le-blanc-et-la-noire - not a bot just shy
not a bot just shy

26 posts

I Love Golurk's Looming, Awkward Appearance, And How It Seems Like It's Held Up By Ancient Magitek. All

I love Golurk's looming, awkward appearance, and how it seems like it's held up by ancient magitek. All of its details contribute to an aesthetic of ruin and age. It seems like such a mournful, protective force. I particularly like the jagged crack in its chest that has been repaired with the same substance as its wristbands. Sometimes I wonder whether it repaired itself, or if another entity did -- and who created it in the first place?

Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "G" 📂🇬🖋️

Round 2 - Match 4

Our Contestants:

A drawing of the Pokemon Golurk. It's a bipedal automaton Pokemon that resembles a suit of armor. Mainly teal with yellow swirls on its shoulders and wrists, it also has a jagged yellow crack over its chest and yellow eyes. Brown bands covers its wrists and ankles, and it has a short, Roman-like skirt.
A drawing of the Pokemon Glalie. It's a spherical Pokemon with a black rock core, covered by ice that reveals the black underneath. Glalie has blue eyes and two black horns that resemble ears.

This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!

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More Posts from Le-blanc-et-la-noire

It's simple.

If you give it defender, then it can't attack. But if you have an effect that says it can attack "as though it didn't have defender", then it can attack again. But then, once it has been declared as an attacker and is now an attacking creature, its ability means that it can't be declared as an attacker. But this doesn't matter, because no attacking creature can be declared as an attacker anyway, since the declare attackers step happens before any creature becomes attacking.

It's a perfectly meaningful, and perfectly useless, ability.

Akolia, Cruel Duskmaster, Submission By @WillWeaverRVA

Akolia, Cruel Duskmaster, submission by @WillWeaverRVA

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Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs
Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs
Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs
Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs
Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs
Clouds For Scenery (1783) PNGs

Clouds for scenery (1783) PNGs

(source: desimonewayland)

7 months ago

happy holiday everyone!

On this day, July 27th in 1987, a single was released that would change the world forever.

It's Rick Astley's debut single, Never Gonna Give You Up!

8 months ago

Let's say there's an online community of people who all have Whatever Syndrome. They talk about all the difficulties and frustrations and issues etc related to Whatever Syndrome. They share advice, they vent, sometimes they just chat and enjoy talking to people who can relate to them properly. Sometimes they make fun relatable observational comedy-style memes about common Whatever Syndrome experiences.

Some of the experiences they make memes about will probably overlap to some extent with the experiences of people who are not on the WS spectrum at all. Let's stipulate (made-up, obviously meaningless numbers incoming) that 10% of the memes they make appeal to a non-WS audience in this way, but 90% are highly specific to the WS niche and won't really be appreciated by outsiders.

In this scenario, the 10% of universally relatable memes will, because they are universally relatable, likely spread far beyond the core WS community. The 90% of niche ones will not (why would they?). From the perspective of someone without WS who doesn't engage with the WS community directly, this will look like 100% of all WS memes seeming to be about things that are just universal human experiences being described as WS-specific experiences for no particular reason. This person might begin to suspect that WS is just a trendy diagnosis that arbitrarily groups completely normal personality traits as a medical issue and that the whole thing is maybe kind of fake. This person is not being unreasonable given the information they have, but for reasons that are hopefully obvious the information they have is very skewed.

On the other hand! If this sort of thing distorts the public perception of what WS is about strongly enough, some people are going to latch onto the relatable memes about it, relate to them (because they're relatable), and wonder if maybe that means they themselves might have WS. This person might do a bit of googling and discover that, in addition to all the relatable stuff they relate to, there are other symptoms that they don't really identify with as much... but then, no one really seems to talk about those things very often, you mostly see people talking about [relatable stuff] when WS comes up, so the latter must be like, the main part, right? So (they think) it can't be too important if the other stuff doesn't apply to me.

[also the whole medical establishment is nightmarishly hard to access and a lot of doctors suck and make diagnoses based on random whims and prejudices, blah blah blah you know all this, the point is that the most obvious solution to "how do I confirm whether I do or don't have a specific medical thing?" is often not reliable.]

Well now, given all of the above... stuff might get confusing huh!

Okay, okay, (you might say), that's all well and good as a toy model of things that might be underlying the discourse you're alluding to, but to what extent is this dynamic actually responsible for what's actually happening? Aha! I have no clue whatsoever, sorry. I'm just the ideas guy.

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5 months ago

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