This Is What I Think The Cats Would Wear To The Jelicle Ball. Part 1
This is what I think the cats would wear to the jelicle ball. part 1

Aspragus Jr.


Baby Grizz


Bustopher Jones


Coricopat. A set my story in the 1981 because that's the year it came out. I have darwings in the outfits I'll post here.
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What I think the human au charaters from cats would were to the jelicle ball. Part 2

Demeter .her dress is achaly from the 30's insted of the 80's caues that's when the pomes came out.and it's really pritty



Exotica. her's is from the 30's too





when you're just two cat girls who are also in love 💖
my first tumblr post :) there human au charaters from cats. left Electra, middle the kitten, and right Demeter. the quality isn't that because there drawn on paper but I'll take pictures in better lighting later.

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