622 posts
Conversation With My Very Religious Mother
Conversation with my very religious mother
Me: did you know that it is a sin to where that shirt and you could go to hell?
Me: I mean it has mixed fabrics.
Me: According to the bible, that's a sin.
Mom: show me where it says that
Me: levictus 19:19
"'Keep my decrees.
“‘Do not mate different kinds of animals.
“‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
“‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
Mom: well just because it says that doesn't mean you can say its a sin and we'll go to hell
Me: so why are people doing that with homosexuality
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More Posts from Light-star-monster
I explained my 3 years old cousing about homosexual couples.
It went more or less like this.
Me: So they are going to get married.
My 3 years old cousin: But they can't get married. They are two men.
Me: Of course they can, if they love each other. Two women can get married too, if they're in love.
My 3 years old cousin: So Elsa and Anna can marry?
Me: No, because they're sisters.
My 3 years old cousin: Oh, okay.
And then we went back talking about Johnlock.
Litterally, that's all it takes to explain homosexuality to children. She had absolutely no problem in accepting it, because it seemed logic to her. Stop using this as an excuse, your argument is invalid.

That's not enough sometimes. Not fair for Amy and not for the shippers (reality sucks sometimes)

No matter what, Karma and Amy will ALWAYS be best friends.

Leelah’s parents are trying to get this taken off of tumblr. Screenshot and repost this as much as possible.
two bff dorks in the spirit world. i can’t draw, so this was the next best thing.