lezbenezer-scrooge - The long dark automobile of the proletariat
The long dark automobile of the proletariat

450 posts

Lezbenezer-scrooge - The Long Dark Automobile Of The Proletariat - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Been working in pest control for 3 months now and i can confidently say that nobody on earth seems to understand that sometimes You Will See A Bugs and that's Normal if you live literally anywhere with oxygen

5 months ago
Theres So Few Trans Men In The Past Because Theyre All Fucking Buried As Women

theres so few trans men in the past because theyre all fucking buried as women😐

5 months ago
I found this incredible little book for $5 at a bookstore, focused on transfems and AMAB enbies and hoo boy does this book tell the truth. 

I haven’t read it all because it’s a little triggering but it has a line in it that almost knocked me flat. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/y1oYVtizUG

— May "Bunny" Peterson 🌸 (@maidensblade) May 23, 2023
When talking about dealing with harassers, it plainly states this: 

“Crowds will subconsciously side against a trans woman, especially if they call themselves trans allies.”

Note that it says “especially if they call themselves trans allies,” not “especially if they don’t.” pic.twitter.com/pf0f1NJKZy

— May "Bunny" Peterson 🌸 (@maidensblade) May 23, 2023
As soon as I saw this I instantly decided to buy it because I could tell whoever had put the book together knew the truth and was willing to tell that truth. This is something trans women are constantly pointing out and often not listened to about!

— May "Bunny" Peterson 🌸 (@maidensblade) May 23, 2023
Bigotry gets made out a lot to be the purview of ignorant right-wingers or the obviously hateful, but unconscious bias is a significant source of harmful behavior. And progressive people aren’t immune to having it! In fact, for them it’s often worse.

— May "Bunny" Peterson 🌸 (@maidensblade) May 23, 2023
A self-image of progressivism can lead to shame around signs that one is unconsciously biased, and then shame-shifting, or avoiding that shame by shifting blame to the person who brought the bias to light.

— May "Bunny" Peterson 🌸 (@maidensblade) May 23, 2023
A Self Defense Study Guide for Trans Women and Gender Non-Conforming / Nonbinary AMAB Folks
Silver Sprocket
Published in coloration with Transfighters/Traction Project, A Self-Defense Study Guide for Trans Women and Gender Non-Conforming / Nonbinar
5 months ago
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times
Snesbian (snail Lesbian) Compilation In These Trying Times

snesbian (snail lesbian) compilation in these trying times 🐌🐌

5 months ago

t-...to-...toasty s'more mushrooms.....

T-...to-...toasty S'more Mushrooms.....
5 months ago


On This Day One Year Ago Someone Sewed A Fried Egg To A Tshirt

on this day one year ago someone sewed a fried egg to a tshirt

6 months ago

what do you mean i have to go to work today. when i just did it yesterday???

6 months ago

2024 is the year we stop “consuming” and go back to “reading/watching/listening to/playing” things

6 months ago

So I was wondering, this whole time, why the forest fire by my house causing the air to be coated in straight FUCKING ash was only being labeled as "moderate air quality" by my phone, and quote "dangerous only for sensitive groups" when the air is literally straight fucking smoke. Even people without asthma are having trouble breathing this garbage in.

So I google it, because I could have swore... it used to be considered unhealthy at 30, whereas now 90 is apparently fine, actually

And what do you know, the EPA redefined what it means to be dangerous air this year conveniently in the winter so they could say the USA's air is fine and good.

So I Was Wondering, This Whole Time, Why The Forest Fire By My House Causing The Air To Be Coated In


This is so fucking insidious. Let me just explain to you, the worst forest fire I've been in where the entire fucking town was evacuated because we were breathing in actual ash and it fucking hurt. Was sitting regularly at "230" this was air so thick with smoke and char that ash fell onto you like fine snow. When this happened it was impossible for me to stay outside without constantly coughing. While we weren't in danger of having our house go up, the air quality was so bad that was what prompted most of the evacuation.

Explain to me how "science" proves breathing in fucking forest fire debris isn't fucking hazardous?

This coming after more people than ever are getting lung cancer while having never smoked once.

I want to know what goddamn science is saying me breathing in actual smoke isn't unhealthy LMAO. FUCKING SHOW ME? Because the EPA's official report on the change doesn't show the fucking papers that say science proves breathing in straight goddamn ash right into your fucking lungs isn't actually hazardous guys! lmao!

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago
Why Is This About To Make Me Sob

why is this about to make me sob

6 months ago

The reason people don’t want to work is that it’s just normal for them to be in bad work environments.

My issue with working at Walmart wasn’t the work itself I was doing. It was the circumstances around it. The concrete floor, lack of places to sit, having to put up with asshole customers, not getting time off for injuries, and bad pay.

If I had been given shock pads to stand on or a few chairs to rest on sometimes, if they paid me a livable amount of money and I was allowed to yell back at asshole customers, if they had given me any amount of training, I would happily work part time folding clothes all day and telling people where the swimsuit section is.

I’m a creative type. I’m a writer. I’m pretty smart, even. But if I could make a living folding shirts and listening to podcasts in one ear and helping people find the scented candles for 30 hours a week? I would. Leaves some mental space free for me to brainstorm. Lets me catch up on my reading with audiobooks.

But instead I was treated so badly by upper management and customers that I’m like legitimately a little frightened whenever I step into a Walmart now. And I only worked there for three months a few years ago.

I’m a good lower level worker. When I’m treated well. I like finishing tasks. I like being helpful. I like having some time to talk to coworkers and some time alone with my thoughts. I’m a frickin team player. And that’s how I was at my first job. I was treated well by my supervisor. I was trained. They were patient with me. I was so good at being low on the totem pole at that job because I was valued and felt like I was being listened to. I was able to sit still when there was nothing left to do which made it feel less bad when we were on a time crunch. I didn’t mind working hard at that job because it was fun even though I was doing all the low level stuff that the supervisors didn’t want do.

But at Walmart I was like that for all of two days. Then I figured out that nobody appreciated my work and if I worked in my normal people pleasing manner I’d kill myself because their standards were high and the rewards for meeting them were low.

So I slowed down. I started avoiding customers. I started taking a lot longer to get to my breaks and to come back from them. I became worse at my job because no matter how good I was at it there would be no reward, no appreciation, and I’d just be pushed further beyond my limits.

My only level of happiness from that job came from the people who were working with me. The old ladies and my department manager who made sure I wasn’t overextending myself. The one other young man working in the clothing department who always got sent with me to unload the heavy stuff and commiserated with me about the shoulder injuries, the hurting feet we were too young to have.

But none of that was enough to make me stay. We were constantly understaffed. I was constantly abused by customers and not able to do a thing about it. I was not paid much at all. So as soon as I had enough saved up for what I was trying to do and my last semester of college was about to start I handed in my two weeks.

I would have found a way to stay if I liked that job. If I liked that job I would’ve pushed myself to my mental limits to finish college and keep that job at the same time. Heck that job could’ve been a rest from college. A place to get away from it. But I hate that job so I got out as soon as I could.

I want to work. I want enough money to live sort of comfortably. I want to have some tasks to do to give my creativity a rest. I want to be a part of something. But the way that modern corporate run work environments are set up does not give me any of the things I actually want out of a job. And I think that’s the same for millions of people right now. A lot of people would happily spend their lives as a waitress or an Uber driver or a warehouse worker or a farmhand or any other “low skill” job you can possibly think of. But with the way the world works right now those jobs are absolutely miserable. It doesn’t have to be that way. I know because I’ve had a fulfilling part time minimum wage job that I looked forward to going to every week. A job where I was listened to and allowed to sit when I needed to. I miss that job. Especially now since I’ve realized that’s not the standard. It should be. People should look forward to going to work or at the very least not get mild ptsd whenever they set foot into a Walmart.