leatherpupcolt - Leather Pup Colt
Leather Pup Colt

a fun loving Pup, collared to my wonderful Daddy Everyone in my stories are ALWAYS above 18

8 posts

Leatherpupcolt - Leather Pup Colt - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago

New Series!

So I am once again collabing with my tumblr toy @lurker101101 to make some kinky shit. But tumblr is taking them down so i will be posting this series at


Series includes humiliation, sock tf, toy tf, buttplug tf and more including videos so go check it out

1 year ago

10000% This!

Stop 🛑 writing 🛑 tf 🛑 stories 🛑 with 🛑 young children 🛑 or 🛑 teenagers 🛑

Seriously stop using them as characters, stop using pics of clearly young children and young teens in your content. Stop using them in content for a community that is inherently sexual and based on sexual domination and submission, and a scene that is clearly fucking +18s. Unfollow and block me if you like that content. If i see anyone repost this tf content, inanimate or otherwise, with minors. I'm blocking you right away. Pedophilia and child based kink content has no place here and I'm tired of people reposting and liking and making requests from such types of writers. Fuck off.

And i don't give a fuck if you use the excuse its not written as sexual. You know damn well what people read inanimate tf content for, and it's not for the astounding literacy and thought provoking buried messages. I see it here, on deviantart, on CYOC. Fucking degusting.

1 year ago



These two were probably the dumbest, most hateful cadets in our whole class. Not a moment went by when one of them wasn't smarting off to an instructor, berating a fellow Cadet for being different, or just being a general nuisance, constantly thinking themselves to be the "Straight Macho-Men" this PC world needed. Always late for class, sometimes still hungover, today they decided to "Practice Police Brutality" on the best Cadet in class. This girl was top in class for her marksmanship and athletics, kindest person in the world, and growing up in the south I was taught to respect all people, and them pickin on her was the last straw.

That was 4 months ago, 2 weeks ago we graduated and everyone moved on with their lives and no one even mentioned their disappearance. I think they're doing rather well now, alot better in this form than as some piss poor cops

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1 year ago

This whole building smelt like mold, mildew, and despair. It was an antiques/thrift/whatever store someone found at a garage sale kind of place; it had everything in its 55,000 square feet of 4 story-tall decaying brickwork.

Me and my buddy would mostly walk around on our Friday or Saturday afternoons when we were bored since this town was only 20,000 people and had nothing going on outside of the movie theater, so we decided to see what some people thought were worth collecting and what some people greatly exaggerated the value of.

We had been here almost an hour somehow, and I had ended up losing track of my friend, who absolutely loved this place and was terrible at hiding it. I looked at my phone and discovered that I had zero signal in the building and that its battery was at 8%, so I decided to checkout another side of the building. 

This part of the building was definitely the oldest; a lot of really old junk lined the little booths people had set up and seemingly forgotten about since there was no one else in this section. After what felt like forever, I stumbled upon something: one of those old snowglobes. The whole booth was intact and nothing but snowglobes; there had to be nearly a hundred of them. All of them had the same tiny village in it, but all of the people seemed to be in different spots, and they looked very lifelike. Some had old clothes on, but some wore newer clothes, and quite a few had on shirts and jackets belonging to the local college, and a few even looked like some former college friends of mine from the various sports teams. I had gotten beyond weirded out at this point and decided to leave when I bumped into the wall and felt something hit my head, knocking me out.

I awoke what felt like seconds later, but it was significantly darker outside the windows, almost nighttime dark, and I was looking at the window at an odd height and angle.

I tried to move, but I was stuck. I tried to say something, but my mouth wouldn't budge. I looked around in a panic and saw nothing but a village and a few people standing still, and then it hit me: it was The Village, the one from the snowglobes. And of the people I could see, I recognized a guy named Brad from the baseball team still in his uniform; he had dropped out just 4 months from graduation, we thought. I was terrified and just wanted to go home, but I couldn't speak or move; I was just stuck here on this shelf in a snowglobe.

And then I heard my buddy's voice: "Yo dude, we gotta go; oh cool, I haven't seen a snowglobe in years!"

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1 year ago

Self Portrait

I was terrible at making art; forever I have tried my hand at it, but no matter how much time I spend, I can't draw anything remotely decent. One day I mentioned my lack of skill to a friend who was going for an art degree at the local college, and he told me about this old technique and special paper that they used to use back in ancient times and how he'd look into getting some for me.

So I waited for what felt like years until a package arrived at my door. It was a simple brown box with my name and nothing else on it. After bringing it inside, I was compelled to open it, excited to see what this "ancient secret" was, but all I saw inside was what looked like furs, green paint, tusks, and a large piece of canvas. I let out a sigh: "Really?" "Dude decided to play a joke on me, but an entire Orc costume?"

Days later, it was late Friday night, and I decided to see what his "technique" could really do, so I took the costume into my bathroom and stripped down, making sure to read the label on the glass jar that held the paint. I noticed that half of it was written in Latin, really dedicated to the bit I see. After almost an hour, I had my entire body covered in the paint; it seemed like the jar had just enough to cover everywhere, and it seemed to dry almost instantly. I put on the fur coverings and tusks before stepping outside and reading the instructions that were in the box: "For best results, place the canvas on the floor; stand in the middle of said canvas while closing your eyes and counting to 10." With nothing else going on, I decided to go along with it. After setting up everything, I began to count "1..2..3..4..5" and so on until I reached 10, and then I felt as though the world fell away, and I swear I heard a voice, like mine but deeper and more twisted.

I fell for what felt like hours; I must've blacked out from the paint fumes or something, because my head hurt. As I tried to get up, I realized I couldn't move, and then I heard a voice, my voice: "Ah, good to see you're finally coming too; honestly, it took you long enough to try it out; I've been waiting for your friend to give me this body for ages, and damn, does it feel good?" The figure speaking was me, but different in an almost imperceptible way, and it took me a second, but I finally realized I was on the canvas!

After hours of him, the imposter, going on and on about how great and powerful he was, I had decided to give up. I tried and tried, but nothing I did could help me leave this painting. I gave in and accepted my fate. Looking at the bright side, however, I finally was able to make a decent bit of art.

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1 year ago

A Quick Dip

A Quick Dip

When he first offered me the collar I was floored, it meant the world to me to feel that *Click* as the heavy lock and chain were put in place permanently. I was in heaven, and when he leaned down and growled into my ear "You're mine now, and forever", I melted.

My Owner was never without a few things; his favorite hat, his oldest pair of boots, wore the same jockstrap every workday and a can of Copenhagen Dip. When we first met, I had only enjoyed my pipes and cigars before, had dipped occasionally but didn't get that into it. That changed with him. Everyday he made sure I had this special mix of dip he got me, demanding that I constantly have my lip packed and would do a large number of check-ins throughout the day. After a month, it became second nature to me.

And then the cage came. He started out with a small flat cage that would press my dick up against my body, he'd have me wear it for hours at a time the first week, then whole days the 2nd and so on. At the end of the first month, my cock cage was a permanent fixture on me.

If you could see me just a few months ago compared to now, you couldn't even tell I was the same person. He forced me to bulk up and somehow made me grow a beard, something I was never able to do before meeting him. All of these changes scared me at first but he would pull me into his embrace and whisper into my ear again and I would melt and be His even deeper.

And here we are on the anniversary of my collaring. After the first few months, the changes slowed down and settled on what I look like today, a near exact copy of him. He had a surprise for me, I spent the whole day in anticipation and when I got home I was beyond joy. There he stood in his hat, boots and jockstrap. I ran up and we began to make out but I noticed he didn't have any dip in his lip and he just shushed me saying "Don't worry, I'll have a new can soon, and this one will be special and never run out."

After he said those words I felt dizzy and cold, when I looked up at him I saw that I was falling, while the world seemed to be getting bigger and bigger before I blacked out.

I awoke on the floor to seeing my Owner naked, my clothes and collar in a pile on the floor where I fell. I couldn't move, could only look forward at Him, smiling before he told me the truth. He has 4 boys. His oldest were his boots, followed by his jockstrap, hat and then me, his newest. He said that it's been so long that he'd forgotten their names, but that he treasures each of us, especially me, his new Dip can that he's made it to always be full of dip for him and proud to be His, forever.

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1 year ago

Inseparable: A tale of two Boots

Inseparable: A Tale Of Two Boots

Inseparable like brothers. That's what they always said they were, always by each others side since they were kids. Now here they were as adults, John at 27 and Wyatt at 22, constantly out drinking and partying and being an overall nuisance. John and I had been roommates for a little over a year and while he and I normally get along well, Wyatt brings out the worst in him.

It was when Wyatt found out I was gay when it started getting worse and worse. You see, he's from a small farm town of about 200 so he never really got much exposure to diversity. So for him I was everything he was taught to hate and despise, and he slowly convinced John of it as well.

However, I had enough one day when Wyatt had vandalized my truck and John had broken into and trashed my room, that's when I started to formulate my plan.

You see, these two completely insufferable idiots would never question free beer in the fridge. And so, with a little help from a friend I had made online, I added some extra kick to the beer for a special effect. After they finished the 6-pack, they began to feel its effects, their bodies began to shrink and compact, twisting and turning while their skin darkened into browns and blacks and their clothes deciding the coloring of the shafts of their new boot bodies.

After what must've felt like hours to them I had a fresh new pair of boots, nice tan leather with a blue shaft with a beautiful design on em, on the bottom if you looked close enough you could see their faces trapped in a look of shock, John on the left boot and Wyatt on the right. After years of walking over me, it was only fair I walked on them, and I do a lot of walking in my job at the construction site.

Thank yall for reading my first ever TF story, and a huge shout out to @inanimatetffantasies for being a very comfortable pair of boots aswell as a great inspiration

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3 years ago

Bedtime. Reblog if you wanna join me. 😉😈

Bedtime. Reblog If You Wanna Join Me.