marie | she/her | 19 | virgo written by lana del rey
499 posts
Lettres-de-aphrodite - Igual Que Un Angel - Tumblr Blog

Girl dinner🎀🍓🩷

Marilyn Monroe getting her makeup done during the filming of ‘The Seven Year Itch’ in New York, 1954.

Will o the Wisp, 1888 by Lev Lerch

please donate to get e-sims to gazans
gazans don’t just need these e-sims to contact the world. they need them to contact other people during their worst and loneliest hours.
i can’t even imagine how it must feel, to be so afraid and alone. to just need someone to talk to.
we often call friends and family to talk to when just we’re having a bad day. and this… these people are living day by day, unsure about the next hour, surrounded by screams, bombs, artillery and rubble.
gazans need to connect now more than ever. not just to tell their stories, but to connect to other humans. to feel a semblance of normalcy in the devastation around them. to have some sort of comfort amidst all the destruction. to be able to contact their family members and make sure they’re okay. to hear their voices. to keep their hopes and spirit alive.
please please donate. please help connect gaza. please reach out and let them know you’re there.
please keep talking about them. keep posting. keep protesting. keep connecting with them, and connecting them with the rest of the world. don’t let anyone forget what’s been happening to them for even a second. the world has spent almost a century in ignorance and silence, but not anymore!
don’t let their oppressors isolate them. israel is trying their best to break their spirit. don’t let them. we must stand with the palestinians and let them know we’re with them until the very end.
the palestinian cause is our cause. their fight is our fight.
remind them that they’re not alone. don’t you dare give up. not when they’re still fighting. and even if they stop.
don’t stop until palestine is free.

Jacob Elordi in "Saltburn"

Bella Hadid for Vivienne Westwood AW 2020

HEY, CONGRATS ON 1K !!! you deserve it so very much 🤍🕺 for the event, can i please request a theodore nott fic with a grumpy x sunshine trope, where theo has a cat (i will swear by it) and his cat starts enjoying the presence of reader’s cat and that’s how they start their friendship that soon turns into something more? sorry if it’s weird ahaha, hope you like it
we love a meet cute 🖤😊
Theo didn't believe in cages, often bringing his cat in his school bag or his cloak pocket where needed. However, this also meant that when he wasn't giving it constant love in the common room or needing it for transfiguration that his cat often roamed the castle grounds on it's own, leaving Theo to spend several hours a week searching for it.
Over the last month he had found it in a similar space in the court yard, often with another black cat, purring and nestling against it. Theo always felt a little bad taking his cat away from it's friend, but he also didn't have the heart to leave it out in the courtyard on it's own accord.
When he noticed his cat missing today, the courtyard was the first place he went. When he spotted the cat in the distance, he made a b-line straight for it before noticing that his cat was again, with another. Before he could reach his target, you showed up, picking up the other cat, wagging your finger at it and lightly scolding it for sneaking off again.
When Theo got close enough, he picked up his cat, causing you to look up at him with a shy smile, "Seems like we've got two little rebels on our hands, don't we."
Theo flashed a smile, dimples on full dispay, "Seems we do. I'm Theo by the way, and this is Simba." He bounced the cat in his arms slightly as he introduced himself.
Your eyebrows shot up, "Are you being serious?" Theo nodded, "I know it's a weird name, it's from this muggle movie a friend of mine showed me, but I thought it was cool, sounded kind of tough." You could tell he was trying not to seem embarrassed by the explanation.
You just shook your head, "I know the movie. My name is Y/n. And this," you scratched your cat behind the ears, "is Nala."
Theo couldn't help but laugh at the serendipitousness of the situation, "Well, I guess they keep finding each other for a reason." You nodded in agreement, not being able to help the smile growing on your face.
"Do you think we could get some tea something? You know so...they can see each other without having to run off," Theo nodded towards both your cats, though the blush dusting his cheeks told a different story.
You grinned at him, "Sure, I would love to get tea with you. You know...so they could have time together." Feeling bold you punctuated your sentence with a wink. Theo knew immediately that you were going to be the death of him.
blair witch
pairing : theo nott
🎃 - watching scary movies
👻 - " i don't like scary movies " " don't worry, i'll keep you safe "
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞

slytherin movie nights.
a tradition amongst your friend group.
once a week a name was picked out of a hat and that person got to pick a movie for you all to watch.
the tradition arose when you brought a projector with you to school during your second year along with a black vhs your mother had taught you how to charm to be a different movie every time.
during october most of the films picked were scary movies.
unless you got your hands on it, in which case it was rom coms & comedy's all night.
but today pansy had the choice of movie and she had gone for 'the blair witch project', a film you had heard a lot about, but none of the things you had heard made it something you wanted to watch.
people had called it terrifying, a psychological mindfuck and you weren't exactly looking forward to it.
the set up was the same as usual, teas & hot chocolates were distributed amongst the group with two bowls of snacks on the table infront of all of you.
you were curled up to theo's side with your legs draped over his lap as his fingers traced up and down your shin.
about half an hour into the film you had your head buried in the crook of theo's shoulder.
it really wasnt a pleasant film, but your friends sat through all the films you picked so you felt like you had to sit through this too.
" you okay, baby ?" theo whispered, his lips brushing against your forehead as he spoke.
you paused for a few moments before you responded, lifting your gaze to look up at him
" i don't like scary movies - " your voice was barely there. you didnt want the others to know how tense and uncomfortable you currently were.
a soft smile spread across his lips as he looked down at you before he pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
" dont worry, i'll keep you safe " he whispered, his arm tightening around your shoulders to pull you slightly closer to him.

Thewizardliz sayings to remember and repeat

It's about you; you are the main character of your life.
Sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable.
People who get angry at you for putting yourself first are the same people who benefit from you putting yourself last
You are allowed to say, "Nah, that's not good enough."
Stop wasting energy that you can use to become your best version.
Becoming selfish is the best thing I ever did.
I can make myself fulfilled, and whatever he gives me is just an extra.
Start now with what you have.
Enough crying, enough being sad, enough saying "tomorrow".
Sometimes you lose people that are not meant to be with the highest version of yourself, and you have to let those people go.
You vs. you, honey.
Some people just don't deserve you. Not mentally, physically or spiritually.
I don't argue with people because most of them are stupid.
People don't really care what happened to you or what you went through. They really care about what you can do for them.
Only here to impress myself.
When a Queen does not like her situation, she plans her exit.
Manifesting is a lifestyle.
The best revenge is creating a better life for yourself.
I started prioritising my own needs and wants; whatever I want goes first. That's it; I do not care anymore.
I could honestly go on forever since Liz has so many great things to say, so let me know in the comments if I should make a part 2! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k words
Summary: N/A
Warnings: N/A
Author’s Note: Final part, I believe. I had ideas for scenes, but they would be flashbacks between the two of them. Let me know. -B
Sitting on the stool in front of her vanity, she nearly dropped the mascara when the door to her room swung open. Theodore made eye-contact through the mirror,
“Nott. It is general practice to knock before entering.”
He blinks, “I thought it would seem regular.”
“Regular?” she picks up the cosmetic, “How ordinary.”
“Polsy let me in.” Theodore stood in the doorway, slowly taking in the subtle changes to her room.
She turns, facing the unexpected guest. Polsy would, of course, let Theodore Nott in without issue. It didn’t matter if a certain blonde wizard had been frequenting her home, more than Nott ever had. She watches as Nott’s eyes irregularly examine her windowsill. She stood, blocking his path of sight.
“As she would. Much like knocking, inviting visitors off the doorstep is anticipated,” she crosses the room and grabs the black traveling cloak off the back of her settee, “What inspired you to bother me?”
He glides atop the carpeted floor to assist her, gently setting the cloak onto her shoulders, “This doesn’t change how I feel.”
She, once again, faces Nott. A curious look is painted across her features, “This?”
Nott gestures toward her, “Him.”
“Still one of my best mates. He hasn’t once gone for a spot of tea on his own account. Or willingly chose to do so instead of a scrimmage match.”
She firmly holds onto her Floo gloves, and Theodore watches as Floo powder coats her hands.
“That doesn’t change a thing for me,” She opens her mouth but Theodore cuts her off, “I want you. You are-”
“You do not get to stand here and sing me songs about how much I mean to you. Not now.”
He runs a hand through his hair, “It does seem hypocritical of me, I will give you that.”
She scoffs and tosses her gloves onto the side table.
“I made a mistake.”
“Explain to me how you mistakenly fuc-”
“Listen to me, please.” She looks up from staring at her dust-covered manicure and sees the pleading in his eyes,
“Nott, there isn’t anything you could say to me right now that will stop me from Flooing through to Diagon Alley.”
He doesn’t seem to flinch from her admission, “And that may be true.”
“It is.”
“Then there is no harm in hearing that I still love you.”
She can’t bear to witness this proclamation. Anything but the young man in front of her seems more interesting, so she settles on counting the leaves of the plant on the bedside table behind Nott as he continues,
“I have always loved you. Since we were tots. Remember when Polsy had to tell both our fathers that she had walked in on me kissing you, at the ripe age of four?”
She didn’t meet his gaze, though a small smile itched to surface.
“I have always pinned after you. Throughout our adolescence, though I will admit to not being very aware of my own feelings. Our times at Hogwarts only made my affections grow for you. Every Quidditch match you attended, the countless library sessions we shared, and each night at dinner. Every small moment I hold onto and I treasure them, as you’re a part of them.”
The leaves seem less interesting, but she isn’t ready for what Theodore says next,
“I had begged, nay, pleaded with my father to pioneer a marriage between us. Because while I had managed to befriend you, I was too scared to lose you on my own account. If there was the fall back of arrangement, I felt-”
“You wouldn’t have to try as hard?” His exhale flew from his chest, it was as if a troll had sat on his diaphragm.
“You eat a croissant with fruit through the warm seasons. Begrudgingly, you suffer through eggs, toast, and sausage through the fall and winter months. You rattle on about America and the whimsical holidays to be had, but every summer holiday, you can be found in France. Every year for your birthday since you were twelve, you go into Muggle London and pick up a book and some of that face paint.”
He watches eagerly as she smiles, “Make-up.”
“Make-up. And one of your more posh traits, you always wear Floo gloves when traveling as you hate how the powder coats your hands. You don’t think Scourgify actually gets it off and you hate to be bothered to scrub your hands after every Floo.”
They both watch on as she rubs at the powder on her palms. Their eyes meet, and while Theodore feels he has laid out more feelings than he ever felt necessary, he cannot place at all the emotions flying behind her eyes.
“I love you. I do. You are who I am meant to be with. I will not let that fact be disregarded, even if it were my own doing.”
She stares up at the ceiling while exhaling, and Theodore braces himself.
He almost wants to close his eyes as her gaze falls onto him, “And even if I love you still, Nott, you hurt me in a way I do not deserve.”
He nods. No argument to be had.
“I cannot just, just forget.”
“Are you determined to put me off?”
She swipes up the gloves and begins towards the mantle, the lid to the Floo powder floating off the canister, “I have an engagement to get to.”
His jaw would fall to the floor if it were capable of doing so, “Oh?”
“Yes.” She looks poised. Standing straight, politely making eye contact, though clearly indicating to Nott that she wishes to be anywhere else through her position, half standing in the fireplace.
“So it seems. I will take my leave, if you have nothing to add?” He is hopeful, they both can see that fact clear as day.
“Nothing of consequence, I’m afraid. I am sure you can show yourself out.” And with that, he watches as green flames swallow her whole and he finds himself alone in her room.
He doesn’t want to stay idle, and makes haste out of the bedroom. Theodore doesn’t notice her father stopped at the opposite end of the hall, having just left his study, and quickly descends the staircase towards the foyer. Polsy was waiting, and opens the door as he approaches,
“Good day, Master Theodore.”
He nods, sliding on his own coat he had haphazardly given the house elf upon his arrival. Theodore doesn’t think he could stand to look around at the well-kept grounds and instead intently watches as the gravel crunches and moves out from under his step. He continues this until he feels the enchantments wash over his body. The moment he is fully on the other side of her family’s home’s protection, he apparates to his own home, alone.
Theodore sheds his outerwear, tossing it onto the tiled floor. He hopes to down the bottle of Firewhiskey stashed in his bedside table before the afternoon ends. He’ll have to tap into his father’s humble collection after dinner, but Nott thinks the wine with the meal can hold him over.
Having made his way upstairs to his own door, he pushes in and sets a course straight toward the drawer. However, he quickly finds himself hitting the back of his door in surprise. There’s a witch sitting on his bed, traveling cloak still on. His witch, former witch as it were. His chest is heaving with every breath, and his brain cannot seem to put any coherent thought into palpable conversation.
“There is something of consequence I wish to add.”
He tilts his head, “I am all ears.”
She stands, “I love you.”
Theodore reluctantly becomes hopeful.
“I love you. And now I find myself here. Instead of attending tea.”
Nott nods, trying to discern whether he had started drinking already and this was a hallucination, “I find you here, as well.”
I have had tea in my diary for a fortnight. But I love you.”
“Some part of you believes it’s true, clearly, or it wouldn’t have become a dilemma for you, would it? It would just be Tuesday.”
Her concern turns to confusion, “It’s Wednesday, Nott.”
She swipes his words out of the air, and turns fully toward him while raising her eyes to meet his own, “I love you, Theodore. And I do not wish to move on from you. I do not wish to see you move on from me. I want to move on with each other.”
“I want to call it on. I want to call it all back on; the wedding, the house, us.”
He smiles, “One doesn’t simply call things back on.”
“Then we’ll do the socially acceptable alternative, Nott. At this moment, I couldn’t care less of the particulars.”
“That isn’t the witch I know, you only care about the particulars.”
“There’s one detail I wish to focus on at the moment.” She closes the space between them as he takes a step to meet her.
Theodore could melt if it was appropriate of a young man as they put an end to any gap there was. It had been weeks, months even, since they had shared a kiss. It was different than any with her that he could remember. He found himself holding her close, a hand in her hair and on her lower back. The grip she had on his jumper felt refreshing; he felt needed.
Their foreheads rested against each other as they caught their breaths. She didn't know what possessed her to tell Malfoy that she needed to reschedule. She had no rational clue what led her to Flooing into Nott’s bedroom. There seemed to be nothing of sense to support her practically throwing herself at the young man and kissing him.
“It may be my advanced age,” Theodore looks down at her, “But I don’t remember exactly the feeling of your lips against mine,”
She smiles, the happiness bleeding into her features, “You’re unbearable, Nott.”
Yet, she found herself leaning in.
> If you wish to write a formal letter to Her Royal Highness, please do so here.
> If you wish to see Her Royal Highness’ completed list of works, please do so here.
> If you wish to see some of Her Royal Highness’ most frequently asked questions, please do so here.

Bella Hadid arriving at the Burberry s/s 2023 rtw After Party, London, 26 September 2022 Newest Cool on Instagram
impossible | theodore nott

pairing: theodore nott x reader
genre: FLUFFFFF!!! established relationships! slightly suggestive but nothing bad i promise,, mention of reader getting hurt (quidditch :< ) not proofread
wc: 2.4K
originally posted on AO3: 23/07/2022
Theodore didn't miss a beat before landing by my side, casting a charm for the curtains to close behind him. "How are you feeling?" he asks and when I made to answer, Theodore slipped in another question. "How are you doing?"
He seemed to have caught himself, smiling timidly at me when he apologized. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice."
I don't think he meant it much because I know full well that if he could, he'd asked me what I'm thinking of and hang on to every word I give him.
And when I laughed tiredly. Theo asks once more, his tone light. "Am I amusing to you?"
Theodore isn't quite as intimidating when you were his girlfriend. I smile when I tell him: "very."

Why were the Ravenclaws so aggressive whenever they played against the Hufflepuff? Theodore didn't care for it then but he surely did now. Now that I was playing for the Hufflepuff against the Ravenclaw.
Theodore stood by the sidelines, watching Blaise cheer way louder than he should've been for a team that wasn't theirs. A part of him was happy that his friend was close enough with me to support me outwardly while the other part of him found it embarrassing that he was associating himself with him.
But he regress, turning back to the quidditch pitch as he watch the game play out.
Theodore understood quidditch to a certain extent (maybe a lot more than he thinks since Draco spend a decent amount of his time droning on and on about quidditch during their second year), he knew that the beater were the one with the bats, the chaser is the position that I play, the seeker is the position that Draco plays and that was all. He thinks.
Now back to his point, why was the Ravenclaw so aggressive towards the Hufflepuff —nay, why was every house so violent towards the Hufflepuff whenever they have a match against them.
Theodore watches on, silently praying that his girlfriend wouldn't get hurt in the field as I raced towards one of the hoops after my teammate passed over the quaffle.
I turn sharply, barely avoiding the other Ravenclaw keeper. My head cocking to the side, testing the keeper just for the fun of it. My arm stretches backwards, quaffle in hand, ready to shoot at any given moment.
And when I finally let go, the quaffle barrels into the loops as if it was born for this. It's a shame that the bludgers were also born for this. Hitting the end of my broom the second I let go of the quaffle.
Theodore could see the look of surprise on my face from a mile away. Then came the helpless realization that I would be landing on the floor in a matter of seconds, only hoping that someone would save me before I fall to my demise.
The panic sets in first. Then Theodore was on his feet. He can't recall how many second has passed since I'd fallen but can recall himself reaching down the stairs and into the pitch. Blaise was following him. So was Draco. So was Pansy, he thinks. He thinks Pansy cared about him and his girlfriend enough to have the decency to be distressed.
He thinks and thinks and thinks. And silently panics, not knowing what's to come when he comes face to face with me. Finding me out cold. He felt himself being pushed aside. Madam Promfrey rushing over. He didn't argue. Watching her work as he prays that I get to live another day.
I don't remember much. I don't know what happened fully but I do know that we won. And somewhere along that process, I got my ass knocked off of my broom by an aggressive bludger.
That's quidditch for you, I guess.
A chorus of voices is the first thing I hear when I woke. They were talking or arguing –I can't really tell. I'm too doped up and groggy to fully take in my surroundings.
They were talking about something (or maybe someone). Me, I think. I think I'm their topic of conversation but that would be narcissistic for me to assume. Although, my thoughts were proven correct when Malfoy brought attention to my now conscious self listening into their words.
Theodore didn't miss a beat before landing by my side, casting a charm for the curtains to close behind him. "How are you feeling?" he asks and when I made to answer, Theodore slipped in another question. "How are you doing?"
He seemed to have caught himself, smiling timidly at me when he apologized. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice."
I don't think he meant it much because I know full well that if he could, he'd asked me what I'm thinking of and hang on to every word I give him.
And when I laughed tiredly. Theo asks once more, his tone light. "Am I amusing to you?"
Theodore isn't quite as intimidating when you were his girlfriend. I smile when I tell him: "very."
He didn't make to reply, checking every inch of my face for any injury that Madam Promfrey might've missed. His hair a moving mop of fluff above his head when his head shifted too quickly.
I prop myself on my elbows, reaching out to touch it. "You grew out your hair."
Theodore tilted his head, easing the stretch of my arms. "I didn't mean to," he says first, leaning into my hand when they brush against the side of his cheek. "I'll cut it soon."
"Don't," I tell him, Theodore sits himself on the empty side of my bed, his own hand reaching up to cradle mine. "It looks good on you."
The look on his face turns unreadable, eyes shifting away from me. "I was so worried."
"I'm sorry," I say, sitting up properly in my bed. "Did my team win at least?"
A breathy laugh falls from his lips. "Yes." Gaze turning back to me. "They did."
"That's good," I murmured, trying to savor every second of this moment. "Did you cheer for us?"
"No," he answers honestly. "I was too preoccupied with thinking that you were dying." And then, "sorry," he smiles so softly that my heart aches at the sight of it. "Will you ever forgive me?"
"I think I can forgive you for that." Theodore smile never falter, face turning in my hand, his lips pressing a kiss against my palm.
"That's good," he says, he says knowing that I would always forgive him no matter what. "I can't even begin to fathom what I'd do if you didn't forgive me."
"It's a good thing I forgive you then."
He nods. "Really good," his voice barely above a whisper. When my eyes grow tired, barely able to keep myself awake for long seeing as my body was still recovering. "I think it's time for you to rest." He drops our hands, linking them together. And softly, he asks, "is there anything you need?"
I could feel a smile pricking at the corners of my lips. "A kiss?"
Theodore hesitates, every part of him growing shy. "A kiss?" A year spent together and he still is hesitant about a kiss. I nod. "A kiss is all you need?"
Theodore releases my hand, his own reaching out to cup my face. Palm pressed flat against my skin, his thumb making quick work at caressing my cheek while the rest of fingers cupped my jaw. "A kiss it is."
He leans forward, just enough for his lips to comfortably press against mine. The kiss soft and tender, slowly easing me into him when I made to kiss him back, Theodore pulls away.
"A kiss," he says, as if he was reminding me that that was all I'd asked of him. "Now rest, I will give you millions more when you're well."
"I'm quite well," I tell him tiredly, fighting sleep under the warmth of his hand holding my face. "Where's my millions more?"
"Where ever you want them to be." He presses a kiss on my forehead. "I will give them to you. But not now." Not now when I felt so terribly enervated.
"I'll be back in the morning." He tells me finally.
Sleep takes over the minute Theodore slips away from me, his hand away from my face, his voice far from my ear, his presence that I could no longer sense. Succumbing to sleep wasn't hard, it was no where near hard for I knew that when I woke the next morning, I will once again be basking in everything him alike. And I can truly rest with that.
Theodore exudes a kind of comfort that I can't categorize. But if I'm being honest, I don't even know where to start when it came him.
He was tall, quiet, smart, that much was true. The other parts that people didn't mention as much was how handsome he was, how soothing his voice sounds despite the rare usage of it and when he does use it, the way he words his sentences can charm anyone into giving him what he wanted.
The door unlocks before the two of us, the boy's Slytherin dorm now my third (because my own dorm is my second) home. The room was empty, saving for the mess scattered round as proof that five teenage boys were living in that very dorm.
We step through, Theodore locking the door behind us, and dropped our book bags. I head for the bathroom's sink, wanting nothing other than a nice cold splash of water against my face.
When I returned, Theo hands me a pair of soft cotton plaid pants and one of his old oversized shirts. I think our next actions stems from the fact that we've long grown used to one another.
Silently slipping off our clothes with no embarrassment, no outwards reaction, nothing but small smiles when we catch the other staring at us. I slipped on my pants shortly after Theodore finished changing, him walking forward so that we stood face to face.
Theo took the shirt he'd given me from where I'd last placed it, helping me into it with soft eyes. The bottom hem of the shirt falls around my waist, not having yet adjusted it when he took my lips in his.
This is the millions more kisses he owes me, I think.
He pulls away, hands hanging around the exposed skin between the shirt and my cotton pants. "Are you sure you're okay, baby?" He asks for the hundredth time, the only different being the pet name that he uses now. And when I told him that I was, he asks: "Shall we take a nap?"
I'm okay. But I will like to take that nap. I tell him and he nods, tugging me with him towards his bed. Theodore shuts the four posters, cloaking us in with green silk. From where I laid on his bed, I could hear the lake water lapping against the window, brushing by the glass pane with each movement it made.
Theodore laid besides me, turning at an angle which he could see me clearly. "You owe five sickles."
"For what?"
"Parkinson and Draco."
"You're kidding," I said first, and when all he did was smile at me, his hand coming to lay on the dip of my waist. "Surely not."
He squeezes the flesh of my waist. Surely yes.
"It's barely been a month," I said, finally accepting my faith. "How could they already break it off? There was so much tension between them."
"That's your fault for reading between the lines," he teases. "I told you it was only a fling and you didn't want to believe me. Now look who's five sickles richer."
As if he won't spend that five sickles on me. "I'll pay you tomorrow then?" I ask him, feeling his other hand that wasn’t resting on my waist reach for my own. "Will that be okay with you?"
" 'course," he says. "All is well when it comes to you." And then, "Are you sure you're feeling well enough for class tomorrow? We can skip if you aren't."
"I'm fine," I tell him, squeezing our now linked hands, trying to reassure him as much as I could. "Plus, I'm failing potions. I don't think my grades can handle any more of me missing classes."
Theo frowns. "You are?" He asks, playing with the hem of my —his— shirt. "Why didn't you say something?"
"Because, it's nothing. And I didn't want to bother you," I tell him. "I know you're busy with your studies, I didn't want to be a burden on top of that."
His hand falters, turning to a halt. Dark eyes narrowing, searching and assessing, trying and trying to see if I was being serious. And when there was no indication that I was anything but, he says: "never in a million lifetimes could you ever be a burden."
"If you ever need help with anything, say it," he tells me. "Say it and I’ll be there. My time is yours. I'm yours and I will move mountains to give you anything you could ever want."
Sappy. This is so incredibly sappy. But I still smile nonetheless, I still kiss him until I feel breathless. I still store every single sentence, word, syllable, letter in a special box in my head that is uniquely made up off of Theodore.
Theodore who can't seem to treat me like the other boys have treated me. Theodore who goes over the top with everything he does when he wants me to feel cared by him. Theodore who would never make me feel anything less than beautiful.
Theo props himself up on one elbow, leaning over me with his lips pressing against mine, his other hand slipping beneath my shirt and laying flat against my tummy. His lips drags down peppering kisses from my jawline and down to my neck.
When my legs press against him, wanting more and more of what he could give me, he pulls back, leaving the scent of him in his wake.
"I know we're young," he begins. "But I wish more than anything to be your husband, I want to give you everything that I have. I have no intention in doing anything else, my love."
Theodore paused, as if he was letting me know that if I didn't want him as much as he wanted me, he will let me go just to make me happy. And then, softly he says, "I hope you feel as irrevocably in love with me as I do you."

—from bee: happy valentines days everyone!! i hope you’re spending it with you loved ones!!
➸ ex!theo nott x fem!reader
➸ smut | muggle! au | college! au
➸ nav | tn.mlist | A/N: i know some of you love love love theo and when i write for him y’all eat it up every time so i thought i’d give y’all a surprise fic with theo since i know i’ve been lacking theo content and i’ve been much more into marauders and other fandoms, i still get so many and still have so many requests in my inbox for him so i knew y’all were trying to be fed with theo content! so surprise and i hope you enjoy <;3
➸ toxic on and off relationship, p in v, face sitting, dom theo sub reader, make up sex, hair pulling, love bombs, riding, finger sucking, hand behind back, tity sucking, little bitting, creampie, praise, “good girl

this happened over and over, you and theo fight then break up for a week then get back together. this time it lasted two weeks, the longest its ever been, maybe it was really over this time. you knew he was stubborn and took some days to himself before texting you or finding you somewhere but he didn’t take this long.
you waited for him to text and of course you could’ve texted first but you were overthinking it, why text if it was really over? you didn’t know how to feel, you felt like every other time with the voice in the back of your head saying “you'll be back together by tomorrow” but now you had a feeling in your gut that said something different.
you saw his dormmates on your way to your classes and they greeted you like normal which confused you even more. luna and cho told you that maybe this was for the better, you wouldn’t be under the stress of the fighting every week and focus on your school work and your job more than you already do.
it was the start of a new semester and luckily exams went by without causing too much stress. You wondered if the fighting recently on his end was because of the exams but he ended up passing with no struggle but you tried to understand.
Now it was the weekend, finally time off, you walked to your dorm and greeted people that wandered the hallways. luna had gone home for the weekend to see her dad so you had the dorm all to yourself.
you unlocked the door and pushed it open, kicking off your shoes and hanging your bag and coat on the coat rack on the door. you turned and was met with theo sitting on your bed, your string lights were still on since you didn’t turn them off when you left for your last class.
“hi” you mumbled, nervous that this was him saying goodbye. “How'd you get in here?” you asked.
“Luna let me in before she left, I needed to talk to you,” he said. You could see the flowers he bought on your nightstand. they were always done up pretty with brown paper and lace and ribbons tying them together. you nodded and walked closer to him.
theo took your hand in his, his thumb rubbing your skin softly.
“i'm sorry i didn't get ahold of you, i was just trying to figure out this whole thing because i really want this to work and i don’t know what's been going with us lately but i know it’s not healthy, padma gave me some advice and i really think it could help us” theo said. you nodded and sat next to him, still hand in hand.
theo continued to explain what Padma said and how it sounded like a good idea, he didn’t want to lose you and you didn’t want to lose him. you listened and gave your input every now and then and he listened to you, there was no fighting or snarky comments.
“thank you” you said when he was finished, you leaned closer to him and hugged him, his arms went around your waist and his face moved to your neck.
“i love you” he mumbled and you said it back.
you leaned back before leaning in and kissing him, there was tension already, you two had very high sex drives and had sex frequently and being apart and now together it just felt natural.
theo’s hands gripped you harshed and guided you closer. this was natural for you two, sex normally came after the understanding and apologies, the intimacy was the best part, a connection you hadn’t felt with anyone else.
you were in his lap, his hands unbuttoning your cardigan and moving it off you. you let it fall off your arms and onto the floor. you broke the kiss and moved off him and the bed, theo quickly took off his shirt and threw it to the floor then started working on his jeans while you stripped off your sweatpants. you kept your spaghetti strap shirt and underwear on.
theo kissed you again once he was just in his boxers, guiding you back onto him. He laid back and grabbed your hips. “cmon sit on my face” he said, breaking the kiss. you laughed softly and started to move up, you hovered over his face, one of his hands held your thigh and the other moved your panties to the side.
his tongue met your cunt, going over your clit, his hands now holding your hips to keep you where he wanted.
you closed your eyes and hummed, he was slow and easy at first then started to get a bit rough as he went, sucking on your clit then moving his tongue to your entrance and fucking you with it.
your hands gripped the headboard, one of his hands left your hip and took one of your hands that were gripping the board, intertwining yours and his fingers. He repeatedly licked your clit, making you moan and jolt with pleasure. you started to move your hips a bit, you were getting close which was fast but you hadn’t came in two weeks so who could blame you.
theo encouraged you with mumbles of “cum for me” and “cmon baby”
theo moaned against your cunt, his eyes were close as he pleased you, his other hands fingers dug into the skin on your thigh. his cock rubbed against his underwear, the stimulation making him leak precum.
one of your hands moved to his hair, bringing his face even closer as you frantically repeated that you were close, you tugged at his hair and it made him groan against you. you were so wet, his chin was covered with his spit and your arousal.
you felt it coming and you tightened your shut eyes, your breathing was picking up and the feel crashed down on you. you gripped his hair tighter.
once you were getting overstimulated he slowed his licks, you lifted up, pulling your cunt away from him, both of you panting.
theo kissed your thighs, he moved his hand to your cunt and pushed his middle finger in, earning a whine from you. theo’s ring finger joined.
“just wanna make sure you’re ready love” he said, a little smugness in his voice. after a minute he pulled his fingers from you.
you started to make your way back down to where you could straddle his waist. theo pushed his upper body up and kissed you, you could taste yourself on him. He broke the kiss and put his fingers in your mouth.
“you made the mess, now you clean it” he ordered, you sucked on his finger as he watched you with a smirk. theo pulled them from you when he thought they were clean enough.
“please, please fuck me, i want you so bad” you begged, you kissed his neck moved your hips a bit on his lap.
“how could i not give you what you want when you ask like that” theo said, his fingers taking your panties off, then you lifted up to get them fully off. your hands went to his boxers, pulling them down and letting his cock be free, no more friction from his boxers. you lifted up to move them then let them fall to the ground.
you moved over his cock, letting theo hold himself as you started to sink down onto it. he let out a relieved sigh once he was all the way in you.
you started to move, going up and down and sometimes grinding to get friction on your sensitive clit.
“holy fuck, you feel so fucking good,” theo grunted. his eyes closing for a moment and taking in the feeling.
“i missed you, miss you so much” you mumbled, moving your head to his neck, kissing his skin then sucking hickeys on him.
“i missed you too baby, it won’t happen again” he said promisingly.
theo took your hands and put them behind your back, one hand held yours there. you leaned away from his neck, his hand pushed the top of your shirt down and let your tits fall out of your shirt.
he moved his head down a bit, kissing your tit and biting softly, he moved to your nipple, sucking on and kissing the bud.
you moaned and your mouth made an ‘o’ shape, he groaned against you as your cunt tightened around him.
you whined when he bit you softly making him laugh. he left your tits alone now and leaned up and kissed you. theo was getting close now.
“i love you” he said, moving his kissed to your jaw then down your neck til he was resting his head a little on your shoulder and your face was nuzzled against his neck. his hand moved to your hip, making you go faster and harder. you clenched around him more.
“i love you too” you moaned. theo moaned and his abdomen flexed as he got closer and closer.
“im gonna cum-“ he started.
“- in me, please cum in me” you begged, you moved your fingers to hold on to his pinky finger.
“anything for you” he quipped, after a few thrusts he was cumming inside you, his cock twitched as your cunt squeezed him over and over. he shuddered against you, still moving you on his cock, he was getting overstimulated already but he wanted you to cum on his cock.
theo’s hand moved from your hip to your clit and started rubbing in circles, you breathed heavily as you were getting close. it felt so good having him take care of you again.
“m’gonna cum” you whimpered, theo’s cum was dripping from you and running down his cock to his balls.
“good girl, cum on my cock, you deserve it. you’ve so good, princess” theo whispered encouragingly.
he pressed a kiss against your head as you clenched around him tighter. he inhaled sharply, he was sensitive.
you let out soft noises as you came, cunt spasming around him and shivering against your boyfriend.
you both stayed there, theo let go of your hands and rubbed them to soothe any soreness. the mixture of your arousal, cum and his cum still dripped from you. you both rested against each other.
clean up was essential and couldn’t wait till the next morning or be fixed by a simple cloth or tissue. you showered together, the pillow talk followed from in there till you laid on clean sheets and cuddled. you had cleaned up the mess of clothes while he did the bed, your pajamas were thin since he would be in your bed keeping you warm.
you both fell asleep fast, faster than how you did when he was not with you.
luna came back to the dorm that morning, she knew she’d see theo, and at this point she thought about making a bingo card about you two, and she was right, there he was basically on top of you. you faced the wall with one hand pressed to your chest while theos arm was over you and his chest was half way pressed to your back, luna had no idea how you could sleep like that with him basically smothering you.
she sighed, it was cute in a way but even though she wasn’t the biggest fan of your relationship she knew she had to do something about your breakup with him and asked padma to talk to theo since she was going there to be a therapist and specifically a couples therapist. now she knew it worked but not like she had any doubt in the plan in the first place.

Lana Del Rey in Love

vicdeangelis: 2023 bitcheeeezzz⭐️ - 01.01.2023

Fantasia, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (1940)