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Under construction
Hi there ! I’m redoing a brand new tumblr for my art so it’s quite empty yet!
however, for the short amount of time where I put this blog up and running, you can find my old stuff at doublepop--s.tumblr.com
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More Posts from Lesmonki
more examples of tenderness
“have you ever been in love?” “once.” “how did it end?” “it hasn’t.” (the get down, 2017)
“I try to be kind to everything I see, and in everything I see, I see him.” (hanya yanagihara)
when you kiss me, heaven sighs (la vie en rose / edith piaf)
“the heart is the toughest part of the body. tenderness is in the hands.” (carolyn forché)
oh, if only I could nestle in the cradle of your cabin, my arms around your shoulders, the windows wide and open (amoreena / elton john)
“the curtains stir. there you are on the bed, like a gift. like a touchable dream.” (carol ann duffy)
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm, your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm (that’s no way to say goodbye / roberta flack)
“you’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.” (richard siken)
love me always, love me always (oscar wilde in a letter to his lover)
“with you, intimacy colors my voice. even ‘hello’ sounds like ‘come here’.” (warsan shire)
if I could fly, I’d be coming right back home to you (if I could fly / one direction)
“do you want to dance?” “I don’t know how.” “me either. do you want to figure it out?” (stranger things, 2016)

Sometime happens that and idea seems the right one, you believe in that really bad, but while you are working on it, you don’t feel what do you expected even if the story is good, so you just stop, take a breath and think about what’s happening in that moment. The moment when you think that all the work you have done in months is wasted. This is what is happening with the second book of Woozy. Me and Andrea Bochicchio changed the story hundred of times and now we will change it again. We are trying to be true to our feelings, the impressions we want to make. I’m doing this post to all the artist out there that are working on their personal projects (and the ones that want to start one), the ones that want to tell something, express what they feel to the others. Don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid to trow everything you have done away. Listen to yourself, don’t be attached to the single idea, be true to yourself. Listen to yourself.
These are some of the illustration i did for the second book. I love how they looks and the story is strong but i don’t believe that’s the right way for Woozy. He’ll take another path.

So good, so good so fucking real ...

Waiting for the boat to sail ...