I Was 20 Minutes Away From The Apalachee School Shooting Today
I was 20 minutes away from the Apalachee school shooting today…
CNN says that there was a call at the beginning of the school day saying that 5 schools would get shot up and supposedly mine was on the hit list.
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This is the bullet Mohammed's sister was shot with

Please don't scroll past.
The bullet entered her thigh bone, exited, and then partially penetrated her shin bone. Below are two more photos Mohammed sent me so that you can see the sheer scale of this bullet:

The operation to remove it was successful, but Mohammed, his sister, and the rest of their family are still trapped in Gaza, facing shooting and bombing that has already killed 10 other family members. This is the danger they live with constantly.
Mohammed and I have been talking, and he asked me to share the following message with all of you:
This is the bullet that penetrated my sister’s body. Look at its size, and after she bled a lot of blood while waiting for the operation. Thank God, the operation was successful, but I am publishing the pictures in order to show you that we are facing the biggest criminals in the world and we are powerless. I hope you will help me take care of my sister and her children. Because everything is expensive and does not exist, I hope that you will spread the story to the whole world so that it can see these heinous crimes
Before October, he had a house and his own company. Now, he and his family have been displaced multiple times, and struggle to access clean water, food, and necessary medical treatments.
Please help my friend out as much as you can: reblog his campaign, share it on any other platforms you may have, and donate whatever you can spare. No amount is too small; every little bit will help him get closer to ensuring safety and a future for himself and his family.

In the last 24 hours, the campaign has raised kr2,098 SEK, or approximately $193 USD. Please, don't let this momentum die down. They have still received less than 10% of their total goal, and have a long way to go with your help.
kr25,537 / 500,000 (27 July)
I live right next to one of those high schools on that hit list, so close that I can hear the band practice and the crowd roar during games. I'm afraid that soon, instead of hearing the cheers of students, I'll hear their screams. My sister is a Junior and I'm afraid of finding her in a body bag.
I was 20 minutes away from the Apalachee school shooting today…
CNN says that there was a call at the beginning of the school day saying that 5 schools would get shot up and supposedly mine was on the hit list.
School literally just started and already there’s a shooting, it’s so tragically frustrating that this keeps happening
With the recent events in Apalachee High School, I've been thinking long and hard about this. Will gun violence ever end? We've had constant tragedies and reminders of the state our country is in. We shouldn't be in a place where children are scared for their lives in the one place they should feel safe. As a student in America I'm concerned for whats next. Gun violence has taken so many innocent lives and it's honestly terrifying thinking of how the kids must've felt. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families dealing with this loss. Rest in peace to the four students and teachers who lost their lives, and safe recoveries to the 9 who were injured.

Palestinian men and boys in Gaza describe the torture, humiliation, and dehumanization that they suffered during their time as captives of the Israeli occupation forces. “They forced us to make dogs’ sounds,” one man tells the camera. “If you refused to do so, they would beat you.” Another tells the reporter, “When they saw us falling asleep, they would come with a lighter and burn our backs with it.”
“Every hour was like years,” the same man says. “The torture was unbelievable.” Reports have emerged in recent days of mass roundups, torture, and execution of men and boys in Beit Hanoun and other parts of north Gaza. Detainees were identified by loved ones and others in the community who recognized them from the photos the occupation forces have been releasing.
As more footage and testimony are released, the depth of the horrors inflicted upon our people in Gaza are being brought to light. While we may never know the full extent of those horrors, what we already know is enough for any person of conscience to be able to identify as war crimes that are as depraved as they are systematic.
“My message for the world is to look at those detainees,” the final detainee tells viewers. “We are respected people. We are not animals.”
Via palestinianyouthmovement
Video Aljazeera