🌿 I like the smell of earth, the touch of waves, the taste of berries, the sight of trees, the sound of laughter and the feeling of being fully alive 🌿
461 posts
Leviathanlein - Leviathanlein - Tumblr Blog

She knew in winter, disappeared in spring in autumn placed the blame where it always belonged, on the design of her own liberation (by Milamai)

Lost In The Mountains | GarettPhotography

My Cousin Rachel (2017)

Iceland | chrispoops

Sam Elkins

Kjólsvíkurvarp by Freyja H.

By: Sarah | theegglife

![Last Rays Of Sun Behind Mutspitze - Sd Tirol, Italy [2313 3084] (OC) (On Instagram @jordanarthurperkins)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0af4602802967ac00b167e73f61959e7/tumblr_pe1hcmH7tt1umeg0go1_500.jpg)
Last rays of sun behind Mutspitze - Süd Tirol, Italy [2313 × 3084] (OC) (On Instagram @jordanarthurperkins) by: jordanperkinsperkins

Salt Creek Falls by Nathan Anderson

Empire by Neil Burnell www.neilburnell.com

Skoga river Rangárþing eystra, Suðurland, Iceland
by Aleksey Petrov

Photo by: Bathory Photography @m-e-d-i-e-v-a-l-d-r-e-a-m-s

Betws-Y-Coed, Wales
alyneorleans 🍁 instagram

. . e x p a n s i o n . .

Forest Dwelling

summit love
by Denny Bitte