Highly Selective Roleplay Blog for Lucifer Morningstar of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Under Construction
191 posts

Naturally, he was bound to receive urgent messages requesting his presence by the Heaven's Embassy, he was the King of all of the Seven Rings of Hell and their primary contact as a representative now that his wife was long gone and out of the picture, so to speak.
Not only did he despise the whole ordeal but he loathed the concept entirely. Organized, scheduled meetings and pre-determined topics to discuss. It was all so restrictive and confining. Lucifer always found himself to be more of the improvisation sort of fella. Situations like this were doomed from the start for him, resentments abound.
And to make the whole situation worse, it had been at the Archangel Michael's behest, yup, he was the one who was apparently set to spearheading this new objective of getting Lucifer to make an appearance in person to negotiate the more recent events. The Devil wasn't sure if Michael had pushed for the position but knowing him, Lucifer would maintain his suspicions. It was highly likely.
A spatial portal slowly opens up, a ring of illuminating liquid-like gold splitting through reality, expanding until another place entirely is visible. Hell's ruler steps through and it closes behind him at the snap of his fingers. He glances around, jaded before clicking his tongue at an empty meeting hall. With that he walks over towards the ornate glass of a large window, fixing his gaze down over Pentagram City while resting his hands atop his cane expecting to hear the hologram turn on at any minute now.

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♪ I care for you just like a daughter I spawned~

That trademark self-assured grinning expression of his remains in place but only until the bold move by the other male, the swift action causes his line of eyesight to drop and follow along with the handling of his cane's tip, it's the brisk and unexpected tug that causes his eyes to widen.

Soon after his eyes are trailing upwards to meet the performer's gaze at which time the blonde's typical over-confidence kicks back in, he relaxes with a grin spreading.
"Ohhh, is that...uh, is that so~?" He says, a bit absent-mindedly, still mostly fixated on the other's hand wrapped around his cane.
If the taller fella wanted the king's attention, well, he surely had it for now.
The light and openly playful manner in which the sinner was going about this little exchange was really tickling at Lucifer's charismatic humorous side. And he certainly never could pass up a clear opportnunity to joke around.
Letting out a light laugh he continued. "You know, you're not wrong, least as far as I can tell up until now~"

"But uh, what would you say if I said you'd be surprised at how often the two intersect~? Oh yeah, they do meet in the middle at times and have a little rendezvous~" he chuckled, lowly.
"And I'd even go so far as to say that often times the latter does lead to the former~"

"And if Latin ain't yeh' thing, don't forget when it comes tah' meh' yeh' can always eat Italian~" Yes, that's totally a sex comment. Don't at him.

Their first meeting in Hell
Lucifer, not recognizing Adam yet with the all new getup, trying to figure out if he even knows this guy: ...??

At first he tries as best he can to maintain focus on the task at hand but the bell boy's insistance on continuing the small talk and pressing on the topic in a way that highlighted his supposed closeness to Lucifer's daughter drives in deep enough to break his demeanor. Agitation can't be avoided it seemed, not when this particular individual began prodding at him. His jaw tightens, teeth clenching before he allows his speculative glare to melt into a cool, if not condescending facade.

A forced, brief chuckle precedes his reply, "Oh, has she now, you don't say?! Well, I can't say I'm too surprised! She is my daughter afterall and what, with the apple not falling far, and all, she is quite the clever young woman! Sending you off and away on menial tasks to essentially clear the way for dear ol' Dad to do the heavy lifting and hold down the fort here! It's a brilliant strategy, really!"

Curiosity had gotten the best of it. As it should with anyone in hell if they had any sense of a brain. Lucifer was fascinating. And while he couldn't STAND him most of the time, it was best to keep your enemies closer.

"And what has sweet Charlie asked of you this time?" He questioned, making sure to put emphasis on sweet just to get a rise out of the other. "She's sent me on a few tasks as well. Just things here and there. You just happened to be on my way."