I needed to grid the paper. I could have done that free handed, but I didn't want to. I'm stubborn like that. 

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13 years ago


so my friend tim lewis is doing a not-so-dry-and boring retelling of the bible over on his blog and he asked me if I would like to contribute some illustrations. I said yes, so now you should go check out the first installment.

13 years ago


here are some robots that I've drawn while on break at work:


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