You And I By Richard Hadley And The Death Ramps, Toji, Fluff If Possible But Anything Else Is Great Too!!
You and I by richard hadley and the death ramps, toji, fluff if possible but anything else is great too!!

WC: 2.4k
CW: sorry anon i threw a tad bit of hurt/comfort into the fluff, NOT beta read, editing what's that?, reader referred to as a biker girl, swearing, toji being a bad partner (dw he pulls it together), possibly very ooc idk i've never written for him before, plz don't ask how this got so long i honestly have no idea
taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight @m0k0k0
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There was something off about you. It left him unable to keep his eyes off you, but he didn't have the faintest idea of what it could be.
Was it the emotion in your music? No, that couldn’t be it because there almost always was some musician or another at the diner. And they were normally pretty decent. Maybe it was the motorcycle helmet and keys sitting next to your bag behind you. But he had been around biker girls before, so that didn’t make sense. What was it?
He always goes to this particular diner for lunch when he could, but today as he sat there examining you the place felt different. The smudges and signatures inked on the walls seemed to add to the atmosphere instead of being an eyesore, and the smell of grease and fast food almost comforting. The atmosphere seemed different today, and he felt like it had something to do with you.
Caught up in his musing, he didn’t even notice he was staring at you until you shot him a cheeky smile and a wink as you sang. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he refocused on his neglected lunch, shoveling it down to try and forget what your gaze had done to him. For some reason, he found himself wishing you would look at him again, that feeling lingering throughout the rest of the day and into the next.
I like the way you look at me baby
Toji Fushiguro doesn’t make mistakes. Not because he was born perfect, but because the reality of his life was that one mistake meant death. In a world where cursed energy was deemed necessary to fight curses he made do with brute strength alone. Which worked. Normally.
See, for his way of doing things to work, he needed to have his head in the game. To be one hundred and ten percent focused on the fight at hand. So why the fuck was he thinking about you? And why the actual fuck was the thought of you enough to throw him off his game??
These were all things running through his head as he finished off the curse before slumping to the ground beside it, one large hand pressed against the wound on his ribs as blood seeped out through his fingers.
He couldn’t afford to lose focus. One moment of distraction and this had happened. If it weren’t for his quick reflexes he would be dead right now. So he had no choice. He had to get to the bottom of this. He had to go back and see you again, if only to see what made you so special. All so that he could focus on his job, of course.
At least that’s what he told himself as he returned to the diner, hoping to see you again.
I act as if I'm not going crazy
Girl I'm in a muddle tonight
Packing up your stuff after a long gig at your local diner, you couldn’t wait to get home. Caught up in your fantasies of a hot bath and a pack of instant ramen, you didn’t notice the man approaching you until he stopped in front of you, his shadow blocking the light.
“Sorry, they’re closed, I'm just headed out now.” You look up, vaguely recognizing the hunk of muscle that stood in front of you. Oh, that’s right. He’s the guy who was staring at you during your performance the other day. You wondered what he needed.
“Give me your number.”
“Excuse me?” Of all the things you expected him to say, demanding your number was not one of them. “May I ask why you need it?”
“Just cause.” He folds his beefy arms across his chest, not wavering as you narrow your eyes and scrutinize him, unsure if he’s being serious. Unfortunately, you think he is.
“Listen.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’ve had a long day. I’m tired. I want to go home. If you want my number, you have to give me something more to work with here, buddy.”
“Buddy?” He quirks an eyebrow, a smirk stretching the small scar at the corner of his mouth. “Do I look like a “buddy” to you?”
You make a show of examining him closely before straightening. “No, you’re right. You look like the guy who ate my buddy. Which is exactly why I don’t think I should give you my number.”
And with that, you sling your bag over your shoulder and leave, climbing on your bike and speeding away. Assuming that would be the last you saw of him, you were surprised when you arrived for your next performance and found him waiting there for you.
“Didn’t get enough of me, huh.” You snark, breezing by him. “At least leave a nice tip this time, ‘kay?”
“No.” His deep voice rumbles from behind you, and you spin to see him staring at you with a stupidly sexy grin on his stupidly hot face.
“Why not?”
“Cause I’m broke.”
You’re unable to hold your snort in, surprised and amused by his unashamed bluntness. Still laughing to yourself, you turn around and pat his bicep.
“Sorry, buddy.” His mouth quirks at your emphasis on the offensive word. “Now you’re definitely not getting my number.”
With that, you walk inside, leaving him outside on the sidewalk with a sneaking suspicion that he just fell in love with you.
Would you tell me where you're gonna take it
If I had a heart you're the one who should break it
Two years later and he has successfully obtained your number, and the two of you are now in a semi-serious relationship. Surprisingly, you were the one to initiate the relationship, despite repeatedly rejecting him when you first met.
At first things had been really nice, as close to perfect as things could be, in your opinion. He was by no means a gentleman, or good with his words, but his dry humor and actions were enough to convey his affection towards you. And that was enough.
Or, at least it was, until he stopped showing up. About a year or so into your relationship he started standing you up occasionally due to work. Honestly, you weren’t entirely sure what his job was, only that it required him to travel and stay in good shape.
The first few times it happened, you brushed it off. After all you were both adults with jobs and lives outside of each other. Of course you would be busy. But then it started happening more and more, and the periods of time he was gone became longer and longer.
The breaking point came around your two year anniversary. You had received a job offer that would require you to move, and as much as you wanted to take it you knew you had to talk it over with him first. There was just one problem. You hadn’t seen him in over a month.
With your two year anniversary approaching, you really wanted to try and reconnect because you hadn’t felt close to him in awhile, and with this job opportunity on the horizon you had to think about whether or not continuing your relationship was worth it.
So you told him that you really wanted to celebrate your two year anniversary with him, and that you had something important to tell him. Not ready to give up on your relationship yet, you put a lot of effort into the night, buying a new dress and cooking a nice dinner for the two of you to share.
But just as you finish setting the table and tidying up the house because he’s due to arrive any second, your phone dings.
Toji <3: Sorry. Won’t be able to make it tonight. Took another job. I’ll be back next week.
The engines running, can't decide if I should ride away
Tired and sore from the last job he had accepted, Toji heads back to your shared apartment, eager to see you again. He didn’t particularly enjoy taking on new jobs, but money didn’t grow on trees so he didn’t really have a choice. He did miss your cooking and affection when he was gone though.
Fumbling with his keys, he finally manages to get the door open and steps inside, only to be greeted by a dark apartment. That was strange. Normally you were home by now. The thought crosses his mind that something could have happened to you, and he slips into the living room, panic stirring in his stomach.
Moving with an amount of stealth unexpected of someone his size, he checks the entire apartment, only to find it empty, with no sign of…anything, really. Realizing that you could just be out with friends, he flicks on the lights and plops down on the couch with a sigh.
Stretching his arms above his head and yawning, a piece of paper sitting innocently on the coffee table with his name on it catches his attention. Absentmindedly cracking his neck, he reaches down and grabs it, gently unfolding it.
His heart sinks as he scans it, your familiar handwriting suddenly illegible. Because there’s no way he’s reading this right. There’s no way you left. There was no reason for you to. Things were great between the two of you. At least, that’s what he had thought, but according to the letter in his hands you didn’t feel the same way.
The next few minutes pass in a blur of tearing open dresser drawers and frantically searching closets for a sign that you hadn’t packed up all of your belongings and left. But all he found was empty space, the smell of your perfume still lingering in the air, despite it being devoid of your presence.
Finally taking a moment to stop and process, he finds himself wondering what he’s so worked up about. So what if you left? It’s not like he needs you or anything. He didn’t even do anything to warrant you leaving! Sure he missed your anniversary, but he planned to make it up to you when he got back! And maybe it wasn’t even the first time he had stood you up like that on an important date, but if you were willing to leave over something as miniscule as that, were you even worth keeping?
At least that’s what he kept telling himself as he went on with his life pretending there wasn't a gaping hole in his life that you used to fill.
Too stubborn to be the first person to reach out when he still felt he hadn’t done anything, a month went by without any contact between the two of you. In the beginning it didn’t bother him that much, because the reality hadn’t fully set in yet. But slowly as the weeks wore on, so too did the absence of all the little things he hadn’t realized he took for granted.
Like the way your quiet humming brought life to the otherwise dull apartment. Or the way your things scattered around on various surfaces had been a constant reassurance of your presence. He missed you scolding him and telling him he needed to take a break, he missed your laughter, he missed your kisses, he-fuck.
He missed you so much. What was he doing?
I had a woman, she went away
And now I'm lonely, fuck it
It’s now been a month since you left in a storm of hurt feelings and anger, but you still hadn’t heard from him. Deep down, you hadn’t expected to actually break up. You figured you would leave and time to cool down. Then when he got back and realized you left it would be a major wake up call for him and he would come running to you with an apology and then he would change.
Instead you got radio silence. You weren’t too concerned the first week because you knew Toji was as stubborn as you were and probably didn’t want to be the first one to reach out and admit he was wrong.
So you waited (semi) patiently, but when a second, then a third week went by without a word, you were faced with the possibility that he wouldn’t ever call. That the two of you truly were over.
Which is why when you were awoken from your nap on the couch by loud knocking at three in the afternoon, you shouted informing them that you would be there in a second as you adjusted your clothes assuming that someone just needed you to sign for a package or something like that.
What you were definitely not expecting to see was your kinda ex-boyfriend standing stiffly in your doorway, staring steadfastly at something over your head.
“Um. Hello?” You lean against the door frame and tuck your hands into your pockets, hoping to conceal their trembling. “You need something?”
“Yes. Actually. I do.” His eyes met yours, and you were shocked by the raw emotions swirling in them. “I need us. Together. You with me. Me with you. The way things are meant to be. I know I can be a bit of an asshole sometimes-”
You snort and raise your eyebrows. “Well, a lot of the time.” He amended, rolling his eyes.
“But, I do really care about you and while I’m not the greatest with my words, or the brightest guy you’ll ever meet, I promise that if you call me out on my bullshit I’ll listen and do my best to change.”
You pretend to think it over, as if the two of you getting back together wasn’t inevitable the second you saw him standing in your doorway. “Let me see…oh wait. One second.”
Pulling out your phone you tap away for a couple of seconds before sliding it into your back pocket. “Sorry ‘bout that. I just accepted this job. Let me get back to you in a week.” With that snarky comment and a smug wink, you shut the door firmly in his face and he hears the sound of the deadbolt clicking into place seconds later.
For a moment he stands there, unsure what to do before he starts laughing. There was the feisty person he had fallen in love with and missed so desperately. And when he heard your quiet chuckles coming from the other side of the door, he knew the two of you would be okay.
The two of you were able to laugh and be together. Just the way you belong.
You and I
You and I
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Hi all,
We have amazing news: in just six days of starting this blog, together we have raised OVER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who has and continues to participate in our effort: creators, readers, and rebloggers. And a special thank you to all who have donated in support of Gaza. We are touched by witnessing what good our community can do when we band together for a worthy cause.
Please take a moment to celebrate the creators big and small who all have had a part in this project! Without them, none of this would have been possible.
As we mentioned earlier, unfortunately, our blog has been shadowbanned. This means that it will be increasingly difficult for us to get visibility and to reach others. So, we are relying entirely on each of you to reblog and share the work we are doing here. Please continue to reblog our posts—whether it’s our pinned post with updated links, our masterlists, our weekly spotlights, or works from individual creators. We want to continue to raise funds for those who need help in Palestine, and we can only accomplish this goal together!
Thank you so much to everyone who has gotten involved. We are blown away by the turnout and the support we have received; we hope to continue this project for as long as we can.
XOXO - Aleks + Kae
From the river to the sea ❤️💚🤍🖤

mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
sponsor a wip for gaza
hi everybody!! i know that some of you have probably seen my requests for gaza post by now, but i will also be participating in @ficsforgaza's sponsor a wip fundraiser as well!! please read the rest of this post to learn more about which of my wips will be impacted and how this works!!

-> not all of my wips are going to be used for this, just the ones that i can realistically finish and that i feel make sense.
-> the going rate will be $1 usd per 100 words, but an equivalent amount in a different currency is perfectly fine!
-> because i am also accepting requests for gaza, any requests i receive that do not have a donation will be added to this post to be sponsored

how it works
-> first of all go check out the main post here because i'm sure it will explain it a lot better than i do!
-> send me an ask with the title of the wip you would like to sponsor and proof of your donation. please censor any and all personal information!!
-> for each $1 i receive i will write 100 words for that wip, and once the wip has received the necessary funds it will be posted
-> all donations must go to one of these organizations
-> there will be a counter underneath each wip that keeps track of the amount of donations put towards that particular wip, and how close it is to being full. i will also keep another counter that tracks my own progress with my writing
-> i will be doing this very similarly to how @andypantsx3 is doing it, so seeing as her post probably makes more sense than mine go check hers out here if you're still confused, and sponsor one of her wips while you're at it!!

҉ part two of angel (bakugou x reader)
summary: points in time through your friendship with bakugou, from its beginning, to its transformation into love, to its demise. inspired by angel pt. 2 from fast and furious (feat. jimin) genre(s): angst, hurt/no comfort -> estimated wc: 2,500 words -> donated wc: 0/2,500 words -> progress tracker: 2,000/2,500 words
҉ swapped (todoroki x reader)
summary: after you get hit with a strange quirk, you swap bodies with your long time crush and hero partner todoroki shouto. somehow, every single thing that could possibly go wrong goes wrong and chaos ensues. idea dump here genre(s): fluff, crack -> estimated wc: 3,000 words -> donated wc: 0/3,000 words -> progress tracker: 5/3,000 words
҉ untitled drabble (yuuji x reader)
summary: part five of my 'you die in shibuya' mini series. you can read the rest of the series here genre(s): angst, hurt/no comfort -> estimated wc: 800 words -> donated wc: 0/800 words -> progress tracker: 0/800 words
҉ untitled short fic (yuuji x reader)
summary: in the wake of 259 he thought he was all alone, then you appeared genre(s): angst, minimal comfort -> estimated wc: 1,000 words -> donated wc: 0/1,000 words -> progress tracker: 20/1,000 words
҉ five times microwave mochi worked and one time it didn't (osamu x reader)
summary: the first time he met you you were making microwave mochi. snapshots in time throughout your relationship through your habit of making microwave mochi on bad days genre(s): fluff, hurt/comfort -> estimated wc: 3,000 words -> donated wc: 0/3,000 words -> progress tracker: 50/3,000 words
҉ study habits (osamu x reader)
summary: you're ashamed of your inability to focus and get your work done, but your boyfriend is there to reassure you that he's got your back genre(s): fluff, hurt/comfort -> estimated wc: 1,500 words -> donated wc: 0/1,500 words -> progress tracker: 100/1,500 words
҉ if the world was ending you'd come over right? (ex! osamu x reader)
summary: as the world is ending, you find yourself running back into his arms instead of spending your final moments with your family. funnily enough, he finds himself doing the same. based off this song. genre(s): angst, but make it fluffy -> estimated wc: 1,000 words -> donated wc: 0/1,000 words -> progress tracker: 0/1,000 words
҉ untitled short fic (gojo x reader)
summary: what life with a six foot three boyfriend who wants to super glue himself to you looks like genre(s): fluff fluff fluff -> estimated wc: 1,300 words -> donated wc: 0/1,300 words -> progress tracker: 20/1,300 words
҉ there's more than one miya... (atsumu x reader)
summary: atsumu's been in love with you for as long as he can remember, so when he overhears you talking about your crush"miya" he's overjoyed. but he's forgetting one important factor...there's more than one miya genre(s): angst, hurt/no comfort -> estimated wc: 1,200 words -> donated wc: 0/1,200 words -> progress tracker: 0/1,200 words
҉ untitled reaction fic (jjk/haikyuu x reader)
summary: you take your significant other home to meet the fam for the first time, but you forgot to mention that one of your family members is very protective of you...oops? genre(s): fluff, crack -> estimated wc: ~800-1,000 words per character (may be more than one post, send in the character you want to sponsor as well when you send in your ask and donation!) -> donated wc: 0/??? -> characters sponsored: n/a -> progress tracker: 0/??? -> progress per individual character: n/a

i think that's about it, but lmk if there's any confusion or if you think there's anything else i need to add to this post!
aoba johsai masterlist

haikyuu masterlist | blog navigation

oikawa tooru
family friends and jealousy (1k) when visiting your childhood home for the first time he can't help but notice the pictures on the walls. namely, the pictures of you with your childhood best friend. your male childhood best friend.
introductions oikawa no longer has anything important to say about himself (angst, hurt/no comfort)

Hi all,
We have amazing news: in just six days of starting this blog, together we have raised OVER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who has and continues to participate in our effort: creators, readers, and rebloggers. And a special thank you to all who have donated in support of Gaza. We are touched by witnessing what good our community can do when we band together for a worthy cause.
Please take a moment to celebrate the creators big and small who all have had a part in this project! Without them, none of this would have been possible.
As we mentioned earlier, unfortunately, our blog has been shadowbanned. This means that it will be increasingly difficult for us to get visibility and to reach others. So, we are relying entirely on each of you to reblog and share the work we are doing here. Please continue to reblog our posts—whether it’s our pinned post with updated links, our masterlists, our weekly spotlights, or works from individual creators. We want to continue to raise funds for those who need help in Palestine, and we can only accomplish this goal together!
Thank you so much to everyone who has gotten involved. We are blown away by the turnout and the support we have received; we hope to continue this project for as long as we can.
XOXO - Aleks + Kae
From the river to the sea ❤️💚🤍🖤